HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3744 ORDINANCE NO. 3744 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 31 OF Ttit; FAYETTEVILLE CODE OF ORDINANCES, TO ESTABLISH A LEGAL DEPARTMENT, ESTABLISHING THE DUTIES OF THAT DEPARTMENT, MAKING THE CITY ATTORNEY AND LEGAL DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES FULL-TIME CITY EMPLOYEES AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That Chapter 31 , City Officials, Other City Employees, Section 31 .45 , City; City Prosecutor shall be repealed and the following inserted in its stead: CHAPTER 31 : CITY OFFICIALS §31 .45 CITY ATTORNEY; LEGAL DEPARTMENT. (A) Legal Department Created. There is hereby created the Legal Department, a department of the City. The Legal Department shall consist of the elected City Attorney, who shall be head of the Legal Department, together with assistant city attorneys, legal interns, paralegals, legal secretaries, clerks and such other employees as may from time to time be required by the legal department. The number of employees in each of these categories and their respective salaries, including the salary of the elected city attorney, shall be fixed from time to time by the City Council through the City's budgetary processes. (B) Hiring. The elected city attorney shall hire and supervise the employees of the City legal department following city personnel policy. (C) Duties. The duties of the city attorney with the assistance of the staff of the legal department shall be as follows : ( 1 ) To draft all ordinances, resolutions, contracts, leases, conveyances, bonds, and such other instruments of writing as may be required by the business of the City. (2) To furnish written opinions upon subjects of a legal nature relating to the affairs of the city government when requested to do so by the Mayor, an administrative department head, a member of the City Council, or the chairperson of any administrative board, commission, or authority of the City. (3) To furnish legal advice regarding the activities of the City to the Mayor, members of the City Council, and all other city officials and administrative department heads. (4) To attend meetings of the City Council, and upon request by the chairperson thereof, to attend any meeting of any other administrative board, commission, or authority of the City. (5) Represent the City as needed in all civil litigation; file all cases and civil actions approved by the City Council required to protect the interests of the City. Page 2 Ordinance No. 3744 (6) To prosecute all cases whether civil or criminal involving the violation or enforcement of city ordinances before the municipal court; to prosecute all cases whether civil or misdemeanor criminal cases involving violations of the state laws within the corporate limits of the City before the municipal juvenile or circuit courts and to prosecute or defend all appeals of any of such cases from the municipal court to the circuit court. The city attorney shall assign at least one full time assistant city attorney as city prosecutor to carry out such duties. (7) Perform such other duties as are prescribed by law for city attorneys of cities of the first class. (D) Full-time Employment. The City Attorney and his/her duly authorized assistants shall be full time officers and employees of the City of Fayetteville and shall not engage in outside employment, including the private practice of law, without complying with the city's personnel policy . (E) Authority to retain counsel other than City Attorney. Should the City Council determine that it would be in the best interests of the City for an attorney other than the City Attorney to render legal services in connection with a legal matter or legal proceedings, the City Council may, by majority vote, retain a private attorney to render said services. (F) Restrictions. The Legal Department of the City shall not be required to render legal services in connection with a legal matter or legal proceeding not otherwise provided for in Section (A) above, including but not limited to, bond opinions, representation of any independent organizations, boards, councils or foundations and performing any duties for any improvement district. Section 2. That the City Council hereby determines that the immediate establishment of the Legal Department is necessary for the City to provide legal services essential to the public health , safety, and welfare. Therefore, an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance being necessary for the public health, safety, and welfare shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED this 7th day of December 1993 . APPROVED By: Fe Hanna, Mayor ATTEST: By : Sherry L. Thomas, City Clerk Off' )iCbl State . of Arkans" . ( Si City f Fayetteville . . Sherry Thomas, City Curk ."d llk� C)fficio.; recorder tWi . the . rtty .bf Fsyet(eville, do , hereby certify .. that tH.i annexed . or tore&ing ls, of record in my office ani the same ; appears h) )Ordinance &r Resolution Boss X_ 1 . at page—�aitno f y F aa:rd and �eal tills day oY ORDINANCE NO. 37" partment heads. - STATE OF ARKANSAS AN ORDINANCE AMEND- (4) To attend meetings of ING CHAPTER 31 OF THE the City Council, and upon ss. FAYETTEVILLE CODEOF , request by the chairperson County of Washington ORDINANCES, TO ESTAB- thereof, to attend any LISH A LEGAL DEPART- meeting of any other admi- f� � � Q �/� MENT. ESTABLISHING THE nistrative board, commis- I, aq SI �u^' DUTIES OF THAT DEPART- sion, or authority of the hereby cer- MENT, MAKING THE CITY City. tify