HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4127 c ORDINANCE NO, 412 7 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 172, PARKING AND LOADING, SECTION 172.01 , OFF-STREET PARKING LOT DESIGN REQUIREMENTS, OF THE CODE OF FAYETTEVILLE, TO PROVIDE PARKING LOT LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That Chapter 172, Parking and Loading, Section 172.01 , Off-Street Parking Lot Design Requirements, Subsection F., Parking Lot Landscaping Requirements, and Subsection G., Perimeter Landscaping Requirements, of the Code of Fayetteville, are hereby deleted and the following shall be inserted in their stead: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. PASSED AND APPROVED this /i day of Qur� 1998. t F T t f • � �� -��� Li APPROVED: Fred Hanna, Mayor ATTEST: By: Heather Woodruff, City C erk 4127 ord . Exhibit "A" §172.01 OFF-STREET PARKING LOT DESIGN REQUIREMENTS. F. Parking Lot Landscaping Requirements. 1 . Submittal Requirements: A landscaping plan shall be submitted for all parking lots containing five (5) or more spaces. The Landscape plan shall indicate the species of all plants, size of each species at the time of planting, spacing requirements for each plant, and the type of edging and mulch to be used for the planting beds. The planting plan may be incorporated with the site or grading plan. 2. General Requirements: a. Separation of Landscaped Areas and Vehicles. All landscaped areas shall be protected from potential damage by vehicles by placing concrete curbs or wheel barriers adjacent to the landscaped area except as provided in §F.2.b. b. Vehicle Overhang. Except when exercising Option 3., 17.3.a.(3)., a portion of a standard parking space may be landscaped instead of paved to meet part of the landscaping requirement. The landscaped area may be up to two feet of the front of the space as measured from a line parallel to the direction of the bumper of the vehicle using the space. Landscaping may only be ground cover plants in the overhang area. c. Maintenance. The current owner of the property shall be responsible for the maintenance of all required landscaping. (1). Irrigation System. Some method of irrigation shall be required in landscaped areas. An automated irrigation system is encouraged to ensure adequate moisture to plant material. In landscaped areas without an automated irrigation system the installation of hose bibs (water spigots), installed one for every 100 foot radius, will be required. (2). Planting Beds. All landscaping shall be planted within areas designated as planting beds, this includes tree lawns, tree islands, and tree pits. Planting beds shall have amended soil to ensure the health of the plant material. All sod shall be removed within the planting bed and mulch shall cover the bare soil to ease maintenance. Sod will be allowed in tree lawns and tree islands if no other plant material is included within these areas. (3). Replacement Landscaping. Landscaping that dies or is damaged shall be removed and replaced by the current owner of the property. The owner shall have 60 days from the receipt of written notice issued by the City of Fayetteville to remove and replace any required landscaping that dies or is damaged. d. Timing of Installation. Landscaping shall be provided prior to the issuance of a final certificate of occupancy. A 90-day temporary certificate of occupancy may be issued once the owner deposits, with the City, U.S. currency or an irrevocable letter of credit in an amount equal to 150% of the estimated cost of the uninstalled plant material. The letter of credit must be from a bank or banking institution doing business within the State of Arkansas which is a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. ORD . 4127 I Size and type of plant material. All plant material shall meet the requirements established by the American Standard for Nursery Stock. Trees shall have a minimum 2 inch caliper at the time of installation. Shrubs are to reach an average height of T within two years of installation. Plant species installed in vehicular use areas are to be approved by the Landscape Administrator. Suggested species of trees are available within the City of Fayetteville Landscape Manual. Requirements for landscaping between the Right-of-Way and parking areas are intended to lessen the effect of extensive paving. A minimum 50% of shrubs selected shall be evergreen . Caliper. A measurement of general tree size taken at a point located six inches above natural ground or root ball surface. 