HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3929 FILED FOR RECORD 095 OCT 10 HIS 10 17 '.'.'dSHINGTON CO AR R. F!AR ;4ESS ORDINANCE NO. 3929 AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION R95-34 FOR A PARCEL CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 2.58 ACRES LOCATED AT 112 N . UNIVERSITY REQUESTED BY BILL UNDERWOOD ON BEHALF OF POWERHOUSE SEAFOOD. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the zone classification of the following described property is hereby changed as follows: R95-34 for the real property described in Exhibit "A " attached hereto and made a part hereof. From 1- 1 , Heavy Commercial , Light Industrial District to C-3 Central Business Commercial District. Section 2 . That the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1 above. PASSED AND APPROVED this 3rd day of October 1995 . APPROVED : By: 4wlle/ red Hanna, Mayor ATTEST: By: Traci Paul, City Clerk t.t L "v ; . C1 ' .'.. . . . . . . � `' ~ 95053611 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR R95-34 The following described land situate in Washington County, State of Arkansas, to-wit: A part of the Southeast quarter (SETA) of the Northwest Quarter (NW 'k) of Section 16, Township 16 North, Range 30 West, in Washington County, Arkansas, more or particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point 365 .64 feet South 00 20' 30" West, and 23 .2 feet North, 890 03 ' West from the Northeast corner of the said Southeast Quarter (SE 'k) of the Northwest Quarter (NW 'A ) of Section 16, Township 16 North, Range 30 West, running thence South 25036'20" West, 81 .4 feet, thence North 8903 ' West, 114 feet, thence South 00 20'30" West, 93 feet, thence North 8903' West, 50 feet, thence South 020'30" West, 48 feet, thence North 89003 ' West, 125 feet, thence North 0020'30" East, 152 feet, thence North 89003' West, 60 feet, thence South 0020'30" West, 407 .6 feet, thence North 8912' East, 233 .5 feet, thence North 31 " 35'30" East 173 . 10 feet, thence North 26" 22'45 " East 60.5 feet, thence North 11 " 10'05 " East 133 .25 feet, thence North 10001 '45 " East, 104.08 feet, thence North 27059' East, 31 .4 feet, thence North 89 "03 ' West, 23 .2 feet to the point of beginning, containing 2.58 acres, more or less. LESS AND EXCEPT EASEMENTS OF RECORDS RETAINED BY SOUTHWESTERN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY. 95053612 I. Kathleen HonteasGrouC Clark and [> -01�010 Aemuder kw Waahkvwn Jvr,'Y. A,ks,-en, do hae0y oy Cwt ,,,,s h M.TMro res fhd for moord In my L. % as ;:dcrw holt and to name .y now d:.�y r&-ord*`I "b" Cw adlmoer .,CA and C.ri°:xm Ciereon In Fa:eid OCck aril Pegg as Indloated rharaon. IN wrTmEss ` o.*RFCF, l have herC unto W, nN I,*;nd and '.fft2d the seal o1 said Court or, to dew lndhoWd hereon ;c;Clrnan Hsrneas Ck rk and ' ORDINANCE:,N019929 . F f%N ORDINANCE REZONING _ y7HAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED _ �• �LN REZONING PETITION R95- ' 34 FOR A PARCELCONTAIN,:�i TING APPROXIMATELY 2.58 ACRES LOCATED AT 112 N STATE OF ARKANSAS + UNIVERSITY REQUESTED BY BILL UNDERWOOD ON BE-HALF 55. SEAFOOD. County POWERHOUSE : County of Washing to ' I BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE I+ hereby cer- ICITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, tify that I am the pu fisher of E NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily . ARKANSAS: newspaper having a second class ailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of Section 1 : That the zone five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals classification pr of the s hereby continuous) m the Cit of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than . described property is hereby Y Y Y tY g changed as follows: a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of business R95-34 for the real property to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City and County for a definite price described in Exhibit 'A' at- for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the tached hereto and made a part value of the publication, based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at hereof, least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the . For 1- 1 , Heavy Commercial, newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six Light Il ustrialine District eC-3 months; and that the said newspaper ublishes an average than for percent news Central Business CommercialP g forty District. matter. Section 2: That the official zoning map of the City of I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of Fayetteville , Arkansas is herebyn to reflect the ch zoning change providetl in liLli7l/.yZ( �C/ Section 1 above. PASSED AND AP. was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for PROVEDthis3rd day of oc- consecutive insertions as follows: tober, 1995. APPROVED: The first insertion on the dayof 19� By: Fred Hanna Fred Hanna. Mayor ATTEST: the second insertion on the day of 19 By: Traci Paul Traci Paul, City Clerk the third insertion on the day of 19 EXHIBIT 'A' I LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1+ and the fourth insertion on the day of 19 FOR R95-34 The following described land H {= L; t d V a LL4 situate in Washington County, Wi State of Arkansas, to-wit: LLL,((((JJJJ OCT 2 3 1995 Publisher / Gene Mana Apart of the Southeast quer- er g ter (SEI/4) of the Northwest' Quarter (NW1/4) of Section . p' p 16, Township 16 North, Range CIRANCE DEPT, 30 West, in Washington Coun- ty, Arkansas, more or particu- larly described as follows: Be- ginning at a point 365.64 feet South 0020'30' West, and 23.2 feet North, 89003' West from the Northeast corner of the said Southeast Quarter (SEI/ 4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW1/4) of Section 16, Town- . ship 16 North, Range 30 West, running thence thence South 250 36'20' west 81.4 feet, thence Sword to an subscribed before me on this day of North 89003' West, 114Weet, , C?�±�� thence South 0020'30' West„ 93 feet, thence North 89°03' 19 West, 50 feet, thence South 00 20'30' West, 48 feet, thence North 89003' West, 125 feet, thence North 0020'30' East, 152 feet, thence North 89°03',. West, 60 feet, thence South" Notary Public 00219•30'We6t, 407.6 feet, thence North 89012' East, 1233.5 feet, thence Northl'j My Commission Expires: (((CCC(U(((tc((icC<cGc<CCCCCCc(CCS 31035'30' East 173. 10 feet c thence North 26022'45' East ' 1 � lA —O� WilmaMeDowell t 60.5 feet, thence North aryPublic, State ofA;kansas ; 11010'05' East 133.25 feel I t thence North 10°01 '45' Eest. Benton County t Y 104.08 feet, thence North , My Comrtlission Expires 07/25/05 f 27059' East, 31 .4 feet, thence I I13g North 89003' West, 23.2 feet Fees for Printing $ to the point of beginning'„ Cost of Proof $ containing 2.58 acres, more or less. Total $ LESS AND EXCEPT EASE-,� MENTS OF RECORDS RE- � TA BY SOUTHWESTERN EL-E.C,TjRI(s iBOWER COMBA- ♦Jl t4