HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4140 ORDINANCE NO. 414 0 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 51 , WATER AND SEWERS, OF THE CODE OF FAYETTEVILLE, TO ADD SECTION 51 . 146, BACKFLOW PREVENTION, PROVIDING FOR CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF CONNECTIONS TO THE PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY. WHEREAS, the State of Arkansas Rules and Regulations Pertaining to Public Water Systems, Section VILE, provides for a cross-connection program which locates and eliminates cross- connections; and, WHEREAS, the City Council finds it necessary for the health, safety, and welfare of the public to adopt cross-connection control standards and requirements for the design, construction, and maintenance of connections to the public water supply. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That Chapter 51 , Water and Sewers, of the Code of Fayetteville, is hereby amended to add the following: §51.146 Backflow Prevention A. Purpose, The purpose of this Section is as follows: 1 . To protect the public water supply of the City of Fayetteville from the possibility of contamination or pollution from backflow into the public water system. 2. To promote the elimination or control of cross connections, actual or potential, between the customer's potable water system(s) and nonpotable water systems, plumbing fixtures, and industrial piping systems. 3. To contain at the service connection any actual or potential pollution or contamination within the customer's premises. 4. To provide a continuous, systematic, and effective program of cross-connection control. B, Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning. Page 2 Ordinance No. 414 0 February 2, 1999 1. Backflow shall mean a hydraulic condition, caused by a difference in pressures, in which non-potable water or other fluids flow into a potable water system. 2. Backflow preventer shall mean a testable assembly to prevent backflow. 3. Cross Connection means any actual or potential connection between the public water system and a source of contamination or pollution. 4. Double-Check Valve Assembly (DC) means a complete assembly meeting AWWA Standard C510 and the requirements of the Arkansas State Plumbing Code consisting of two (2) internally loaded, independently operating check valves between two (2) tightly closing resilient-seated shutoff valves, with foto (4) properly placed resilient seated test cocks. 5. Reduced-Pressure Principle Backflow Prevention Assembly (RP) means a complete assembly meeting AWWA Standard C511 and the requirements of the Arkansas State Plumbing Code consisting of a hydraulically operating, mechanically independent differential relief valve located between two (2) independently operating, internally loaded check valves that are located between two (2) tightly closing resilient seated shutoff valves with four (4) properly placed resilient-seated test cocks. 6. Air Gap (AG) means a physical separation between two piping systems. C. Handbook of Policies and Procedures. There is hereby adopted by the City Council, by reference thereto, the provisions set forth in the City of Fayetteville Cross-Connection Control Program: Handbook of Policies and Procedures, as may from time to time hereafter be amended. D. Applicability. 1 . The requirements and standards set forth herein shall apply to industrial and commercial establishments. 2. Single-family, residential dwelling units, unless involved in commercial operations, are exempt from the requirements of this Section except where thy fall under the purview of the Arkansas State Plumbing Code and/or the City of Fayetteville's Cross-Connection Control Program: Handbook of Policies and Procedures. Page 3 Ordinance No. 4 14 0 February 2, 1999 3. These standards are supplemental to and do not supersede or modify the Arkansas State Plumbing Code (ASPC) and its latest revisions under which the City operates. E. Administration. The Water and Sewer Division of the City of Fayetteville shall be responsible for administration of this Section and evaluating the hazards inherent in supplying a customer's water system. F. Backflow Prevention. 1. Evaluation of Hazards. The Water and Sewer Division shall determine whether solid, liquid, or gaseous pollutants or contaminants are, or may be, handled and/or used on the customer's premises in such a manner as to possibly contaminate the public water system. 2. Customer Installation of BFP. When a hazard or potential hazard to the public water system is found on the customer's premises, the customer shall be required to install an approved backflow prevention assembly (BFP), or an air gap, at each public water service connection to the premises. 3. Type of BFP. a. The type of BFP required shall depend on the degree of hazard involved. b. Any backflow prevention assembly required herein shall be an approved type which is in compliance with requirements of the City of Fayetteville's Cross-Connection Control Program: Handbook of Policies and Procedures. 