3. Interior Landscaping Requirements. a. Amount of Landscaping. Parking lots containing ten or more vehicles shall be landscaped utilizing one of the following options: (1). Option 1. Narrow Tree Lawn - a continuous strip between rows of parking. The minimum width of a tree lawn is 8'; however, if large tree species are used the minimum width is 10'. One tree shall be planted for every 12 parking spaces with this option. If planting a 10' wide tree lawn, only large tree species shall be used and one tree shall be planted for every 15 parking spaces. Trees may be grouped or spaced within the lawn area. (Figure 1 .) if _n w ` I 'L OPTION I (2). Option 2. Tree Island - 150 sq. Ft. minimum, minimum width of 8'. Only Medium tree species are allowed within landscape islands. One tree shall be planted for every 12 parking spaces with this option. (Figure 2) tt7'1'iZ- _ OPTION 2 ORD . 4127 (3). Option 3.Tree Pit - 36 square foot minimum, minimum width of 6'. Tree pits must be covered with either a tree grate or some form of permeable pavers, (brick or stone). Only small species of trees are allowed in tree pits. Vehicle overhang is not allowed with this option. One tree shall be planted for every 10 parking spaces with this option. (Figure 3) 6' by 6' i OP110N 3 *Minimum width of all islands is measured from the actual planting area,(back of curb to back of curb) b. Calculation of area. Required perimeter landscaping may not be substituted for interior landscaping. However, it is recognized that interior landscaping may join perimeter landscaping. In such cases, landscaping which extends four feet or more into the parking area may be included in the calculation of interior landscaped area. c. Exceptions. All parking lots used solely for the purpose of providing areas for the display and storage of motor vehicles for sale, lease, and rental shall be exempt from the interior landscaping requirements. 4. Perimeter Landscaping Requirements. Parking lots containing five (5) or more spaces shall be landscaped meeting the following requirements: a. Side and Rear Property Lines. All parking lots shall have five feet of landscaped area between the property line and parking lot. The two-foot vehicle overhang option may be included to meet this requirement. Depending on the use and location, additional area and screening may be required under § 166. 10, Buffer Strips and Screening. b. Property Lines Adjoining Street Right-of-Way. (1). Residential Zones. Except for permitted entrance drives, every parking lot shall be landscaped for an equal and uniform width of 15 feet parallel to the front property line(s) street right-of-way. (2). Non-residential Zones. Except for permitted entrance drives, every parking lot shall be landscaped for an equal and uniform width of 10 feet parallel to the front property line(s) street right-of-way. c. Required Plant Materials. Landscaping in these areas shall contain one tree every 30 linear feet plus a continuous planting of shrubs along the street right-of-way, exclusive of permitted entrance drives. Trees along the perimeter may be grouped to allow flexibility in design. The requirement for a continuous planting of shrubs is intended to lessen the effect of extensive STATE OF ARKANSAS K G V L' — County of Washington } SS. JAN a 7 1999 I , JEFF JEFFUS, hereby certify that I Mlf4ti 9litof THE F3a(3)., a portion of a stand- NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class and parking space may be land- scaped instead of paved to mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, meet pan of the landscaping re- ORDINANCEN0. 4127 quirement. The landscaped published at a fixed place of business and at fixed (daily) intervals area may be up to two feet of continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for the front of the space as meas- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ured from a line parallel to the more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an CHAPTER 172, PARKING direction of the bumper of he AND LOADING , SECTION vehicle using the space. Land. established place of business to subscribers and readers generally Of all 172.01 , OFF-STREET PARK- scaping may only be ground classes in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed ING LOT DESIGN REQUIRE- cover plants in the overhand MENTS, OF THE CODE OF area. price per annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the FAYETTEVILLE, TO PROVIDE c. Maintenance. The current publication, based u on the news value and service value it contains, that el PARKING LO LANDSCAPING owner of the property shall be P P REQUIREMENTS. responsible for the 'mainte- least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid for their subscriptions nanBE IT ORDAINED BY THE ing ce of all required landscap- to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY period of at least six months and that the said newspaper publishes an OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKAN- (1 )• Irrigation System. Some P P Per SAS method of Irrigation shall be re- average of more than forty percent news matter. quired in landscaped areas. An Section 1 . That Chapter 172, automated irrigation system is Parking and Loading, Section encouraged to ensure ade- I further certify that the legal notice attached in the matter of 172.01, Ott-Street Parking Lot quate moisture to plant mater- Design Requirements, Subsec- al. In landscaped areas without / t� ,,, ^ q q 1 I I 22 tion F., Parking Lot Landscap- an automated irrigation system lr/' ((�l.C,( kms( a, ^-I off- — Ing Requirements, and Subsec- the installation of hose bibs tion G., Perimeter Landscaping (water spigots), installed one Requirements of the Code of for every 100 toot radius, will be Fayetteville. are hereby deleted required. was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for and the following shall be in- (2), Planting Beds. Al land- Consecutive Insertions as follows: serted in their stead: soaping shall be planted within areas designated includes as planting 'A" this See Exhibit ettachetl hereto beds, thihis is tree lawns, tl 1X lk1 Vlk]I)/L and made a part hereof. tree island, and tree pits. Plant- The first Insertion On the day of 19 ing beds shall have amended ' PASSED AND APPROVED soil to ensure the health of the this 15 day of December, 1998. plant material. All sod shall be the second insertion on the day of 19 - removed vnthin the planting bed " APPROVED: and mulch shall cover the bare �;•,.: soil to ease maintenance. Sod the third insertion on the day of 19 By: Fred Hanna, Mayor will be allowed in tree lawns b and tree islands if no other ATTEST. plant material is included within the fourth insertion on the By of 19 — these areas. By: Heather Woodruff, City (3). Replacement Landscap- I:• Clerk Ing. Landscaping that dies or is damaged l remed and Exhibit "A" replaced by tlhe cu ent owner P /General Manager I.:. Of the property. The owner shall §172.01 OFF-STREET PARK- have 60 days from the receipt ING LOT DESIGN REQUIRE- of written notice issued by the MENTS City of Fayetteville to remove Sworn to and subscribed before me on this day of and replace any required land- a I' F. Perking Lot Landscaping scaping that dies or is dam- 9/2 Requirements. aged. - �. . 1. Submittal Requirements: A d. Timing of Installation. U 6' Aw1,ffiK leil:r landscaping plan shall be sub- Landscaping shall be proved ' mitted for all parking lots con- prior to the issuance of a final frH«lr�r«fr taining five (5) or more spaces. certificate of occupancy. A 90- Catherine Sall , Notary Public The Landscape plan shall indi- day temporary certificate of oc- t Public Suite Of Arkansas t tate the species of all plants, cupancy may be issued once 1 f,OIBCy size of each species at the time the owner deposits, with the My Commission Expire of planting, spacing require- City. U.S. currency or an irrevo- V1,S D1J27 rr_ menu for each plant, and the cable letter of credit in an type of edging and mulch to be amount equal to 150% of the used for the planing beds. The D 9 estimated cost of the untter of may 69 incorporated led plant material. The letter of Fees for Printing......................... .............................$ � . with the site or grading plan. credit must be from a bank or banking institution doing busi- 2. General Requirements: ness within the State of Arkan- Cost of Proof.............................................................$ sas which is a member of the a. Separation of landscaped Federal Deposit Insurance Cor- Areas and Vehicles. All land- poration. Total..........................................................................$ soaped areas shall be protect- ed fro potential damage by ve- e. Size and type of plant ma- hicles by placing concrete terial. All plant material shall curbs or wheel barriers adla- meet the requirements estab- cent to the landscaped area ex- lished by the American Stand. �',; cept as provided in §F.2.b. and for Nursery Stock. Trees shall have a minimum 2 inch It. Vehicle Overhand. Except caliper at the time of installa- when exercising Option 3., _ _ till Cl. it. . , JAN 0 7 1999 FINANCE OUT. tion. Shrubs are to reach an calculation of interior landscap- average height of 3' within two ad area. years of installation. Plant spa. cies installed in vehicular use c. Exceptions. All parking lots areas are to be approved by used solely for the purpose of the Landscape Administrator. providing areas for the display Suggested species of trees are and storage or motor vehicles available within the City of for sale, lease, and rental shell Fayetteville Landscape Manual be exempt from the interior landscaping