HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4059 ORDINANCE NO. 4059 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 51 , WATER AND SEWERS, OF THE CODE OF FAYETTEVILLE, TO AMEND THE RATES FOR MONTHLY WATER AND SEWER, ABNORMAL SEWAGE SURCHARGES, AND WATER TANKS ON COMMERCIAL TRUCKS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That §51 . 136, Monthly Water Rates, Subsections (A).(1 ).,(B).(1 )., (D)., and (E)., of the Code of Fayetteville, are hereby repealed and the following shall be inserted in their stead: , §51 .136 Monthly Water Rates. (A). Monthly Treated Water Rates. t (1). The water usage of each customer shall be determined each month by meter measurement and the amount per 1 ,000 gallons to be paid for water usage by each customer shall be computed on the basis of the following schedule of rates: (See Exhibit "A", Table "A", attached hereto and made a part hereof.) (B). Monthly Meter Service Charge. (1). In addition to the above, each customer shall pay a monthly meter service charge in accordance with the following schedule: (See Exhibit "A", Table IB", attached hereto and made a part hereof.) (D). Monthly Standby Fire Protection Service Charge. Charges for unmetered service connections inside the city limits for standby fire protection and fire hydrants shall be: (See Exhibit "A", Table "C", attached hereto and made a part hereof.) (E). Monthly Wholesale Treated Water Rates Outside City Limits. (See Exhibit "A", Table "D", attached hereto and made a part hereof.) Section 2. That § 51 . 137, Monthly Sewer Rates, Subsections (A).( 1 ). and (2)., and (B).(2).(a). are hereby deleted and the following shall be inserted in their stead: Page 2 Ordinance No. 4 0 5 9 §51 .137. Monthly Sewer Rates. (A). Monthly Sewer Rates. All monthly sewer charges shall be based upon water bills. The following monthly rates are hereby fixed as rates to be charged for sewer services: (1). Monthly Quantity Charge: ( See Exhibit "A", Table "E ", attached hereto and made a part hereof) (2). Monthly Service Charge: (See Exhibit "A", Table "F", attached hereto and made apart hereof.) (B). Determination of Charge for Domestic Customers. (2).(a). The monthly residential sewer rate for residents within Wedington Sewer Improvement District No. 1 of the city who do not receive city water service shall be: (See Exhibit "A", Table "G", attached hereto and made a part hereof.) Section 1 . That §51 . 138, Abnormal Sewage Surcharge, Subsection (A).(3)., of the Code of Fayetteville, is hereby deleted and the following shall be inserted in its stead: §51 .138. Abnormal Sewage Surcharge. (A).(3). Unit Charges (See Exhibit "A", Table "H", attached hereto and made a part hereof.) Section 4. That §51 . 144, Filling Water Tanks on Commercial Trucks: Rates, Subsection (A)., of the Code of Fayetteville is hereby repealed and the following shall be inserted in its stead: §51 .144. Filling Water Tanks on Commercial Trucks; Rates. (A). Water rates for consumers that purchase water for the purpose of filling water tanks on commercial trucks shall be as follows: (See Exhibit "A", Table "P', attached hereto and made a part hereof) Page 3 Ordinance No. 4 0 5 9 PASSED AND APPROVED this 7th day of October , 1997. APPROVED: By: Fled Hanna, Mayor ATTEST: By: Traci Paul, City Clerk �. V EXHIBIT "A" Rates Effective November 1 , 1997 WATER RATES: Table A. Monthly Treated Water Rates Usage Rate (in Gallons) Inside City Outside City First 10,000 $2.55 $3 .20 Next 290,000 2.20 2.75 Next 4,7000,000 1 .60 2.00 Over 5,000,000 1 .45 1 .80 Table B. Monthly Meter Service Charge Meter Size (inches) Inside City Outside City 5/8 $ 3 .53 $ 4.48 3/4 3.77 4.79 1 4.90 6.22 1 %z 8.60 10.92 2 12.45 15 .81 3 29.00 36.83 4 48.00 60.96 6 96.00 121 .92 8 144.00 182.88 Table C. Monthly Standby Fire Protection Service Charge Line Size (Inches) Inside/Outside City Limits 2 $ 6.00 3 18.00 4 36.00 6 100.00 8 210.00 10 360.00 Table D. Monthly Wholesale Treated Water Rates Outside City Limits Usage Rate Per 1 ,000 Gallons $ 2.70 Reduced Demand $ 2.49 Meter Charge $58.20 SEWER RATES: Table E. Monthlv Ouantit Charge Usage Rate Per 1 ,000 Gallons Residential $ 2.39 Commercial/Industrial 1 .87 Outside City Limits 4.00 Elkins 1 .80 Table F. Monthly Service Charge Meter Size in Inches Inside City Outside City 5/8 $ 8.00 $ 9.60 3/4 9.25 11 . 