4. Degree of Hazard. The degree of hazard shall be as determined as set forth in AWWA M- 14 manual or as described below: a. In the case of any premise where there is an auxiliary water supply connected to the plumbing system, the public water system shall be protected from the possibility of backflow by a reduced-pressure principle backflow prevention assembly (RP) at the service connection. b. In the case of any premise where substances are handled and/or used that are objectionable, but not hazardous to human health, and the likelihood exists of it being introduced into the public water system by virtue of a backflow occurrence, the public water system shall be protected by an air gap or approved double check valve assembly (DC). Page 4 Ordinance No. 4 14 0 February 2, 1999 c. In the case of any premise where there is any material hazardous to human health, which is handled and/or used in such a fashion as to create an actual or potential threat to the public water system by virtue of a backflow occurrence, the public water system shall be protected by an air gap or an approved reduced-pressure principle backflow prevention assembly (RP). d. In the case of any premise where there are unprotected cross-connections, either actual or potential, the public water system shall be protected by an approved reduced-pressure principle backflow prevention assembly (RP) or an air gap at the service connection. e. In the case of any premise where, because of security requirements or other prohibitions or restrictions, it is impossible or impractical to make a complete cross-connection survey, the public water system shall be protected by the installation of an approved reduced-pressure principle backflow prevention assembly (RP) or an air gap at the service connection. G. Noncompliance/Emergencies. 1. Violation/Notice. Upon discovery of any protective device required by this Section which has not been installed, or is defective, or has been removed, or altered, or relocated, or bypassed, (except emergency situations), written notice shall be given to the customer. Such notice shall set forth the violation, the remedy required, and the time frame in which the violation shall be remedied. 2. Water Service Discontinued. a. If violations are not corrected by the date and time as stated on the notice, the water supply will be discontinued by the Water and Sewer Division. b. Discontinued water service shall not be resumed until conditions at the customer's premises have been abated or corrected to the satisfaction of the Water and Sewer Division. 3, No Water Service Connection. No water service connection shall be installed on the premises of any customer unless the public potable water system is protected as required by this Section. 4. Emergency. In emergency situations when the public potable water supply is being contaminated or is in immediate danger of contamination, the Page 5 Ordinance No. 4140 February 2, 1999 water service shall be discontinued by the Water and Sewer Division immediately without notice I. Right of Entry. For the purpose of making any inspections or discharging the duties imposed by this Section, the Water and Sewer Division of the City of Fayetteville, the State Health Department, and/or plumbing inspector shall have the right to enter upon the premises of any customer. Each customer, as a condition of the continued delivery to his premises of water from the public water supply, shall be considered as having stated his consent to the entry upon his premise of the Water and Sewer Division of the City of Fayetteville, the State Health Department, and/or plumbing inspector for the purpose stated herein. H. Ownership. Backflow prevention assemblies required by this Section will be installed downstream of the water meter and are owned by, and are the responsibility of the customer of the water utility. 1. Installation and Costs. Customers of the city water utility requiring backflow prevention assemblies shall pay all costs associated with installation of the appropriate size and type of backflow preventer under private contract. Backflow prevention assemblies shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the City ofFayetteville's Cross-Connection Control Program: Handbook of Policies and Procedures. . The Water and Sewer Division shall review and approve all plans for placement of backflow preventers prior to installation. Backflow prevention assemblies not installed in accordance with the requirements of the City of Fayetteville's Cross-Connection Control Program: Handbook of Policies and Procedures shall be corrected at the customer's expense. J. Testing and Maintenance. The customer or the contractor responsible for the installation of the backflow prevention assembly will notify the Water and Sewer Division immediately after installation of the assembly so that it can be tested and inspected. The Water and Sewer Division will inspect and test the backflow prevention