HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3990 FILED FOR RECORD ORDINANCE NO. 3 9 9 0 196 SEP 11 PM 2 27 NASHINGTON CO AR AN ORDINANCE VACATING AND ABANDONING 14. 5%RNESS WIDE STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY CONNECTING LISA LANE AND BRENT LANE AS REQUESTED SPENCER AND MARTHA ALBRIGHT. WHEREAS , the City Council has the authority under A.C.A. § 14-54-104 to vacate portions of streets which are not required for corporate purposes; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the following described street right-of- way is a platted but unopened street which is not required for corporate purposes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby vacates and abandons all of its rights together with the rights of the public generally, subject to the reservation of a utility easement, in and to the following described property located in Washington County, Arkansas: See Exhibit "A " attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 2 . The City of Fayetteville hereby reserves an easement on, over, across and under a portion of the above-described street right-of-way to construct, lay, remove, relay, enlarge, and maintain public utility lines. The reserved utility easement is located in Washington County and is described more particularly as follows : See Exhibit " B" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 3 . Said utility easement shall be for the benefit of the electric power companies, telephone companies, gas companies, cable companies, and the City of Fayetteville. Section 4. That a copy of this Ordinance duly certified by the City Clerk shall be filed in the office of the Recorder of the County and recorded in the Deed Records of the County . o� PA$�YD. AND APPROVED this 3rd day of September 1996. APPROVED: hey ry red Hanna, Mayor A t'I'EST- By : Traci Paul, City Clerk 9605'7445 RUCr19-1996 1050 COLDWELL BAWER FRUCETTE 1 501 444 7546 P . II Exhibit " A " EASEMENT DEED PARCEL NO. 765.15520.99e (+ 4w mr pM so," STATE OF ARKANSAS ) COUNTY OF WASHINGTON } DE rr KNOWN GY THESE' PRESENTS; Thal Oran in COaslGmnibn a.�r 9..DAIWrrs1 aGl ' 16 Ile 1+Ideraigped• MattM P. am ! afH au., good and v=nbla c 1 SIaRTlfa p al R "d s ° Car I nam Ix ee.rn.u�.at ro dl �lIons E O A RI In CA I IN 1pCL�p 7�3t UST dMatl Na qur a 19n1 NRi (iranbr) Pain. Ile rocxfla of 1v111tl1 is nOMDy ackn A a" va v moat 91 (hatpin styled DARGMN, SELL AN CONVEyary6lhc MDY Orlin Iho 301d GrMdnr do" narcoy ORANr, smolawdma4var dnRb , jos °M a as roptx;ne� a pltak stMa ape, lo-wit SV1Vay Oa0# TI' n a(m p rAC SarvC7 waled AuRusl 1, 199 r, and see at me" �9raa COuny..Mrana0l 2cp d fRe Cuc7Jr Clam and Ea-OMade Roe"' ! W DEscgtpMN, App w � muw rr:l'mvnwwnm Damm 9lwxr m:.nem a, - . 0a Natlwnq 4aw m adil G�%a p Frad�m N1"nP q G1o.e7 Nm me Coo 60.1a 40 Wm a = 1mnm sama va• 07' ST "1 6a4SG teat wham +oWn a9. 45' m e 4a II e ` 15254 111 Um m ON4 ago 37. 2P Wb 120.091 oY 7. 21• Wod 2a9A0 Anal' jhv N&w " •�, ` 0aw Nwa 1114.02 km In 9r hal N 100%IhWII 6aa0 or a0• or avm110.1E EASEMFfN1' DEA 0x111„mQ•�aWro 691 news, mma m fy; - emmlmrrgp m a lwko 9w k Sense 932117far �• N f 4pasa dimaiw E7 mwa Falcgovn am Gad 04110 wwpm t NmllsGl cn crew rr1 u vOaav vaaalvid raapml7 a74A1 fWN mmom l will waw avq MwWb wpzl araFar7/ 1A a(”' . . . m: owns r1a.m 49. 0r 21- r ld 17117VwMC r4wh no a0' 110- 6aq f1,p a of am above arpam pppmlA eve,yy m�'�m Sam �n the mom mbIIvg 21m WI Soan on • )11av11 20m r 05, aR wai IQ70 Nyem g mlea ft "14101101 W 57, 2==* apa.]9 �0Wmt aM alma Odd rml Pfgw�Y hm WAD�mwLue11 Nm Nfo V*ft bis met ntifillante o 6I9 fasaman! Deco to convey 0 W City W F)YelIOVlW Afbarws a filly (50) 1x0111000 SIMM 0..lsarra•AI10 (aalGlatC lnc Ovefltlral varlrwal,0q a&anl Lam?a IIS vaslam Www Lis) Lm1c ire, nM WV los a P a1bo a Inlanl a eiis Eaaomeal DECO Mal t11e ar4a conveyed W Cao aaMa awWdrtin 91e WaDarQ' doSMaaO o�,0 40 aafaOOft 10 tlKt nmNcm mW aaslam 4OLMUI conveyed M ) aflm tlM PWkLI daa�ad al Oaatl ReCatl A7-17p15 M ala 07iaa 411nc Ci/nla Clofk and Fy,pRn�p kV*n COur1fY. Arkansan. TO,HAVE ANO 70 HOLO ealcl WOmlms oAW aaitl Graalca a5 suaa9sma and "34u, for•. :uses andPwposes I1ar�tirL�Mvc.marnbe4 WITNC59 uta majaOn nor¢a f11is Ina t • 170 ' , •. :. ' . . 