HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3955 • • " FILED FOR RECORD ORDINANCE NO. 96 �1flfl 25_3gc; 6 RI GTO PIS 2 29 AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH AND LAY OFF K. HQRFlESS 4 CO AR FAYETTEVILLE MUNICIPAL PROPERTY OWNERS' IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 3 - BOIS D;ARC SUBDIVISION PROJECT. WHEREAS, a Petition to form Fayetteville Municipal Property Owners' Improvement District No. 3 - Bois d'Arc Subdivision project has been filed with the Fayetteville City Clerk; and, WHEREAS , notice of the filing of the petition for creation of such district has been given by first class mail to the Mayor by the City Clerk; and, WHEREAS, the City Clerk has presented said petition to the Mayor; and, WHEREAS, the Mayor has set March 19, 1996, at 6:30 p. m. as the date and time for a hearing before the Fayetteville City Council for consideration of said petition; and, WHEREAS, the Fayetteville City Council has determined from an abstractor's certificate of property ownership that said petition has been signed by all the owners of the real property to be located in the district; and, WHEREAS, the Arkansas Municipal Property Owners' Improvement District Law provides that if the governing body determines that all the owners of the real property to be located in the district have petitioned for the improvements, it shall then be its duty by ordinance to establish and lay off the district as defined in the petition and to appoint the commissioners named in the petition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That the real property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof is hereby established and laid off as Fayetteville Municipal Property Owners' Improvement District No. 3 - Bois d'Arc Subdivision Project for the purpose of constructing and installing facilities for waterworks, recreation, drainage, gas pipelines, underground trenches and excavations necessary for the installation of electric and telephone distribution systems, sanitary sewers, streets including curbs and gutters, and sidewalks, together with facilities related to any of the foregoing within said district. Section 2 . The following three individuals are hereby appointed as commissioners of said improvement district: Julian Archer, Jane G. Archer and Jane L. Archer. Section 3 . The name of said improvement district shall be Fayetteville Municipal Property Owners' Improvement District No. 3 - Bois d'Arc Subdivision Project. 9601660 PASSED AND APPROVED this 19TH day of March , 1996. APPROVED• By : red Hanna, Mayor ATTES By: Traci Paul, City Clerk i ^r 960 /661 Exhibit "A " Part of the SEI/4 of the SWI /4 of Section 8, T16N, R30W of the Fifth Principal Meridian in Washington County, Arkansas and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the S.E. Corner of said SEI/4, SW 1/4 thence WEST 1235 .00 Feet, thence NORTH 210.00 Feet, thence WEST 85 .00 Feet, thence NORTH 520.00 Feet, thence EAST 975 .00 Feet, thence NORTH 590.00 Feet, thence EAST 350.00 Feet, thence SOUTH 1320.00 Feet to the P.O.B. ; Containing 26.54 Acres more or less. 960.1 662 -off�cfo Ro.ott'cr icr b'ic�:::r.��:':a iii int m's tr • . . . . T� ly c� ca In MCI moron. IN I h::J3 hore- unto .;d d:o Sea, 0t en:d Coun Ob {nc;catnd hereon. K.ithl=n Hans=5 Circult Clads end oh. : o 8 tcorder STATE OF ARKANSAS S s. - - County of Washington ORDINANCE NO 3955 � AN ORDINANCE TO I1, hereby cer- LISH, AND LAY OFF FAYETTE- tify that I am the publish of THE NORTHWEST AKANSAS TIMES, a daily VILLE MUNICIPAL PROPERTY newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of OWNERS' IMPROVEMENT It 'DISTRICT NO 3 - BOIS D'ARC five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals SUBDIVISION PROJECT owners of the real propene to, continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than be located in the district have aperiod of twelve Months, circulated and distributed from an established place of business WHEREAS, a Petition to petitioned for the improve- to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City and County for a definite price form Fayetteville Municipal mens, it shall then be its duly Property Owners' Improvement by ordinance to establish and for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the District No. 3. - Bois d'Arc lay off the district as defined value of the publication, based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at Subdivision project has been in the petition and to appoint filed with the Fayetteville City the commissioners named in least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the Clerk: and, the petition. newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at lent six WHEREAS, notice of the fil- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent news ing of the petition for creation ORDAINED BY THE CITY matter. Of such district has been COUNCIL OF THE CITY given by first class mail to the OF FAYETTEVILLE, Mayor by the City Clerk: and, ARKANSAS: I rtherr certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter Of WHEREAS, the City ti Clerk Section 1 That the real prop- has presented said petition to erly described in Exhibit 'A' the Mayor: and, attached hereto and made a Part hereof is hereby estate- was published in'the regulardaily issue of said newspaper for WHEREAS,, the Mayor has fished and laid off as Fayette- set March 19, 1996. at 6 30 ville Municipal Properly Own- ' consecutive insertions as follows: p.m. as the dale and time for a ers' Improvement District No. ' hearing before the Fayette- 3 - Bois d'Arc Subdivision 7 viae City Council for ponsitl- Project for the purpose of The first insertion on the Lq di l9 oration ofsaid petition: and, constructing and installing facilities for waterworks. re- WHEREAS, The Fayetteville creation, drainage, gas pipe- the second insertion on the day of 19 City Council has determined lines, underground trenches . from an abstractor's certifi- and excavations necessary for tate of property ownership the installation of electric the third insertion on the day Of 19 that said petition has been and telephone distribution signed by all the owners of the systems, sanitary sewers, real property to be located in streets including curbs and and the fourth insertion on the day of 19 the district: and, gullers, and sidewalks, to gether with facilities related WHEREAS, the Arkansas 10 any of the foregoing within Municipal Property Owners' said district. Improvement District law Provides that if the governing Section z- The following three body determines that all the individuals are hereby ap- I Publisher / oral Manage[ pointed as commissioners of I said improvement district: Ju- lian Archer, Jane G. Archer and Jane L. Archer. 5= on 3, The name of said improvement district shall be Fayetteville Municipal Prop- erly Owners' Improvement District No. 3 - Bois d'Arc Subdivision Project. PASSED AND AP. PROVED this 19th day of March, 1996. APPROVED: Sworn t d s bson before me on this C:; day of By: Fred Hanna, Mayor ATTEST: 19 (0 By Traci Paul, City Clerk Exhibit 'A' I Pan of the SEI/4 of the SW1/4 Notary Public of Section 9, T16N, R30W of the Fifth'Principal Meridian in Washington County„ Arkansas My Commission Expires: pend being more particularly described as follows: Begin- v1' ning at the S.E. Corner of ^aid SEI/4, SWI/4 thence WEST 1235.00 Feet, thence NORTH 210.00 Feel. thence WEST 85,00 E 52000Feet,thence EASEg $ 11J• f��� Fees for Printin 975.00 Feet, thence NORTH Cos[ of Proof $ 590.00 Feet, thence EAST ) L., 350.00 Feet, (hence SOUTH I Total $ I J 7320.0Feel to the P.O.B.; I r or Contai 26.54 Acres more ar less.