HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4229 C=) C:) M 0 z 'J o z o D M z m V) n C> N o W o ORDINANCE N0. 4229_ I� M� AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS FOR THE CITY TO OBTAIN PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY EASEMENTS OVER, UNDER AND ACROSS LAND LOCATED AT 6T" STREET AND 71 -B OWNED BY THE ESTATE OF LONNIE L. AND HAZEL J. SHOOK FOR INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTE VILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That the City Council authorizes and directs the city attorney of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, to initiate legal action in order to obtain permanent and temporary easements, as described below, over, under and across land located at 60h Street and 71 -B owned by the Estate of Lonnie L. and Hazel J. Shook for intersection improvements See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. EItj Lo IP P AND APPROVED this 71h day of March , 2000. F 7 :n APPROVED: By: Fred ansa, Mayor ATTEST: By: Heather Woodruff, City rk 2000019668 ' • ORD . 4229 EXHIBIT A rs Exhibit "A" Property Owners: The Estate of Lonnie L. and Hazel J. Shook Property Description: Lots 1 , 25 35 41 5 and 6 in Block Numbered 10 of Ferguson's Addition to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, as per plat of said Addition on file in the Office of the Circuit Clerk of Washington County, Arkansas. Temporary Construction Easement Description: A part of Lots 5 and 6, Block 10, of Ferguson's Addition to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, as per plat of said subdivision recorded in Book 4 at Page 203 in the Office of the Circuit Clerk of Washington County, Arkansas and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast comer of said Lot 6 and running North 01 °07'58" East - 10.45 feet along the East line of Lot 6 to the Point of Beginning, said pont begin where the proposed North right of way line of 6ih Street intersects the East line of Lot 6; thence along the East line of said Lot 6 North 01 '07'58" East - 10. 10 feet; thence leaving the East line of Lot 6 and running North 85°02'54" West - 124.04 feet; thence North 00127' 16" East - 44.25 feet; thence North 89°32'44" West - 19.68 feet to a point of on the West line of Lot 5 ; thence South 01*07'58" West - 10.00 feet to a point on the North line of the proposed Permanent Drainage Easement; thence leaving the West line of Lot 5 and running along said proposed Permanent Drainage Easement line South 89°32'44" East - 9.80 feet; thence South 00°27' 16" West - 40.00 feet to a point on the proposed North right of way line of 6t° Street; thence along the proposed North right of way line of 6`h Street South 00 °276" West - 13.53 feet; thence South 85102'54" East - 119.37 feet; thence North 59014'31 " East - 17.01 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing3, 143 ft', more or less, The bearings for this description are based on the City of Fayetteville Global Positioning Satellite System, which may vary from the bearing system previously used in describing the subject property, Permanent Drainage Easement Description: Apart of Lots 5 and 6, Block 10, of Ferguson's Addition to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, as per plat of said subdivision recorded in Book 4 at Page 203 in the Office of the Circuit Clerk of Washington County, Arkansas and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Lot M 6 and running North 01'07'58" East - 25 .67 feet to the Point of Beginning, said X point being where the proposed North right of way line of 6 " Street intersects the West line of Lot 6; thence leaving the proposed North right of way line of 6ih Street and running along the West line of Lot 6 and 5, North 01'07'58" East - 40.00 feet CU 200001 9669 D ORD . 4229 • EXHIBIT A to a point where the North line of the proposed Permanent Drainage Easement intersects the West line of Lot 5; thence leaving the West line of said Lot 5 and running along the Permanent Drainage Easement line South 89°32'44" East - 9.80 feet to a point of the proposed North right of way line of 6h Street; thence along the proposed North right of way line of 6 ° Street North 89°32'44" West - 10.27 feet to the Point of Beginning, 401 ft2, more or less, The bearings for these descriptions are based on the City of Fayetteville Global Positioning Satellite System, which may vary from the bearing system previously used in describing the subject property. Fee Simple Acquisition Property Description: A part of Lot 6, Block 10 of Ferguson's Addition to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, as per plat of said subdivision recorded in Book 4 at Page 203 in the Office of