HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4131 F'1LE� FOR RECOPp 099 RPfl 2 PIS 3 58 IYASH�NCTON CO �, 3 K 14OPMESS ORDINANCE NO, 4131 AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION RZ98-20 FOR A PARCEL CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 6.36 ACRES LOCATED AT 716 W. SYCAMORE AS REQUESTED BY SHARMAN STURCHIO AND RICH KING. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section1. That the zone classification of the following described property is hereby changed as follows: From I-1 Heavy Commercial, Light Industrial to C-2 Commercial Thoroughfare for the real property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 2. That the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1 above. +BASSED AND APPROVED this So' day of January 1999. APPROVED: ft `` c• /\`�8 �'` , Fred Hanna, Mayor ATTEST: ' By: Heather Woodruff, City Clei c 9903O1163 ORD 4131 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR RZ98-20 Lot Number Ten (10) and Twenty (20) feet of equal and uniform width off the east side of Lot Numbered Nine (9) all in the block numbered Ten ( 10) in Parker's Plat of Valley View Acres, an addition to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, as shown upon the recorded plat thereof on file in the office of the Circuit Clerk and Ex-officio in the Office of the Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder of Washington County, Arkansas, also being described as follows: A part of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1 /4) of Section Four (4), Township Sixteen ( 16) North, Range Thirty (30) West, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest Comer of said 40 acre tract, said point being an existing railroad spike; thence S86 °56' 19"E along the south line of said 40 acre tract 660.42 feet to the true point of beginning and from which a reference iron set on the north right of way of Sycamore Street bears NO2 ° 57'29"E 42.56 feet, thence leaving the south line of said 40 acre tract NO2 ° 57'29"E 343 .75 feet to a set iron, thence S86°56' 19"E 146.72 feet to the Northeast comer of said Lot Ten (10), said point being in the center of Chestnut Avenue and from which a reference iron set on the west right of way of Chestnut Avenue bears N86 °56'19"W 20.00 feet; thence S02 057'29"W 343.75 feet to the southeast comer of said lot ten (10); thence N86 ' 56' 1 9"W 146.72 feet to the point of beginning, containing 50434.94 square feet, more or less, Fayetteville, Washington County, Arkansas. The above described tract being subject to the right of way of Sycamore Street along the entire south boundary and Chestnut Avenue along the entire east boundary. I Itafhlagn Hari}ka,�, GlrpUij GiaftG ffW Ex�oRlClo I�eeorder for Washington County, Arkansas, do hereby certify that t,NO Inatrumant was filed for, record In my office so indloatcd hereon and this eafno Is now duly recorded With the aCknowled99mant and certificate thereon In Re00rd Seek and page dQ Indiented thereon. IN WITNESO WHPRRQi, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court on the date indi- cated hereon. Kathleen H mag Circu' ie and Ex•ot!Iclo Aemorder by ORDINANCE NO. 4131 feet to the southeast corner, of AN ORDINANCE REZONING said ' lot ten ( 10) ; thence • STATE OF ARKANSAS THAT PROPERTY DESCRI- N86056'19"W 146.72 feet to the BED IN REZONING PETITION point of beginning, containing l JAN 13 1999 RZ98-20 FOR A PARCEL 50434.94 square feet, more or f SS. CONTAINING APPROXIMATE- less, Fayetteville, Washington County of Washington LY 6.36 ACRES LOCATED AT County, Arkansas. The above FII�ARCE OEP1 . 716 W. SYCAMORE AS RE- described tract being subject to ,QUESTED BY SHARMAN the right of way of Sycamore I, JEFF JEFFUS, hereby certify that I am the publisher of THE Street along south STURCHIO AND RICH KING. I boundary and the Chestnlut Avenue NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class BE IT ORDAINED BY THE along the entire east boundary mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, Cm COUNCIL OF THE CITY • published at a fixed place of business and at fixed (daily) intervals ofEvILLE, ARKANSAS: continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for ARKANSAS: more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an Section Clam the fallowing i- n That thawing heri- tion established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all bed property is hereby changed classes in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed as follows: price per annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the From 1-1 Heavy Commercial, publication, based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at Light Industrial to C-2 Commer tial Thoroughfare for the reel least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid for their subscriptions property described in Exhibit A" attached schereto and matle:a to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a pan hereof. period of at least six months and that the said newspaper publishes an :..: Section 2 That the official zon- average of more than forty percent news matter. Ing map of the City of Fayette- ville. Arkansas, is hereby I '. . amended to reflect the zoning I further Artity that the legal notice attached in the matter of ` change provided in Section 1 above. �./A /C.l�� 7 ! l2/ • /� J/ . . PASSED AND APPROVED this 5th day of January, 1999. / I APPROVED: was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for 9y: Fred Hanna, Mayor consecutive insertions a OWS: ATTEST: The first insertion on the r da of 19 By: Heather Woodruff, City y Clerk )>. EXHIBIT •'A" the second insertion on the day of 19 LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR RZ98-20 the third insertion on the day of 19 — � : Lot Number Ten ( 10) and Twenty (20) feet of equal and the fourth insertion on the y of 19 uniform width off the east side of Lot Numbered Nine (9) all in ? the block numbered Ten (10) in Parker's Plat of Valley View P b ' r eneral Manager Acres, an addition to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, as