1L ' clay ofl7/.P�e.O 1999e LIVING P• A dalUdNT REVOCApL11 SPENCER D. ALORIONT III REVOCADLL•• LMNO TRUST tl)Ictl Navemba G, 1991 LMWG TRUSTC4ka Novembar G, 1991 Dr Or • A0ag111 n,, Truslce SYI1j;. r'O. AOdW GL TN.^Own t:•r••nurin ,:� NaOq P. /1011019, TNSt /I } p-ryy reaisee+el_+v�:c•=..mwew:...w.......z•._x. ..... ,. 9!1021'-7c / WASHINGTON COUNTY ABSTRACT & TITLE COMPANY, INC. SNS BONDED ABSTRACTERS' — TITLE INSURANCE SHEET NO. I r' TOTAL P . 04 RIJCr18-19% 2244 1 501 444 7546 P. 04 9605'7446 ' SEP-04-1996 OB: 36 CO -DWELL BANKER FAUCETTE 1 501 444 7546 P. 02i02 Exhibit " B " 25 FOOT UTILITY BASF.PMT A part of the E} of the Hractional .AW} of. Section 2, '8-16-NA -R"31)-W desorlbed W beginning at a point which is .South 638. 87 feet, &at 683.18 feet and South 488 . 92 fegt from the NW Corner of said P& 8f the Fraotional Wk.; Thence 182 06100"E 18.18 feet; Thence U89 57 21 "EI 20 . 00 feet ; Thence South 152 .54 fee • Thence N89o571210E 25. 00 Coati Thence North 177. 54 feet ; Thence S89 57121 "W 146.71 feet; Thence 882 06rOOW 16: 45 feett Thence South 25-24 test to the point of beginning. SEP-03-1996 1844 SR; S?15F,97 aFz o "n TOTAL P . 02 SEP-3-19% 2029 1 501 444 7546 P . 02 96057447 BILL OF ASSURANCE This declaration of a Bill of Assurance made this3YJ day of�erA 1996, by the undersigned owners of the following described real estate located in the City of Fayetteville, Washington County, Arkansas and more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Part of the East Half (EI/2) of the Fractional Northwest Quarter (Fri. NW'/4) of Section Two (2) in Township Sixteen (16) North of Range Thirty (30) West and being more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point which is 638.37 feet South and 683. 18 feet East of the Northwest corner of said East Half (E'/2) of the Fractional Northwest Quarter (Fri. NWI/a), thence South 89 ' 49' East 643.56 feet, thence South 0' 07' 52" West 638.37 feet, thence North 89 ' 49' West 642. 10 feet, thence North 638.37 feet to the point of beginning, containing 9.42 acres, more or less. LESS AND EXCEPT: A part of the EIA of the Fractional NWY4 of Section 2, T-16-N, R-30-W, described as beginning at a point which is South 1277.79 feet and East 701. 18 feet from the NW corner of said E1/2 of the Fractional NWI/4; said point being a found iron pipe; thence North 152.54 feet; thence North 89 ' 57' 21" East 120.00 feet; thence South 152.54 feet; thence South 89 ' 57' 21 " West 120.00 feet to the point of beginning, contain 0.42 acres, more or less, Fayetteville, Washington County, Arkansas. ALSO LESS AND EXCEPT: A part of the East Half (El/2) of the Fractional Northwest Quarter (NW'/4) of Section Two (2), Township Sixteen (16) North, Range Thirty (30) West, Washington County, Arkansas, described as beginning at a point which is South 638.87 feet and East 683. 18 feet from the NW corner of said East Half (EI/2) of the Fractional Northwest Quarter (NW1/4); said point of beginning being a found concrete monument at the SW comer of Lot One (1), Block One (1) of the Jerry D. Sweetser Subdivision; Thence along the South line of said Subdivision S89 ' 59' 25' E (Deed S 89 ' 49' E) 130.00 feet to the SE corner of said lot; thence South 100.00 feet to a set iron pin; thence N 89 ' 59' 25" W 130.00 feet to a set iron pin; thence North 100.00 feet to the pint of beginning; containing 0.298 acres more or less. Subject to a utility easement described as beginning at the SW corner of said tract; thence North 88.80 feet; thence S 89 ' 59' 25" E 15.70 feet; Thence S 04 ' 57' 20" W 89.13 feet to the South line of said tract; thence N 89 ' 59' 25" W 8.00 feet to the point of beginning. ALSO LESS AND EXCEPT: A part of the EIA of the Fractional NWI/4 of Section Two(2), Township Sixteen (16) North, Range Thirty (30) West, Washington County, Arkansas, described as beginning at a point South 638.87 feet and East 926.74 feet from the NW corner of said E1/2of the Fractional NWY4; said point of beginning being the SW comer of Lot 3, Block 1 of Jerry D. Sweetser Subdivision; thence along the South line of said subdivision S 89 ' 59' 25' E (Record S 89 ' 49' E) 250.00 feet to the SE corner of the W1/2 of Lot 5, Block 1 ; thence South 100.00 feet to a set iron pin; thence N89 ' 59'25' W 250.00 feet to a set iron pin; thence North 100.00 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.574 acres, more or less. ALSO LESS AND EXCEPT: A part of 9605'7448 the East Half (EI/2) of the Fractional Northwest Quarter (NWI/4) of Section Two (2), Township Sixteen (16) North, Range Thirty (30) West, Washington County, Arkansas, Described as beginning at a point which is South 638.87 feet and East 813. 