the Circuit Clerk of Washington County, Arkansas and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Lot 6 and running West - 144 feet along the South line of said Lot 6; thence North 01'07'58" East - 25 .67 feet along the West line of said Lot 6 and the East line of a 12 foot wide alley to a point where the proposed North right of way line intersects the West line of Lot 6; thence leaving the West line of Lot 6 and ruining along the proposed North right of way line of 6`s Street South 89032'44" East - 1 .27 feet; thence South 00°27' 16" West - 13 .53 feet; thence South 85°02'54" East - 119.37 feet; thence North 59°14'31 " East - 17.01 feet to a point on the East line of Lot 6; thence South 01'07'58" West - 10.45 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 1 , 177 ft2, more or less. The bearings for this description are based on the City of Fayetteville Global Positioning Satellite System, which may vary from the bearing system previously used in describing the subject property. M x 03 2000019670 I, Kathleen Harness, Circuit DON and Ex-officio cRecorder rtify thatcths Washington Instrument was ri®d i®r araoorhereby nl remy Office as IndIcOtOd hereon and tho recorded with the ack owi dgerna68 and certificatmd 16 now e �! thereon in Record Book and Pepe n indicated thereon. eunto set my hand and affixed the seat Of 9210 COurt on the date indi- cated hereon. Kathleen Harness ircu t .Ier4 and FxroRlcin Reccrder NAME OF FILE: CROSS REFERENCE: Date Contents of File Initials Dy od ya . x.2.2 Aww � a 3- -D FAYETTEVILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE: February 11 , 2000 TO: Fayetteville City Council THRU: Fred Hanna, Mayor Charles Venable, Public Works Director Jim Beavers, City Engineer 6 FROM: Ed Connell, City Land Agee! RE: 6th Street and 71 -B Intersection Improvement Property of the Estate of Lonnie L. And Hazel J. Shook NW Corner of Locust and 6th Street Possession by Power of Eminent Domain The City is in the final stages of implementing a plan to add a North turn lane to 6th Street, East of the intersection of School Street (Hwy 71 -B). Three properties are involved in this improvement, two on the North side of 6th Street and one on the South side. The Eastern most property on the North side is titled in the names of Lonnie L. Shook and Hazel J. Shook. In recent years, the property and building were leased to Franklin Roofing Co. The City requires the purchase of some additional right of way, as well as, the acquisition of some permanent drainage easement and some temporary construction easement for the implementation of this job. Mr. Shook passed away three or four years ago, with Mrs. Shook being the surviving spouse. Two weeks ago, Mrs. Shook also passed away, leaving no direct heirs to her estate. Since the estate will have to go through Probate to establish ownership on the subject property, staff is hereby requesting Council approval to seek court order possession of the required land purchase and easements. The time required to probate the estate will far exceed what we need in the completion of this project. At this time, we do not know who will function on behalf of the estate. Attached, please find a copy of an offer letter sent in the name of Mr. and Mrs. Shook (title owners) which outlined the requirements of the City, as well as the offers made for these acquisitions based upon an independent appraisal of such acquisitions. As noted therein, $2,400 was offered for 1 , 177 ft2 of land to be acquired in fee simple, $200 for 401 ft= of permanent drainage easement and $650 as rental for lands associated with 3, 143 ftz of temporary construction easement, making a total offer of $3,250. This amount will be deposited with the court and become part of the probate action when that occurs. Last known address of Mr. or Mrs. Shook is shown in the attached letter. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION:War� Deed; Book 580, Page 352 01 . Lots 1 ,2,3,4,5 and 6 in Block Numbered 10 of Ferguson's Addition to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, as per plat of said Addition on file in the Office of the Circuit Clerk of Washington County, Arkansas. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT DESCRIPTION: A part of Lots 5 and 6, Block 10, of Ferguson's Addition to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, as per plat of said subdivision recorded in Book 4 at Page 203 in the Office of the Circuit Clerk of Washington County, Arkansas and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Lot 6 and running North 01 ° 07 ' 58" East - 10.45 feet along the East line of Lot 6 to the Point of Beginning, said point being where the proposed North right of way line of 6th Street intersects the East line of Lot 6; thence along the OR OP45 East line of said Lot 6 North 01 ° 07' 58" East - 10. 