HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3882 FILED FOR RECORD 95 APR 3 PM 12 54 WASHINGT,) N CO AR ORDINANCE NO. 3882 K• HARNESS AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE TRANSFEAdARm - ASSIGNMENT OF A CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE FROM TIME WARNER ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY , L.P. TO TELE-COMMUNICATIONS OF NORTHWEST ARKANSAS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP . WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas (the "City ") granted to Warner Cable Communications, Inc . ("WCC") a Cable Television Franchise (the "Franchise") via Ordinance No. 3413 , dated March 7, 1989, as amended by Ordinance No. 3589, dated January 21 , 1992 and Amendment to Franchise Agreement dated February 21 , 1992; WHEREAS , pursuant to Section XII of the Franchise, WCC assigned all of its right, title and interest in the Franchise to TWE; WHEREAS, TWE has negotiated an Asset Purchase Agreement (the "Agreement") with Tele-Communications of Northwest Arkansas Limited Partnership, a Delaware limited partnership ( "TCA "), pursuant to which TWE will sell to TCA substantially all of the assets of its cable television system serving the City (the' "System"), including its rights under the Franchise; WHEREAS, in accordance with Section XII of the Franchise, the Mayor and City Attorney have received a written petition from TWE requesting approval of the City Council to the transfer of the Franchise to TCA; WHEREAS, TWE and TCA have filed a Form 394 with the City, which sets forth the financial and technical qualifications of TCA to operate the System; WHEREAS , Section XII of the Franchise requires that prior to an assignment of the Franchise by TWE the City grant its consent thereto, and that such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld; WHEREAS, TWE notified the City by letter dated February 25 , 1993 that TWE desires to renew the Franchise for an additional five-year period, extending the term of the Franchise through October 31 , 2000 in accordance with Section III and XIII of the Franchise; and, WHEREAS, TWE has substantially complied with the material terms of the Franchise. NOW , THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the City Council hereby authorizes and consents to, in all respects, the assignment and transfer by TWE of the Franchise to TCA, its successors and assigns, and the assumption by TCA of the obligations of TWE under the Franchise that relate to periods from and after the date of closing of the Agreement. 95015800 Page 2 Ordinance No. 3 8 8 2 Section 2. The City confirms that: (a) the Franchise was properly granted; (b) the renewal Franchise is currently in full force and effect and expires, upon franchise renewal, on October 31 , 2000; (c) TWE,is recognized as the present holder and owner of the Franchise; (d) the Franchise supersedes all other agreements between the City and TWE and with amendments represents the entire understanding between the City and TWE with respect to the System and TWE's provision of cable television and other telecommunications services within the City and TWE has made no commitments and owes no obligations to the City other than those specifically stated in the Franchise; (e) TWE is materially in compliance with the provisions of the Franchise; and (1) there exists no known fact or circumstance which constitutes or which, with the passage of time or the giving of notice or both, would constitute a default or breach under the Franchise, or would allow the City to cancel or terminate the rights thereunder except upon the expiration of the full term thereof. Section 3 . This Ordinance shall not be come effective until TCA acquires the System and files with the City its written acceptance of the terms and conditions of the Franchise. PASSED AND APPROVED this 21st day of March 1995 . APPROVED : By: red Hanna, Mayor ATTEST- By :�L Traci Paul, City Clerk Will.- 1l4 • ,f . fA 1 Ll �.: �'d. 1.I •'� :. 95015801 f, KKaS';ta�n F'�emees, Ckcult Ctork and Ex ofS yo Pk Xtar for WaOington CouGy, Art=,nz=, do hen I)Y ce,.-Oy that Ihtu h ^.+m ttE me Mad for nicorri In my af4O3 M i.%Rcat- d hereon and the same Ms nen duty re00r6ad ro;th ttfa ackno-w. Ix;,:rtrrt and 00ft.,oatt thereon In Ctoa C.rac(< and Pr.:ge zs Innfoafed um-ion. tPf AMiFSS Yy'HEREOF, I have here- lMn CCA Wry hzrM and aff ed Trio seal of "t 3 CourtcT ibc daft inelcalkc! hereon. Kefhaer� Harris-.',a Cirarit C3er;r zrd Ex-offk� %�xrdar - U ORDINANCE NO. 3882 5 1101 2. - The Con- .. - AN ORDINANCE PRC'JID- firms that: (a) the Fisa • ING FOR THE TRANSFER was properly grant (b) , AND ASSIGNMENT OF A the renewal Franchise is CABLE TELEVISION currently in full force and FRANCHISE FROM TIME effect and expires, upon STATE OF ARKANSAS WANNER ENTERTAIN- franchise renewal, on Cc- MENT COMPANY, L.P. TO lobar 31 , 2000; (c) TWE is SS. TELE-COMMUNICATIONS recognized as the present County Of Washington OF NORTHWEST ARKAN. holder and owner of the Yt SAS LIMITED Franchise; (d) the