18 feet from the NW corner of said East Half (El/2) of the Fractional Northwest Quarter (NWY4); said point of beginning being the SW corner or Lot 2, Block 1, of the Jerry D. Sweetser Subdivision; thence along the South line of said subdivision S 89 ° 59' 25" E (Deed S 890 49' E) 113.56 feet to the SE comer of said Lot Two (2); thence South 100.00 feet to a set iron pin; thence N 89 ° 59' 25" W 113.56 feet to a set iron pin, thence North 100.00 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.260 acres, more or less. ALSO LESS AND EXCEPT: A part of the East Half (EI/2) of the Fractional Northwest Quarter (NWI/4) of Section Two (2), Township Sixteen (16) North, Range Thirty (30) West, Washington County, Arkansas, described as beginning at a point which is South 638.87 feet and East 1326.74 feet from the NW corner of the El/2 of the Fractional NWIA; said point of beginning being a found concrete monument at the SE corner of Lot Six (6), Block One (1) of the Jerry D. Sweetser Subdivision; thence S 0 ' 07' 52" W 100.00 feet to a found iron pin; thence N 89 ' 59' 25" W 149.78 feet to a set iron pin; thence North 100.00 feet to the SW corner of the East Half (EI/2) of Lot Five (5), Block One (1); thence along the South line of said subdivision S 89 ' 59' 25" E (Record S 89 ' 49' E) 150.00 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.344 acres, more or less. WHEREAS, the owners have requested and received from the city council of the City of Fayetteville, in Ordinance No. 3 9 9 o the vacation of a certain 50 foot wide street easement upon the above described real property; and, WHEREAS, the entire tract of land described above is currently being used by the owners for one single family dwelling; and, WHEREAS, the owners have promised and agreed, in consideration for the aforementioned vacation, to rededicate the vacated easement at such time that any additional development occurs on the aforementioned property; and, WHEREAS, the owners are desirous of making a declaration of the aforementioned promise and agreement in the form of this Bill of Assurance with the intention of guaranteeing the dedication of such 50 foot wide street easement should any additional development occur in the aforementioned property and to bind themselves, their successors, and assigns and the aforementioned property with the obligations and restrictions hereinafter set forth for all present and future development and use of said property. NOW, THEREFORE, the owners that the above described real property shall be held, developed, transferred, sold, conveyed, and occupied subject to the covenants and restrictions herein set forth: 9605'7449 ] . The 50 foot wide street easement vacated by the city council of the City of Fayetteville by Ordinance No. 3990 As set forth in the Easement Deed executed April 11, 1994 and recorded in Deed Record 94021887 of the Office of the Circuit Clerk and Recorder of Washington County, Arkansas shall be rededicated to the city at such time that any development occurs on the subject property in addition to the existing single family dwelling and appurtenant structures thereto. 2. No structures may be built on the vacated easement. WITNESS my hand and seal this Jrck day of 4 p0 9 e✓ 1996. �� Flv��J . Qgp MARTHA P. ALBRIGH'I 61 SPENCER D. ALBRIGHT, II Individually and as trustee for Martha Individually and as trustee for Spencer P. Albright Revokable Living Trust D. Albright Revokable Living Trust dated November 6, 1991 , and as trustee dated November 6, 1991 , and as trustee for Spencer D. Albright, III, Revocable for Martha P. Albright, Revokable Living Trust Dated November 6, 1991 . Trust Dated November 6, 1991 . V ,rte �1 % &WL5, Bruce M. Armstrong Joa K. Armstrong COUNTY OF Washington STATE OF Arkansas u •; - .UAbscribed and sworn to before me the day and year above written . : d # PN1 4 aA0)126&aa&y , s- AR PUB IC My term; , expiies : g - 2S-off � ,�_v 96057450 w Ex-cr , : J Pvccnl.a rcr COL* ' ,'. AiCf [w do :1erebr IN:; rnitrlLlRnt was `.Alec! ior-rt[o:d Cj%p cfSce as Ir4catod he-:C, a^d the Sono _ Is raw