HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4191 ORDINANCE NO, 4191 AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A TAX ON THE REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, FOR THE YEAR 1999 FIXING THE RATE THEREOF AT 1 .0 MILS AND CERTIFYING THE SAME TO THE COUNTY CLERK OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That a tax is hereby levied on the real and personal property within the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, for the year 1999, to be collected in 2000, for the following purposes at the following rates: co CO REAL ANIS PERSONAL PROP PROPERTY ca � Y x �' c m CD x o a wQ �� Lm x z .,r MCC U C..J O E 3 w z o D x w n- w �8licemen's Pension Fund .5 mils (nz m LLc� zm men's Pension Fund -5 mils cn o ry o z TOTAL 1 .0 mils n Cn x z � o rnm nS_Wion2. That the real and personal property tax so levied and the rates provided cntherefo'?e a hereby certified to the Clerk of Washington County, Arkansas, to be placed in the tax book by the County Clerk and collected in the same manner that the county and school district taxes are collected. S .tion The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to file certified copies of this ordinance in the office of the County Recorder, County Clerk, County Assessor, and the County Tax Collector for Washington County, Arkansas. PASSED AND APPROVED this-,5'h day of October , 1999. _.. APPROVED: Ir/ ( By: u �a t %`';' • '' J =A .'t Fr d Hanna, Mayor r � ` {A' PT T. �J Heather Woo uff, City Clerk U90�4�58 1 1 ifieitila8fl Wflfil®43. Pettit Al,-Pk and wfrofnoh 66QF�9RF ISF 4Wi!sHfltin &.914 th 'j, ArV.ffi ta6, ll hamey Pedi!!' that ihie hrol T9nt weP tiled fief roeard In PPV ote�e aglhdicaiedppieon anti the game fa now Gy ieogideg ; it the aeKn94�R9pa':nl and gprt .grata ihnre9� In Gegc;�j I�r€';s @isfl Fdga ;to indlFaittif thereon. IPJ Wi ;":As ?F, I haw) ;irn:�snlo .`-et my h1vid •:nct af ,'ra}t It~.g �eal6l .gald tJeVrt :✓ J;4 do;o �ts. ttni4Jii: c1% rimxl� %.:2tl. C� btarrr>t.4 1 t; 4191 STAFF REVIEW FORM XX AGENDA REQUEST _ CONTRACT REVIEW GRANT REVIEW For the Fayetteville City Council meeting of October 5, 1999 FROM: Stephen Davis Budget & Research Admin. Services Name Division Department ACTION REQUIRED : Council Action is requested to adopt real and personal property tax rates for 1999 for the Police and Fire Pension funds. The rate to be adopted is 0.5 mils for real property and 0.5 mils for personal property. There is no millage proposed for general government operations. COST TO CITY: $ N/A $ N/A Cost of this Request Category/Project Budget Category/Prcject Name $ N/A Account Number Funds Used To Date Program Name $ N/A Project Number Remaining Balance Fund BUD ET REVIEW: XX Budgeted Item uLi et Adjustment Attached B t ana erAkffifinstrative Services Director CONTRACT/GRANT/LEASE REVIEW: GRANTING AGENCY: AccoVngv� a Date Internal Auditor Date � yz,� s Ci Attom Date ADA Coordinator Date 9 a \ -qct Purchasing Officer Date STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of millage rates. Divisio Head Date Cross Reference New Item: Yes No De artment Director �JD�ate (� Prev Ord/Res #: rmnistra v ervices Director Date flM Orig Contract Date: Mayor Date H:\BUDGET\PROJECTS\MUlAGM99FTMIL.AGA.wpd FAYETTEVILLE THE CITY OF FAYETI'EVILLE, ARKANSAS DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE To: Fayetteville City Council Thru: Fred Hanna, Mayor Kevin Crosson, Administrative Services Director From: Budget & Resear404 Re: 1999 Millage Levy Date: September 20, 1999 Each year the City must approve an ordinance to renew the levy of ad valorem taxes on real and personal property within the City. This request will provide for such levy on property assessed during 1999. The total assessed value of real and personal property located within the city limits of Fayetteville, as of September 13, 1999, is approximately $563 million. The assessed valuation is before the Washington County Board of Equalization has made all the changes to the County Assessors Abstract. A