HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3755 ORDINANCE NO. 3755 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 50: GARBAGE AND TRASH, GENERAL PROVISIONS AND COLLECTION CHARGES; BILLING, OF THE FAYETTEVILLE CODE OF ORDINANCES BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That Chapter 50: Garbage and Trash, General Provision, Section 50.01 , Definitions, of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances shall be amended to add the following: GENERAL PROVISIONS §50.01 DEFINITIONS_ BRUSH . Shrubbery, bush, and tree trimmings under three inches in diameter. BULK BRUSH. Brush, under three inches in diameter, that is piled loose in any length. BUNDLED BRUSH . Brush, under three inches in diameter, that is cut in lengths of four feet or less and tied in bundles that one person can handle. LIMBS. Tree trimmings over three inches in diameter. SPECIALIZED CUSTOMER. A customer that requires specialized services for the collection of garbage and trash and /or cardboard recycling that the City cannot provide. Section 2. That Chapter 50: Garbage and Trash, General Provisions, Section 50.01 , Definitions, Local Type Container, of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances shall by repealed and the following inserted in its stead: GENERAL PROVISIONS §50.01 DEFINITIONS. LOADALL TYPE CONTAINER_ A loadall type container or similar container designated for mechanical pickup and removal of contents by Sanitation Department trucks. Section . That Chapter 50: Garbage and Trash, Collection Charges :Billing, Section 50.40 Rates for Services, subsection (A)(1) and (2) shall be repealed and the following inserted in its stead. Page 2 Ordinance No. 3755 COLLECTION CHARGES; BILLING §50.40 RATES FOR SERVICES (A) Residential Service. (1 ) Collection, hauling and disposal of garbage not less than two times each week. Single family dwelling or each multifamily dwelling unit: $7 .75 per month for two cans, plus $0.50 per month for each additional can . Said cans shall not exceed 32 gallons each. (2) The collection, hauling and disposal of leaves, grass and bundled brush shall be done one time per week on a subscription basis. The subscription charges shall be: Full year of service (January 1 - December 31 ) $24.00 Service for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters (April 1 - December 31 ) $ 18 .00 Service for the 3rd and 4th quarters (July 1 - December 31) $12 .00 Service for the 4th quarter only (October 1 - December 31) $ 10.00 (3) Residential service customers shall receive bulk brush collection at no charge two times per year. Section 4. That Chapter 50: Garbage and Trash, Collection Charges:Billing, Section 50.40 Rates for Services, shall be amended to add the following: COLLECTION CHARGES; BILLING §50.40 RATES FOR SERVICES (E) USE OF COMPOSTING FACILITY ( 1 ) Businesses, including commercial landscapers and tree trimmers, and non-residents that bring brush to the City's composting facility for disposal will be charged $3 .50 per loose cubic yard. Page 3 Ordinance No. 37 5r, (2) Private citizens, not businesses, who can establish city residency, may dispose of brush at no cost. (3) The Public Works Director may waive these charges in the event of a wind or snow storm or other event that creates a large amount of tree damage. Section 5 . That Chapter 50 Garbage and Trash, Collection Procedure, Section 50.23 Brush and Limb Service, of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances, shall be repealed and the following inserted in its stead : COLLECTION PROCEDURE §50.23 BULK BRUSH COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SERVICE (A) Bulk brush collection service is provided on a call basis to residential service customers, not to commercial service customers, and is not to be construed as a service to remove wood, building debris, and the like, as defined in Section 50.24. The removal of such items is the responsibility of the owner, occupant, tenant, or lessee. Bulk brush collection from residential service customers shall be scheduled as other work permits. (B) Bulk brush should be placed at curbside, as defined in Section 50.01 , clear of any power lines, gas meters, or other hazards, no earlier than 24 hours before their scheduled pickup. (C) Residents, businesses and non-residents may bring brush to the City's composting facility for disposal. PASSED AND APPROVED this 21st day of December 1993 . APPROVED: By: 44&401 .