10 feet; thence leaving the East line of Lot 6 and running EAS North 85" 02' 54" West - 124.04 feet; thence North 000 27' 16" East - 44.25 feet; thence North 89" 32' 44" -bese West - 19.68 feet to a point on the West line of Lot 5; thence South 01 ° 07' 58" West - 10.00 feet to a point on the North line of the proposed Permanent Drainage Easement; thence leaving the West line of Lot 5 and running along said proposed Permanent Drainage Easement line South 890 32' 44" East - 9.80 feet; thence South 000 27' 16" West - 40.00 feet to a point on the proposed North right of way line of 6th Street; thence along the proposed North right of way line of 6th Street South 000 27 ' 16" West - 13.53 feet: thence South 85" 02' 54" east - 119.37 feet; thence North 59" 14' 31 "East - 17.01 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 3, 143 ft', more or less, The bearings for this description are based on the City of Fayetteville Global Positioning Satellite System, which may vary from the bearing system previously used in describing the subject property, PERMANENT DRAINAGE EASEMENT DESCRIPTION : A part of Lots 5 and 6, Block 10, of Ferguson's Addition to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, as per plat of said subdivision recorded in Book 4 at Page 203 in the Office of the Circuit Clerk of Washington County, Arkansas and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Lot 6 and running North 01 ° 07' 58" East - 25.67 feet to the Point of Beginning, said point being where the proposed North right of way line of 6th street intersects the West line of Lot 6; thence leaving the proposed North right of way line of 6th Street and running along the West line of lot 6 and 5, North 01 ° 07' 58" East - 40.00 feet to a point where the North line of the proposed Permanent Drainage Easement intersects the West line of Lot 5; thence leaving the West line of said Lot 5 and running along the Permanent Drainage Easement line South 890 32' 44" East - 9.80 feet to a point on the proposed North right of way line of 6th Street; thence along the proposed North right of way line of 6th Street North 89" 32' 44" West - 10.27 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 401 ft', more or less, The bearings for these descriptions are based on the City of Fayetteville Global Positioning Satellite System, which may vary from the bearing system previously used in describing the subject property, FEE SIMPLE ACQUISITION PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: A part of Lot 6, Block 10 of Ferguson's Addition to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, as per plat of said subdivision recorded in Book 4 at Page 203 in the Office of the Circuit Clerk of Washington County, Arkansas and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Lot 6 and running West 144 -feet along the South line of said Lot 6; thence North 01 ° 07' 58" East - 25.67 feet along the West line of said Lot 6 and the East line of a 12 foot wide alley to a point where the proposed North right of way line intersects the West line of Lot 6; thence leaving the West line of Lot 6 and running along the proposed North right of way line of 6th Street, South 890 32' 44" East - 1 -.27 feet; thence South 000 27' 16" West - 13.53 feet; thence South 850 02' 54" East - 119.37 feet; thence North 590 14' 31 " East - 17.01 feet to a point on the East line of Lot 6; thence South 01 ° 07' 58" West -10.45 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 1 , 177 ft', more or less. The bearings for this description are based on the City of Fayetteville Global Positioning Satellite System, which may vary from the bearing system previously used in describing the subject property. FAYETTEVtLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS January 31 , 2000 Lonnie L. Shook and Hazel J . Shook 602 West 15th Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 RE: 6th Street & 71 -B Intersection Improvement Lot #6, Block #10, Ferguson Addition Tract #1 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Shook: The City of Fayetteville has finalized the design and is about to begin an improvement to 6th Street, part of which involves an expansion and alignment of the intersection at School Avenue. A right turn lane, off of 6th Street going North onto School is to be installed. This additional lane will also align itself with the North lane of 6th Street, West of School. The City will further provide some additional radius for trucks turning off of School Ave. going East on 6th Street. This additional turn lane will affect the parking lot