HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4118 FILED FOR RECORD ORDINANCE NO,-"8 SEP 10 An 10 40 WASHINGTON CO AR AN ORDINANCE CALLING AN ELECTION IN W41 PAY % FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, TO REFER TO THE PEOPLE THE QUESTION OF WHETHER OR NOT TO ALLOW THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES FOR ON-PREMISES CONSUMPTION ON SUNDAY IN QUALIFIED HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS IN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW. WHEREAS, Pursuant to A.C.A. §3-9-215, any city of the first class in which the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption in licensed restaurants and hotels has been authorized by a majority of the qualified electors of that city may refer to the voters at an election the issue of whether or not to authorize the sale of alcoholic beverages on Sundays. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS : Section 1. Pursuant to A.C.A. §3-9-215, an election is hereby called in the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, to refer to the people the question of whether or not to allow the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption on Sunday in qualified hotels and restaurants in the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, as authorized by law. The ballot shall be printed substantially as follows: ❑ FOR THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES FOR ON-PREMISES CONSUMPTION ON A SUNDAY IN QUALIFIED HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS IN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW. ❑AGAINST THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES FOR ON-PREMISES CONSUMPTION ON A SUNDAY IN QUALIFIED HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS IN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW. Section2. That the election shall be held and conducted and the vote cast and the results declared under the law and in the manner provided for municipal election, so far as the same shall be applicable. Only qualified electors of the City shall have the right to vote at the election. 98078204 Page 2 Ordinance No. 4118 Section 3 . That a copy of this ordinance shall be furnished to the Washington County Board of Election Commissioners so that the necessary election officials and supplies may be provided. PASSED AND APPROVED this 18' day of August 1998. APPROVED: ' ,� /z ti� itr�` $y. ;ti Q Fred Hanna, Mayor '�:s.rrot � ATS4Ln By: Heather Woodruff, City Jerk 980'78; 05 I Kalhl9gd tiaWwyd hlt�Hli rjlytb HnJ 1;p,4filefA Recorder for Wechlnoton Ca4nly, AihanSgs. do horeby certify that this InetrVmnrlt vlaD filo{l IPT record in my office as Indicatad hereon and Ilea semo is na14 duly recorded With the DCknowlod9ftmaf1 and Gartiticate thereon in Record (Book and pago as Indicated thereon. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of Said court on the date indi- cated hereon. Kathleen HXness Circuit Cl . d x•officio Recorder bI Y ORDINANCE NO. 0118 AN ORDINANCE CALLING AN STATE-OF ARKANSAS /�.(1 V,,L Qr — ELECTION IN , A CITY S, MW'ic OFFLAMiED FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, +� f TO REFER TO THE PEOPLE CQunty Of Washington } SS. THE QUESTION OF WHETH- ER OR NOT TO ALLOW THE . SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEV- I , JEFF JEFFUS, hereby certify that I am the publisher of THE L , ERAGES FOR ON-PREMISES CONSUMPTION ON SUNDAY NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second classIN QUALIFIED RESTAURANTTSFIN THE CITY mOTELS AND ailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKAN- published at a fixed place Of business and at fixed (dally) intervals SAS. AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW I continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for WHEREAS, Pursuant to A.C.A. more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an §3-9-215, any city of the first established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all ' class in which the sale of alto- holic beverages for on-prem- classes in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed !sea consumption in licensed rice per annum, which rice was fixed at what is considered the value of the restaurants and hotels has p p p been authorized by a majority publication, based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at of the qualified electors of that city may refer to the voters at least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid for their subscriptions an election the issue whether or to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a not to authorize the sale of al- coholicbeverages onSundays. period of at least six months and that the said newspaper publishes an NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT average of more than forty percent news matter. ORDAINED BY THE CITY , COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF i. FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: I fucertify that the legal notice attached in the matter of er Section I . Pursuant to A.C.A. l /ll.! IIA n ( 'p §3-9-215, an election is hereby called in the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, to refer to the people the question of whether or not was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for to allow the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premises con. Consecutive Insertions aS IIOWs: quali- fied hotels and restaurants in the City of Fayetteville. Arkan- The first insertion on the day of 19 sas, as authorized by law. The ballot shall be printed substan- tially as follows: the second insertion on the day of 19 UFOR the third insertion on the day of 19 — THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC .' BEVERAGES FOR ON-PREM- ISES CONSUMPTION ON A I" the fourth insertion on the 3i ay of 19 SUNDAY IN QUALIFIED HO- . TELS AND RESTAURANTSI IN THE CITY OF FAYETTE- VILLE, ARKANSAS, AS AU. THORIZED BY LAW. er/General Manager ❑AGAINST Sworn to and subscribed before me on this day of THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC ' BEVERAGES FOR ON-PREM. ISES CONSUMPTION ON A 19 SUNDAY IN QUALIFIED HO- TELS AND RESTAURANTS IN THE CITY OF FAYETTE- ' VILLE. ARKANSAS, AS AU. THORIZED BY LAW. Notary Public rrrurrr�urrrrrrrrrrurrrrrranrr� Catherine Sall Section 2. That the election t r I. shall be held and conducted My Commission Expires: P fc a , and the vote cast and the re- t Notary sults declared under the law f Washingas ton County and in the manner provided for / M Commission Expires Oy27105 t1 ) ^ f municipal election, so far as the i t y a(c<eu teceeccc I LO O same shall be applicable. Only Fees for Printing.............. qualified electors of the City shall have the right to vote at the election. Cost Of Proof...................................4..............4..........