HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3939 FILED FOR RECORD ' 95 NOU 1. 7 Pl9 2 36 'YASHINGTON CO AR K . HARNESS ORDINANCE NO. 3939 AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION RZ95-32 FOR A PARCEL CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 27.72 ACRES LOCATED SOUTH OF ZION ROAD, EAST OF HIGHWAY 7113, WEST OF HIGHWAY 265, SUBMITTED BY JACK TORRE ON BEHALF OF ZION VALLEY, LLC SUBJECT TO THE BILL OF ASSURANCE OFFERED TO LIMIT DENSITY . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That the zone classification of the following described property is hereby changed as follows: RZ95-32 for the real property described in Exhibit "A " attached hereto and made a part hereof. From A- 1 , Agricultural District, to R-2, Medium Density Residential District, subject to the Bill of Assurance offered to limit density. Said Bill of Assurance is attached hereto as Exhbit "B " and made a part hereof. Section 2. That the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1 above. PASSED AND APPROVED this 7th day of November 1995. APPROVED: By: fir/ red Hanna, Mayor ATTEST: By. Traci Pa Clerk il ' �ix ' • '• '� _ R 95062338 " EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR RZ95-32 Part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 17 North, Range 30 West, and being more particularly described as follows, to- wit: Beginning at the Southeast Comer of said 40 acre tract, and running thence N 86047923 " W 328.74 feet, thence N 02 "40'27 " E 1327. 10 feet, thence S 87 ' 21131 " E 327.92 feet; thence S 02 "39'22" W 899.33 feet, thence S 02 '36' 17" W 430.63 feet to the point of beginning, containing 10.02 acres, more or less. Also part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 17 North, Range 30 West, and being more particularly described as follows, to- wit: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said 40 acre tract, and running thence N 87 "21931 " W 100.00 feet to the point of beginning; thence N 0203618" E 245 .00 feet; thence S 87021 '27 " E 100.00 feet; thence N 02012'21 " E 163 .76 feet, thence N 87004136" W 303. 82 feet; thence N 02038324" E 258 .66 feet to the centerline of Zion Road, thence N 86055'23 " W with said centerline 25 .23 feet; thence S 02 "40'27 " W 669. 10 feet; thence S 87 "21 '31 " E 227.92 feet to the point of beginning, containing 2 .67 acres, more or less. Also part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, and part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 17 N, Range 30 W, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast Corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 17 North, Range 30 W and running thence N 86047'23 " W 328.74 feet to the point of beginning; thence N 86047'23 W 328.74 feet; thence N 02041 '26 E 1995.41 feet to the centerline of Zion Road; thence along said centerline S 86055'23 " E 325 .24 feet; thence departing said centerline S 02 40'27" W 1996.20 feet to the point of beginning, containing 15 .03 acres, more or less, and containing in the aggregate 27.72 acres, more or less. 95062339 BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS PETITION TO FORM FAYETTEVILLE MUNICIPAL PROPERTY OWNERS ' IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO . 2 - ZION VALLEY ESTATES PROJECT ABSTRACTOR ' S CERTIFICATE OF PROPERTY OWNERSHIP Northwest Title Services , Inc . hereby certifies that the deed records in the office of the Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder of Washington County , Arkansas , reflect that Zion Valley , L . L . C . ( an Arkansas Limited Liability Company ) is the record title owner of all the real property described in Exhibit "A" to the Petition to Form Fayetteville Municipal Property Owners ' Improvement District No . 2 - Zion Valley Estates Project , a copy of which Exhibit "A" is attached hereto and made a part hereof . DATED this day of , 1995 , NORTHWEST TITLE SERVICES , INC . BY : 96001868 EXHIBIT "A" The following described real property located in Washington County , Arkansas : Tract A : Part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 24 , T- 17N , R- 30W , and being more particularly described as follows , to wit : Beginning at the South East corner of said 40 acre tract , and running thence N 86 - 47 - 23 W 328 . 74 feet , thence N 02 - 40 - 27 E 1327 . 10 feet , thence S 87 - 21 - 31 E 327 . 92 feet ; thence S 02 - 39 - 22 W 899 . 33 feet , thence S 02 - 36- 17 W 430 . 63 feet to the point of beginning containing 10 . 02 acres , more or less . Also part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 24 , T- 17N , R- 30W , and being more particularly described as follows , to wit : Commencing at the South East corner of said 40 acre tract , and running thence N 87 - 21 - 31 W 100 . 00 feet to the point of beginning ; thence N 02 - 36 - 18 E 245 . 00 feet ; thence S 87 - 21 - 27 E 100 . 00 feet ; thence N 02- 12 - 21 E 163 . 76 feet , thence N 87 - 04 - 36 W 303 . 82 feet ; thence N 02 - 38 - 24 E 258 . 66 feet to the centerline of Zion Road , thence N 86- 55 - 23 W with said center line 25 . 23 feet ; thence S 02- 40 - 27 W 669 . 10 feet ; thence S 87 - 21 - 31 E 227 . 92 feet to the point of beginning , containing 2 . 67 acres , more or less , and containing in the aggregate 12 . 69 acres , more or less . Tract B : Part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter , and part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 24 , T- 17N , R- 30W ; more particularly described as follows : Commencing at the South East corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 24 , T- 17N , R- 30W , and running thence N 86- 47 - 23 W 328 . 