10 1 10.40 12.48 1 % 14.54 17.45 2 19.36 23.23 3 40.40 48.48 4 71 . 11 85 .33 6 135.75 162.90 8 213 .08 255 .70 Table G. Residents within Wedington Sewer Improvement District No. 1 . Flat Rate per Month 1 to 2 Member Family (based on 4,600 gals.) $ 18.99 3 or more members (based on 7,500 gals.) 25 .93 Table. H. Abnormal Sewage Surcharge Unit Charges FSS D unit charge p/pou $0.2061 unit charge p/pou 0. 1030 WATER RATES - FILLING WATER TANK ON COMMERCIAL TRUCKS : Table I. Water Rates Gallons Rates 1 to 1 ,000 A minimum of $7.00 ($4.00 labor plus $3 .00 water/tax. 2,000 & Over An additional $3.00 per 1 ,000 gallons. R ' - r r ORDINANCE No-_'c59'' (See•Erhibit A', Table Fet- Outside C ity ' ; •• 1MeSe nchs) AN ORDINANCE'AMENDING tached hereto and made apart et $q;60 hereof.) I . 5/e ( CHAPTER 51 , WATER AND - 12.10 . SEWERS,'OF THE CODE OF 1, 3!4 12.48 ' FAYETTEVILLE, TO AMEND (B). Deteiminatioh of Charge i 17.45 THE RATES FOR MONTHLY ' for Domestic Customers. 1 1R 23.23 WATER AND. SEWER, AB- 3 85'3 ' NORMAL SEWAGE SUR- sower. The monthly nts within 3 62.9 STATE OF ARKANSAS . 'CHARGES, AND WATER sewer rete for Sewer Improvement within 4 152.90 : 5.70 TANKS ON COMMERCIAL District o. Sewer Improvement 6 25thin j District No. 1 Of the City who do 8 � .5.5. TRUCKS.. not receive city water shall be: ResitlentswithinWetlington II County of Washington BE IT ORDAINED BY THEInside City Sewer Improvement CITY,COUNCIL OF THE CITY (� Exhibit -A" Table "G', at- $3.53 District No. 1 tached hereto and made a part 3.77 Table G. OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKAN- , hereof ) 4.90 1 to 2 Member Family (based I, RANDALL COPE, hereby certify that I am the publisher of THE SAS:, 1 8.60 on 4,600 gals.) $18.99 I Section 3. That §51 .138, Ab. 12.45 3'or more members (based on NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES , a daily newspaper having a second Section 1 . That 151 . 136, : normal Sewage Surcharge, 29.00 7,400 gals.) 25.93 class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of fiveMonthly Water Rates, Subsec- i Subsection (A).(3)., of the Code 48.00 tions (A).(1).,(B).(1)., (D)., and of Fayetteville, is hereby delet- 96.00 Abnormal Sewage Surcharge columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at fixed (daily) are of the repode of Fayetteville, ed and the following shall be 144.00 Unit Charges , intervals continuous) in the Cit of Fayetteville, Mount of Washington, are hereby repealed and the inserted in its stead Table H. y y y y g , following shall be inserted In! Outside City BOD unit charge p/pou $0.2061I Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and their stead: i §51 .138 Abnormal Sewage $4.48 SS unit charge P/pou 0.1030 §51.136 Monthly Water Rets. r Surcharge. 4.79 distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and { 6.22 .WATER RATES-FILLING WA- readers generally Of all Classes In the City and County for a definite price (A) Monthly Treated Dieter ' (A).(3). Unit Charges 10.92 'TER TANK OF COMMERCIAL Rates 15.61 TRUCKS: for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what (See Exhibit 'A', Table OH", at- 36.83 Table tached hereto and made apart 6,0.96 o . is considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value (1)(1). Tater usage of each , hereof.) - l 121.92 1 T e�apall be determined V 1� 92 r �, Gallon and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers each : irl by measurement 1 to 1,000 & Over thereto have paid for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents and the amount per 1,000 gal- Section a That n Como, Filling f 2,000 & Over - , bns to be g Water Tanks on Commercial Monthly Standby Fire Protea fi' , paid for water usage Trucks; Rates, Subsection$ tion Service charge 'r ,) , Rates- or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months by ed o customer shell f cow- (A) of the Code of Fayetteville Table C A minimum of $7.00 S4.00 ]a- and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty putetl a the basis of the follow- in schedule of rates: is lowing s repealed end the id- :bor plus $3.00 water/tax.) 9 percent news matter. lowing shall be inserted in its Line Size (Inches) An additional $3.00 per 1 ,000 (See Exhibit "A", Table 'A', at- stead. 3 gallons. 1 tacked hereto and made a part §51.144. Filling Water Tanks 4 (,� -- herect.) . on Commercial Trucks; 6 1 `4� Rates6 Cha . I further certify that the legal notice attached in the matter of Monthly Meter Service Charge. I 1 10 (ha Water rates for consumers ; !\CAPP that purchase water for the put. Inside/Outside Ciry Limits �� P 1 v d 1 each In untaddo a to the above, pose of filling water tanks on $6.W • each y mete customer shell payge commercial trucks shall be a 18.00 month) meter service charge $ 3600 1, in accordance with the following follows: - 100 00 ( was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for schedule: ` 21000 it consecutive insertions as follows: (See Exhibit OA", Table 'I', at- 1 (See Exhibit "A', Table "B', at. tached hereto and made a pert 360.W (tached hereto and made a part hereof:) Monthly Wtrolesale Treated The first insertion on the � � day of 19 ! 7 hereof.) PASSED AND APPROVEDI Water Rates Pro- this 7th day of October, 1991. Outside Ciry Limits (D). Monthly Standby Fire Pro- Table D I the second insertion on the day of 19 _ taction Service Charge. APPROVED: i Usage Rate Per 1 ,000 Gallons. Charges for unmetered service B . Fred Hanna, Mayor Reduced Demantl connexions Inside fir the city lion Y y Meter Charge the third insertion on the day of 19 its for standby fire protection '. ATTEST: and fire hydrants shall be: $2.70 and the fourth insertion on the da of 19 (See Exhibit 'A', Table 'C', at- By: Traci Paul, Ci)y Clerk $2.20 y Inched hereto and made a part EXHIBIT:A" hereof.) SEWER RATES: (E). Monthly Wholesale Treated I Rates Effective November 1 , Water Rates Outside City Lim. 1887" I Monthly Quantity Charge its. ublisher / General Manager - WATER RATES: Usage Rate Per 1 ,0X1 Gallons (See Exhibit an Table a at- Table A. Residential $2.39 tached hereto and made a pan CommerciaVlndustrial 1.87 hereof.) - Usage Rate (in Gallons) Outside City Limits 4.00 ; SWOm to and subscribed before me on t Is day of Section 2 That §51 .`137, Next 290,000 First 10,000 Elkins 1.80 � p Monthly Sewer Rates, subset- Next4,7000,000 . MonthlyService ChargerA tions 9A).( 1 ). and (2)., and Over 5,000,00Q - ,TablaF (B).(2).(a). are hereby deleted I,,n and the following shall be in- Monthly Treated Water.Rates Meter Size in Inches serted In their stead: . Inside Coy g/8 $2.55 13/4 (fol r §51 .137 Monthly sewer 2.� 1 �� Catherine Sz ' I Notary Public Rates. i !!!r I (A). Monthly Sewer Rates. 1.45 3's; . My CommISSIOn EXplr t: NOtl Public. fare, ni Outside City 4 c , All monthly sewer charges shall $3.20 6 d1 MY Comm;ssi �n E be based upon water bills. The 2.75 8 ozp12, following monthly rates are 2,00 CCC((C(CCCCC[CCKCCCC{kC" /' 6666���� hereby fixed as rated to be 1 .80 Inside City �. - . 69 • Q charged for sewer services: $8.00 Fees for Printing ... ... ..... ... .... .. .... ... ....... . .. ... ... . ...$ 3 1 (1). Monthly Quantity Charge: Monthly Meter Service Charge 9.25 l Table B. 10.40 .... .... _... .. .... ... ... .. ... ....$ tached here 14.54 Cost of Proof.... ....... .... .... (See Exhibit eto an Tabletl made a a pan at- ,� 19,36 I -349 , 90• L � 4040 hereof.) 71.11 Total. ...... .............. .. .... ....... . ..... .... ..... ... ..... ... . .... .$ (2). Monthly Service Charge: 135.75213 OB to, i