$ .• .. Section 3 That a copy df this 1110 I ' ordinance shall be furnished to Total..........................................................................$ �';•.. the Washington County Board of Election Commissioners so that the necessary election offi- cials and supplies may be pro- vided. PASSED AND APPROVED this 18th day of August, 1998. APPROVED: By: Fred Hanna, Mayor ATTEST. 1 , By: Heather Woodruff, City Clerk ORDINANCE NO. 4118 MICROFILMED AN ORDINANCE CALLING AN STATE OF ARKANSAS 1 - ^ ,,, ,� ELECTION IN THE CITY S. �� Do f CCU ELECTION FAYETTEVILLE,INE, ARKANSAS, 8 TO REFER TO THE PEOPLE County of Washington ss. ' /� I THE QUESTION OF WHETH- ER OR NOT TO ALLOW THE ` SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEV- I, JEFF JEFFUS, hereby certify that I am the publisher of THE ERAGES FOR ON-PREMISES CONSUMPTION ON SUNDAY NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class IN QUALIFIED HOTELS AND mailing privilegeand beingnot lthan fpages of five columns each, RESTAURANTS IN THE CITY . g P g r less our P 9 OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKAN- published at a fixed place Of business and at fixed (daily) Intervals SAS, AS AUTHORIZED BY LAW continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for WHEREAS, Pursuant to A.C.A. - more than a period Of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an §3-9-215, any city of the first established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all lass in which the sale of alco- holic beverages for on-prem- classes in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed !sea consumption in licensed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the restaurants and hotels has been authorized by a majority publication, based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at of the qualified electors of that city may refer to the voters at least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid for their subscriptions an election the issue whether or to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a • not to authorize the sale of al- coholicbeveragesonSundays. period of at least six months and that the said newspaper publishes an Now,; THEREFORE,, BE IT average of more than forty percent news matter. ORDAINED BY THE CITY. COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF. FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: I furlber certify that the legal notice attached in the matter of • Section l Pursuant is her .A. w n n 1 ' p I o 4 I I �l §3-&215, an election is hereby �L called in the City of Fayetteville. Arkansas, to refer to the people ' the question of whether or not was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for to allow the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premises con- consecutive If1SertIORS aS IlOWS: sumption on Sunday in.quali- fied hotels and restaurants in �} the city of Fayetteville, Arkan- The first insertion on the day of 19 -r-1- . itis,, as authorized by las. The ballot shall be printed substan- tellyasfollows: the second insertion on the day of 19 OFOR the third insertion on the day of 19 — THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES FOR ON-PREM- ISES CONSUMPTION. ON A the fourth insertion on the ay of 19 SUNDAY IN QUALIFIEDHO- TELS AND RESTAURANTS IN THE CITY OF FAYETTE- VILLE, ARKANSAS, AS AUN(YW- THORIZED BYLAW. - - u er/General Manager OAGAINST '• r • Sworn to and subscribed before me on this Itdayof ,THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC � BEVERAGES FOR ON-PREM- AA 19 s--1- ISES CONSUMPTION ON A SUNDAY IN QUALIFIED HO- TELS AND RESTAURANTS � � �� IN THE CITY OF FAYETTE- VILLE, ARKANSAS, AS AU- THORIZED BY LAW. tC Notary Public Section 2. That the electionCatherine Sall �C shall be held and conducted My Commission Expires: and the vote cast and the re- t Notary Public, state t( sults declared under the law >, Washington County - < and in the manner provided for 7� M Commission Expires 0212110>1< municipal election, so far as the t y Cc«e« C< ccc<c< e LIP same shall be applicable. Only Fees for Printing................�c�cyc;ucuuSSf sS..........$ - qualified electors of the City shall have the right to vote at the election. � Cost Of Proof.............................................................$ Section 3. That a copy of this I 1 o I LJ ordinance shall be furnished to Total..........................................................................$ the Washington County Board of Election Commissioners so that the necessary election offi- cials and supplies may be pro- vided PASSED AND APPROVED this 181h day of August, 1998. APPROVED: I By: Fred Hanna, Mayor I . ' ATTEST: By: Heather, Woodruff, City Clerk -„r _ . CERTIFICATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTION COMMISSIONERS ASCERTAINING AND DECLARING RESULTS OF SPECIAL ELECTION HELD SEPTEMBER 29 , 1998 STATE OF ARKANSAS ) ss . COUNTY OF WASHINGTON ) We , the . duly commissioned and acting Election Commissioners of Washington County , Arkansas do hereby certify that the following is a true and correct abstract of votes cast in the Special Election held in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas (The "City" ) , on the 29th day of September , 1998 , on the question of the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption on Sunday in qualified hotels and restaurants in the city of Fayetteville , Arkansas , as authorized by law . The results of the vote upon the question submitted are as follows : FOR the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption on Sunday in qualified hotels and restaurants in the city of Fayetteville . 2226 AGAINST the sale of alcoholic beverages for on- premises consumption on Sunday in qualified hotels and restaurants in the city of Fayetteville . 735 We further certify that the polls were open from 7 : 30 A . M . until 7 : 30 P . M . ; that only qualified electors of the City were .permitted to vote .. in said election ; that the duly appointed Election Officials made due re- turns of the votes cast ; that we canvassed the votes as required by law . IN TESTIMONY THEREOF , we have hereunto set our hands this 29th day of September , 1998 . JHIN COUNTY ELECTION COMMISSION D O Y Y R7 � W � L-1� c � Q n Burrow , hairman U CCQ U O W � W U W Q 2 W CZ Z CO CL j Q: cD Phillip choettlin , Member cn or a CC) c "r � A� 4 . ana Williams , Member