HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4022 • FILED FOR RECORD ' 07 FEB 24 PM 2 49 WASHINGTON CO AR K• HARiJESS t, ORDINANCE NO, 4 D 2 2 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS FOR THE CITY TO OBTAIN LAND FOR RIGHT OF WAY PURPOSES AND TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT PURPOSES FROM LAND OWNED BY JERRY D. SWEETSER AND THE HEIRS OF PAUL E. TUNSTILL, OR JERRY D. SWEETSER, INC . , OR MORNINGSIDE, INC. , LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF 24TH STREET. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section I. That the City Council authorizes and directs the city attorney of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas to initiate legal action in order to obtain fee simple title to the property described below for right of way purposes, and a temporary construction easement on, over and across the property described below: See Exhibit "A " attached hereto and made a part hereof. LAND APPROVED this l8th day ofFeb�ary , 1997 . APPROVED : syly / By : red Hanna, Mayor ATTES . By : Traci Paul, City Clerk 9'7,011054 4( Exhibit "A " Legal Description PROPERTY OWNERS: Jerry D. Sweetser and the heirs of Paul E. Tunstill, or Jerry D. Sweetser, Inc. , or Morningside, Inc. FEE SIMPLE ACQUISITION DESCRIPTION: A part of the Southwest Quarter (SW '/4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE '/4 ) of Section Twenty-eight (28) , Township Sixteen ( 16) North, Range Thirty (30) West, being more particularly described as follows : Commencing at the Northeast corner of said SW '/4 of the NE '/4 and running thence South 02 ° 58 ' 20" West 90. 33 feet to the existing South right of way line of 24th Street for the Point of Beginning; thence South 02° 58 ' 20" West along the East property line 6.98 feet; thence North 80° 30' 00" West 168.22 feet; thence North 84 ° 07 ' 30 " West 145 . 70 feet; thence North 76 ° 42' 45 " West 50.83 feet to the existing South right of way line of 24th Street; thence South 86 ° 46' 00" East along said existing South right of way line 136.20 feet; thence continuing along said existing South right of way line South 79 ° 59' 14" East 228 . 17 feet to the Point of Beginning , containing 3 ,083 square feet (0.07 acre) , more or less. The bearings for this description are based on the City of Fayetteville Global Positioning Satellite System, which may vary from the bearing system previously used in describing the subject property TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT: Property Descr' t� ion: Part of the Southwest Quarter (SW V4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4 ) of Section Twenty-eight (28) in Township Sixteen (16) North, Range Thirty (30) West, in the City of Fayetteville, Washington County , Arkansas, more particularly described as follows , to-wit: Beginning at a point which lies South 02° 51 ' 30" West 60.0 feet from the Northeast corner of said forty acre tract, said point of beginning being on the East line of said forty acre tract and on the South right of way line of 24th Street; thence South 02° 51 ' 30" West with the East line of said forty acre tract 930 feet; thence South 72 ° 04' 00" West 298 .45 feet; thence South 02 ° 51 ' 30" West 220 feet to the South line of said forty acre tract; thence North 86 ° 18' 00" West with the South line 1041 . 5 feet to the Southwest corner of said forty acre tract; thence North 02° 52' 30" East with the West line of said forty acre tract 224.04 feet; thence North 76 ° 32' 13 " East 270.06 feet; thence ro11Q55 Page 2 4022 Ordinance No . Exhibit A North 130 37 ' 12" East 151 . 35 feet; thence North 530 58 ' 58 " East 626. 12 feet; thence North 05 ° 00' 35 " East 415 .02 feet to the South right of way line of 24th Street; thence Easterly with said South right of way line approximately 530 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 23 . 12 acres, more or less. LESS AND EXCEPT 1 .44 acres, more or less, more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point that is 518 .43 feet South and 749 .75 feet East of the Northwest corner of the above mentioned forty acre tract and running thence South 53 ° 58 ' 58" West along the existing property line 626. 12 feet; thence South 130 37' 13 " West along the existing property line 151 .35 feet; thence North 530 58' 58 " East 656. 16 feet; thence North 05 ° 00' 33 " East 129.93 feet to the point of beginning. ALSO LESS AND EXCEPT that portion of this property conveyed to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, as 24th Street right of way under the above referenced project number. Temporary Construction and Grading_ Easement Descriptio A fifteen ( 15) foot wide temporary construction and grading easement across the above described property , said easement being parallel with and contiguous to the South right of way line of 24th Street between the East and West property lines, and situated on the South side thereof. This temporary construction and grading easement contains 7,889 square feet (0. 18 acre) , more or less. 9'7011056 Yd J• - cY l ih3. c:-. __ L . . . F, -c-,: unto cel • 11 nd ca' ,.