assembly within ten days of the installation date and annually thereafter. In instances where the Water and Sewer Division, the City of Fayetteville, and/or the plumbing inspector deems the hazard to be great enough, testing may be required at more frequent intervals. All costs of testing shall be paid by the customer. Any repairs required as a result of inspections or testing shall be arranged for and paid by the customer through private contract with a certified Assembly Repair Technician. Records of inspections, testing, and/or repairs to backflow preventers shall be kept by the Water and Sewer Division and/or City of Fayetteville and made available to the State Health Department upon request. Page 6 Ordinance No. 4140 February 2, 1999 K New Construction. All new construction within the City of Fayetteville shall be effected upon the passage of this Section. All existing customer premises shall be in compliance with this Section in accordance with the notification by the water utility. L. Thermal Expansion. It is the responsibility of the customer to eliminate possible hazards caused by thermal expansion if a closed system has been created by the installation of a backflow assembly. PASSED AND APPROVED this 2nd day of February 1999. APPROVED: .v. 4 v'� ,• t� red Hanna, Mayor r � 4 EcS�. r Q�� It Heather Woodruff, City Cl r FAYETTEVILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVIEEE, ARKANSAS DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE To: Jim Smith, Business Office From: Heather Woodruff, City Clerk Date: February 10, 1999 Attached is a copy of the ordinance approving the amendments to Chapter 51 of the code book for your records. The original will be microfilmed and file with the City Clerk. CC. Inspections Engineering file ORDIi4l,1,NCE NO. "4140 4. Double-Check Valve As- A. semby (DC) means a complete AN ORDINANCE AMENDING assembly meeting AWwA STATE OF ARKANSAS K'•C V L' u v w Li CHAPTER 51 , WATER AND Standard C510 and the require- SEWERS, OF THE CODE OF ments of the Arkansas State FAYETTEVILLE, TO ADD Plumbing Code consisting of County of Washington SS. FEB 19 1999 - SECTION 51.146, BACKFLOW two (2) internally loaded, inde- PREVENTION, PROVIDING pendently operating check FOR CROSS CONNECTION valves between two (2) tightly CONTROL STANDARDS AND closing resilient-seated shutoff I , JEFF JEFFUS, hereby certify 01410lB6 OMher of THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE valves, with four (4) properly NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a dailya having a second class DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION placed resilient seated test newspaper Per 9 AND MAINTENANCE OF cocks. mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, CONNECTIONS TOTHE PU& LIC WATER SUPPLY. S. Reduced-Pressure Princi- published at a fixed place of business and at fixed (daily) intervals pie Backflow Prevention As- continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for WHEREAS, the State of Ar- assembly ) meet ng complete WA more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an Pertkanas Rules and Regulations Standard 0511 and the require- Pertaining ton VILE. Water Sys- ments of the Arkansas State established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all toms, Section VILE, p cogs s Plumbing Code consisting of e fora locates nd el program ng "g classes in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed which locates and eliminates hydraulically Ind operating, me- cross-connections; and aarucely Independent different price per annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the list relief valve located between bd on the news value and service value it contains, that at WHEREAS, the City Council two (2) independently operat- publication, aseupon finds it necessary for the Ing, internally loaded check least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid for their subscriptions health, safety, and welfare of valves that am located between the public to adopt cess-con- two (2) tightly closing resilient to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a nection control standards and seated shutoff valves with four period of at least six months and that the said newspaper publishes an requirements for the design, (4) properly placed resilient- construction, and maintenance seated test cocks. average of more than forty percent news matter. of connections to the public wa- tersuppy. ' 6. Air Gap (AG) means a physical separation between I further certify that the legal notice attached in the matter of NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT hvo piping systems. ORDAINED BY THE CITY C. Handbook of Policies and COUNCIL THE OF Procedures. There is hereby FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS. adopted by the City Council, by I Section 1. That Chapter 51 , reference thereto, the provi- WBS published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for Water and Sewers, of the Cafe sions set forth in the