HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3988 ORDINANCE NO. 3988 AN ORDINANCE WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS OF COMPETITIVE BIDDING FOR THE INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM TO BE INSTALLED ON RUNWAY 34 AT DRAKE FIELD; AND AUTHORIZING A CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF THE WILCOX MARK 20 INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM; APPROVING TASK ORDER NO. 8 WITH MCCLELLAND SERVICES RELATED TO INSTALLATION OF THE INSTRUMENT LANDING SYSTEM; AND APPROVING A BUDGET ADJUSTMENT. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the City Council hereby waives the requirements of competitive bidding for the purchase of an instrument landing system for runway 34 at Drake Field, for the reason that said requirements are not feasible or practical because the Wilcox Mark 20 IIS is the only ILS equipment currently being procured by the FAA and the FAA is using the Mark 20 for all their Category I, II, and III installations. Further, the City Council authorizes the purchases of the Wilcox Mark 20 Instrument Landing System in an amount not to exceed $512,300. Section 2 . That the City Council hereby approves Task Order No. 8 with McClelland Consulting Engineers in the amount not to exceed $65,763 .00, for engineering services related to installation of the Wilcox Mark 20 Instrument Landing System. A copy of the Task Order 8 is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and is made a part hereof. Section 3 . That the City Council authorizes and directs a budget adjustment in the amount of $598,063 to increase Fixed Assets, Acct. No. 5550 3960 580100 and to decrease Use of Fund Balance, Unreserved Fund Balance, Acct. No. 5550 0955 4999 99. A copy of the budget adjustment is attached hereto as Exhibit "B " and made a part hereof. PASSED AND APPROVED this 16L— day of July 1996. ; �� f' rEfl • °+ ,� APPROVED Fed Hanna, Mayor . A u � 4, 5 By: - Traci Paul, City Clerk EXHIBIT A TASK ORDER NO . 8 TO BASIC AGREEMENT FOR AIRPORT ENGINEERING SERVICES DATED FEBRUARY 2 , 1993 ARTICLE 1 Because the OWNER has determined that, to enhance public safety, an LDA/DME/Glide Slope for Runway 34 at Drake Field is feasible, and has the support of the Federal Aviation Administration, the OWNER now authorizes the ENGINEER to proceed with the items of work necessary to design and implement the referenced landing system. The work involved is as follows: • Surveying (Topographic, Elevational, and Obstruction Identification) . • Scheduling and Budgeting. • Coordination with the OWNER's Environmental Assessment Consultant. • Ongoing coordination with the Federal Aviation Administration. • Preparing specifications for ILS-type equipment for separate procurement by the OWNER. • Preparation of plans/specifications for construction and installation. • Assistance in solicitation of bids. • Construction staking. FY96130:T08:1m Page ... 1 • Construction phase services, including construction observation and pre- commissioning flight testing. ARTICLE 2 : The compensation for each phase of services to be provided is as follows: • Surveying: $ 2 ,964 • Scheduling/Budgeting: 12661 • Coordination for Environmental Assessment: 719 • On-going Coordination with the FAA: 2 ,547 • Design (Plans 6i Specifications) : 16,853 • Bidding (2 phases) : 1 ,862 • Construction Staling: 645 • Construction Administration/Observation: 38.542 Total $ 652793 * Please note that the "Construction Administration/Observation" fee proposed includes $20,000 for Dr. McFarland's group to perform "Optimization and Pre-Commissioning Flight Checks". Actually, McFarland will bill the ENGINEER at unit prices and hourly rates, not-to-exceed $20,000. The ENGINEER will "pass through" McFarland's actual billed amount, without mark-up. FY96130:TO8:jm page ... 2 ARTICLE 5 The ENGINEER agrees to pursue the execution of the scope of work as promptly as practical, with the specific objective of attaining a system "charting date" of January 21 , 1997 , subject to FAA schedule compliance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto each herewith subscribe the same. F F v E r ,. FOR CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 1� AFL+ *• 4 ! L ' :• / By: • ?rte �P ' (Name) Mayor Date City Clerk FOR McCLELLAND CONSULTING ENGINEERS By: C ,/.?. ATTEST: Title Date FY96130:TO8:jm Page ... 3 BILLING RATES As of July, 1996 *HOURLY CATEGORY RATE Principal Engineer/Project Manager $ 98. 50 Senior Project Engineer $ 71 .65 Junior Project Engineer $ 46.25 Electrical Engineer $ 75. 00 Mechanical Engineer $ 70.00 Structural Engineer $ 70. 95 Senior Engineering Technician $ 60. 00 Senior Construction Observer $ 60.00 Junior Construction Observer $ 36.40 Chief Draftsman/Designer $ 60. 00 Senior Draftsman $ 45.60 Junior Draftsman $ 28. 35 Registered Land Surveyor $ 47. 16 Survey Crew (2-Man) $ 62.00 Survey Crew (3-Man) $ 85.00 Soils Lab Supervisor $ 48.75 Soils Lab Technician $ 35.00 Water Lab Supervisor $ 44. 85 Water Lab Technician $ 25.00 Clerk/Typist $ 32. 50 Mileage $ 0. 