millage levy ordinance must be approved by City Council in order for the City to continue to collect property taxes for the Fire and Police Pension Funds. The City levy will be added to the levies by Washington County, the various school districts, improvement districts and other cities within the County when the Washington County Quorum Court adopts its millage levy for 1999. The millage levied by this ordinance for the Fire Pension and Relief Fund and the Police Pension fund is 0.5 mils for real property and 0.5 mils for personal property. Any increase in millage rate for either the Fire Pension and Relief Fund and Police Pension must be approved by the voters. H.\BUDGET\PROJECTS\M R.I.AGE\99PTM a..MEM.wpd City of Fayetteville Property Tax Revenue per Mil September 20, 1999 Milla e Approximate Revenue 0. 10 $52,000 0.20 $1039000 0.30 $155,000 0.40 $207,000 0.50 $259,000 0.60 $310,000 0.70 $362,000 0.80 $414,000 0.90 $466,000 1 .00 $5172000 The millage revenue reflected above is based on the Washington County Preliminary Summary Report of County assessments for the Year 1999 dated September 13, 1999 and excludes real and personal property for Utilities. The current millage rate for operations is set at 0.0 mils. The City Council can approve up to 5.0 mils for operations. The table assumes a 95% collection rate. Total real and personal property assessments for 1999 amount to approximately $545 million excluding real estate and personal property for utilities. The change in assessed value, for real estate, from 1998 to 1999 is approximately $12 million or 3.0%. The change in assessed real estate value is due to newly discovered, newly constructed property and increases in personal property. The following tables illustrate how each city divides its portion of the Real Estate and Personal Property Taxes. REAL ESTATE TAXES POLICE FIRE POLICE FIRE G.O. YOUTH CITY GENERAL PENSION PENSION VOL VOL LIBRARY BONDS CENTER TOTAL FAYETTEVILLE 0.0 0.5 0.5 1 .0 SPRINGDALE 5.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 6.5 FARMINGTON 5.0 5.0 ELKINS 2.3 2.3 WINSLOW 3.0 3.0 PRAIRIE GROVE 5.0 1 .0 0.5 3.0 9.5 LINCOLN 5.0 1 1 .0 0.5 6.5 GREENLAND 3.0 3.0 WEST FORK 5.0 5.0 JOHNSON 5.0 2.4 ELM SPRINGS 2.0 5.0 ONTITOWN 2.0 2.0 RFORT SMITH 5.0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 0.5 8.0 ROGERS 3.0 0.5 0.5 0.9 4.9 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES POLICE FIRE POLICE FIRE G.O. YOUTH CITY GENERAL PENSION PENSION VOL VOL LIBRARY BONDS CENTER TOTAL FAYETTEVILLE 0.0 0.5 0.5 1 .0 SPRINGDALE 5.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 6.5 FARMINGTON 5.0 5.0 ELKINS 2.3 2.3 WINSLOW 3.0 3.0 PRAIRIE GROVE 5.0 1 .0 0.5 3.0 9.5 LINCOLN 5.0 1 .0 0.5 6.5 GREENLAND 3.0 3.0 WEST FORK 5.0 5.0 JOHNSON 5.0 2.4 ELM SPRINGS 2.0 5.0 TONTITOWN 2.0 2.0 FORT SMITH 5.0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 0.5 8.0 ROGERS 3.0 0.5 0.5 0.9 4.9 Sent By,: , Washington Co Assessor ; 501 444 151.8 ; t Sep - 20 - 99 3 : 48PM ; Page 2 / 3 Washington County Preliminary Summary Report of County Assessments for the Year 1999 City Totals 1988 1988 %change Elkins 8,091 ,360 81829,812 9 Elm Springs 6,770,104 6,821 ,132 2 Farmington 21 ,457,022 23,7440586 11 Fayetteville 541 ,040,341 563,437,269 4 Goshen 5,5089377 649861005 9 Greenland 5,2101069 5,4461775 5 Johnson 13,142,249 151857,516 21 Lincoln 109230,008 10,989, 181 7 Prairie Grove 18,671 ,715 1 %311 ,879 3 Springdale 382,706,776 414,468,995 8 Tontitown 9,683,712 10,520133 9 West Fork 11 ,402,333 11 ,9341880 5 Winslow 2, 123,449 2, 113,037 (0) g T TV [SIPN 99 mm Tei T �- Ti a V Na0 � a + OPP � xV0 imp paP as P + Y VaY Sm@Y OaN + Oa + �Y = Ym ' ,ww $ uoa8w '" � r +1" 8 MEM 'sYpssmoss VS as ms L1s9 e i tl Na0 MgmNVpum xpP Wm0 uPP as W + Y Yauq 1S pa + � fll G V O -2 -S uwi k +mlU 1yO V YOwPP OmONPa + Y + ON � OO N Np � pm � OOOpya •O M$ p ? 00 sOEM 631 HE ash g � � � ffi saa exon co � sa � s e Asoo ? 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DRAWER 34164 LITTLE Rock. ARKANsAs 72203 TELEPHONE (501 ) 662. 