HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4266 ORDINANCE NO, 4266 AN ORDINANCE WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS OF COMPETITIVE BIDDING FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR THE USCOE 404 PERMIT FOR THE ARKANSAS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY PARK; AND APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO A CONTRACT WITH EGIS CONSULTING, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $ 1647050. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That the City Council hereby waives the requirements of competitive bidding for the USCOE 404 permit for the Arkansas Research and Technology Park for the reason that said requirements are neither practical nor feasible. EGIS Consulting, Inc. has already performed the wetland determination, is familiar with the project and would facilitate acquiring a timely permit. Section 2. That the contract amendment for professional services for the USCOE 404 permit for the Arkansas Research and Technology Park is hereby awarded to EGIS Consulting, Inc. in the amount of $ 164,050, and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute said contract. A copy of the contract is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof. HAAZSC�D AND APPROVED this 15th day of August , 2000. FF <e APPROVED: r By: Fr Hanna, Mayor r, n " Ali ATTEST: �� By: Heather Woodruff, City Clelf EXHIBIT A EX/f AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO CONTRACT BETWEEN THE Tm CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE AND EGIS CONSULTING DATED JANUARY 18, 2000 REGARDING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FOR THE ARKANSAS RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY PARK PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT STATE OF ARKANSAS COUNTY OF WASHINGTON This Amendment No. 1 to the Contract dated January 18, 2000 is entered into this — day of August, 2000, by and between the City of Fayetteville acting by and through its Mayor hereinafter called the "OWNER" and EGIS Consulting, also known as Egis, Inc. and Egis Natural Developments, Inc. with offices in Bentonville, Arkansas, hereinafter called "EGIS." The said Contract regards environmental services for the Arkansas Research & Technology Park proposed development. WITNESSETH : Whereas, the OWNER is in the process of developing a project known as the Arkansas Research and Technology Park Development in the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas; and Whereas the aforesaid project requires an environmental permit presently being pursued by EGIS and which in turn requires mitigation construction ; and Whereas the OWNER does not have the expertise to provide the necessary detailed plan development or X construction supervision of the wetlands/stream mitigation and Whereas it is now time to provide the services to be performed by EGIS as stated in the original contract in W ' q Section 1 , Paragraph 1 .6 and Section 1 , Paragraph 1 .7 (as it pertains to mitigation D construction consultation and observation). AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE AND EGIS CONSULTING DATED JANUARY 18, 2000 REGARDING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FOR THE ARKANSAS RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY PARK PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Page 1 of 14 Now therefore, it is considered to be in the best public interest for the OWNER to amend the original agreement dated January 18, 2000. In consideration of thefaithful performance of each party of the mutual covenants and agreements set forth hereinafter, it is mutually agreed as follows: SECTION I - EMPLOYMENT OF EGIS EGIS, Inc. is presently assisting OWNER regarding the attainment of the final Section 404 permit from the Corps of Engineers ("COE") as required by The Clean Water Act. In compliance with the anticipated Section 404 permit, EGIS Natural Developments, Inc. shall assist OWNER in the preparation for construction of compensatory mitigation for the aforementioned project's impacts to the wetland and water of the U.S . EGIS Natural Developments, Inc. shall be involved in mitigation construction observation and erosion control coordination with OWNER. This contract does not cover actual construction of the project's compensatory mitigation area. SECTION II - INFORMATION & SERVICES The OWNER will furnish any specifications, standards and other information which may relate to the project including survey data. Aerial mapping data will be provided free of charge to EGIS on magnetic media. SECTION III - SERVICES TO BE FURNISHED BY EGIS DURING "DESIGN" PHASE The mitigation project will be designed and constructed to meet standards in accordance with the Little Rock District Corps of Engineers Section 404 permit, including Corps of Engineers regional , general and special conditions. The design concept will be AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE AND EGIS CONSULTING DATED JANUARY 18, 2000 REGARDING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FOR THE ARKANSAS RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY PARK PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Page 2 of 14 coordinated with