and front apron (Lot #6, Block 100 Ferguson's Addition) to the building on 6th Street at Locust Ave. Included , please find a diagram which illustrates the anticipated requirements in terms of fee simple road right of way and temporary construction easement necessary for this project. Most of the intersection work is located on the North side of 6th Street and will affect the South part of your property and the property to the West belonging to Mr. and Mrs. Jr. Mabry. Our engineers have asked for a 20 foot wide Temporary Construction Easement on the North side of the new street right of way to be able to work the area without closing down 6th Street. This Temporary Easement will terminate completely at the end of the project. Another aspect of this project will require the clean-out and improvement of the drainage channel which flows within a 12 foot alley East of the building . The City engineers, however, are requesting a 10 foot wide permanent drainage easement, approximately 40 feet long and adjacent to the alley way, which would provide an improvement within the channel itself and the ability of the City to maintain the channel thereafter. The City of Fayetteville had an independent appraiser value the anticipated requirements from you on this City project. In the opinion of the appraiser, the functionality of the building and the operation of the commercial facility would not be affected by the land that was required for this project. The appraiser valued the land at $2.00 per square foot ($87, 100 per/acre). Permanent Drainage Easement was valued at $0.40/ sq . ft.(20% of land value) while Temporary Construction Easement was valued at $0.20 /sq . ft( 10%of land value). The City of Fayetteville hereby offers $2,400.00 for the fee simple acquisition of 1 , 177 square feet of street right of way; $200.00 for 401 Sq . Ft. of drainage easement; and $650.00 as rental of the lands associated with the Temporary Construction Easement (3, 143 feet square); making a total offer amount of $3,250.00 . Should you accept this offer, the Warranty Deed , Drainage Easement and the Temporary 113 WEST MOUNTAIN 72701 501521-7700 FAX 501575-8257 Lonnie L. And Hazel J . Shoo* ' January 31 , 2000 Page 2 Construction Easement contained herein should be executed by all parties with current ownership in the particular property. The documents should be notarized and returned to the City of Fayetteville. A City Land Agent will be pleased to witness your signatures and notarize such document if you will advise us accordingly. Upon receipt of these documents, a check will be requested and you will be paid the amount indicated in this offer letter. We anticipate a time frame of 8-10 weeks that the South entry into this business and the parking lot will experience interruption and inconvenience to the operation of the business at this location . The use of the North gate on this property(5th Street) will be necessary to reach the parking areas West of the building . The project will specify that a security fence is to be installed along the North and East boundaries of the Temporary Construction Easement. This fence , or an equivalent new fenceand gate, will be placed on the North and East boundaries of the new right of way and permanent drainage easement lines at the end of the project. The City can only compensate the property owner. Any recompense between lessor and lessee, as a result of City action , must be made between those parties. If you make a final rejection of this offer, you do have certain legal rights which are outlined hereafter. Upon finalrejection of this offer, and if the City of Fayetteville elects to do sd, a suit of condemnation may be filed . The amount of just compensation for the acquisition or use of your property will be determined by an independent appraisal and deposited with the Registry of the Circuit Court of Washington County. You may, at that time, elect to accept the amount deposited as just compensation and the amount will be paid to you thereby disposing of the condemnation suit. If you do not elect to accept the amount deposited as just compensation , then you may withdraw the amount placed on deposit without prejudice to your rights to claim additional compensation . In this event, you will be entitled to a trial by jury in the Circuit Court to determine just compensation for your lands condemned . In either event, payment of the estimated just compensation will be made available to you . We, however, ask that you accept the offer made herein by executing the attached Warranty Deed, Drainage Easement, and Temporary Construction Easement. Reduced copies of the documents are included herewith for your retention . We can