1745 FA) : (501 ) 682. 7751 TO : The Board of Trustees Police Pension and Relief Fund of FAYETT ILLE FROM : Arkansas Fire and Police Pension Review Board RE : 1997 Pension Fund Actuarial valuation DATE : July 7 , 1998 In accordance with state law , the actuary under , ontract to this office periodically tests all local fire and Pol ce pension funds for actuarial soundness . The 1997 actuarial study of your pension fund is attached . The financial tests for the pension f{ nd are to answer the • following questions : I XEaz l� 11 Is there enough annual income to the pensiop fund to fully fund it ? (See page 4 of the actuary ' s report . ) 2 . Are there enough assets in the pension fund: to cover all active member contributions , all payments to current retirants , and at least' 75t of future payments earned by active members ( See page 11 of the actuary ' s report ) , OR are current assets sufficient to cover 9p $ of all accrued actuarial liabilities ( See page to of the actuary ' s report ) ? 3 . Is this pension fund considered actuarially, sound under State law? • i JUL-07-98 TUE 09 ; 50 R04 Osborn , Carreiro & Associates , Inc . One Union NaaorW Plau.SWte 16W • AC (50124 West Capitol Avenue TUARIES CONSULTANTS ANALYSTS ��` ROd`' 73''6 72241 (SOI )3768043 July 711998 Board of Trustees Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Gentlemen: This report presents the results of our actuarial valuation of the assets and habilitis of the Fayetteville Police Pension Fund as of December 31, 1997. • This valuation is required by Arkansas Code Annotated 2411 -205. The purpose f this report is to (1) evaluate the actuarial status of the Fund, (2) determine the level contributionuiremcnt needed, (3) review the development of the Fund over the past several years, and (4) present certain actuarial items on pages 8 and 9 for disclosure under Governmental Accounting Standards.! This report is not intended for any other purpose. The member and financial information used in this report was supplied by the Arkansas Fire & Police Pension Review Board, whose cooperation is appreciated. We did not audit this information, although we did review it for reasonableness and consistency. ! I certify that this report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted actuarial principles and practices. In my opinion, the actuarial methods used are appropriate and the actuarial assumptions produce results which, in the aggregate, are reasonable. Sincerely, Steve Osborn, F.S.A., M.A.A.A. Actuary i i I i JUL-07-98 TUE 09 ; 50 P. 05 I TABLE OF CONTENTS EXHIBIT 1 CONTRIBUTIONS EXHIBIT 2 COST AND LIABILITIES EXHIBIT 3 SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL INF " �RMATION EXHIBIT 4 COMPARISON WITH PRIOR Y RS I • EXHIBIT 5 SHORT CONDITION TEST EXHIBIT 6 EMPLOYEE AND RETIREE PROFILES EXHIBIT 7 PRINCIPLE PROVISIONS OF THE PLAN EXHIBIT 8 ACTUARIAL METHODS AND ASSUMPTIONS i • JUL-07-98 TUE 09 ; 50 P, 06 EA'HTBIT l CONTRTBUTIONS I The following contribution level reflects the payment of the current year Normalost for benefits attributable to said year (see Exhibit 2) plus an amount sufficient to pay off the U funded Actuarial Liability over a 10-year period (5-year period for any unfunded retiree liability). [ hese costs DO NOT include the contributions due to the Local Police and Firefighters Retirement System ("LOPFT") for persons hired after 1982. 1998 Necessary Annual Contribution to pay: 1 Normal Cost, plus $ 1321306 2 Pay off the Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability (28;679) 3 Totalnecessary $ 103j 27 • Less 4 Expected Employee Contribution - 29;485 (6.00°.6 of salary) Necessary Employer Contribution $ 74,142 (This is the amount needed in addition to investment income) Covered Payroll $ 491 ,422 Necessary Employer Rate 15.09% These contributions assume that the dollar contribution grows at a rate of 4% per year. The contributions are assumed to be made continuously throughout the year. The actual 1997 contribution was $588,261 from the employer. • 4 I