d4., rcw orda; vath Iheckckpop'- lne-omant iniol certlrl_a»i 'thereon OR Rsord Bou.. Bad Page as mdlcaWS the•zon. . . IN '. . ITNESS WHIMRO P, 1 Mom hem unio ect my harts and affixed the Seal of sad Court on the date Indicated hw=L Kaihtoen Harness Circuit Clerk and If Recorder ORDINANCE NO. 3990 AN ORDINANCE VACATING AND ABANDONING A 50' , WIDE STREET RIGHT-OF- Q a'� IV "dWAY CONNECTING LISA Il V LANE AND BRENT LANE AS REQUESTED SPENCER AND MARTHA ALBRIGHOCT Q 4 JOjO T. WHEREAS, the City Council DEP has the authority under A.G.A. STATE OF ARKANSAS F�1VfxRliE puj ' §14-54-104 to vacate portions of streets which are not re- ss. quired for corporate purposes; County of Washington and WHEREAS, the City Council , has determined that the follow- 1, lC�.r'r'ifiLt L / hereby ter- ing described street right-of- tify that I am the publisher oArHE AfORTHWFST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily way is a platted but unopened newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of - street ate pup s not required for five columns each, published at a fixed lace of business and at a fixed (daily)corporate purposes. P P ( y) intervals NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than ORDAINED BY THE CITY a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of business COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF to subscribers and readers generallyof allclasses in the City and County for adefinite price FAYETTESection 1, T , ARKANSAS: for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the Section 1 That the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby value of the publication, based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at vacates and abandons an of its least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the rigors together with the rights of newspaper or its a agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six the public generally, subject tog g 8 the reservation of a utility ease- months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent news ment, in and to the following matter. described property located in Washington County, Arkansas: See Exhibit •A' attached hereto I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of and made a part hereof. Section 2, The City of Fayette- ville hereby reserves an ease- � �^' ^^ _rte 1 q0 ment on, over, across and un- der a portion of the above-de- was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for—L. scribed street right-ol-way to consecutive insertions as follows: construct, lay, remove, relay„ enlarge, and maintain public ll utility lines. The reserved utility The first insertion on the JL4 ,bAa) l dayof 19� easement is located in Wash- ington County and is described ' more particularly as follows: the second insertion on the day of 19 See Exhibit OB' attached hereto and made a part hereof. the third insertion on We Section 3. Said utility ease- day of 19 ment shall be for the benefit of i the electric power companies, and the fourth insertion on the dayof 19 telephone companies. gas , companies, cable companies,! and the City of Fayetteville. I Section 4• That a copy of thist Ordinance duty certified by the; City Clark shall be filed in the office of the Recorder of the Publisher O neml Manager ; County and recorded in the Deed Records of the County. ' PASSED AND APPROVED this 3rd day of September, 1996. APPROVED: By: fired Hanna Mayor ATTEST: By:Traci Paul City Clerk Exhibit 08* 25 Foot Utility Easement A part of the E1/2 of the Frac- Swom to and subscribed before me on this �`-lo banal NWt/4 of Section 2, T-16- �f1 C�1D t�/1 � day of N, g at a poindest whibedch as begin- - -�T�-1 , N�L-0� ning at a point which is South 638.87 feet, East 638.78 feet 19 and South 488.92 feet from the NW Corner of said E12 of the Fractional NW1/4; Thence NAwe nt 82.06'00' E 18.18 feet; Thence Catherine Sall N 89057'21 ' E 120.00 feet; x Notary blit Thence South 152.54 feet; 1 Notary Public, State of Arkansas ,< thence N 89057'21 " E 25.00 My Commission Expires < Washington County 1S feet; Thence North 177.54 feet: x M Commission Expires 01/27/05 Thence S 89'57'21 ' W 146.71 x Y P feet; Thence S 82°06'00' W Rcu<ucxccc[Ccl 16.45 feel; Thence South 25.24 feet to the point of beginning. - -' -- - - Fees for Printing Cost of Proof $ -' Total $ / f (o, / &