provide you with copies of the recorded documents upon your request and at the appropriate time. Please provide us with a Tax Identification Number (for Corporations) or Social Security Number so that a check can be written . A Vendor Form is provided for this purpose and should be returned to the City. A City Land Agent will be pleased to meet with you at your convenience and discuss all phases of this project and the associated documents. Please contact Ed Connell at (501 ) 444- 34151 Jill Goddard at (501 ) 444-3407 , or myself at (501 ) 575-8206, if we can be of assistance. Sincerely yours, Jim Beavers, City Engineer Enclosures H 71 -B/S uth r„ 00 a7 o M O h7 O y V 1 O CD N Wt-4t CL CLaCD j 40.33 Iws� E XM JOL U.77 (I�( U6 s P foot w e alley O pra11 inegc smt. C CD OEl ION CD pO O l� 0 Q v lot O �" w a 8S 17 m -moi � C� C r� CD CD a a a o ' 0 s0127•58"w ocust Nvenue so Data and Deed Call Listing of File: PROJ-NEW.DES +Tract 1 : 0. 165 Acres: 7199 Sq Feet: 668.8 Sq Meters: No significant closure error. : Perimeter = 388 feet Tract 2: 0.000 Acres: 0 Sq Feet: 0.0 Sq Meters: Closure = s01 .0758w 75.00 feet: Precision =1/ 1 : Perimeter = 75 feet Tract 3 : 0.060 Acres: 2631 Sq Feet: 244.4 Sq Meters: No significant closure error. : Perimeter = 346 feet Tract 4: 0. 165 Acres: 7199 Sq Feet: 668.8 Sq Meters: No significant closure error. : Perimeter = 388 feet Tract 5: 0.023 Acres: 1000 Sq Feel: 92.9 Sq Meters: No significant closure error. : Perimeter = 220 feet Tract 6: 0.000 Acres: 0 Sq Feet: 0.0 Sq Meters: Closure = sOL0758w 75.00 feet: Precision =1/ 1 : Perimeter = 75 feet Tract 7: 0.005 Acres: 215 Sq Feet: 20.0 Sq Meters: No significant closure error. : Perimeter = 71 feet Tract 8: 0.027 Acres: 1176 Sq Feet: 109.3 Sq Meters: No significant closure error. : Perimeter = 340 feet Tract 9: 0. 165 Acres: 7199 Sq Feet: 668.8 Sq Meters: No significant closure error. : Perimeter = 388 feet Tract 10: 0.018 Acres: 779 Sq Feet: 72.4 Sq Meters: Closure = s01 .2447w 40.01 feet: Precision =1 / 8: Perimeter = 329 feet Tract 11 : 0.007 Acres: 318 Sq Feet: 29.6 Sq Meters: No significant closure error. : Perimeter = 96 feet Tract 12: 0.009 Acres: 401 Sq Feet: 37.3 Sq Meters: No significant closure error. : Perimeter = 100 feet -Tract 13 : 0.072 Acres: 3144 Sq Feet: 292. 1 Sq Meters: No significant closure error. : Perimeter = 408 feet Tract 14: 0. 165 Acres: 7199 Sq Feet: 668.8 Sq Meters: No significant closure error. : Perimeter = 388 feet Net Area= 0.093 Acres: 4054 Sq Feet: 376.7 Sq Meters 00I=S90W 114 042=s85.0254e 119.37 083=501 .0758W 10. 10 002=s90.Ow 20 043=n59. 1431e 17.01 084=559. 1431 W 17.01 003=s90.Ow 10.00 044=s01 .0758W 10.45 085=N85.0243W 119.37 004=n01 .0758e 50 04S=n90.Ow 144 086=N00.2716E 13.53 005=00.0E 10.00 046=@32 Lot 6 087=N00.2716E 40.00 006=s90.0e 134.00 047='n01 .0758e 50 088=n89.3244w 9.79 007=s01 .0758w 50 048=••n90.0e 144 089=@32 Lot 5 008=@l 049='sOI .0758w 50 090=/NO1 .0758E 50 009=N01 .0758E 75 050=s90.Ow 144 091=•NOI .0758E 50 010=@1NEW ROW #7 051=@1TCE #7 092=S90.OE 144 011 =s90W 114 052=/N01 .0758E 25.77 093=SOI .0758W 50 012=N42. 1920W 29.07 053=N89.3244W 7.72 094=••N90.OW 144 O13=NOI .0758E 22.41 054=500.2716W 11 . 17 014=••s46.4855e 35.48 055="N85.0254W 53. 16 015=s89.3244e 47.00 056="N89.3244W 47.00 016=s85.0254e 53. 16 057=N46.4855W 29.46 017=N00.2716E 11 . 17 058=589.3244E 69.44 018=589.3244E 7.72 059=585.0254E 42.33 019=501 .0758 W 25.77 060=N00.2716E 40.33 020=@5 061 =589.3244E 18.31 021 =NO 1 .0758E 50 062=50.010758W 10.00 022=S90e 144 063=@1 Drainage #7 023=SOI .0758W 50 064=/N01 .0758E 25.77 024=N90w 144 065=N89.3244W 7.72 025=@4 066=NOO.2716E 40.00 026=S90E 10 067=589.3244E 8. 19 027=NOI .0758E 100 068=501 .0758W 40 028=N90W 10 069=@1Drainage #6 029=501 .0758W 100 070=/S90.OE 12 030=@l 071 =/NO1 .0758E 25.67 031 =/s90.OE 12 072=N01 .0758E 40 032=n01 .0758e 75 073=s89.3343e 9.80 033=@I 074=SOO.2716W 40.00 034=/n90.Ow 114 075=N89.3244W 10.27 035=n90.Ow 20 076=@l TCE-#6 036=n01 .0758e 21 .5 077=/S90.OE 12 037=••s42. 1920e 29.07 078=/N01 .0758E 65.67 038=@32 N.ROW #6 079=N01 .0758E 10 039=n01 .0758e 25.67 080=S89.3244E 19.68 040=s89.3244e 10.27 081=500.2716W 44.25 041 =s0.2716w 13.53 082=585.0254E 124.04 6th Street Improvement Project --- - - - - -- N89°32'44"W Shook Property x Tract # 1 / /r w Lot 5, Block 10, Ferguson's Addition v d �/ 3 \� s - ------- ----------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a 3 r 2. . . o .r Lot 6, Block 10 Ferguson's Addition o too / i,x a \. r N85002'54"W NNNIN �V\�A VAv \ INI IN. v � O •� ��v� \� V ,\ \ y, �` \\\ \\ ` \ �\\\ \. \ \ �\ \ ♦ � F ence to Uc rcttEe�l iaera�.\\\ \\ \\\ \ p z N90E Proposed additional R/W for 6th Street Improvement (0.026 acre) 6th Street