HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4005 ORDINANCE NO. 4005 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 98: STREETS AND SIDEWALKS, SECTION 98 .67 : SPECIFICATIONS, OF THE CODE OF FAYETTEVILLE, TO PROVIDE STANDARDS FOR SIDEWALKS , DRIVEWAY APPROACHES , AND ACCESS RAMPS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That Chapter 98 : Streets and Sidewalks, Section 98.67 : Specifications, of the Code of Fayetteville, is hereby deleted and the following shall be inserted in its stead: § 98 . 67 SPECIFICATIONS . (A) Sidewalks. (See: Illustration, Residential Type Sidewalk) . (1 ) Grades; establishment of property lines . All sidewalks, street curbing and guttering, and driveway approaches shall be constructed in grades as established by the city official . It shall be the responsibility of the owner to establish property lines by competent survey at his own expense. (2) Minimum width of sidewalks. The minimum width of sidewalks shall follow the guidelines of Section 8.2, Master Street Plan, of the General Plan 2020. (3) Sidewalk distances from the curb. The sidewalk setback distance from the curb shall follow the guidelines of Section 8. 2, Master Street Plan, of the General Plan 2020. (4) There shall be a minimum of one ( 1 ) foot between the sidewalk and the beginning of a slope as shown on the typical section detail . (5) Cement-concrete requirement. All sidewalks, street curbing and guttering, and concrete driveway approaches shall be constructed of a Portland cement concrete mixture which will produce a concrete of a compressive strength of 3 ,000 pounds per square inch after 28 days set under standard laboratory methods. (6) Minimum thickness of sidewalks and driveway approaches. The minimum thickness of sidewalks shall be four (4) inches with any fill materials required for residential or commercial sidewalks consisting of approved compacted base material . The minimum thickness of residential driveway approaches shall be four (4) inches with four (4) inches of compacted base material or six inch by six inch 10 gauge reinforcing steel . The minimum thickness of commercial driveway approaches shall be six (6) inches with six (6) inches of compacted base material or six inch by six inch 10 gauge reinforcing steel . (7) Sidewalks shall conform to ADA guidelines. Page 2 4005 Ordinance No . (8) Sidewalks shall be continuous through driveways with a cold joint or expansion joint at the edge of the sidewalk opposite the street. (9) The sidewalk edge adjacent to the street shall have at least a one ( 1) inch deep grooved joint mark (can be a cold joint) to clearly define the sidewalk through the driveway and approach . ( 10) The sidewalk elevation shall be two percent above the top of the curb, sloping two percent towards the curb (one-fourth inch in each foot) . This elevation shall be continuous through the driveway and approach. (11 ) Sidewalks that are to be constructed adjacent to the curb shall be so located at their intersection with the approach and the driveway that the ADA requirement of the two percent maximum vertical slope is met. ( 12) The area remaining between the sidewalk and the flow-line of the gutter, called the approach to the driveway, shall slope up to the elevation of the sidewalk. ( 13) Wood shall not be acceptable in sidewalks for expansion joints. The joint material shall be the same as approved for AHTD sidewalk construction (AASHTO M 213) . ( 14) Full depth expansion joints (4 inches) shall be provided at not greater intervals than 50 feet. One-quarter depth ( 1 inch) weakened plane joints or saw-cut joints shall be placed in sidewalk at regular intervals not greater than 10 feet apart. ( 15) All sidewalks and curb cuts made for driveway approaches require an inspection prior to the concrete pour. ( 16) The material used for sidewalk construction shall be Portland Cement Concrete having a broom finish. The use of other materials must have the approval of the Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator. ( 17) All sidewalks shall have one-half inch rolled edges. (18) Removal and replacement of broken sidewalks require vertical saw- cuts on both ends of the sidewalk being replaced. ( 19) All sidewalks and driveway approaches require the application of a concrete curing compound or the concrete is to be kept moist for seven (7) days. B . Driveway Approaches. (See: Illustration, Standard Driveway Approach Residential) . ( 1 ) Curb, if existing, shall be removed for full width of the drive approach. (2) All concrete to be removed shall be saw-cut. (3) Horizontal curb cutting along the flow-line of the gutter is allowed. (4) If no horizontal curb cut is made, complete curb and gutter removal is required. (5) Broken edges of saw-cuts caused by demolition require a new saw- cut. Page 3 Ordinance No . 