HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3968 ORDINANCE NO. 3968 y 3 ra AN ORDINANCE VACATING AND ABANDONING A x z r. . o TWENTY FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED ACROSS z =moi o LOT 94 OF SEQUOYAH MEADOWS, PHASE II AS REQUESTED BY C.W. COMBS . Cn 3 rn y o cl> n c WHEREAS, the City Council has the authority under A.C. A. § 14-54- 104 to vRate'�A o public grounds or portions thereof as may not for the time being be required for corporate purposes; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the following described utility easement is not required for corporate purposes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby vacates and abandons all of its rights together with the rights of the public generally, in and to the following described utility easement: See Exhibit "A " attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 2. That a copy of this Ordinance duly certified by the City Clerk shall be filed in the office of the Recorder of the County and recorded in the Deed Records of the County. PASSED AND APPROVED this 7 .h day of May , 1996. t H . , APPROVED: U � _ i ✓ ✓ /� By : 1446 /414� red Hanna, Mayor ATTEST: By : Aacc -d palxL Traci Paul, City Clerk 9602907p EXHIBIT "A " A 20' wide utility easement located on Lot 94 of Phase II of Sequoyah Meadows Addition to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, being more particularly described as beginning at a point on the South line of said Lot 94 that is 90.0 feet West of the S.E. corner of said lot; thence West 20.79 feet; thence N 7000'36" W 57 .94 feet; thence No 7055'40" W 35 . 35 feet; thence S 8857'23 " W 98 .76 feet; thence North 52.74 feet to the South line of an existing utility easement; thence along said easement S 89 "59929" E 20.0 feet; thence South 32 .36 feet; thence N 88057'23 " E 81 .94 feet; thence S 70'55 '40" E 52.07 feet; thence S 700'36" E 72.65 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 0. 11 acres, more or less. 96029071 1. Kaditw Harness, Ckcull Clark cnd 6o-allfcb Rocmder for Wash!nr on Courrq, Arkmrxsa, do he+rky oer>�} ,t this Timm nem waa R1ed for record P.1 . office as Indcsied hmn n and tF_w :.. . N now duly ruarded tr;h tis AAA, • ledgsment ar:d cerC:cc%to .: . w.,j , 'h Record Boot% cnd Psja os I.nC.A OUNIODn. IN WETNESS .%T.E^ECF, I her horo- unto set my head and art,=A th3 caJ of Bald Court on the data WKkated hereon. Kathleen Hamoss Circuit Clerk and E,%orhdo Re by - ORDINANCE NO. 3866 AN ORDINANCE VACATING • RE CIE IV k � AND ABANDONING A TWEN- TY FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED ACROSS LOT 94 OF SEOUOYAH MEADOWS, JUL Qg 19906 PHASE II AS REQUESTED BY C.W. COMBS. WHEREAS, the City Council STATE OF ARKANSAS 1 FINANCE DEPT., has the authority under A.C.A. Il ss. §14-54-104 to vacate public , County yf Washington grounds or portions thereof as may not for the time being be ' Q CA -- -- required for corporate purpos- I, YeamlJJ nnq L.AQA z hereby cer- es; and tify that I am the publisher of AIE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily WHEREAS, the City Council newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of nes determined that the fol- five columns each, published at a fixed lace of business and at a fixed (daily)lowing described utility ease- P P ( y) intervals ment is not required for corpol continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than rate purposes. a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of business NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT to subscribers and readers generally ofallclasses in the City and County for a definite price ORDAINED BY THE CITY for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the COUNCIL E THE CITY value of the publication, based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at OF IL O T HE CITY p Po ARKANSAS: least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the Section 1 . That the City of newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six Fayetteville. Arkansas hereby months; and that the said newspaperpublishes an average of more than forty percent news vacates and abandons all of matter. its rights together with the rights of the public generally, in and to the following de-f I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of scribed utility easement: See Exhibit 'A' attached here- to and made a part hereof. Section 2. That a copy of this was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for / Ordinance duly certified by the City Clerk shall be filed in consecutive insertions as follows: the office of the Recorder of the County and recorded in the Deed Records of the The first insertion on the y"11! / (i day of 19�� County. 0 PASSED AND AP- the second insertion on the day of 19 PROVED this 7th day of May, 1996. the third insertion on the day of 19 APPROVED: By: Fred Hanna. Mayor and the fourth insertion on the day of 19 ATTEST: By: Traci Paul, City Clerk EXHIBIT 'Am A 20' wide utility easement It located on Lot 94 of Phase II Pub er / General Manager of Sequoyah Meadows Addi- tion to the City of Fayetteville. Arkansas, being more particu- larly described as beginning at a point on the South line of said Lot 94 that is 90.0 feet West of the S.E. corner of said lot; thence West 20.79 feet: thence N 7000'36' W 57.94 feet; thence N 70655'40' W 35.35 feet; thence S 88°57'23' W 98-76 feet; thence North 52.74 feet to the South line of an existing utility easement; thence along said easement S 89'59'29' E 20.0 feet; thence Swum to and subscribed before me on this day of South 32.36 feet; thence N 88057'23' E 81 .94 feet; thence S 70055'40' E 52.07 feet; 19 *P thence S 7000'36' E 72.65 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 0.11 acres, more or t less. ennt ry Publict Notary Public, State ofAMy Commission Ezp'vcs: WashingtonCountMy Commission Expires 0 Fees for Printing .$ 97 w8 Cost of Proof $ Total $ G8