HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4199 FILED FOR RECORD 900 FEB 24 An 10 10 ORDINANCE NO. 4199 WA I �IG�g ,pxAR � . A"Rl� fS . 1 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 166.03 K., REQUIRED DEDICATION OF LAND FOR PUBLIC PARK SITES, OR A REASONABLE EQUIVALENT CONTRIBUTION IN LIEU OF DEDICATION OF LAND, SUBSECTION l .g., OF THE CODE OF FAYETTEVILLE, TO INCREASE THE CONTRIBUTION FORMULA TO REFLECT AN INCREASE IN THE AVERAGE MARKET PRICE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That § 166.03 K. Required Dedication of Land for public Park Sites, or a Reasonable Equivalent Contribution in Lieu of Dedication of Land, Subsection l .g., of the Code of Fayetteville, shall be deleted and the following inserted in its stead: §166.03 K. Required Dedication of Land for public Park Sites, or a reasonable Equivalent Contribution in Lieu of Dedication of Land. 1 . g. A Contribution in lieu of land dedication shall be made according to the following formula: $470 for each single-family unit, $375 for each multifamily unit, and $280 for each mobile home unit permitted under the City's zoning regulations. The Parks Department shall review the contribution formula every two (2) years and make a recommendation to the City Council following such review. PASSED AND APPROVED this 2nd day of November 1999. APPROVED: By: Fred Hanna, Mayor ATTEST: /fv/ Ax lieather Woodruff City CIdTk j� 2000013732 ` t ' ` 'oy co ;• I, Kdthloon Hamc+o, ctrauu Olnrk rind Ett•ofliclo Certify IhjorhNais nhi nMOTI Ouaayfl,Aod fo�o�oord Indo MY o1`IGo CB indicated h4�ajnW �dnthnw9f 1 Ond cci�mo Is Yll ea u raccrd6d thereon In Rnoord 6Gok and Fnuc ra indlcatOd tharao❑• IN V!I'TNESG WN:,RIiOt', I ha.a h9reVPta Het mY hour. and e8,:nd the call, of eaid Cuurt on the date Ind,- catad hereon• "¢:p FI'MOLL ,,, n ,.f',d Fri:aHIGtP Rrtue')r . Or e Arf T'r CZ ' AvD4� • a '. • X ` �� FA17ETTEVILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE To: Mayor Hanna and City Council Thru: Charles Venable, Public Works Director t!�/ From: Connie Edmonston, Parks & Recreation Superintendki Eric J. Schuldt, Parks Development Coordinator ETS Date: September 27, 1999 Re: Amendment to the Park Land Dedication Ordinance The Parks staff and the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board requests approval of an amendment to the Park Land Dedication Ordinance. Fayetteville's Park Land Dedication Ordinance was adopted on January 20, 1981 . In the past 18 years, this ordinance has enabled the City of Fayetteville to acquire 16 parks which total 96.24 acres and over $885,000. This money in lieu fee is based on the average cost per acre of land in Fayetteville. In 1997, the formula was updated to the average cost per acre of $ 15,000. Today, the average cost per acre is $ 18,750. The new average was derived from the following sources: Troy Belote - Appraiser $ 15,000 - $25,000 per acre The Real Estate Consultants $ 10,000 - $20,000 per acre George Fawcett $20,000 - $25,000 per acre Jim Lindsey & Associates $ 1500 - $20,000 per acre Please note the range in the cost per acre. This is a reflection of the property location. The average cost was $ 18,750, which computes to a 25 percent increase from the current average. This proposed 25 percent increase in 1999 is similar to the increase that took place in 1994 and 1997. In 1994, there was a 33 percent increase and a 25 percent increase in 1997. The proposed fees are as follows: Current Fees Proposed Fees Single Family Units: $375 $470 Multi Family Units: $300 $375 Mobile Home Units: $225 $280 The Park Land Ordinance requires a review of the fees every two years. The changes in the Park Land Dedication Ordinance fees will improve the opportunity to develop existing and new parks. Please call Connie at extension 473 if you have any questions. Attachments: Ordinance 159.30 (K) PRAB Meeting Minutes - October 4, 1999 STAFF REVIEW F 6CEIVED XX AGENDA REQUEST OCT O 7 1999 CONTRACT REVIEW CITY OFFAYETTEVILLE GRANT REVIEW CITY CLERICS OFFICE A10L&mAriti Z For the Fayetteville City Council meeting of Aet0bEr1 9, 1999 FROM : Eric Schuldt Public Works Parks and Recreation Name Division Department ACTION REQUIRED : Approval of amendment to the Park Land Ordinance. COST TO CITY : Cost of this Request S Category/ Project Budget Category/Project Name Account Number $ Funds Used To Date Program Name Project Number $ Remaining Balance Fund BUDGET REVIEW : Budgeted Itqm / �B�udget Adjustment Attached BudNN�c 11. W� g Coordinator Adm istra ve Services Director CONTRACT / GRANT / LEASE REVIEW : GRANTING AGENCY : Accountin M g Date ADA Coordinator Date j z� 5� �1-arc? City At or y Date I ernal Auditor Date v � q- a9 99 Purchasing Officer Date STAFF RECOMMENDATION : Approval of revised Park Land Ordinance fees 41 i r Read(_/ // Date Cross Reference Vini for Date New Item : Yes No ervices DirectorDa Prev Ord/Res i' Date Orig Contract Date : Page 2 STAFF REVIEW FORM Description : Amendment to the Park Land Ordinance Meeting Date Comments : Reference Comments : Budget Coordinator Accounting Manager fu�itie� r.C. City Attorney Purchasing Officer ADA Coordinator Internal Auditor ORDINANCE NO. 4068 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION I59.30(K), REQUIRED DEDICATION OF LAND FOR PUBLIC PARK SITES, SUBSECTION ( 1 )(g), OF THE CODE OF FAYETTEVILLE TO INCREASE THE CONTRIBUTION FORMULA TO REFLECT AN INCREASE IN THE AVERAGE MARKET PRICE. BE rr ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That § 159.30 (K), Required Dedication of Land for Public Park Sites, Subsection (1)(g), of the Code of Fayetteville, shall be deleted and the following inserted in its stead: § 159.30(K) Required Dedication of Land for Public Park Sites. (1 )(g) A contribution in lieu of land dedication shall be made according to the following formula: $375 for each single-family unit,$300 for each multifamily unit, and $225 for each mobile home unit permitted within the subdivision under the City's zoning regulations. The Parks Department shall review the contribution formula every two (2) years and make a recommendation to the City Council following such review. PASSED AND APPROVED this � day of Novemher , 1997. ` � . .. APPROVED: rr ry ji4j � Aredann , Mayor AT�'E$T: By: Traci Paul, City Clerk PRAB Regular Meeting 5. Amendment to the Park Land Ordinance: The Park Land Dedication Ordinance requires a review of the fees every two years. Fayetteville's Park Land Ordinance was adopted on January 20, 1981 . In the past 18 years, this ordinance has enabled the City of Fayetteville to acquire 16 parks which total 96.24 acres and over $885,000. In 1997, the formula was updated to the average cost per acre of$ 15,000 [§ 159.30 (K)]. Based on a survey, the average cost per acre today is $ 18,750 which computes to a 25 percent increase from the current average. The proposed fees are as follows: Current Fees Proposed Fee Single Family Units: $375 $470 Multi Family Units: $300 $375 Mobile Home Units: $225 $280 In 1994 there was a 33 percent increase and a 25 percent increase in 1997. Discussion was held regarding the range of property values throughout the city and the formula used in the Park Land Dedication Ordinance. MOTION: Mr. Alexander moved to recommend to City Council approval of the Amendment to the Park Land Ordinance as presented. Mr. Stockland seconded the motion. The motion was approved 8-0-0. October 4, 1999 FAYETTEVILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE To: Connie Edmonston, Parks and Recreation From: Heather Woodruff, City Clerk Date: November 8, 1999 Attached is a copy of the ordinance amending the green space fees. The original will be microfilmed and filed with the City Clerk. The ordinance will also be published in the NWA Times. STATE OF ARKANSAS Xld - Ll County of Washington } ss. A41CROPTILMED I , JEFF JEFFUS, hereby certify that I am the publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class ORDINANCE NO. 4199 mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING published at a fixed place of business and at fixed (daily) intervals SECTION 166.03 K., RE- continuously In the Clry of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for OUIRED DEDICATION OF more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an LAND FOR PUBLIC PARK SITES, OR X REASONABLE established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all EQUCONTRIBU- TION INLLIEU OFENT ODEDICA- classes In the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed TION OF LAND, SUBSECTION price per annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the 1 .g., OF THE CODE OF FAYETTEVILLE, TO IN- publication, based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at CREASE THE CONTRIBU- least fifty percent Of the subscribers thereto have paid for their subscriptions TION FORMULA TO REFLECT AN INCREASE IN THE AVER- to the newspaper or Its agents or through recognized news dealers over a AGE MARKET PRICE. period of at least six months and that the said newspaper publishes an BE IT ORDAINED BY THE average of more than forty percent news matter. CRY COUNCIL, OF THE CRY OF FAYETTEVILLE: Simon 1. That §166.03 K. Re- I further rtify that the legal notice attached in the matter of public Dedication of Rea for �. ♦,..� n � A � �1 ` //(,'(� public Park Sites, ora Reason- ( y,r '/ r / / Reason- able Equivalent Contribution in Lieu of Dedication of Land, Subsection 1.g., of the Code of Fayetteville, shall be deleted was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for ars the following inserted in its consecutive insertions as follows: stead: §166.03 K. Required The first insertion on the / / da of 19 Dedication of Land for public y Park Sites, or a reasonable Equivalent Contribution the second insertion on the da of 19 — Lieu of Dedicationion of of Land. y 1 .g. A Contribution in lieu of land dedication shall be madb the third insertion on the day of 19 — according to the following for- mula: $470 for each single fam- iy unit, S375 for each multifami- the fourth insertion on the By of 19 ly unit, and $260 for each mo- bile homeunit permitted under the City's zoning regulations. The Parks Department shall re- view the contribution formula P r/General Manager every tow'(2f. years' erq'make a recommendation to the City �Counul folldw'Pd9 such reviiwo Sworn to and subscribed before me on this / day POASS ED AND APPROVED (A(..i thhis 2nd'_clay'bf No've'mber, . A 19 — APPROVED: C!!!!!!!!!!!!!te!!!!!!!!!!1e,&ee fp ry Public Fred Hanna, Mayor r � �° t Catherine Sall ATTEST: r My Commission Expires: NOCarY Pub tse Cl Heather Woodruff, City WashinMy CommissiontExpion res ty Clerk .(CCKCK(CC<CIsslon C pines C Fees for Printing.......................................................� Costof Proof.............................................................$ /7 Total.........................................................................$