the OWNER with EGIS providing mitigation plans and specifications on a 50/50 percentage basis with OWNER (i .e. , EGIS providing 50% effort and OWNER providing 50% effort) . EGIS's effort will involve reviewing OWNER CADD drawings, producing CADD drawings at the EGIS office, conducting field investigations, reviewing survey data produced by the OWNER's Engineering Department, advising the OWNER regarding the filing of the mitigation area conservation easement, and coordinating/meeting with COE and OWNER's Engineering personnel as needed . SECTION IV - COORDINATION WITH OWNER EGIS shall hold conferences throughout the mitigation design of the project with representatives of the OWNER to the end that the design , as perfected, shall have full benefit of the OWNER's knowledge and to be consistent with the current policies and construction practices of the OWNER. The OWNER reserves the right to accept or reject any and all plans, but this stipulation will not relieve EGIS of the 50% responsibility for the design of the mitigation project. SECTION V - OFFICE LOCATION FOR REVIEW OF WORK Review of the work as it progresses under this Agreement shall be made at the OWNER's City Engineer's office. SECTION VI - FINAL SUBMISSION Coordinating with OWNER, the final submission for the mitigation construction documents shall consist of the originals of all drawings, specifications and contract documents. All AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE AND EGIS CONSULTING DATED JANUARY 18, 2000 REGARDING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FOR THE ARKANSAS RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY PARK PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Page 3 o114 design drawings on magnetic media shall be submitted on disks compatible with AutoCAD Release 14 software. SECTION VII - EGIS's RESPONSIBILITY DURING "BIDDING" AND "MITIGATION CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION" PHASES During the "Bidding" phase of the mitigation construction project, EGIS shall provide administrative and environmental consulting services needed to obtain bids for the project. This may include preconstruction conferences, description of technical requirements for successful mitigation construction and clarification of special sensitive environmental issues. EGIS may be asked to evaluate technical qualifications of bidders. During the "Construction Observation" or possibly preconstruction phase of work, EGIS shall provide environmental consulting services regarding: a. Assisting OWNER in responding to government agencies and other entities, such as: i . The U .S. Fish & Wildlife Service regarding the Arkansas darter on Clabber Creek and Wilson Spring or other environmental issues ii . The Corps of Engineers regarding permit issues iii. The Arkansas Historic Preservation Program regarding cultural resources iv. The University of Arkansas Biology Department regarding sensitive environmental issues. b. Assisting OWNER in responding to public concerns regarding environmental issues of the project. AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE AND EGIS CONSULTING DATED JANUARY 18, 2000 REGARDING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FOR THE ARKANSAS RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY PARK PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Page 4 of 14 The responses to the entities and/or parties described in subparagraph "a" and "b" above regarding environmentally sensitive issues will be coordinated first with OWNER. C. Erosion Control Coordination with OWNER including: L Coordination of erosion control initial placement ii. Weekly inspection of erosion control measures iii. Bi-Weekly reporting to OWNER or general contractor of status of erosion control features d. Tree Preservation Coordination and Observation with OWNER, including: i . Initial directed assessment of tree health ii. Recommendation of initial placement of silt fence iii . Coordination of root pruning iv. Recommendation of remedial actions, if necessary e. Mitigation Area Construction Observation , including : i . Direction in the field to OWNER or general contractor regarding: ( 1 ) Selection and placement of hydric soils (2) Hydrology manipulation and water controls (3) Questions that arise from the mitigation construction contractor regarding implementation of the mitigation plans (4) Fine-tune wetland elevation, soils and hydrology decisions (5) Stream enhancements (6) Wilson Spring preservation & sensitivity to fish habitat (7) Clabber Creek sensitivity to fish habitat (8) Wildlife habitat placement AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE AND EGIS CONSULTING DATED JANUARY 18, 2000 REGARDING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FOR THE ARKANSAS RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY PARK PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Page 5 of 14 ii. EGIS shall review the Mitigation Contractor's progress payment requests based on the actual quantities of contract items completed and accepted , and shall make a recommendation to the OWNER regarding payment. SECTION VIII - EGIS's RESPONSIBILITY DURING "MITIGATION MONITORING" PHASE As determined by the Section 