-:t xCU tho cool of said Court on t. te date indceted hereon. Kathleen Harness Circu!t Clerk and it; o Records! by ORDINANCE NO. 4022 TEMPORARY CONSTRUC. r` Us 11i rm � � �' lu AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZ- TION EASEMENT.' ING EMINENT DOMAIN PRO. Property Description: CEEDINGS FOR THE CITY TO Pan of the Southwest Quarter klAnt 0 6 1997 OBTAIN LAND FOR RIGHT OF (SW 1/4) of the Northeast WAY PURPOSES AND TEM- Quarter (NE 1/4) of Section r,' a �r�°� PORARY CONSTRUCTION Twenty-eight (28) in Township STATE OF ARKANSAS FINANCE DEPT• EASEMENT PURPOSES Sixteen (16) North, Range Thir- i FROM LAND OWNED BY JER. tY (30) West, in the City of 1 ss. RY D. SWEETSER AND THE Fayetteville, Washington Coun. County of Washington HEIRS OF PAUL E. TUNSTILL, ty. Arkansas, more particularly OR JERRY D. SWEETSER, described as follows, to-wit: Be- INC., OR MORNINGSIDE, ginning at a point which lies I, h Q hereby cer- INC., LOCATED QN THE South o2° 5r 30• west so.o Gfy that I am the publisher of NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily SOUTH SAID OF 24TH feet from the Northeast corner STREET. of said forty acre tract, said newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of BE IT ORDAINED BY THE point of beginning being on the five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals CITY COUNCILOF THE CITY East line of said tarry acre tract OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKAN- and on the South right of way continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than ' SAS: line of 24th Street; thence aperiodof twelve months, circulated anddistribuled from an established placeof business wont That the City Coun. South 020 51' 30• West with the to subscribers and readers genera(Iyofall classes intheCity andCountyforadefiniteprice cil authorizes and directs the East line of said forty acre tract for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the city attorney of the City of 930 feet; thence South 720 04' Fayetteville, Arkansas to initiate 00• West 298.45 feet; thence . value of the publication, based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at legal action in order to obtain South 020 51' 30• west 220 least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the fee simple title to the property feet to the scutili line of said for- newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six described below for right of way ty acre tract; Awe North 860 purposes, and a temporary 18' oo• West with the South line months; and that the said newspaperpublishes anaverage of more than forty percent news and across easement on, over 1041 .5 feet to the Southwest mailer. and across the property desert- corner of said forty acre tract; bed below' thence North 02° 52' 30• East 'See Exhibit •A• hereof hereto 1 further certify that the legal police hereto attached in the matter of and made a pan hereat. with the West line of said forty PASSED AND APPROVED this etre tract 224.04 feet; thence North 760 thence North East 270.06 18th of February, 1997. �-.r> �� r�ilAQ'e I�JQr Oc feat; thence North 130 37' APPROVED: North - I BY: Fred Hanna East 151 .35 feet thence Nonh was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for ` Mayor 53° 58' 58• East 626. 12 feet; ATTEST: thence North 05° 00' 354 East consecutive insertions as follows: 415.02 feet to the South right of BY: Traci Paul way line of 241h Street; thence /� City Clerk Easterly with said South right of The first insertion on the A _ I dayof 19 7 Exhibitway line approximately 5feet Legal Description 30 to the Point of Beginning and PROPERTY OWNERS: containing 23.12 acres, more or the second insertion on the day of 19 Jerry D. Sweetser and the heirs less. LESS AND EXCEPT 1 .44 of Paul E. Tunstill, or Jerry D. , acres, more or less, more par- the third insertion on the day of 19 Sweetser, Inc., or Momingside, lculady described as follows, to Inc. wit: Beginning at paint that is ,V,EE SIMPLE ACQUISITION 518.43 feet South and 749.75 and the fourth insertion on the day of 19 DESCRIPTION: feet East of the Northwest cor- (SWA part 1 the Southwest NorQuatheast net of the above mentioned for. Qua ter ( E the Northeast . ty acre tract and running thence Quarter (NE 1/4) of Section 1 South 53° 58' 580 West along Twenty- 16)N North. Township the existing property line Sixteen (16) North, Range Thir- 626.12 feet thence South 130 ty (30) West being more partic- 37' IT West along the existing Publisher n ml Manager ularly described as follows: properly line 151 .35 feet; Commencing at the Northeast ' thence North 530 58' 58• East corner of said SW 1/4 of the 656.16 feet; thence North 050 NW 1/4 and running thence 00' 33• East 129.93 feet to the ' South 020 58' 20• West 90.33 point of beginning. ALSO LESS feet to the existing South right AND EXCEPT that portion of of way line of 24th Street for the this property conveyed to the Point of Beginning; thence City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, South 020 58' 20• West along as 24th Street right of way un- the East property line 6.98 feet; der the above referenced proj. thence North 80° 30' 000 West ect number. 168.22 feet; thence North 840 Temporary Construction and 07' 30' West 145.70 feel; Grading Easement Description: _ / / thence North 76° 42' 450 West A fifteen (15) foot wide tempo- )<.h 50.83 feet to the existing South rery construction ar�d grading Swom to and subscribed before me on Oils day of fight of way line of 24th Street easement across thetebove de- qqq thence South 86° 46' 00• East scribed property, Said ease. y //�,- 0) 19 along said existing South right ment being parallel with and / / of way line 136.20 feet; thence contiguous to the South right of continuing along said existing way line of 24th Street between ([[y South right of way line South the East and West property / ' -tell![[! 1 790 59' 140 East 228.17 feet to lines. and situated on the South �[[[ - 1 the Point of Beginning, contain- side thereof. This temporary [[[([[[[[[[ trig 3,083 square feet bear- construction and grading ease- c a G Sta10p Oil t 1 Notary Public acre), more or less. The bear- ment contains 7,889 square c blit. t♦nty r Ings for this description are feet (0.18 acre), more or less. 1JOlflTY hjn�tOttCO s0 ,��05 based on the City of Fayette- My Commission Expires: c Vf;j. rte acct System,Global Positioning maarytellite from - --_ l My Cpnlcrtn4cco nEccccccccccac the bearing system previously tt_ used in describing the subject property. ��'7 Fees for Printing $ a% 50 Cost of Proof $ Total $