4005 (6) Width of driveway approaches. The width of commercial driveway approaches shall not exceed 40 feet measured at right angles to the center-line of the driveway approach. The width of residential driveway approaches shall not exceed 24 feet measured at right angles to the center-line of the driveway approach. The minimum width shall not be less than 10 feet. (7) Safety zones. Safety zones between driveway approaches shall not be less than the distance designated for distances between curb cuts in the standards for street design of the subdivision regulations of Ordinance No. 1750 of the city . On streets of higher use designation than collector, the standards for collector streets shall apply. Curbs shall be installed to prohibit vehicle parking and access in safety zones. The barrier line nearest the street or highway shall be on line with existing curbs, or established curb lines, but not less than 22 feet from the center of the pavement; provided the city official does not require a greater distance when needed to preserve the safety and utility of the street or highway or provide conformance with proposed street or highway improvements. The curb cut for a driveway approach (other than for a single-family residential lot) shall be located a minimum of 121/2 feet from the nearest property line; curb cuts between driveway approaches on single-family residential lots shall he separated by a minimum of 10 feet. The curb cut for a driveway approach on a single-family residential lot shall be located a minimum of 5 feet from the side property line; provided, this requirement shall not apply to a joint driveway (driveway approach providing access to two adjoining lots), or residential lots on the turning circle of a cul-de-sac. (8) Safety zones at intersections and corners. No driveway approach shall be constructed less than the distance from the comer of a street or highway intersection designated in the standards for street design of the subdivision regulations of Ordinance No. 1750 of the city; provided the city official may require a greater distance between the corner and the driveway approach to preserve the safety of the street or highway; provided further the city may require the property owner to designate a driveway approach "for entrance only " or "for exit only" where more than one driveway approach provided access to the property in order to preserve the safety of the street or highway. On streets of a higher use designation than collector, the standards for distances between curb cuts for collector streets shall apply. (9) Variations. The city official may grant variations where strict enforcement would be impractical due to circumstances unique to the individual property under consideration. C. Access Ramps (Installation guidelines) . (See Fig. 11 , Fig. 12 & Fig. 13) (1) Access ramps shall conform to ADA requirements. (2) Access ramps shall be installed at all sidewalk intersections with the street. (3) Access ramps shall be installed in a direct parallel direction to the sidewalk. Note : Therefore, many curb radii will require two (2) access ramps. Page 4 Ordinance No , 4005 (4) The raised or built-up access ramp shall not be installed on public streets without the approval of the Street Superintendent. (5) The minimum width of a curb ramp shall be 36 inches and 48 inches is recommended, exclusive of flared sides. (6) The slope of the ramp shall not be greater than 8.33 percent ( 1 : 12). (7) The slope of the flared sides shall not be greater than 10 percent ( 1 : 10) . (8) Access ramps shall have a broom finish. PASSED AND APPROVED this 19th day of November 1996. APPROVED • y : �\ • " :, ��' red Hanna, Mayor ATTESTr ' By : Traci Paul, City Clerk 6* 06 Sloe! �4 aer feat M" L<'NidM • I IIS —1 0!r plon ✓�`� �rUnwis ° I STItEE7 1 I .1 � � S IDEW auCS • _•Illii -r ;: 0 j TYPIuL ` Ecc1oN TJE�fni� RESMSMAL TYPE SMEWALK x w x 1 i i 'ea Join Sidsweet '}• • : .. -. . l' : NI ,lom Sidewe+k v1 - 1• . . .. l I .. • S= Tao of Curbs • - F' ' '. . •. • '� • •• • .I11 - .. � � 1 Flow twine III Edq! a1 Guitar IR PLAN x w x Curb Foe" i 06oress!! Curb I I Flaw lined SECTION A- A STANDARD DRIVEWAY APPROACH RESIDENTIAL 6.. 07 X AywwMq scope sh" Y eotscmiIiislto slope= r: s .MM R as • Mw1 pis" Now �tAlN FlwII Measurement of curb Ramp Slope / ,,.r.,. or Oul.. ewtmw 40 -� . . " • � 0 F7ne Sldw paumed Cum qx� rm Masfa a tAw w stops s/ w tWad olds SAW am see• 1:12 Fig. 12 States of Curb Ramps F7g. 13 suatdlp Curb Ramp 1 ORDINANCE N0. 