404 Permit general and special conditions, upon completion of the mitigation construction , EGIS will annually monitor the stream and wetland mitigation areas for a minimum of five years. EGIS will submit the annual monitoring report to OWNER prior to submission to the Little Rock District Corps of Engineers. The monitoring report will contain information specified in the permit, such as counts (or percentage of survival) of planted and native saplings, observations of herbaceous hydrophytic vegetation, description of hydrology, description of stream conditions and photographs of key areas. Upon review of the submitted reports, the Corps of Engineers may require further annual monitoring. SECTION IX - SUBCONTRACTING Subcontracting by EGIS of any of the services provided shall require prior approval by the OWNER. SECTION X - TIME OF BEGINNING AND COMPLETION EGIS shall begin work under this Amendment No. 1 to the original contract within ten ( 10) days of notice to proceed. Along with OWNER , EGIS shall complete the design portion of the plans for the mitigation construction within 60 days of receipt of the Section 404 AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE AND EGIS CONSULTING DATED JANUARY 16, 2000 REGARDING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FOR THE ARKANSAS RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY PARK PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Page 6 of 14 permit from the Corps of Engineers. The completion time is contingent upon receipt of all required information from OWNER, such as survey data, etc. Monitoring of the mitigation site will occur annually as prescribed in the anticipated Section 404 permit. SECTION XI - FEES AND PAYMENTS With the exception of Paragraph D below, the following described fees are estimated hourly professional fees for work-time directly connected with work chargeable to the project. Travel time to the job site will be charged at 1/2 of the hourly professional fees listed in Appendix A attached hereto. "Not to exceed" is interpreted to mean EGIS will not exceed the amount of dollars and hours attributed to each phase, however, should the amount of hours required be less than designated below, OWNER will only be billed for the actual work-time directly connected with the project. Services described in Paragraph D will be provided on a fixed annual rate of $4,500.00. Adjustment of the upper limit may be made should EGIS establish and the OWNER agree that there has been or is to be a significant change in scope, complexity or character of the services to be performed ; or if the OWNER decides to shorten the duration of the work from the time period specified in the Agreement for completion of work and such modification warrants such adjustment. A. "Design" Phase Services: For "design" phase services rendered and in consideration of the services to be rendered by EGIS, the OWNER shall pay EGIS on the basis of hourly professional fees (as described above) not to exceed $25 ,000.00. 1 ) Assist the OWNER regarding the attainment of the final Section 404 permit from the COE. AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE AND EGIS CONSULTING DATED JANUARY 18, 2000 REGARDING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FOR THE ARKANSAS RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY PARK PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Page 7 of 14 2) EGIS will provide mitigation plans and specifications for the proposed technology park on a 50/50 percentage basis with the OWNER (i .e. , EGIS providing 50% effort and the OWNER providing 50% effort) . EGIS's effort will involve reviewing the OWNER's CADD drawings , producing CADD drawings at the EGIS office, conducting field investigations, reviewing survey data produced by the OWNER's Engineering Department, advising the OWNER regarding their filing of the mitigation area conservation easement , and coordinating/meeting with COE and the OWNER's Engineering personnel as needed. Final payment for Design services shall be made upon the OWNER'S approval and acceptance with the satisfactory completion of the "Design" phase for the project. B. " Bidding" Phase Services: For "bidding" phase services rendered and in consideration of the services to be rendered by EGIS, the OWNER shall pay EGIS on the basis of hourly professional fees (as described above) not to exceed $4, 104.50. Final payment for "Bidding" phase services shall be made upon the OWNER'S approval and acceptance with the satisfactory completion of the "Bidding" phase of the project. C. "Mitigation Construction Observation" Phase Services : For "Mitigation Construction Observation" phase services rendered and in consideration of the services to be rendered by EGIS, the OWNER shall pay AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE AND EGIS CONSULTING DATED JANUARY 18, 2000 REGARDING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FOR THE ARKANSAS RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY PARK PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Page 8 of 14 EGIS on the basis of hourly professional fees described above. The total of the following described services is not to exceed $112,445.50 as designated below: 