I•,: shown upon the recorded plat thereof on file In the office of ' Sworn to and subscribed before me on this / da of the Circuit Clerk and Ex-officio in the Office of the Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder of Washington County, Arkansas, ' L; also being described as follows: I A part of the southeast QuarterAga (SE1/4) of the Southwest Guar. , ' ter (SW1/4) of Section Four (4), Catherine Sall / Notary Public Township Sixteen (16) North, I Range Thirty (30) West, being r Notary Public, State of Arkansas ; more particularly described as r rnC follows: Commencing at the" My Commission Expires: , Southwest Corner of said 40 My Commission Expires 02/27/05 / acre tract, said point being an (C(<UCKCC(C<CCU(LCC(CC(<C(C C(({ • ' existing railroad spike; thence bCl- S86°56'19•E along the south' Fees for Printing.......................................................$ �, . line of said 40 acre tract 660.42 feet to the true point of begin- {: ning and from which a refer. ence iron set on the north right ' COSI of Proof.............................................................$ ., of of Sycamore ycaorStreet 2 bears y 2mre e S feet, i O thence leaving the south line of Total..........................................................................$ saitl 40 acre tract N0205729'E I ¢ 34.75 feet to a set iron, thence S86°567E 146.72 feet to the j• , Northeast corner of said Lot I ' Ten (10), said point being in the center of Chestnut Avenue and from which a reference iron set I on the west right of way of Chestnut Avenue bears N86056019'W 20.00 feet; T thence S02057'29' W 343.75 . ORDINANCE NO. 4131 I feet to the southedst corner of / ' e /''✓I ��r'aJ'I t% W '� - ^ n�A 'J4 ORDINANCE REZONING said lot ten (10); thence STATE OF ARKANSAS 7 I `/'(( (IJ vl point of beg 146.72 feet to ing A I ' ' 1999 -HAT PROPERTY DESCRI- � point of beginning, containing V +•+ � • � IED IN REZONING PETITION 50434.94 square feet, more or MICR 9 ] iL M iZ96.20 FOR A PARCEL 1 less, Fayetteville, Washington COUn Of as ., ton :ONTAINING APPROXIMATE- Count , Arkansas: The above Y 6W. SACRES YCAMOREA S AT described tract being subject to FwAKF DOM 1I W. SYCAMORE AS AN the right of way of Sycamore. I, JEFF JEFFUS herebycertify that I am the publisher of THE 1U RCHIO BY.!RICH Street along the entire south ' y TURCHIO AND RICH KING. boundary and Chestnut Avenue NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class along the entire east boundary BE IT ORDAINED BY THE mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, CITY COUNCIL oFTHE`CiTY — - published at a fixed place of business and at fixed (daily) intervals oFFAYErrEVILLE:: continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for ARKANSAS: =� more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an � thetllorccaeo following deiestablished place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all ed property is hereby changed classes in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed s follows: . " price per annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the rom- I-1 Heavy Commercieh' fight Industrial to C-2 Commer: ( publication, based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at hal Thoroughfare for the reel ' least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid for their subscriptions ropertydescribed in Exhibit t' attached hereto and made:a. to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a art nereof. period of at least six months and that the said newspaper publishes an 'eon 2.. That the official zoina average of more than forty percent news matter. g maps of;Itis:Cityor Fayette-, Ile;r Arkansas';I is hereby:. nended to reflect the zoning. I further rtify that the legal notice attached in the matter of range provided in Section I, ri ru*: 3 4SSED'qAND: APPROVED. s 5th day of January, IM.±•,S`v / t .. " t{ was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for 'PROVED: '^, l"2 .:. f . 4$..`er. Fred Hanna, Ma '& 'V r•� consecutive insertions a OWS: � Sy TEST--•^^= -� ,, ^; The first insertion on the ( da of 19 2 Heather Woodruff; City: y ' * - 010X EXHIBIT uAl• the second insertion on the day of 19 EGAL DESCRIPTION FOR.t Rze8-20:'Ma5 •r. �. the third insertion on the day of 19 — z .. t Number- Ten' ( 10) ant only (20), feet. of equal!and. form width off the east side, the fourth insertion on the y of 19 C. -01 Numbered Nine (9) a9,in block numbered Ten (10) im. •ken's Plat of Valley vlew-- " es, artadaitinn to the city of ,wn upon P b ' r eneral Manager retteville' Arkansas -as the'recorde0.;plat; -Cir it file In the office idC Sworn to and subscribed before me on this �•-r da of s Circuit Clerk and Ez Cleric' re Office of'the'.Cirwt Clerk" I Ei-Officio Recorderrof ;hington County, Arkansas; : being'ilescdbed as fdfows: ' 'r. . rR of the eeutheSst Quan9r. 114) of'the Southwest Quap - raship of een (1 Four(4); r Catherine Sall '( Notary Public ! ' nship Sixteen (16) North;, )r < ge Thirty (30) west, being )` Notary Public, Stateof Arkansas ; e s: Commencing ncindescg eche My Commission Expires: t, XUOShinQIO^ f` — :ws: Commencing at-the` Ihwest Corner of said-4o'; >, My Commission Expires 02/27105 '< tract. said point being; .ceccttucccaccecucceccccccc ctc{. 'ing railroad spike; thence 31 mid'E along the south; Fees for Printing of said 40 acre tea 660.42. ....................................................... . . . Io the true point of begin-. and from which a rater- iron set on the north right Cost of Proof....................................................0........$ ;'. . 'ay 2 Sycamore Street- s y of Sycamore re S feett :e leaving, to south line of Total............................................. $ 40 ave frac. N02057'29'E ............................. 5 feel to a set iron, thercol 56'90E 146.72 feet to the least corner of said Lot 10), said point being in the , :r of Chestnut Avenue and , which a reference iron'aet`. re west right of way oh- :Inut ;, Avenue bear; 56't 9'W: 20.00 feet; -- M S02°57'29' W 343.76 ' is t..