City of P g Y of Fayetteville, is hereby Fayetteville Cross-Connaalon consecutive insertions as toll WS: amended to add the following: Control Program: Handbook of Policies and Procedures, as _ §51.146 Baddlow Prevention may from time to time hereafter The first insertion on the da Of 19 A. Purpose. The purpose of be amended. Y this Section is as follows: D. Applicability the second insertion on the day of 19 — 1. To protect the public water 1 . The requirements and supply of the City of Fayetteville standards set forth herein shall from the possibility of conform. appy to industrial and commer- the third Insertion On the day Of 19 — nation or pollution from back. dal establishments. flow into the public water sys- 2 Single-family, residential the fourth insertion on thtee ay Of 19 dwelling units, unless involved 2. To promote the elimination in commercial operations, are or control of cross connections, exempt from the requirements actual or potential, between the of this Section except where my fall under the purview of the Ar. ser/General Manager customer's potable water sys- g lenses State Plumbing Code taints) and nonpotable water arxl/or the City of Fayetteville's .� systems, plumbkV fixtures, and Cross-Connection Control Pro- Sworn to and subscribed before me on this day of intlustnal Piping systems. Hand: Handbook of Policies and Pro- 3. To contain at the service cedures. A 114 A1 connection any actual or poten- tial pollution or contamination 3. Than standards are sup- within the automeespromisee. plemental to and do not super. !!!!f!! !! 41 sede or mollify the Arkansas 4. To provide a continuous, State Plumbing Code (ASPC) r Catri .t �< systematic, and effective pro- and its latest revisions under , Notary public, Statc of Arkansas 1 otary Public gram of cross-connection con- which the City operates. t Washington County o M Commission Expires: — E. Administration. The water Y P , Wim. B. Definitions. For the pur- and Sewer Division of the City 2C«(((««<(<CCCC«<CK(CC<CC(CC<( < Pon of this section, Na lotion- of Fayetteville shall io rof this ins definitionsct shall apply di- . Bible for and evaluating t of this less the context clearly hent Section antl evaluating Me hoz- Fees for Printing cafes or requires a different ands inherent in supplying a � g••••••••.••••.•••.•......••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••$ meaning. Custamens water system. F. Backflow Prevention. Cost Of Proof.............................................................$ 1. BacMbw shall mean a hy- ✓ `�- D� dmulic condition, caused by a 1 . Evaluation of Hazards. difference in pressures. in The Water and Sewer Division Total..........................................................................$ - which non-potable water or oth- shall determine whether solid, er fluids flow into a potable wa- liquid, or gaseous pollutants or ter system. contaminants are, or may be, handled and/or used on the 2. Backflow preventer shall Customer's promises in such a mean a testable assembly to manner as to possibly contami. prevent backflow. nate the public water system. 3. Cross Connection means 2. Customer Installation of any actual or potential connec. BFR. When a hazard or poten. tion between the public water tial hazard to the public water system and a source of con- system is found on the custom. lamination or pollution. er's premises, the customer shall be required to install an approved backflow prevention assembly (BFP), or an air gap, �Y at each public water service connection to the premises. 3. Type of BFP. Z. Water £ervice Discontin- z uetl J. Testing and Maintenance. , a. The type of BFP required - The customer or the contractor shall depend on the degree of a. If violations are not cor- responsible for the installation hazard involved. rectetl by the date end time as of the backflow prevention as- b. Any 6acMlow prevention stated on the notice, the water sewill notify the Water and FEB 19 1999 assembly required herein shall supply will be discontinued by Sewerwer Division immediately be an approved type which is in the Water and Sewer Division. ter installation of the assembblyly compliance with requirements so that a can he tested end in- �p* of the City of Fayetteville's b. Discontinued water serv- steed' The Water and Sewer FI(�ME NJ(.fd� Cross-Connection Control Pro- ice shall not be resumed until Divislon will inspect arta test the gram: Handbook of Policies conditions at the customer's backflow prevention assembly and Procedures. premises have been abated or within ten days of the installa- corrected to the satisfaction of lion da be and annually there- 4. Degree of Hazard. The the Water and Sewer Division. after. In instances where the degree of hazard shall as Water and Sewer .Division, the determined as set forth in AW- 3. No Water Service Conner City of Fayetteville, and/or the WA M-14 manual or as descn- tion. No.water service con- plumbing inspector deems the bed below: vection shall be installed on the hazard to be great enough, premises of any customer un- testing may be required at more a. In the case of any prem- less the public potable water frequent intervals. All costs of ise where there Is an auxiliary system is protected as required testing shall e paid by the cus- r water supply connected to the by this Section. tomer. Any repairs regdired as plumbing system, the public a result of inspections or testing water system shall be protected shall be arranged for and paid from the possibility of backflow 4. Emergency. In emrivate ergen- by te customer ract with a cert iegd Assem- by a malumc-pressure assemble cy situations when the public bly Repair Technician. Records RP at the service connection. y Potable water supply is being of inspections, testing, and/or ( ) conburnmated or is in immediate repairs to backflow preventers b. In the case of a danger of contamination, the shall be kept by the Water aril rt' prem- water service shall be discon- ise where substances are hen- tined by the Water and Sewer Sewer Division and/or City of ti died and/or used that are objet- Division immediately without Fayetteville and made available to the State Health Department tionable, but not hazardous to human health, and the likeli- ratite upon request. hood exists of it being intro- I. Right of Entry. For the pur- duced Into the public water sys- pose of making any inspections K New Construction. All . tem by vine of a DecMlow oc- or discharging the duties im- ' cumene, the public water sys- posed by this Section, the Wa- new construction within the Cay tem shall be protected by an air ter and Sewer Division of the ' of Fayetteville shall be effected Sec- gap or approved double check City of Fayetteville, the State ' upon the passage of this Sec- vaNeassembly (DC). Health Department, and/or ' lion. All existing customer plumbing inspector shall have ' Premises shall be in compli- c. In the case of arty prem the right nsns enter upon the ance with this Section in ac- ise where there is any material premises of any customer. cordance with the notification hazardous to human health, Each customer, as a condition by the water utility. which is handled and/or used in of the continued delivery to his such a fashion as to create an premises of water from the pub- L. Thermal Expansion. It is actual or potential threat to the lic water supply. shall be con- I the responsibility of the custom- public water system by virtue of sideretl es having statetl his or to eliminate possible hazards a backflow occurrence. the consent to the entry upon his caused by stem h expansion if public water system shall be premise of the Water and Sew- a edcloby system has been f a protected by an air gap or an er Division of the City of Fayet- atetl by the installation of e approved reduced-pressure teville, the State Health Depart- backflow assembly. principle backflow prevention ment, and/or plumbing inspec- ' assembly (RP). for for the purpose stated here- PASSED AND APPROVED in. this 2nd day of February, d. In the case of any prem- H. Ownership. Backfiow pre- ise where them am unprotected vention assemblies required by , 1999' cross-connections, either actual this Section will be Installed i or potential, the public water downstream of the water meter i APPROVED: system shall be protected by an and are owned by, and are the l approved reduced-pressure responsibility of the customer of I By: Fred Hanna, Mayor principle backflow prevention the water utility. assembly (RP) or an air gap at j the service connection. I. Installation and Costs. i ATTEST. e. In the case of a I Customers of the dry water util- t any prem- ity requiring backflow preven- r By. Heather Woodruff, City iso where, because of security tion assemblies shall pay all Clerk requirements or other prohibi- costs associated with installa- tions or restrictions, it is inpos- tion of the appropriate size and sible or impractical to make a type of backflow preventer un- complete cross-connection sur- der private contract. Backflow vey, the public water system prevention assemblies shall be shall be protected by the instal- installed in accordance with the fiction of an approved reduced- • requirements of the City of pressure principle backflow pre- , Fayetteville's Cross-Connection vention assembly (RP) or an air Control Program: Handbook of gap at the service connection. Policies and Procedures. . The G. Noncomplianoe/Emergen- ' Water and Sewer Division shall review and approve all plans for cues. , placement of backflow prevent- 1. Violation/Notice. Upon tis- ors prior to installation. Back- flow prevention assemblies not covery of any protective device installed in accordance with the required by this Section which requirements of the City of has not been installed, or is de- Fayetteville's Cross-Connection fective. or has been removed, Control Program: Handbook of or altered, or relocated, or by- Policies and Procedures shall passed (except emergency sit- be corrected at the customer's uations), written notice