4005 to prohibit vehicle parking and AN .ORDINANCE AMENDING access in safety zones. The CHAPTER 98; STREETS AND barrier line nearest the street or SIDEWALKS, SECTION 98.67: _ highway shall be on line with u ,.SPECIFICATIONS, OF THE existing curbs, or established ,lIl,Lf;p V �` CODE OF FAYETTEVILLE, TO Curb lines, but not leu than 22 ' PROVIDE' STANDARDS FOR feet from the center of the SIDEWALKS. DRIVEWAY AP- pavement, provided the city of- ' PROACHES. AND ACCESS ficial does not require a greater LC O ,9/ ��9UC RAMPS. distance when needed to pre- STATE OF ARKANSAS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE serve the safety and utility of FINANCE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY the street or highway or provide ss. f F 1 DCLPT OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKAN- conformance with proposed County of Washington SAS: street or highway improve- Section 1 . That Chapter 98: ments. The curb Cut for a drive- /� Streets and Sidewalks. Section way approach (other than for a 1, `' rn r�•t 1- 1 1ppP hereby cer- 98.67: Specifications, of the single-family residential lot) Code of Fayetteville, is hereby shall be located a minimum of tify that 1 am We publisher # THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily deleted and the following shall 12 1/2 feet from the nearest newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of be inserted in its stead: - property line; curb cuts be- five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals ( 90.67 SPECIFICATIONS. tweesingle-family driveway approaches is continuously to the Cil of Fayetteville, Court of Washington, Arkansas for more than (A) Sidewalks. (See: single-family resitlential lots Y � Y Y ry g Illustration, Residential Type shall be separated by a mini- aperiodof twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of business Sidewalk). mum of 10 feet. The curb cut to subscribers and readers generally ofallclasses in the City and County for a definite price (1 ) Grades; establishment of for a driveway approach on a property lines. All sitlewalks, single familyresidential lot shall for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was feed at what is considered the street curbing and guttering, be located a minimum of 5 feet . value of the publication, based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at antl,driveway approaches shall from the side property line; pro- least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the be constructed in grades as es- vided, this requirement shall not tablished by the city official. It apply to,a joint driveway (drive- newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six shall be the responsibility of the way approach providing access 1 months; and that the said newspaperpublishes an average of more than forty percent news owner to establish properly to two adjoining lots), or resi- matter lines by competent survey at dential lots on the turning circle his own expense. of a cul-de-sac. (2) Minimum width of (8) Safety zones at imersec- I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of sitlewalks. The minimum width tions and corners. No driveway of sidewalks shall follow the approach shall be constructed 1 n guidelines of Section 8.2, Mas- less than the distance from the A l M f A ter Street Plan, of the General corner of a street or highway in- Plan 2020. tersection designated in the was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for (3) Sidewalk distances from the standards for street design of curb. The sidewalk setback dis- the subdivision regulations of consecutive insertions as follows: tante from the curb shall follow Ordinance No. 1750 of the city; , the guidelines of Section 8.2, provided the City official may re- 1 q/ Master Street Plan, of the Gen- quire a greater distance be- The first insertion on the /! 1 430 day of 19� eral Plan 2020. mean the corner and the drive- (4) There shall be a minimum of way approach to preserve the the second insertion on the da of 19 one (1) foot between the side- safety of the street or highway; Y walk and the beginning of a provided further the city may re- slope as shown on the typical quire the property owner to the third insertion on the day of 19 section detail. designate a driveway approach (5) Cement - Concrete require- 'for entrance only' or 'tor exit ment. All sidewalks, street curb- only- where more than one and the fourth insertion on the day f 19 ing and guttering, and concrete driveway approach provided driveway approaches shall be �amess to the property in order ru , constctetl of a Portland ce- to preserve the safety of the ment concrete mixture which street or highway. On streets of will produce a concrete of a a higher use designation than compressive strength of 3,000 ,collector, the standards for dis- pounds per square inch after 28 tances between curb cuts for Pub li / General Manager days set under standard labora- collector streets shall apply. tory methods. (9) Variations. The city official (6) Minimum thickness of side- , may grant variations where walks and driveway ap strict enforcement would be im- proaches. The minimum thick- practical due to circumstances ness of sidewalks shall be four unique to the individual proper- (4) inches with any fill materials ty under consideration, required for residential or C. Access Ramps (Installation commmial sidewalks consisting Guidelins). (See Fig. 11, Fig. 12 of approved compacted base 8 Fig. 13) material. The minimum thick- (1) Amass ramps shall Conform new of residential driveway ap- to ADA requirements