HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4226 0 • ORDINANCE NO, 4226 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTERS 151 , DEFINITIONS , AND 174, SIGNS, THE CODE OF FAYETTEVILLE, TO DEFINE AND PROVIDE FOR THE REGULATION OF MONUMENT SIGNS; AND, DEFINE AND CLARIFY THE USE OF JOINT IDENTIFICATION AND AREA SIGNS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That Chapter 151 , Definitions, of the Code of Fayetteville, is hereby amended to delete the definitions of Area Identification Sign and Joint Identification Sign. Section 2. That Chapter 151 , Definitions, of the Code of Fayetteville, is hereby amended to add the following definitions: Area Sign. (Signs) A sign to identify a common area containing a group of structures, or a single structure on a minimum site of five acres, such as a residential subdivision, residential office, commercial or industrial subdivision, apartment complex, mobile home park, or shopping center located at the entrance or entrances of the area, and consisting of fence or wall or archway with letters or symbols affixed thereto or other supporting structure as approved by the Building Inspector. Joint Identification Sign. (Signs) A sign which serves as common or collective identification for a group of persons or businesses operating in the same subdivision or lot in a residential office, commercial or industrial district (e.g., shopping center, office complex, etc.) Such sign may name the persons or businesses included but carry no other advertising matter. Monument Sign. A freestanding sign with a maximum height of six feet above the surrounding finish grade and whose entire base is in contact with and supported by the ground. Section 3 . That Chapter 174, Signs, § 174. 10, Freestanding Signs, Subsection CA., of the Code of Fayetteville, is hereby deleted and the following shall be inserted in its stead: §174.10. FREESTANDING SIGNS. C. C Districts. 4. Joint Identification Sign. The display surface area of joint identification signs may be increased to one square foot per 500 square feet of gross leaseable building area over 37,500 square feet, located, as approved by the Page 2 Ordinance No. 4226 Building Inspector, at no more than two remote entrance locations. The permit applicant shall provide a recorded legal document as approved by the Building Inspector indicating ownership and responsibility for maintenance of sign and subject to the following: a. R- 1 , R- 1 .5, R-2 and R-3 District. Prohibited. b. R-O District. Monument sign permitted with a maximum display surface area of thirty-two square feet. c. C and I District. Display surface area shall not exceed 300 square feet. d. Joint Identification Sign Display. A freestanding sign or monument sign greater than thirty-two square feet for a person or business with display on a joint identification sign shall not be allowed. Section 4. That Chapter 174, Signs, § 174. 10, Freestanding Signs, of the Code of Fayetteville, is hereby amended to add the following: §174.10. FREESTANDING SIGNS. G. Area Signs. 1 . Size/Location. The size and location of the fence, wall, or other stricture which will contain the area identification sign must be approved by the Building Inspector, who will approve such structure upon the criterion of traffic safety sight lines. a. Areas with more than one entrance may not have a sign at more than two locations. b. An area sign with display on one side located on each side of an entrance street may be substituted for a single sign with display on both sides. 2. Display Surface Area. a. A, P, R and R-O Districts. Display area shall not exceed 32 square feet. b. C and I Districts. Display area shall not exceed 75 square feet. . H. Monument Signs. A monument sign shall be set back a minimum of ten feet from the street right-of-way and may be substituted for a freestanding sign permitted by § 174. 10, provided the display surface area meets the following: 1 . R- 1 and R1 .5 Districts. Prohibited on individual lots. Page 3 Ordinance No. 4226 2. A and P Districts. The display surface area shall not exceed thirty-two square feet. 3 . R-2, R-3 and R-O Districts. The display surface area shall not exceed sixteen square feet. 4. C and I Districts. The display surface area shall not exceed the maximum permitted by § 174. 10. Section 5 . That Chapter 174, Signs, § 174. 13, Area Signs, of the Code of Fayetteville, is hereby deleted. PASSED AND APPROVED this 15th day of February , 2000. A 1' t r't APPROVED: V • a� `, By: �e Fred Hanna, Mayor Ti•` .c. A �� a By: Heather Woodruff, City Clerky�</ NAME OF FILE: e 4, CROSS REFERENCE: Date Contents of File Initials .%5 4D AA FAYETTENTLLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVIEEE, ARKANSAS DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE To: Bert Rakes, Inspections From: Heather Woodruff, City Clerk Date: February 18, 2000 Attached is a copy of the ordinance approving the amendment to the sign ordinances. The original will be microfilmed and filed with the City Clerk. cc: Tim Conklin, Planning Jim Beavers, Engineering ORDINANC€NO. 4226 J a. F7-1 , R-1 .5, R-2 is-* STATE OF ARKANSA FILMED trict. Prohibited. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING b. R-O District. Monument sign WBStlinglOn CHAPTERS 151 , DEFINI- permitted with a maximum dis- County of ss. , TIONS, AND 174, SIGNS, THE play surface area of thirty-two CODE OF FAYETTEVILLE, TO square feet. DEFINE AND PROVIDE FOR c. C and I District. Display sur- THE REGULATION OF MONO- face area shall not exceed I, JEFF JEFFUS, hereby certify that I am the publisher of THE MENT SIGNS; AND, DEFINE 3000 square feet. NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a dailya AND CLARIFY THE USE OF d. Joint Identification Sign Dis- newspaper per havin g a second class JOINT IDENTIFICATION AND play. A freestanding sign or mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, AREA SIGNS. monument sign greater than thirty-two square feet for a per- published at a fixed place of business and at fixed (daily) intervals BE IT ORDAINED BY THE son or business with display on continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY a joint identification sign shall OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKAN- not be allowed. more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an SAS: established lace of business to subscribers and readers generally of all ti . That Chapter 174, p g y Section 1 . That Chapter 151 , Signs, §174.10. Freestanding classes in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed Definitions, of the Code of Signs, of the Code of Fayette- Fayetteville, is hereby amended ville, is hereby amended to add price per annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the to delete the definitions of Area the following: publication, based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at Identification Sign and Joint Identification Sign. §174.10 FREESTANDING least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid for their subscriptions SIGNS. to the newspaper or Its a agents or through recognized news dealers over a Section 2. That Chapter 151 , 9 9 9 Definitions. of the Code of G. Area Signs. period of at least six months and .that the said newspaper publishes an Fayetteville, is hereby amended to add the following definitions: 1 , Size/Location. The size and average of more than forty percent news matter. �I location of the fence, wall, or NS Area Sign. (Signs) A sign to other structure which will con- identify a common area con- tain the area identification sign I further certify that the legal notice attached in the matter of taining a group of structures, or must be approved by the Build- a single structure on a mini- ing Inspector, who will approve I 1 /1/1 r/1n mum site of five acres, such as such structure upon the criteri- ® / 1 x, _ I` V 111 !A l a residential subdivision, rest- on of traffic safety sight lines. d ng tial office, commercial or in- dustrial subdivision, apartment a. Areas with more than one twas published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for Complex, mobile home park, or entrance may not have a sign shopping center located at he at more than two locations. consecutive Insertions as follows: entrance or entrances of the b. An area sign with display on area, and consisting of fence or one side located on each side (n/ wall or archway with letters or of an entrance street may be The first Insertion on the C --�4 day of 20 Co symbols affixed hereto or other with titult of or a single sign supporting structure as ap- display proved by the Building Inspec- 2 Display Surface Area. the second Insertion on the day of 20 — tor' a A, p,yR and R-O Districts. Joint Identification Sign. (Signs) Display area shall not exceed the third insertion on the day of 20 — A sign which serves as com- 32 square feet. mon or collective identification b. C and 1 Districts. Display for a group of persons or busi- area shall not exceed 75 the fourth insertion on the nesses operating in the same square feet. ay Of 20 subdivision or lot in a residen. tial office, commercial or indus- H. Monument Signs. A monu- trial district (e.g.. shopping cen- ment sign shall be set back a ter, office complex, etc. UI I) Such minimum of ten feet from the r/General Manager sign may name the persons or street right-of-way and may be businesses included but carry substituted for a freestanding t no other advertising manner. sign permiffed by §174.10, pro- Sworn to and subscribed before me on this da of vided the display surface area y Monument Sign. A freestanding meets the following: sign with a maximum height of 21 six feet above the surrounding 1 . R-1 and R1 .5 Districts. Pro- finish grade and whose entire hibited on individual lots. (�(( base is in Contact with and sup-. 2 A and P Districts. The dis- ported by the ground. play surface area shall not ex- 1 Section�. That Chapter 174, ceed thirty-two square feet. pubUCt9l8too KOtary Public Si ns, §174.10, Freestandin 3. R-2, R-3 and R-O Districts. ptl(.Oq � ' 9 [ 9 The display surface area shall Signs, Subsection C.4., of the not exceed sixteen square feet. My ommres: Commission Expires: Code of Fayetteville, is hereby 4 C and I Districts. The display p deleted and the following shall surface area shall not exceed be inserted in its stead the maximum permitted by §174.10 FREESTANDING §174'10 1 1 1 Fees for Printing.......................................................$ SIGNS Section 5. that Chapter 174, , Signs, §174.13, Area Signs, of C C. 0 Districts the ode of Fayetteville, is Cost of Proof.............................................................$ _ 4. Join Identification Sign. The hereby deleted. O display surface area of joint PASSED AND APPROVED identification signs may be in- this 15th day of February, 2000. Total"-'-"""""""""---..,,..„„................................'--"'$ creased to one square foot per 500 square feet of gross leasa- APPROVED: ble building area over 37,5000 By: Fred Hanna, Mayor square feet, located, as ap- proved by. the Building Inspec- ATTEST: tor, at no more than two remote By: Heather Woodruff, City entrance locations. The permit Clerk RECEIVED applicant shall provide a re- - �1 corded legal document as ap- proved by the Building Inspec- MAR O 3 2000 for indicating ownership and re- sponsibility for maintenance of sign and subject to the follow- t AC'C G. DEPT, ing: