HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4056 FILED FOR RECORD " 117 SEP 26 PM 2 20 W'ASlilhG i ut4 CO AR K . ;ii; niii: SS ORDINANCE N0. 4 0 5 6 AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY DESc PdBED IN REZONING PETITION RZ97- 15 .00 FOR A PARCEL CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 2.78 ACRES LOCATED NORTH OF WEDINGTON DRIVE AND EAST OF SALEM ROAD, SUBMITTED BY BRIAN RAY ON BEHALF OF CLARY DEVELOPMENT. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Lection 1 . That the zone classification of the following described property is hereby changed as follows: RZ97- 15.00 for the real property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. From C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial District to R-2, Medium Density Residential District. Section 2. That the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1 above. �VFAS1S1}D AND APPROVED this 16th day of September 1997. ( ! r ., :: \ l "„ ' APPROVED: 1 0� By: iW4 �' ` • .` iw red Hanna, Mayor 4 �) 0K ; G - ATTECJBy: i� Traci Paul, City Clerk 9'7065913 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR RZ97- 15.00 A part of Lot 3 Wedington Place Addition to the City of Fayetteville, Washington County, Arkansas; being more particularly described as: beginning at the Northwest corner of said Lot 3 which is the Northwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section Seven, Township Sixteen North, Range Thirty West, and run South 00 degrees 08 minutes 38 seconds West, 249.97 feet along the West line of Lot 3 to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence South 89 degrees 59 minutes 25 seconds East, 1078.57 feet to a point on the East line of Lot 3; thence South 00 degrees 59 minutes 29 seconds East, 112.05 feet along the East line of Lot 3, thence North 89 degrees 59 minutes 26 seconds West, 1080.79 feet to a point of the West line of Lot 3 ; thence North 00 degrees 08 minutes 38 seconds East, 112.03 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 2.78 acres, more or less. Subject to any easements and/or rights-of-way of Record. 97065914 1, Italpldf.n V1AMgP0, Clmllll CIOrk and �tl•awlolo Recorder for WthisAiIhiNglen Gounty, Arlten000, de hereby office a0� nglcatgdIngtigMitit was filed lar haroaa and Ih ComeaCold In is now duly . recorded Wlth the a gknoWladgealont and 00dleeate thereon in Ra4ard gook and page as Indloated thereon. IN WIYNE®8 WHEREOF. I have haraunto got MY hand and atllxed the Seal of gold CoUrt on the date indi- cated hereon. Kathleen Harness Circuil� ofllolo Recorder by ORDINANCE NO. 4056 AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY DEscOI STATE OF ARKANSAS l BED IN REZONING PETITION Jy RZ97-15.00 FOR A PARCEL CONTAINING APPROXIMATE- 1 SS. LY 2.78 ACRES LOCATED County of Washington NORTH OF WEDINGTON DRIVE AND EAST OF SALEM ROAD, SUBMITTED BY BRIAN RAY ON BEHALF OF I, RANDALL COPE, hereby certify that I am the publisher of THE CLARY DEVELOPMENT. NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second BE IT ORDAINED BYTHE class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five CITY COUNCIL OF THE CRY OF FAYETTEVILLE columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at fixed (daily) ARKANSAS: intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, 'Section).. That the zone classi. Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and flproperty is hereby changed of the following descri- bed anced beded prdistributed from an established place of business to subscribers and as follows: readers generally of all classes in the City and County for a definite price RZ97-15.00 for the real proper- for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what ry described is Exhibit -A- at- Is Considered the value Of the publication, based upon the news value at- tached hereto rW made a part p {p hereof. and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers From C-2, Thoroughfare Com- thereto have paid for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents D Density Residential Districtre nnews dealers over a ensity District to R-2, Medium or through recognized dealperiod of at least six months Re . and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty ing map o that the of Fal toe- ing map of the City of Fayette- percent nBWS matter. vllle, Arkansas, is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1 above. I further certify that the legal notice attached in the matter of PASSED AND APPROVED this 16th day of September, 1997. Qr0iA4ne60 IT Lv Q r/ APPROVED: VVV L O / By: Fred Hanna, Mayor was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for ATTEST. consecutive insertions as follows: / / By: Tract Paul, city Clerk The first insertion on the �/ c4 t ( day of 19 -9-2 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR the Second Insertion On the day of 19 RZ97.15.00 A part of Lot 3 Wedington Place the third insertion on the day of 19 Addition to the City of Fayette-1 vllle, Washington County, Ar- kansas; being more particuladyl and the fourth insertion on the day of 19 described as: beginning at the, Northwest corner of said Lot 3 which Is the Northwest corner , of the SoutheastQuarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section Seven, Township Sixteen North, randy Thirty West, and Publisher / Ge a al Manager run South 00 degrees 08 mi- nutes 38 seconds West, 249.97 feet along the West line of Lot 3 to the POINT OF BEGINNING; Sworn to and subscribed before me On this I day of thence South 89 degrees 59 minutes25 seconds East„ 1078.57 feet to a point on the ; East line of Lot 3; thence North 89 degree West, 1080.79 feet ' to a point of the West line of Lot 3; thence North 00 degrees 08 . ` minutes 38 seconds East, 112.03 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. containing 2.78 acres,- more 'or less. Subject to Catherine Sall tary Public any easements and/or rights-o(- t way of Record. My Commission Expires: c . + .......... 1 o WaslringtonCounty i t My Commission Expires Vic Fees for Printing ......... ..... .... ..... ............ ........ ....$ c . y Cost of Proof....... .. ............ ..... ..... .... ................. .$ Total................. .... .. ......... ........ ......... ........ .... .....$ /(/ Q � �523oy AUG-02-2000 15 : 43 N W A TIMES P . 14i16 j the "Prolecm: and gust 16. 2000. There shall be in daily increments, and each Gr1�4. The City C101k K co- if WHEREAS, the City Council Submitted to the dlfictora d the such dally charge increment thorized and directed to give h dl has determined that Ine Project City at the Special election The Shi =f5d6md to be a sin. nodCe Of the election by see 'A ors cost approxlmmely Twenty question of levying a one per- gle vans icGen for Me purposes :publication 0 a newspaper nae G6,. three Mlllicn Dollars cent (1 °;) city-wide sales end of the sales dM use tax. Ing general circulation within as V V. ($23,000,000) Io eampm1e; and use tax, pursuant to Amend- C. For sales of building mated• ma e n lessubilthan shall 0) QQQO, in 9„ WHEREAS, the City Council ment 62 and the Authorizing sls and supplies to cmtraciom, made not less man len 110) NP�O has delennined that it Is in the Legislation, specifically Ark. builder; or otter persons, a sin drys pncrm the election. > > best intorssre of'the,City and Code Ann . 6§ 14. 164-327 gle transaction, for the putpos• SectlorlS . The election shall S "111 me citizens of the City to pay through 336. as amended, the es of the sales and use tax, be Wald no earlier than thirty tt me majority cit the rASt.m cote- proceeds of which shall bit stall 09 tlaemhetl m bean& sin- (30) days after the time of the e��IP Z . ' date the Project on a--pay as used lot the purpose of paying gle sale which is reflected on a adoption d the Ordinance The 1F y, ORDINANCE NO you ge basis through the levy- a genion Of the cost oi4he 10- single imiace. receipt or state- s J AN ORDINANCE CALLING A q g duct 0n shall ea to and ton- ing of s city-wide one percent quislyon; den_ n, constitution matt, on which an aggregate ducted and the vola Wnvassed p O^ SPECIAL ELECTION IN THE M'; .) sales and use tax (the and "Opting a public library. Bales (or use) tax figure hes and Met results declared under 7 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. AFI- -Speclai Tai) for a period of which Shall include particulady, been reported and rammed to KANSAS FOR THE PURPOSE eighteen (16) monlnS pursuant without Initiation. land, a library the slate. the law and r Mu manner now OF SUBMITTING TO THE m Amendment 62 of the Arkan• building, meeting norms, fumy D. When ford or Mare items of provided for municipal elec- ELECTORS OF THE CITY SAS Constitution ("Amendment tum, furnishings, fixtures; cote- major household appliances. tons, and Doty shall Gad eko- THE OUESTION OF AUTHOR- 8Th and Ark. Coda Ann §§tai paters and memo equipment commercial appliances, major � to toe City stall have Ine n. (ZING AND LEVYING A CITY- 1&1-301 through 340 (Ille -Au- and software: books and other -equipment and machinary are ngclic,ht to . al The Mayor 9 Cp ms, 6, The Mayor shall WIDE ONE PERCENT R A thorizing AS, the and library materials, parking fedi!- odd, aced as singl unit shall .prxaaim me recaps of the Bled• SALES ANDUSETAX FOR A WHEREAS, tho CUy Council lies, including mulli•Isvel be treated as a single transtlo- tion by issuing a prxlernalion PERIOD OF EIGHTEEN (18) has oetormined trial the re- parking deck. landscaping and tion for puryosOs d me Saks - andpublishingthe same one MONTHS FOR THE PVR- msinear of the cost to complete any necessary road, drainage and use tax. POSE OF PAYING A POR* . me Project i antl any additional arta utility Improvements theta- E. For ms groceries. drug item. filtime in a newspaper treeing a TION OF THE COST OF THE morjare needed m enhancs the d. The tax shall net be extend- dry goods and other tangible The ra rias Pr n ,n the City. ACOUts T10N DESIGN, CON- Protect can be raised from oro- to of collected for a Derind in personal property snNor sent- be reser as protlejrWit stag STRUCTION AND EOUIPPING i to ring mere urs. is: h n the OF A PUBLIC LIBRARY, er sources, including, but not excess o1 eighteen ( 1a) cove ria otherwise , a singly miring the resvifa is •sled in the mnhed to. private end public mentos. covered col this Section, a single CircWf Coun of W hington WHICH SHALL INCLUDE atoms, donations end appropn- and duse t That the new sans benany in shah l deemed rwo e- LIMITATION, LV. WITHOUT WHE and and use tax Shall ti evictl and be any 9imgle sale yrolch re- '.LIMITATION, LANG. A LI- WHEREAS the purpose d this collected only on are first two Ilactcd on' a Single invWt¢, re- BRARY BUILDING. MEETING Ordinance is to submit to the thousand five hundred dollars ceipt or statement. W-which an ROOMS, FURNITURE, FUR. electors of the City the question (32,500) of grass receipts, aggregate sales tax figure has NISHINGS. FIXTURES. COM- of authorizing and levying the gross proceeds. or sales price been reported arra fenllatO to PUTERS AND RELATED Special Tax for the purpose of from s single transection. A the Stale. EQUIPMENT AND SOFT. accomplishing the Project un- -Single tranSi lot- Is defined $=ign, 3. The ballot shag be WARE, BOOKS AND OTHER der Amendment 62 and the Au- according to line nature of the in subaianually the following LIBRARY MATERIALS. PARK- thorizing Legislation at s See- gpods purchased as bylaws: form: ING FACILITIES, INCLUDING tial section to be called for that A. When two or more devices OFFICIAL BALLOT A MOLT(-LEVEL PARKING purpose we to levy The Special in which or by which any per- SPECIAL ELECTION DECK. LANDSCAPING AND Tax at the rate of ora percent son or property is, or may 1>0 Cay of Fayetteville, Arkansas ANY NECESSARY ROAD, (1%) qn the rw6elpM from sales transported or drawn. including August 1c 2000 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY IM- at retail within the City of ell but trot limited 10 On-road vehi- Vote an risen question by Oleo- PROVEMENTS THEREFOR: items ~ are suokct to taws. des. whether required to be li. ing an 'X" in the square oppo- PRESCRIBING OTHER MAT• tion under the Arkansas Gross tensed or not, o(f-road vehi. sire the question airier °FOR° TERS RELATING THERETO: Receipts Tax Act of 1941 , as crest tam vehicles. airplanes. or 'AGAINST": AND DECLARING AN ENI emended (Ark. Code Ann . water vottSes, molar vehicles, OFOR a one percent (1 %) GENCY §§26.52-101, er seq.), and the or non-motorized vehicles Ono sales and use tax within the .I WHEREAS, the Ory of Fayette- recelats from &toting. using or mobile homes. are sold to a City of Fayelleville, Arkansas to ville, Arkansas (the 'City') is s 'consuming within the city tangi• Person My a seller, each individ- be levied mor a period of eight. txry of me Ilrst dans duty organ- )11e personal property under At- ual unit. whether part of a -near eon (1 a) months and pledged izied and existing under the kansas Compensatory Tax Am sale or ndt shall be treated as to pay a portion of the costs for laws Of the State of Arkansas of 1949, as amended (Ark, a- single transact= for the pur- the acquisition. design, con- W1aR�7, and Counel of Code Ann. 1§26-63-101 . at poxes Of me sales and use tax. strudion and equipping a public H� the ry saq.). S. The charges for the utility library, which shag inctude par- the Ory (Me 'Cay 0011110'1 'tas NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT services. which are stlaccl to titularly, without Gmraition,- lard. demrminad mat A is in one boll ORDAINED BY THE CITY the rale and use tax, and Mitch a library building, meeting interests of the dhzens of the COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF are finished on acontinuous rooms, furniture. furnishings. City to acquire, contract and FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: basis, whetner such services Tortures, computers and related equip a public library, as mora Sostion 1 , A Special election art geld daily, weekly,. momnly equipment and sORware; book2 particularly described ,n Sec wall be held on Tuesday, Au- or annually, Shall be computed and other library materials, tions 1 and 3 at Otis Ortlinence parking facilities, including a multi-level-pawing deck, two- Scalping and any necessary road, drainage and utility Im- provememsthereMr. O AGAINST a one percent (1 %) sales and use tax within me,Qty at PAyeaevilk, Arkan- sas m be IoWeO tar a period of eighteen (18) months and pledged m pay a Domain of the costs for the acquisition. da- .sign, construction and equip- prec1pantweny, without list talion, land, a library building,, meeting rooms, furniture, fur- fashinge, fixtures, computers and refated equipment and soft- were; Dooka and other library materials. Darling faoahms, in- cluding a multi-level parking deck, landscaping and any nab .. essary mad. drakhage and uali- . ty improvements therefor.: After payment d as of the im- provements listed above, any nurplva tax collections which may he accumulated shall be tram4ened to the general funds of Ine City, and shall be used for payment of maintenance and operation coals of the Cads public fibrai RUG-02-2000 15 : 43 N W R TIMES P . 15i16 WMCMeae, Int coy r+w,mn fare determined that Ing Project City at the special electionthe shallbe considered to be a sin• notice of the Ok will coal approximately Twenty- question at levying a one per- gle transactionfor the purposes .publication in a rtes, three Million Dollars cent (I %) citywide sales and of the Sales and use hly log general d4c do (523,=0. m 000) To complete: and use tax, pursuant to Aend- C. For sales of building materi• made lnPete s lthan >, WHEREAS. the City Council. merit 62 and The Authorizing els-and supplies 10 contractors, prior to eledioh, hes determined that a is in Inc Legislation, spedfically Ark. builders or other persons, a sin- days p The election pest interests of the City and Code Ann. §§14.164.327 gle transaction, for the purpos- be o The el than If the citizens of the City 10 pay through 336, as amended, the as of The sales and use tax, , the majority of me cost to com- proceeds of which shall be shall be deamcd to be any.stn- (301 days after the data Of the ORDINANCE NO. x256 plate the Project on a -pay as used for the ourposa of paying gle sale wedcdl s resected one � � of the Ordinance. The you go' basis through the levy- a 110111011 of Ina cost of the ac• single inwice. recOipT orf ffie election shall be held and mn• AN ORDINANCE CALLING A In N s citywide one percent quepion, design,. construction merit, on which an aggregate dueled and the wIe canvassed SPECIAL ELECTION IN THE (1 °.61 sates and use tax (the and equipping a public library, sales (or use) tax figure has and the results deataned under CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, AR- -Special Tale) for a period of which shall include particularly. been reported and remitted TO the law and in the manner raw KANSAS FOR THE PURPOSE eighteen (18) months pursuant withot anlltae . two- a library ton state. provitlatl for municipal elec- OF SUBMITTING TO THE m Amendment 62 of the Arlan- building. meeting rooms. lurnl- D. Wien tiro or more items of Tions, and only qualified eWc. ELECTORS OF THE CITY sits CO tr tution ("Amandment lure, iumishings. fikiures; com. major household appliances, tors of the City shall have the THE QUESTION OF AUTHOR- ST) ono Ark. Code Ann. 014- puters and related equipment commercial appliances, Thalor right to vote at the dleaion. IZING AND LEVYING A CITY, 164.301 fhralgh 340 (lila 'Au- and sohware; books and other equipment and machinery are Sec,Lon. The Mayor shall WIDE ONE PERCENT (1 %) Thai flattery materials, parking facili- sod, each individual unit shad prcdM tte results of the elf--• SALES AND USE TAX' FOR A WHEREAS, the City C0unc1 ties, including a mulll-level be treated as a single tolls hon by 6sutho a proclamation PERIOD OF EIGHTEEN (18) has determined that the re- perking dock, landscaping and cion for purposes of the sales and publishing the some and MONTHS FOR THE Pi minder of the wet TO complete any necessary road, drainage and use tax I .rime in a newspaper having'a POSE OF PAYING A . POP - the Proiect and any additional ane utility improvements mere• E. For groceries. drug Items, general CBpvlation In the hy. TION OF THE COST OF THE manias needed to enhance The d, The tax shall nor be extend- dry goods and other tangible The reautIS as p cclegred. stiaa ACQUISITION. DESIGN, CON• proioG nn be raised from an- ed or collected for a period in personal property andror eery beconclusiveunlesssuit ctYal- STRUC`nON 'AND EQUIPPING Tyr sources, including, bw not excess of eighteen (18) ices not Otherwise expressly long the results is yUed In the OF A PUBLIC LIBRARY,' limited to, private and OuDic months, c. red in this Section, a single iCireuit Court Of =1111gton WHICH SHALL INCLUDE grants, donations and wor0 ii- Spnim 2. That the new sales . transaction shall be (seemed at PARTICULARLY. WITHOUT aliens; ana and use tax snail be levied and be.any single sale which re- LIMITATION, LAND, A LI- WHEREAS, the purpose of cols milected Only on the first two Ilaeted on a Single' I4010e, re- BRARY BUILDING, MEETING Ordinance ;$ to submit 10 Ina thousand live hundred dollars ceipt or slatamenl, oo welch an ROOMS, FURNITURE, FUR- electors of the Ctry the question (S2,5oo) of gross receipts, aggregate sales tax figure has NISHINGS, FIXTURES. COM- of authorizing and Icvyina the grass proceeds. of sale•s, price been reported and remitted to PUTERS AND RELATED SpeUal Ta: fa the purpose of from a single transaction. A the State. EQUIPMENT AND SOFT• accomplishing the Project un- "single Transaction- is defmoa on 3. The ballot shall ate WARE, BOOKS.AND OTHER der Amendment 62 and the Au- according to the nature of the in substantially the following LIBRARY MATERIALS, PARK- thorl2ing Legislation at a see• goods purchased as lolbwS; toren: INC FACILITIES, INCLUDING - ei f ekNan to be calieu for That A. When two or more devices OFFICIAL BALLOT A MOLT;-LEVEL PARKING purpose and to levy the SpirCial in which or by which any per. SPECIALELECTION DECK, LANDSCAPING AND Tax at we rate of one percent son or property is, or may be Cry of Payineville. Arkansas ANY NECESSARY ROAD, T%) on the recedits from Sala; Iransemed or drawn, Including August 15. 2000 ' . I DRAINAGE AND UTILITY IM- at retail within Ina City of all of not limited 10 On-rpaO vefv- Veto an cash aues7on by plat PROVEMENTS THEREFOR; dams whidt are Subject m teas• dr, vmether rsquifcd To be IF ing arI 'X' in the square opps ' I PRESCAISING OTHER MAT- tion under the Arkansas Gross conned or not, off-road veli- she the question enher 'FOR' TEP,S RELATING THERETO; Receipts Tax Act or 19x1 , az cles, farm vehicles, airplanes. or"AGAINST': AND DECLARINO 'AN EMER• amended (Ark. Code Ann. water vessels. motor vehicles, 0. FOR a one percent (1%) GENCY. §§26-52-101 , at Sea.), and the or non•motorRed vehicles and sales and use tax within the WHERE� the City of Fayeue- recrtipts then scoring, using or mobile homes, are sold to a Ory o1 FayedeNae. Arkansas to Wis. Arkansas (the "Ctyl is a consuming within the city iangi• penton by a senor, each indivi be levied fur a period of eight- city Of The first class duly organ- ale personal nrcperty, uncer Ar- ual unit, whether part of a Tleel' 'een (18) months and pledged ized and existing under the . kensas Compensatory Tax Act sale w not. shall be treated as to pays portion of the oos6 for laws of the State of Arkansas of 1949. as amended (Ark. a single Transaction for The aur- The acquisition, design. can- me "Slate-i; and Code Ann. §§28.53-101 . at pose. of the sales and use tax. sauutilon end equipping a pudic WHEREAS, Ing City COunci of we.). E. The charges for the utility library, which shelf include pad the City ane "City Ceuneirl hes NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT services, which are subject to ocularly, without limitation. Lid. . determined that it 's in the best ORDAINED BY THE CITY the cele and use tax, and wlech a library building, meeting interests Of the citizens Of The COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF are finished on a continuous reams, furniture; Tuenlsnlngs, City to acquire, construct and FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: basis, whether such sarvlceS fixtures, computers and related equip a pudic library, as more apOtion 1 , A Special election are paid daily, weekly,. monthly equipment and software: books . particularly described in See- ' glall be held On Tuesday, Au- or annually, Shall be COmPuldd and other library materials. ams 1 and 3 of this Ordinance parking- - multi-le el patrking ineask, lantl seeping and any necessary road. . dralnage and utility im- provemlerdSTherefor. 0 AGAINST a one Percent (1%f axles and use lex within the-City of Fayeaeville.Arkan- aas to be levied for a period nt eighteen (18) months and pledged To pay a portion of the casts tar the acquisition• ds- sign, construction and equip- ping a public library, which shall include parlicuady. WilhwT behi- ' Oeim land, a library buildiri meoting rooms, furniture, fur-nishings. futures. computers and related eauipmem and SqR- ware; Wake and other library materials, Perking frtcillfift in- cluding a multi-level parking deck, landscaping and any rvi essay road: drainage and .ubb- ry improvements therefor.. Alter Payment Of sit Of the Im- provements listed above, any surplus tax collections which may be accumulated shah be transferred To the general funds of the Chy. and shall be used for payment of malmeeance - and operation costs of the Cri public Ubral.ft AUG-02-2000 15 : 44 N W A TIMES P . 16i16 a y E4v°" Tnr T,mc sum , s,yme,;tla Arkussvy July 91 2000' i -- -- --- 0099 Notfy 0099 Le9a� 00^w L al NISHINGS, FIXTURES, COM- Notices 99 PUTERS AND RELATED Notices EQUIPMENT AND SOFT- COunry Arkansas within Thirty emergency exists ad. his Ord;- W RE BOOKS AND OTHER (30) days cher LIBRARY MATERIALS, PARK- the prodamstlon. publldanon of nonce ceing necessary For the TNG FACILITIES. INCLUDING T unmetlfate proservatgn of puh- A 'MULTI-LEVEL PARKING '�—�— Abe given this Ortli- tic peace. health end sAfety DECKNY LANDSCAPING' AND ranee sn811 b° given Bear the shall t>e entamBd and take 'el• DRAINAGE ANOAU7ILITYA O. Election County Board of feet immMiamJ h the nxeC�� jectle te that im pessagp. Y °f0 ono' aftOr PROVEMENTS THEREFOR:' ' and ' aim y b,. n.officials PASSED ANDA PPROV PRESCRIBING OTHER MAT-'may j . Provided, tnic.5th tlaYetJWy, 2000, ED. TERS RELATING THERETO-the Ordi- APPROVED. AND DECLARING AN EMER- nonce and 's Me Cie I'll shoal,- BY Fred S. Hanna. Jr GENCY'; passed ,by the City, Ing the boundarias. of Ina City Mayor Council of Ina Chia Fayette. Shall also ne provided to Ina ATTEST. Ville, Arkansas, dlt ,Ar S, Ce ST111siof r a Revenues Of Said Ordinance h 2080. Ina rwi of ArlWnsaa es seen � Heather Waotlnrd encu now appearing as plaa:leaA •�+ry Clerk � � nI record in my Office. ACLt1g�Q. The Mayor me C 1�9T.0 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 Cit yO STATE OF ARKANSAB have here'= $e[ IV nand and ' Y Clerk, for and on oenalf of s°al this &h da of July b"* rAY. be, and Ivey are help- COUNTY OFARKANSAS 8Y: Heather Woddru2M0. by any an all and directed to I, Heather woo". ch cork, City City Clark Fayonevlik, Arkansas 10 arty and all ld ? necessary Within and ler the Cry of Fayet• arCl cell and herd Ire soeclal Ieville. Arkagaas do hereby ae1• ra. i t 9s Herein ayOviOod Iffy. met Ute falegung is 2Prov 'rrye and. if the Special acts i° aP- and reneef copy of Ordinance Cause by in*. al Tai ctore. to . No. 4255 or the Omfinerices of <suae Ina Special Tai to be the Ordinances of the Ci oi- conected in accordance W;fh Fayedevdlo, Arkansas, emTy Of ch0 l^.ne Of :be Share W Arkan• 'AN ORDINANCE CA. ff A seg, and ro Perform eu °Pts Of SPECIAL ELECTION IN THE Whatever na"e .' Woseary 10 CITY OF FAYETTEVILL` qR- "arty out W suthomy conferred KANSAS FOR THE PURPOSE by this a. An OF SUBMITTING TO THE S na lheF, Aq Ordinances and CLEC70RS OF THE CITY airts IhereW .n convict harewith THE QUESTION OF AUTHOR. are hereby repeated M the u- IZING.AND LEVYING 4 CITY- tenlr# wenoonnitt . WIDE ONE PERCENT 94'L'tipnr t0 Emergency. h is SALES ANO USE 7A F (1 LI noreoy eicertalned and de- PERIOD OF USE TAX, OR A Glared chat there is an Immetli MONTHS EIGHTEEN (18) ate need for mo capi[at Im• POSE OF PAVING A 0 UR- Prov once i tleecrihedJn this TION OF THE COST OF T E M. Ordinance in ober %pnunota ACOUISITICN, DESIGN, CON- and weaa ff 01 me:C1n.,.erltleR 'OF Rtq TION AND EOUIPPING ;nnabltanla. end Iheu Me im- W PUBLIC LIBRARYSHALL , prPwrments can be accomplish. PARTICULARLY WITHOUT Itn of t 3pep I Ta LIMITATION. LAND, A LI- meroloro, declared Inas an ROOBRARY BUILDING. MEETING URNITURE, FUR- . TOTAL P . 16