74 feet to the point of beginning ; thence N 86 - 47 - 23 W 328 . 74 feet ; thence N 02 - 41 - 26 E 1995 . 41 feet to the center line of Zion Road ; thence along said centerline S 86 - 55 - 23 E 325 . 24 feet ; thence departing said centerline S 02 - 40 - 27 W 1996 . 20 feet to the point of beginning containing 15 . 03 acres , more or less . Subject to the easements of record . 96001869 - ' -nese, CirwttC:Crt< t:nd for V4vzhington s u, i a, rbc horn y oorhTy that tI Sd for record In MY tin End lite BamB ,nc 4 cL:.v ra=TuRd Yrf•jl the sckr W' LJy c7ttlNaft thereon In Luh aw lanae as hr0loated ti r;racn. I.J WI i TEES'. WHE,9£Cf, I have here* u^to aci ray hard and aiiuccd the seal of Bald Conist on the dzte trrQ099d hOmn ethlaen Hamas Circuit Clark avd Ex o Rscorder Of11O1NIINGE NO. 393H•. AN ORDINANCE REZONING JHAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION ICONTA FOR A PARCEL K �" +;'r IC I v G v ' IMATELY 27.72 ACRES LO-`• STATE OF ARKANSAS ^^ r� CATED SOUTH OF ZION liV �� 2 I� �J ROAD. EAST OF HIGHWAY ss. 718, WEST OF HIGHWAY 265, County of Washington SUBMITTED BY JACK TORRE r- �I T` ,ON EHALF OFLLEYBLLC SUBJECTOTO THE I F�I�Al�CE �� hereby cer- BILLASSURANCE OF- T ti( that I am the ubli ler of/(Or NORTH EST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily OF- FERED TO LIMIT DENSITY. Y P Y newspaper having a second classituAiling privilege, and being not less than four pages of BE U ORDAINED BY THE CITY five columns each, published at a fixed lace of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals COUNCIL IN THE CITY OF P P Y) FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: . continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than Section i . That the zone cias. aperiod of twelve months, circulated anddistributed from an established placeofbusiness silication' of the following de- to subscribers and readers generally of allclasses inthe City and County for a definite price scribed property is hereby , for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the changed as follows: value of the publication, based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at RZ95-32 for the real property least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the described in Exhibit 'A' at- newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six lathed hereto and made' a part hereof. months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent news From A- 1 , Agricultural Dis- matter. trict, to R-2, Medium Density Residential District. subject I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of to the Bill of Assurance of- fered to limit deneity. Said Bill of Assurance ii attached // ✓C.C/ e39�9 hereto as Exhibit 'B';and made a part hereof, was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for Section 2. That the official consecutive insertions as follows: zoning map of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, is / �I�F,'`/�-� hereby amended to reflect the The fust insertion on the U �V zoning change provided in . day of l9 Section 1 above. the second insertion on the day of 19 ' PASSED AND APPROVED this 71h day of November, 1995, the third insertion on the day of 19 APPROVED: By: Fred Hanna. Mayor and the fourth insertion on the day of 19 ATTEST: By: Traci Paul, City Clerk EXHIBIT W I LEGAL DESCRIPTION Publisher / neral Manager FOR RZ95-32 g Part of the Southwest Quarterl of the ,Southwest Quarter oll Section 24 , Township 17. North, Range 30 West, and be ing ' more particularly de-I scribe8 as follows, to wit: Be- ginning at the Southeast Corner of said 40 acre tract, and running thence N 860 47'23' W 328.74 feet, thence N 020 40.27' E 1327.10 feet, thence S 870 21'31• E 327.92 feet: thence S 02. 39'22' W 89933 feet, thence S 020 ' 36' 1'7' W 430.63 feet to the Swo to an ubscribed before me on this / day of point of _beginning. contairiing /I ' 10.02 acres, more or less.'Also 19 part of the Northwest Quarte{ of the Southwest Quarter of • Section . 24, Township 17 North;none 'Range l ar West, and,beticularli : lIng, scribed as follows, to Jwast i Commencing at the Southeast Notary Public coiner of said cre' Iracl, and running thehence 'N . the 21'31* W .100.00 feet to the My Commission Expires: _ point ofheginninthence r•7 _ r1� � O� 02° 36'18' E 4 feet; ` GT «tCCc«Ccr•= <cciccccc IlNence S BY° 21'27'27' E' 100.00 ,«Crci feet; thence N 02° 12'21' E ccccc� 163.76 feet, . thence N' 87° 04'36' W 303.82 feet; thence ni.... rk nsas , N 02 38'24' E 258.66 leer to Fees for Printing $ Fi e;ar": -n±,,,; the,center line of Zion Road. MY thence N es° 55'23' W with Cost of Proof $ Ctxcv�cktp, . 7/25/05 said 'centerline 25.23 feel: -- <<i\C.�•,tkk,, thence S 020 40'27' W 669.}(1 Total $ r tlK� feet,,;.thence 5 87° 21 '34..E 227.92 feet lotthe point ofrbe ginning, ccintaining 2.67 acr- es, more or less. Also part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, and part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 17 N, Range 30 W, more particularly de- scribed as follows: Commenc- ing at the Southeast Corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 17 North, Range 30 W and running thence N 860 47'23' W 328.74 feet to the point of beginning; thence N 86" 47'23' W 328.74 feet; thence N 02' 41 '26' E 1995.41 feet to the centerline of Zion Road: thence along said can- terline S 860 55'23' E 325.24 feet: thence departing said centerline S 020 40'27' W 1996.20 feet to the point of beginning, containing 15.03 acres, more or less, and con- taining in the aggregate 27.72 acres, more or less.