requirements. Requirements for landscaping between the Right-of-Way and 4. Perimeter Landscaping Re- parking areas are intended to quirements. Parking lots con- lessen the effect of extensive taining five (5) or more spaces paving. A minimum 50% of shall be landscaped meeting shrubs selected shall be ever- the following requirements: green. e. Side and Rear Property Cal j per. A measurement of Linea. All parking lots shall general tree size taken at a have five feet of landscaped point located six inches above area between the property line natural ground or root ball sur- and parking lot. The two-foot face. vehicle overhand option may be included to meet this require- 3. Interior Lantlscaping Re- ment. Depending on the use quirements. and location, additional area and screening may be required e. Amount of Landscaping. under §166.10, Buffer Strips Parking lots containing ten or and Screening. more vehicles shall be land. scaped utilizing one of the fol- b. Property Lines Adjoining lowing options" - Street Rightot-Way. (1 ). Option 1 . Narrow Tree (1). Residential Zones. Except Lawn - a continuous strip be- for permitted entrance drives, tween rows of parking. The every parking lot shall be land- minimum width is 10' One tree scaped for an equal and um- shall be plated for every 12 torn width of 15 feet parallel to parking spaces within this op- the front property trials) street tion. If planting a 10' wide tree right-of-way. law, only large tree species (2). Non-residential Zones. shall be used and one tree shall Except for permitted entrance be plated for every 15 parking drives, every parking lot shall spaces. Trees may be grouped be landscaped for an equal and or spaced within the lawn area. uniform width of 10 feet parallel to the front property finals) (2). Option 2. Tree Island - 150 street right-of-way. sq. Ft. minimum, minimum width of 6'. Only medium tree c. Required Plant Materiels. species are allowed within land- Landscaping in these areas scape islands. One tree shall shall contain one tree every 30 be plated for every parking linear feet plus a continuous spaces with this option. planting .of shrubs along the street right-of-way, exclusive of (3). Option 3. Tree Pit - 36 permitted entrances drives. square foot minimum, minimum Trees along the perimeter may width of 6'. Tree pits must be be grouped to allow flexibility in covered with either a tree grate design. The requirement for a. or some from of permeable pa- continuous planting shrubs is vers, (brick or stone). Only intended to lessen the effect of small species of trees are el- extensive paving. Grouping of lowed in tree pits. Vehicle over- shrubs are encouraged; howev- hand is not allowed with this 6r, a continuous planting will be option. One tree shall be plant. required as well. A minimum ed for every 10 parking spaces 50% of shrubs selected shall be with this option. One tree shall evergreen. be plated for every 10 parking spaces with this option. Cross Reference: Variances, Chapter 156. Minimum width of all islands is measured from the actual plat. G. Rammed ing area, (back of curb to back of curb) b. Calculation of area. Re- quired permitter landscaping may not be substituted for inte- rior landscaping. However, it is recognized that interior land- scaping may join perimeter landscaping. In such cases, landscaping which extends four feet or more into the parking area may be included in the • Nom{ ✓ STATE OF ARKANSAS G 4 r L. . ss. JAN 0 7 1999 lqqg County ofWa in TC oETLMED 1 u nh,!• nn''pp I , JEFF JEFFUS, hereby certify that 1 arrS�the<�ilbfi 4 'bf THE F.3.a(3)., a portion of a stand- NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class and parking space may be land- scoped instead of paved to mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, re- quet part of ement. lThehe landscandscapingped ed ublished at a fixed lace of business and at fixed (daily) Intervals ORDINANCE No. 4127 area may b The o twof et of P P Ar area may be up ace a feet of continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for the from of the space as to as- the AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ure0 Irom a line parallel to the more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an CHAPTER 172, PARKING direction of the bumper of he established lace of business to subscribers and readers generally of all AND LOADING. SECTION vehicle using the space. Land- P g y 172.01 , OFF-STREET PARK- scaping may only be ground classes in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed i ING LOT DESIGN REQUIRE- cover plants in the overhand I MENTS, OF THE CODE OF area. price per annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the 1 FAYETTEVILLE, TO PROVIDE