30 * Subject to adjustment annually, on/about July 1st. FY96130:T07:RATE:796# City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Budget Adjustment Form EXHIBIT B Budget Year Department: General Government D=Reque"sted Adjustment # Division: Airport Ju 1996 Program: Capital Project or Item Requested: Approval to provide funds Project or Item Deleted: None-funds to come from from the airport ' s unreserved fund balance unreserved fund balance being accumulated for engineering , equipment procurement . .c. by Passenger Facility Charge reimbursments and environmental assessment requirements on previous projects . for installation of ILS equipment on runway 34 . i Justification of this Increase: This adjustment will Justification of this Decrease: Provides fora .i lona provide for the installation of . equipment navigational aids to improve safety and which will improve safety and allow more passenger convenience . convenience to the public by allowing aircraft to land at the airport withlower operating minimums . Increase Account Name Amount Account Number Project Number Fixed Assets $598 , 063 5550 3960 5801 , 00 Decrease qq�� Acc unt Name Amount Account Number Project Number UnUsf�resedrved Fund Balance $598 ,063 5550 at" 4M . 99 Approval Signatures Budget Office Use Only Re uested B Type: A B C D OE F ? - 8 1hidget Coordinator Date of Approval Department Director Posted to General Ledger -1), ^� -g-�� Admin. ices Dir r Entered in Category Log May6r Budget Office Copy 0 r 3 98b� STAFF REVIEW FORM arntnfJ / — AGENDA REQUEST me c% //cp c/ X CONTRACT REVIEW GRANT REVIEW For the Fayetteville City Council meeting of N/A '7 FROM : Dale Frederick Ailport General Gvmt. Name Division Department ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION REQUIRED: Request review and approval of Amendment No. 1 to Task Order No. 8 to an agreement with McClelland Consulting Engineers, Inc. The ILS project has required more extensive coordination with the various offices of the Federal Aviation Administration. McClelland Consulting Engineers bat undertook this coordination as was required. This was deemed necessary to move the project forward toward the anticipated completion date. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COST TO CITY: $ 15.570. 12 $ 473,896.00 Fixed Assets/ILS Cost of this Request Category/Project Budget Category/Project Name 5550 3960 5801 .00 $ 118,092 .20 Capital Account Number Funds used to date Program Name 96102.0001 $ 355,803 , 0 Airport Project Number Remaining Balance Fund ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUDGET REVIEW: Budgeted Item _ Budget Adjustment Attached I IV Budget Coordinator Administrative Services Director ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTRACT/ RANT/LEASE REVIEW: GRANTING AGENCY: coun g ager pate A0 or ma to Attorney Daatjs Internal Auditor Date Purchasing Officer Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Division Head Date Cross Reference D nt Director qatNew Item: Yes No -W L417 Prev Ord/Res#: Adm} 's v rvices Director t Orig Cont. Date: Ma or ate FAYETTEVILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVIEEE, ARKANSAS DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE TO: Fred Hanna, Mayor FROM: Dale Frederick, Airport Managet� DATE: July 15, 1997 SUBJECT: Request review and approval of Amendment No. 1 to Task Order No. 8 to an agreement with McClelland Consulting Engineers. Inc. The Instrument Landing System project has required more extensive coordination with the vairous offices of the Federal Aviation Administration. McClelland Consulting Engineers #msundertook this coordination as was required. This was deemed necessary to move the project forward toward the anticipated completion date. Additional cost to McClelland is $ 15 ,570. 12. Staff recommends approval. Attachment: Staff Review Form Contract Amendments (3) AMENDMENT NO , 1 TO TASK ORDER NO . 8 TO BASIC AGREEMENT FOR AIRPORT ENGINEERING SERVICES DATED FEBRUARY 2 , 1993 ARTICLE 1 This Amendment No. 1 to Task Order No. 8 executed July 16. 1996, is hereby made a part of the Basic Agreement executed February 2 . 1993 , between McClelland Consulting Engineers, Inc. , (ENGINEER) and City of Fayetteville, Arkansas (OWNER) in accordance with the provisions of that Agreement, and subsequent Task Order No. 8. Because the OWNER has determined that original scope of the project as outlined in Task Order No. 8 encompassed more extensive coordination with the many offices of the Federal Aviation Administration than was initially allowed for, and that ENGINEER did undertake such action on an on-going basis as the ENGINEER (along with ENGINEER's sub-consultant, Dr. McFarland) deemed necessary to move the project forward toward the anticipated completion date, the OWNER now authorizes the reimbursement for said coordination services. FY96130:TO8:A#1:715:jm Page ... I The work involved is as follows: • Telephone conferences with FAA offices located in Oklahoma City, Fort Worth, and Washington, D. C. , as well as local calls several times weekly. • Dissemination of information gathered by ENGINEER, as well as ENGINEER's subconsultant, Dr. McFarland, to all participants in the project. • Providing information updates and consultations with the equipment suppliers, in order to ensure timely delivery of correct ILS equipment. • Attending meetings and conferences designed to impart information needed to expedite the project insofar as possible. .ARTICLE 2 : The compensation for each phase of services to be provided is as follows: • Additional ENGINEER's participation: $ 15 .570. 12 (ENGINEER's Actual Cost) * This includes the payment of an additional fee of $ 1 ,000 to Dr. McFarland's group at Ohio University. TOTAL $ 157570. 12 FY96130:TOS A# 1:715:jm Page ... 2 ARTICLE 3 : All other provisions contained in the original Basic Agreement and subsequent Task Order No. 8 shall remain unchanged. ARTICLE 5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto each herewith subscribe the same in tripIicatg r FOR CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS By Mayor ATTEST: 7— /6 - 97 Date City Cleric FOR McCLELLAND CONSULTING ENGINEERS By: ATTEST: John C. Quinn, P.E. , President ' ffl V 9 7 Date FY96130:TO8A# 1:715:jm Page ... 3