1 ) Agency Coordination during Construction as required . . $69157.00 2) Erosion Control Coordination with OWNER . . . . . . . . . $24,506.00 3) Tree Preservation Coordination and Observation with OWNER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20,427.50 4) Mitigation Area Construction Observation . . . . . . . . . . $61 ,355.00 Final payment for "Mitigation Construction Observation " phase services shall be made upon the OWNER'S approval and acceptance with the satisfactory completion of the "construction observation " phase of the project. D. "Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting" Phase Services: For "Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting" phase services rendered and in consideration of the services to be rendered by EGIS, the OWNER shall pay EGIS on the basis of a fixed fee of $4,500.00 per year for five annual periods, a total of $22,500.00. Adjustment of the upper limit may be made should EGIS establish and the OWNER agree that there has been or is to be a significant change in scope, complexity or character of the services to be performed and such modification warrants such adjustment. The COE may require an extended period of monitoring or adjustments in the mitigation site after review of annual monitoring reports. AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE AND EGIS CONSULTING DATED JANUARY 18, 2000 REGARDING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FOR THE ARKANSAS RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY PARK PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Pape 9 of 14 SECTION XII - CHANGES The OWNER may at any time, by written order, make changes within the general scope of the contract in the work and services to be performed. If any such change causes an increase or decrease in the cost of, or the time required for, performance of this contract, an equitable increase or decrease shall be made in the upper limit contract amount, including fee or time of required performance or both , and the contract shall be modified in writing accordingly. Any claim by EGIS for adjustment under this clause must be asserted within thirty (30) days from the date receipt by EGIS of the notification of change; provided , however, that the OWNER, if it decides that the facts justify such action, may receive and act upon any such claim asserted at any time prior to the date of final payment under this contract. Failure to agree to any adjustment shall be cause for a dispute concerning a question of fact within the meaning of the clause of this contract entitled SECTION XV - MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS, ( 1 ) Dispute Resolutions. However, nothing in this clause shall excuse EGIS from proceeding with the contract as changed. SECTION XIII - OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS All documents, including original drawings, disks of CADD drawings and cross sections, estimates, specification field notes, and data are and remain the property of the OWNER. EGIS may retain reproduced copies of drawings and copies of other documents. OWNER shall not reuse or make or permit to be made any modification to the drawings and specifications without prior authorization of EGIS. OWNER is specifically prohibited from AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE AND EGIS CONSULTING DATED JANUARY 18t2000 REGARDING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FOR THE ARKANSAS RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY PARK PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Page 10 of 14 reuse of environmental mitigation drawings on other projects without written authorization of EGIS. SECTION XIV - POSTPONEMENT OR CANCELLATION OF THE CONTRACT It is understood that the OWNER will have the right to suspend or cancel the work at any time. A. Postponement - Should the OWNER, for any reason whatsoever, decide to postpone the work at any time, the OWNER will notify EGIS, who will immediately suspend work. Should the OWNER decide during such suspension not to resume the work, or should such suspension not be terminated within a year, the work shall be cancelled as hereinafter provided. B. Cancellation - Should the OWNER, for any reason whatsoever, decide to cancel or to terminate the use of EGIS's service, the OWNER will give a written notice thereof to EGIS , who will immediately terminate the work. If the OWNER so elects, EGIS may be instructed to bring a reasonable stage of completion to those items whose value would otherwise be lost. EGIS shall turnover over all data, charts, survey notes, figures, drawings and other records or information collected or produced hereunder whether partial or complete. Upon such termination of EGIS's services, EGIS shall be paid on a proportional amount of the total fee, less prior partial payments, based on the ratio of work done to the total amount of work to be performed. AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE AND EGIS CONSULTING DATED JANUARY 18, 2000 REGARDING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES FOR THE ARKANSAS RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY PARK PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Page 11 of 14