Franchise PARTNERSHIP. supersedes all other agree- / ^ � n/� ^ CM WHEREAS, irk City of Fay- mems between the City I, V t a1C �t �J hereby cer- "City l) g Arkansas (tea and TWE and with amend- tify that I am the publisher of THEN RTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily City" ) granted to Warner mems represents the entire Y Cable Communications, Inc. understanding between the newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of ("wets) a Cable Television city and TWE with respect five columns each, published at a fixed lace of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals Franchise (the -Franchise") city the System and specs P P Y) .via Ordinance No. 3413, provision of cable television continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than dated March 1scas and other teleices thin t e a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established lace of business date detl by Ordinance7.1989 No. tions services within the Pe P 3589. dated January 21 , city and TWE has made no to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City and County for a definite price 1992 and grAmendment to commitments and owes no for each copy, fixed rice per annum, which rice was fixed at what is considered the Franchise Agreement dated obligations to the Cory other PY P Pe P February 21, 1992; than those specifically value of the publication, based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at 'WHEREAS, pursuant to stated in the Franchise; m- least lift percent of the subscribers thereto have aid cash for their subscriptions to the $ HER XII of the Franch- TWE i materially in co m- fifty P P ise. WCC assigned all of its pliance with the provisions newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six right, title and interest in of the Franchise; and Mmonths; and that the said newspaper publishes an average than forty We FranchiseTWE' there exists no known facctt Pape P g Pescent news WHEREAS. TWE has nage- or circumstance which con- matter. bated an Asset Purchase stitutes or which, with the Agreement (the "Agree- Passage of time or the giv- Mont " ) with Tele- Ing of notice or both, would I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of Communications of North- constitute. a, default or west Arkansas Limited Pan-(breach under'ihe Franchise. /1 �C_ c�j�\ � OQ nership, a Delaware limitedior would allow the City to ��J ) partnership ( - TCA - ), pur. cancel or termina[b the suant to which TWE will rights thereunder ,except 1 sell to TCA substantially all upon the expiration of the was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for of the assets of its cable full term thereof, television system serving S"flon S. This Ordinance consecutive insertions as follows: the City (the "System "), in. shall not become effective cluding its rights under the until TCA acquires the Sys Franchise; tem and files with the City The fust insertion on the _�l..y'..2�X `Y day of 19 9S WHEREAS, in accordance Its written acceptance of with Section XII of the the terms and conditions of Franchise, the Mayor and the Franchise. the second insertion on the City. Attorney have received PASSED AND APPROVED . day Of 19 a written petition from TWE this 21st day of March, requesting approval of the 1995. the third insertion On the City Council to the transfer APPROVED: day Of 19 of the Franchise to TCA; By: Fred Hanna, Mayor .WHEREAS. TWE and TCA ATTEST: and the fourth insertion On the da Of l9 have filed a Form 394 with By. Traci Paul Y ithe City, which sets forth City Clerk ,theera financial and technical � 'qualifications of TCA to op- erate the S, Se; 'WHEREAS, Section Xll at RECEIVER the r to anrsa sigw� res t of prior to an assignment the Franchise by TWE thea g Publisher General Manager City grant Its consent thereto, and that such con- APR 0 6 1995 sent shall not be unreaso- nably withheld; WHEREAS, TWE notified FIMANCE DEPT, the City by leiter dated bruary 25. 1993 that TWEE desiresto renew the Franchise for an extending the year period, extending the term of the Franchise through October 31 , 2000 in accordance with Section III and XIII of the Franchise: and, WHEREAS, TWE has sub- stantially ub- Sworn to and subscribed before me On this aters l terms of the complied with the day of material a Franchise. Fre. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT 19� ORDAINEDTHE COUNCIL THE CITY OF F A V E TT E V I L L E . ` ARKANSAS: E Section 7. That the City f vl Council hereby authorizes f CaUlenne 1 and consents to, in an re- ( Notary Public, State ofArktlnsas 1 Notary Public spects. the assignment and transfer by TWE of the My CommissionExpir ( Washington County Franchise to TCA, its sue- r'My Commission Expires 02/27/05 ) sirs and assigns, and the CC((CC((CC<((CC<C(C k (CCCCC((CC((l 'the assumption by TCA ofE S ,S the obligations che French 0l TWE under the Franchise that re- late to periods of from and af- ter the date of closing Of m e Agreement_ _ _ __ __ Fees for Printing —$ Cost of Proof $ Total $