c. Maintenance. The current UbIICal10n, based u on the news value and service value it contains, that at I PARKING LO LANDSCAPING owner of the property shall be P P REQUIREMENTS. responsible for the 'mainte- least fifty percent Of the subscribers thereto have paid for their subscriptions nonce of all required landscap- to the newspaper or its a agents or through recognized news dealers over a CI IT ORDAINED BY THE ;ng, g g g clry COUNCIL of THE tiff OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKAN- (7 ), Irrigation System. Some period of at least six months and that the said newspaper publishes an SAS method of irrigation shall be re- average of more than forty percent news matter. quired in landscaped areas. An Section 1 . That Chapter 172, automated Irrigation system is Parking and Loading, Section encouraged to ensure ade- I further certify that the legal notice attached in the matter of 172.01, Off-Street Parking Lot quate moisture to plant maten- (� Design Requirements, Subsec- at. In landscaped areas without h tion F., Parking Lot Landscap- an automated Irrigation system . n eb ' ,✓ T Ing Requirements, and Subset the installation of hose bibs . tion G., Perimeter Landscaping (water spigots): installed one Requirements of the Code of for every 100 foot radius. will be Fayetteville, are hereby deleted required. - - - was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for and the following shall be in- (2), Planting Beds. At lane- consecutive insertions as follows: sened in their stead: scaping shall be planted within areas designated 8s planting n , f,l - '^ ^ L � I n Q See Exhibit par hereof. hereto. Dees, this includes tree lawns, The first insertion on the 01 /U"._11JL da Of 19 and made a part hereof. - : tree island, and tree pits. Plant- y Ing beds shell have amended PASSED AND APPROVED soil to ensure the health of the This 15 day of December, 1998. plant materiel. All sod Shall be the second insertion on the day of 19 — removed within the planting bad APPROVED: - and mulch shall cover the bare soil to ease maintenance. Sod the third insertion on the day of 19 — By: Fred Hanna, Mayor will be allowed in tree lawns and tree Islands if no other ATTEST: plant material is included within the fourth insertion on the By of 19 — these areas. By: Heather Woodruff, City (3). Replacement Landscap• Clerk Ing. Landscaping that dies oris / ot damaged shall be removed and Exhibit "A" replaced by the current owner (' P /General Manager of the property. The owner shall (' §172.01 OFF-STREET PARK- have 60 days from the receipt ING LOT DESIGN REQUIRE- of written notice issued b the MENTS - City of Fayetteville to remove Sworn to and subscribed before me on this and replace any required land- F. Parking Lot Landscaping scaping that dies or is dam- '.L/ ,LfLLr r !' Requirements. aged. • ! i 1. Submittal Requirements: A d. Timing o1 Installation. landscaping plan shall be sub- Landscaping shall be proved , mitred for all parking lots con- prior to the Issuance of a final (t`f ` �r l ! • - twining rove (5) or more spaces. certificate of occupancy. A 90- ,t (;.<LR'=ritlt. Stift Notary Public The Landscape plan shall indi- day temporary certificate of oc- - , 11`di:.. `tdlV'tif Ark IrL+as iL cera the species of all plants, cupancy may be issued once , 1.,1)la1V 1 • x, , size of each species at the Orae the owner deposits, with the My Commission Expires•, ail , 'v . of planting, spacing require- C U.S. wine or an irrevo- a Expires DJ271 - tC planing by and mulch to be led plant equal al The letter o1 Fees for Printing...........`4ct - -<:«x«n E<p ccccc$cc«cecC ments for each plant, and the cable letter of credit in an �' I.1 • CV111lT11 mate I type edging amount equal to 150% of the ? l used for me planing beds. The estimated cost of the uninstal- lanin may be incorporated with the site or grading plan. credit must be from a bank or banking institution doing busi- 2. General Requirements: ness within the State of Arkan- COSI Of Proof.............................................................$ sad which p i member of the Cor- e. Separation of Landscaped Federal Deposit Insurance Cor- a IArea9 and Vehicles. All land peration. Total..........................................................................$ scaped areas shall be protect- !ad trip potential damage by va- e. Size and type of plant ma- ihicles by placing concrete terial. All plant material shall curbs or wheel barriers adja- meet the requirements estab. cent to the landscaped area ex- lished by the American Stand- - ceptasprovidedin §F2.b. and for Nursery Stock. Trees shall have a minimum 2 inch D. Vehicle Overhand. Except caliper at the time of installa- ' when exercising Option 3., r. . r�k � I ':