shall be expense given to the customer. Such no- hoe shall set forth the violation, the remedy required and the time frame in which the viola- tion shall be remedied. sembly IDC) means a complete . • . AN 611IDINANCE AMENDING assembly Heeling AwWA STATE OF ARKANSAS K G V c a CHAPTER 51 , WATER AND Standard C510 and me require- - SEWERS, OF THE CODE OF Monts of the Arkansas State _ FAYETTEVILLE, TO ADD Plumbing Code consisting of County of ton ss. FEB 19 SECTION $1 .149, BACKFLOW two (2) Internally loaded, inde• Y Washington 1999 PREVENTION, PROVIDING pendently operating check FOR CROSS CONNECTION valves between two (2) tightly CONTROL STANDARDS AND dosing twitter-Mted shutoff I , JEFF JEFFUS, hereby certify tlFd Scher of THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE valves. with lour (4) properly NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily a having a second class DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION placed resilient seated lest Y news P Per 9 • AND MAINTENANCE OF cadet, mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, • S Reduced•premi Pdnci- business an ( Y) CONNECTIONS SUPPLY.ON3 L THE PUB- LIC WATER published at a fixed place of d at fixed (daily) Intervals ple Backflow Prevention As- continuously In the Cit of Fayetteville, Count of Washington, Arkansas for WHEREAS, the Slate of Ar- Be" (RP) means a complete , Y Y Y Y 9 kansas Rules and Regulations assembly maeling AWWA more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an Pertaining to Public Water Sys- Standard 0511 and 01e require- tae. Section VILbnprovides rrovi e s Plumbing the CodArkansas Sta1e established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all I h drauscallof a classes in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed which locates and eliminates Y y operating, me• cross-conrgo9cnrarid, el c fla�ly� a cated � price per annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the WHEREAS, the City Council two (2) Independently operst- publication, based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at finds it , necessary for the Ing. Internally loaded check least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid for their subscriptions health, safety, and welfare of valves that are located between the public to adopt croar- i two (2) tightly closing resilient to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a nectlon control standards and mated shutoff valves with four ' requirements for the design. (4) property placed resilient. I Pended of at least six months and that the said newspaper publishes an construction, and maintenance mated tatcocke. - . I average of more than forty percent news matter. offr connections to the public we- • 9. Air Gap (AG) means a ; per• " I . physical separation between I further certify that the legal notice attached in the matter of NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT_ t piping systems. r - 7 ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ,C. I Handbook of Policies ands FAYETiEVILLE, ARKANSAS:: THE CITY OF Procedures. There Is hereby - 1... adopted by the City Council. byj Section 1. That Chapter 51 „ reference thereto, the pi Water and sewers, of the Code cions set forth In the City of was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for amended to add the Is I Control Pmgni Handbook Cross-Connection consecutive insertions as Poll ws: 1 Policies and Procedures, es §51.146 Backflow Prevention prey from time to time hereaffer The first insertion on the be amended. - day of 19 A. Purpose. The purpose o/ D.—Applicability ((J� this section a as slows: the second insertion on the day of 19 — I. To protect the public water; * 1 - The requirements and ! supply of the City of Fayetteville standards set forth herein shall from the possibility of contarri apply to Industrial and commer- the third insertion on the day _ f 19 — nation or pollution from back cial establishments. flow tem. Into the public water sys_ -2 Single-family, residential j dwelling units, unless involved the fourth insertY ion on the a of 19 2. To promote the elimination In commercial operations, are I or control of class connections, exempt from the requirements actual or potential, between the of this Section except where thy customer'sotable water s s- fall under the purview of the Ar p — y-�_ kansas State Plumbing Cotle �uiser/General Manager teas and nonpolable water and/or the City of Fayetteville's L� systems, plumbing fixtures, and Cross-Connection Control Pro- Sworn to and subscribed before me on this J Pro- Industrial piping systems. gram: day Of 3. TO Contain at the serviceHandbook of Policies and Pro- coal cal poll on any acetal or potion ' -cedures. tial pollution or contamination ' 3. Theca standards en- sup- within the customers premises. . plemental to and do not super- sede or modify the Arkansas ,tl dOCILc .i 4. To provide a continuous, State Plumbing Code (ASPC) 2r I all systematic, and effective pro- and Its latest revisions under )r Notary Fuh1ii Statc of Arkan5a8 1 Olafy Public gram of cross-connection con-trol. I which the City operates. �, �'r'ashie oft County r E. Administration. The Water it My Commission Expires: --y-p(y-�i,,,;Td..iwr-[;r• n 1171110 B. Definhicns. For the pur- and Sewer Division of the City �cc<ccccctc.c«c<cc«<cc<ctc<uccc< 'C pose of this section, the follow- of Fayetteville shall be res n- Ing definitionsct shall apply di sthle for and evaluating on of this lass the context clearly Inds- Section antl nt in sup the hoz- ' Fees for Printing cotes or requires a different ertls Inherent in supplying a ..••••••••••••••---.-•••••••••••-.......••••••••••.•.--$ CIS meaning. customers water system. r F., Backflow Prevention. Cost of Proof...... .......................................................$ / 1. os shell mean a - . , tlraulic condition. caused byy a a 1 ; Evaluation of Hazards. i difference In pressures, In , The Water and Sewer Division I Total..................... .....................................................$ which non-potable water or oth. shall determine whether solid, er fluids flow Into a potable wa- liquid. or gaseous pollutants or 1 ter system. contaminants are, or may be, handled and/or used on the I 2. Backflow preventer shall customers premises In such e i mean a testable assembly to Manner as to possibly contami- prevent backflow, note the public water system. 3. Cross Connection means 2. Customer Installation of any actual or potential connec- BFR When a hazard or poten. tion between the public water - tial hazard to the public water system and a source of con. system Is found on the custom. lamination or pollution, ors promises, the customer shall be required to Install an / approved backflow prevention /�J DD• .'JG assembly (BFP), or an air gap, at each public water service connection to the premises. a of BFP. 2. - Water Sarvke DLxomin• - J T eritl Maintenance. I _ Pansill a. Ttha type of he required Ued : 44A, u r' - ... responsible o N sten ; - hazard depend . iia tlegree of e. t vicetloiq aro not car- of the backflow prevention as- Any bb mq red heof I . orectedn Chow t the'We and of er s wer will �Immediaft tely and ; FEB 1 9 1999 . . be an epprovad type wlhkln a bt wDDN will be alalwntlnued by � Installation of.the assembly . compliance wiN rsqulromenroI tea_ Ord 8ewar,Dlvelon. ?: w that b can be tested and W Of the Cloy of Feay Itevltle'e "K Tp -wad earv'. �on 4Tha Wect and Sewer FItVuNliL yLr f& Cortina met the Pro- X00 shall not be.rowmed untin will l assembly Ram: Handbook d Policies ' conditions at the.customees Ij and ProoedurW. : �' ��.• wltNn ton days of the Insele- x^•rti<.w,pty�yCAbit ,•' Prornl"e nava been w tion date and annually there- 'consoled.,,. .connoted to the "defection of - ;. 'e._ Dpsepproe of Mallard. The atter. Ind Sewer whore the f gree of hazard shall be all '� Nher and 8svror Division- t, City nand Sawa/DMebn, the 97eanater Service r ipeoc lec- ,tlsA M-1rod ".set roM„e AW, ;?d3.r No Water water vervice nnec, ,Cny of Faye oct r dee roe the .WA al•t4 rrenusl or as& Hessen- tm.dF6 No.water "Mee con• 'Pemblip rnepador tl"mn the 'bed Wbw:)RT.4'eptp� _ nection shay be kwasled an the .hazard to be great. enough, _ . -proml"s of any customer un-`;eek "nay be nkful ed "' more +dais dh tha uss of any prem' b"Ahe public potable.water frequard Q a°nae.7 Ali costs of i .W when there a m auxelary -syn ,tasting shall Its paid by to cu • nater supply connected to the b pon, to u required . tamor,q repalrs•rcpdired es Dy tas Ssdlat.tage { glwon]: p plumbing syetsm;'ths7publlc { '�f• y%yh ea reeun ol, , ,or testlrq water.sytan shall be protegad shalt be-arranged for and paid from theopossibl*;cf bac kflow+� vtoaj't+by g1e dlgWnar "ough povate fake. E�rrppaa�rl1�"yy ertarpen-, by • heduomd grassure.pdrdpe vcy`kdtuatlona,when,thelpul" contract with e.cemfetl Assam' beckftow'preventlon assembly ]Dy RepalrTschnlUaW Records i (RP) altlha service aonnedlan Ypotabfe watersuppfy,e being .77of,Inspections, teating,.and/or UarreMhated orja In Immediate � tdangenol;contaminatlon,vthe rep 11 be k Daaktbve Water and 1 no b:=In the ease al"u'ry Went- shell be kept by Ne Water end Ise wlhsro hetsubs va Ifs are hen• ' ywateveervloe shalPbe-doecon- tSewer Division and/or City of alnued by ilea Wetar,aed. Sewei :, Fayettevilleandmade'avaleble ) "tlbd arxYor used that aro ob)eo- DIVIeIon Immediately mthoot • tc 1he.SteteNeeeh Depemment I tlogebla.?but not hazardous to � ^ human Aeelth; and.the Ilkell + ` upon requeeLOA'ihp hood exlete olat being Intro . L"R of For the pun• is a.E7`.0y�'ya ` Li i iix7 tern Ido tha'pubec"water eye• l L,Right �'n . ^�'�K Ne�w.Conetruetio'nZ"All I by virtue of a backnow oc - to0e0 0l malting any iropecdma or;dlecherpinp ;tha_dutlea im- 1 wrtenee,'.the public "ter aye.' • ' - this Sactlon,.the we- new wrlsvhnUlon within the City , tam eMe be proteded by an air alter an by Division of the of Fayette viae•ahall be:affadoo pap or approved double check gClry;of FayetteWlla the State upon the pea"lie o1 this Sec• veNe DC . v tion All existing customer my .