proaches shall be four (4) in- (2) Access ramps shall be in- , 1 ches with four (4) Inches of stalled at all sidewalk imersec- compacted base material or six tions with the street. Swum to and subscribed before me on this da of inch by six inch 10 gauge rein- (3) Access ramps shall be in- Y forcing steel. The minimum stalled in a direct parallel direc- thickness of commercial drive- tion to the sidewalk. Note: ,C Q AYl 19 ` l0 way approaches shall be six (6) Therefore, many curb radii will inches with six (6) inches of require two (2) access ramps. compacted base material or six (4) The raised or built-up ac- inch by six inch 10 gauge rein- cess ramp shall not be installed U[[[![[!r[![![t[[[[r [[ le [( 7 0 h e forcing steel. on public streets without the ap- I Catherine S (7) Sidewalks shall conform to proval of the Street Superin- v ' Notary Public ADA guidelines. tendent. Notary Public, State of Arkansas ;� 5 The minimum width to a MyCommissi ExpiruM P t (8) Sidewalks shall be continu- ( ) dd;.• 'ashin ton County ous through driveways with a curb ramp shall be 36 inches ) M Commission Expires 02127/05 '( cold joint or expansion joint at and 48 inches is t Y C the edge of thesidewalk oppo- recommended, exclusive of bcccccccccececccecccecececceccccc site the street. flared sides. (9) The sidewalk edge adjacent (6) The slope of the ramp shall to the street shall have at least not be greater than 8.33 per- a one (1 ) inch deep grooved cent (1:12). Fees for Printing .$ 32 joint mark (can be a cold joint ) (7) The slope of the flared sides to clearly define the sidewalk shall not be greater than 10 Cost of Proof $ through the driveway and ap- percent (1 :10). -,q preach. _ _ (8) Access ramps shall have a Total $ .� /� 32— broom finish. III NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES III P.O. Drawer D • Fayetteville, Arkansas 72702 • 501-442-1700 • 800-498-1991 • Fax 501-442-5477 (10) The sidewalk elevation shall be two percent above the (6) Width of driveway ap- proaches. The width of com- top of the curb, sloping b ( per- martial driveway approaches .cent inch is the curb (one-fourth shall not exceed 40 feet meas- elevation inch in each loom This ured at right angles to the can- through shall a continuous ter-line of the driveway ap- throughtha driveway and lip- proach. The width of residential proach. driveway approaches shall not (11) Sidewalks that are to be exceed 24 feet measured at �J constructed adjacent to the right angles to the center-line of , \ L k.; t i V curb shall be so located at their the driveway approach. The intersection with the approach minimum width shall not be less and the driveway that the ADA than to feet. - DEC 0 9 1996 requirement of the two percent maximum vertical slope is met. (7) Safety zones. Safety zones (12) The area remaining be- between driveway approaches t�1 It, r�7 Mean the sidewalk and the flow- tanshall not designated less than the distances s- FINANCE DEPT, line of the gutter, called the ap. bet e n curb for hstand- proach to the driveway, shall between curb cuts in the f the slope up to the elevation of the suds for street regulations of the sidewalk. subdivision regulations of Ortli- (13) Wood shall not be accept- nance No. 1750 of the city. On able in sidewalks for expansion streets of higher use designa- joints. The joint material shall tion than collector, the stand- be the same as approved for ards for collector streets shall AHTD sidewalk construction apply. Curbs Shall be installed_ (AASHTO M 213). PASSEWAND APPROVED? (14) Full depth expansion joints ithis 19th day of November, (4 inches) shall be providedlat 1996. ED: not greater intervals than 50 APPROVBy Fred Hanna, Mayor feet. One-quarter depth (1 inch) ATTEST: . weakened plane joints or saw- cut joints shall be placed -in By: Traci Pau 1, City Clark - sidewalk at regular intervals not greater than 10 feet apart. (15) All sidewalks and curb cuts made for driveway approaches require an inspection prior to the concrete pour. (16) The material used for side- walk construction shall be Port- land Cement Concrete having a broom finish. The use of other materials must have the appro- val of the Sidewalk and Trails Coordinator. (17) All sidewalks shall have one-half inch rolled edges. (18) Removal and replacement of broken sidewalks require vertical sawcuts on both ends of the sidewalk being replaced. (19) All sidewalks and driveway approaches require the applica- lion of a concrete luring com- pound or the concrete is to bfh kept moist for Vven (7) days. B. Drivewa Approaches (See: IllustraStandard Driveway Appropcll @asidentiap. (1) G ['b' I-existing, shall be re- moled for full width of the drive approach. (2) All conrete to be removed shall be saw-curt. (3) Horizontal curb cutting along the flow-line of the gutter is allowed. (4) If no horizontal curb cut is made, complete curb and gutter removal is required. (5) Broken edges of saw-cuts caused by demolition require a new saw-cut,