� ed Hanna, Mayor ATTEST: By: � &,, *�� Sherry L. Thomas, City Clerk d La ;- a� = ORDINANCE NO. 3765 ceetl 32 gallons each. AN ORDINANCE AMEND- (2) The collection, hauling ING CHAPTER .50: GAR- and disposal of leaves. BAGE AND TRASH. GEN- grass and bundled brush ERAL PROVISIONS AND shall be done , one time per $')'ATE OFARKAN$A$ 1 COLLECTION CHARGES; week ,on a subscription ba- Il BILLING. OF THE FAYETTE- sis. The subscription SS VILLE CODE O F charges shall be: ORDINANCES County Of Washington BE R ORDAINED BY THE Full year of service CITY COUNCIL OF THE (January 1-December) CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, $24.00 1, 1=1� a,�� herebycer- ARKANSAS: Service for the 2nd. 3rd and tify that I am the publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily Section 1. That Chapter 4th quarters newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of 50: Garbage and Trash, (April 1 - December 31 ) five columns each, published al a fixed lace of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals General Provision, section $18.00 P P ( y) 50.01 . Definitions, of the continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than Fayetteville Code of Ordi- Service for the 3rd and 4th nances shall be amended to quarters aperiod of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of business add the following: (July 1 - December 31 ) to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City and County for a definite price GENERAL PROVISIONS $12.00 for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was feed at what is considered the Service for the 4th quarter value of the publication, based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at 950.01 DEFINITIONS only (October 1 - December 31) least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the BRUSH. . Shrubbery, bush, $10.00 newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six and tree trimmings under three inches in diameter. (3) Residential service months; and that the said newspaperpublishes an average of more than forty percent news customers shall receive matter. BULK BRUSH. , Brush , bulk brush collection at no under three inches in charge two limes per year. diameter, that is peed loose in any length. I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of 50: Gar 4. That Chapter y g 50: Garbage and Trash, Coo BUNDLED BRUSH. Brush, lection Charges: Billing, nn (Q " (' .(f}',.�, G under three inches in Section 50.40 Rates for diameter, that is cut in Services, shall be amended f lengths of four feet or less to add the following: was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for I -and tied in bundles that one i person can handle. COLLECTION CHARGES; consecutive insertions as follows: BILLING LIMBS. . Tree trimmings over three inches in 950 . 40 RATES FOR The fust insertion on the diameter. I SERVICES � r�l.(L1J�J lL: day of 192—CL (E) USE OF COMPOSTING I SPECIALIZED CUSTOMER. FACILITY the second insertion on the day of 19 A customer that requires 1 (1) Businesses. including specialized services for the commercial landscapers and collection of garbage and tree trimmers. and non- the third insertion on the trash and/or cardboard racy. residents that bring brush day of 19 cling that the City cannot to the City's composting fa. provide. cility for disposal will be charged $3.50 per loose and the fourth insertion on the day of 19 Section 2. That Chapter cubic yard. 50: Garbage and Trash. (2) Private citizens, not bu- General Provisions. Section sinesses, who can establish �-y 50.01 . Definitions, Local city residency, may dispose R E C E I V E Y Type Container, of the Fay- . of. brush at no cost. elteville Code of Ordi- (3). The Public Works Direo- re2kL nances shall by repealed I tdi>, may waive these ,�94 Publisher General Manager and the followinginserted ' ! ctigifies in the avant of a 10 g in its stead: wind or snow storm or J �1ltl other event that creates a GENERAL PROVISIONS large amount of tree damage. FINANCE DEPT. 950.01 DEFINITIONS Section 5. That Chapter 50 Garbage and Trash, Col- LOADALL TYPE CON - lection Procedure, Section TAINER. A loedar type con- 50.23 Brush and Limb Ser- tainer ' or similar container . vice, of the Fayetteville designated for mechanical Code of Ordinances, shall pickup and removal of con- be repealed and the follow- tents by Sanitation Depart- Ing inserted in its stead: ment trucks. COLLECTION PROCEDURE Seetlon 3. That Chapter 950.23 BULK BRUSH COL- 50: Garbage and Trash, Col- LECTION AND DISPOSAL lection Chargee: Billing. SERVICE Sworn to and subscribed before me on this -7 day of Section 50.40 tion ( for Services, hall subsection (Alit ) (A) Bulk brush collection and (2) shall be repealed service is providedidnts on e call ,V111 .1FV�(-� 19 and the following inserted basis to residential service in its stead. customers. not to commer- cial service customers,ers, and COLLECTION CHARGES: is not to be construed as e \ BILLINGservice to remove wood. building debris, and the like, Notary Public 960 . 40 RATES FOR as defined in Section 50.24. SERVICES The removal of such items is the responsibnty of the' My Commission Expires: (A) Residential Service owner, occupant, tenant, or , III Collection, hauling and lessee. Bulk brush —I collec- '^l' disposal of garbage not less 'tion from residential service l:n -0 than two times each week. customers shall be sche--' Single family dwelling or duled as other work each multifamily dwelling ' permits. unit: $7.75 per month for (B) Bulk brush should bei ^ two cans, plus $0.50 per placed at curbside, as de- Fees for Printing —$ a month for each additional fined in Section 50.01 ,1 _can. Said cans shall not ex- chear of any power linea,' Cost of Proof $ gas malting, or other he- /7 zeros: no e their than 244 Total .$ (:21 ^( � hours beforrtheir r