(„r 1d--� ""., :Health Department; and/or y b, �•:..�. +-.iw plumbing Inspector "shell have 'premises shall be in compll- ,;;cc. .irn Uta rasa of arty prem- tne'rigM'to enter upon'tna _ance,with this Section Jn ac- f e a there a arty material Premlaea, I,,,aay,customer.' � ace wi mlhe titir6aatrto'n hazardous Yoihuman health, Each cuslamor, 'es e'meditron *, which Whended and1w used k :`Kl :...AxHetii'sa+'>u al.the,cmtinued daihrery,to_his ; -,. . sucth'a'feshbn es ro create an a Thermal Expaesxxh.-_tt e actual or'poter beJ 'threat to the lac w ses of p r from the pub I resPonvbluly of the custom- public water ai ered supp having to his I er to eiuNnate possible hazard system by ce. t e consent to having "stated his e backflow occurrence. the I wooed by tlannai s been cr t consent to the entry upon his public water System shall ba premise-ol the Water and Sew- a dosed hes been era protected by an air gap or an er.DViskn,of the City-of Fa t. atad bytthe insta�llaat.ia.oz��nlodvfppe approved reduced-pre I teviee,the Sete Health Depart- 'bacldlow tassemby. SiCr7J a.it pdndple backflow prevention men, and/or plumbing inspec 6.... ~` t . '?f' "' to roe the purpose stated here a ED AN assembly (RP). t 41 ± c n j In x" • .+-;.al'a v s` r. ,_e- PASSED AND APPROVED L,: . :a <rL'l�.r> mrvM n the 2nd.., day of �Febivary, v d.' In the case of any prerrh•I, H. Ownerehip.r'Beckare- ow p Isawhere them areunprotected i vemion,assemWles required by l : wcssconnections, elther °duel or potential, the public water doydna Seotlo ' will be Installed APPROVED: 9 OR, .F.•*. .b:•as.F% "am shall be protected an and am em "ec tin'Wafer meter I �^N k4IL 4 My. by and ere bwrheC by, and are the approved ren backflow reduced-pressure responsibility of the astomer,of I Fred Hanna;Mayor 6r+. 2n.; principle backflow prevention thewaterubiny. - h far ..ma.at tat a4.^^. rq^. - assembly (RP) or an air gap at .Uuo . r Jr.,s a agqmo'J bti Not bra theserviceconnection. �t n sts. ' ATTEST' :ul:b,rgk*rzn +A brtf: � Ijtlnars Of on en"terts. •Tr*h;,., nt7 •all:" .4e3 f1,ao3 c .• 1,a}.yatrde x) ?r,Jngh lion-ri: ' ur*e� In the case of any prehhf Cusco 6 ri of the dry water enutil- ( B Heather Woodruff,%Cit ., nY Tais ing'bacrshaI graven- 1 la Y ase where, because of aearfy a} tlom asaemblies'shell peyell Clerk.,.,..,e.,.�,....�.,�j requirements or other prohibi• costa assoclated with installs- �� " '- ibes or Impracticaons,l tt e oke a don of the'apphrphate,size and Bible or Impractical to make a ol'beckflow preventer un- complete crasscorinettlon sur- •IpdSate mntract,- Backflow .Vey. the public water system I - assemblies Mall be 2 shall be protected by the insist- ; Iled�in elxoroance.whh the etbn of an approved reduced Ire u(remente'of the,•Cit of pressem Principe backaow Pre- t Faymenlle'e Cross-Connection tion gapat easemby (RP) ecioair I Control Program: Handbook of gap at the "nuke connection. Follow and Procedures. . The O. _NorhmmpllehhcNEmergen• ' Water and Sewer Division shall des:a'yt.., u: .1rhA writ , tT I review and approve all plane for + n rv. t:.,!. it or cww,. •. :fl 1 Plecrmam of baddlow prevem. act:violin r"tibe:l Upon de• ere proof to Installation. Back• covery of any protector I Pence t- flow Prevention assemblies not required by tone SedI weir! Ihetaletl Ha000hdance calm tIre hes h1d dam Wtaeed;w e requirements of the .Clty of has not be has Dalen remo' Fayettenee's Crone-Connection fa altered, or been room a Control Program: Handbook of Passed, (except emery a Polities and Procedures meet "Mora) written note a be'wne %I et the dustomc� uh •1w l given to the cwtoo' experae..''_ :a': ,( :: i nus shall se rory theromedy roe air ell tome Isms In �Qo ai ��p %61 OPIES •tion "I be renheaE'ia MICCR OFT rLMED BACKFLOW PREVNT IIISTAFF RWVIEW FORM F• 1 xx Agenda Request Contract Review Grant Review FOR THE FAYETTEVILLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF February 2 , 1999 FROM: Jim Smith Water and Sewer Services Administrative Servires Name Division Department ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt Ordinance amending Chapter 51 , Water and Sewers , of the Code of Fayetteville , to add Section 51 . 146 , Backflow Prevention , providing for Cross Connection Control Standards , and requirements for the design construction , and maintenance of connections to the public water supply . COST TO THE CITY: $ N/A $ N/ A Cost of this request Category/Project Budget Category/Project Name Account Number Funds used to date Program Name N/ A Project Number Remaining Balance Fund BUDGET REVIEW: Budgeted Item Budget Adjustment Attached Budget Coordinator Administrative Services Director CONTRACT/GRANT/LEASE REVIEW: GRANTING AGENCY: `n 47 - i8 -9 2- - S Ac un=r D)to Internal Auditor Date Cr ttamey Date ADA Coordinator Date M Purchasing Officer Date STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Div'sW n Head Date n D' tor Dat v Services Director D4Ce Ma or Fate