that I am the publisherof THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily ATTORNEY AND LEGAL (51 Represent the City as DEPARTMENT EMPLOY- needed in all civil litigation: newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of EES FULL-TIME CITY EM- file all cases and civil ac- five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals P L O Y E E S AND FOR tions approved by the City OTHER PURPOSES. Council required to protect continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than the interests of the City. a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of business BE IT ORDAINED BY THE (5) To prosecute all cases CITY COUNCIL OF THE whether civil or criminal in- to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City and County for a definite price CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, volving the violation or en- for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the ARKANSAS forcemeat of city ordi- nances before the municipal value of the publication, based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at Section 1 . That Chapter 31 , court: to prosecute an least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the City Officials, Other City cases whether civil or mis- Employees, Section 31 .45, demeanor criminal cases in- newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six City: City Prosecutor shall vowing violations of the months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent news be repealed and the follow- state laws within the corpo- ing inserted in its stead: rate limits of the City be- matter. fore the municipal juvenile CHAPTER 31 : CITY or circuit courts and to pro- OFFICIALS secure or defend all appeals I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of Section 31 .45 CITY AT. I of any of such cases from TORNEY : LEGAL the municipal court to the f/ nC� �} � , DEPARTMENT. circuit court. The city attor- l /f If 3 N (A) Legal Department ney shall assign at least Created. There is hereby one full time assistant city created the Legal Depart- attorney as city prosecutor was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for ment, a department of the to carry our such duties. City. the Legal Department (7) Perform such other du- consecutive insertions as follows: shall consist of the elected ties as are prescribed by City Attorney, who shall be law for city attorneys for ct r p n 2 head of the Legal Copan- des of the first class. The first insertion on the -ErT�lk" %tom_ I � dayof l9 q3 ment, together with assis- (D) Full-time Employment. tant -city attorneys. legal in- The City Attorney and his/ terns, paralegals, legal sec- her duly authorized assis- the second insertion on the day of 19 rotaries, clerks and such tants shall be full time offio- other employees as may ers and employees of the from time to time be re- City of Fayetteville and shall the third insertion on the day of 19 quired by the legal depart- not engage in outside em- ment. The number of em- ployment. including the pri- ployeas in each of, these vate practice of late, with- and the fourth insertion on the categories and their respec out complying with the day of 19 tive salaries, including the city's personnel policy. salary of the elected city at- (E) Authority to retain 'torney. shall be fixed from counsel other than City RECEIVE C time to time by the City Attorney. Should the City " Council through the City-s Council determine that it budgetary processes. would be in the best inter- attto ney. shell e1nireda d for eyf the other thanfor the nat-City DEC 2 2 1993 Publisher / General Manager supervise the employees of Attorney to render legal ser- 'the City legal department vices in connection with a 'following city personnel legal matter of legal pro- I FINANCE DEPT. ,policy. ceedings, the City Council (C) Duties. The duties of may, by majority vote, re- the city attorney with the tain a private attorney to re- assistance of the staff of nder said services. the legal department shall (F) Restrictions. The Legal be as follows: Department of the City (1) To draft all ordinances. shall not be required to ren- resolutions, contracts, der legal services in con- ._ .. _ .... . leases. conveyances, bonds. nection with a legal matter and such other instruments or legal proceeding not of writing as may be re- otherwise provided for in .. quired by the business of Section (A) above, including the City. but not limited to, bond Sworn to and subscribed before me on this (2) To furnish written opin- opinions, representation of day Of ions upon subjects of a any independent organiza- legal nature relating to the tions, boards, councils or q 3 foundations and performing tree affairs of the city govern- g 19 many when to do any duties for any improve- ' so by the Mayor,ayor, an an admini- meat district. ' strative department head, a member of the City Coun- Section 2. That the City cil, or the chairperson of Council hereby determines any administrative board, that the ' immediate estat'> Notary Public commission, or authority of lishment of the Legal De- the City. partment is necessary for (3) To furnish legal advice the City to provide legal My Commission Expires: regarding the activities of services essential to the the City to the Mayor, public health, safety, and �) members of the Cit Coun- welfare . Therefore, an _ - cil, and all other city offi- emergency is hereby dec. cials and administrative do- lared to exist and this ordi nance being necessaryfort , the , public health, safety. '1 and welfare shall be in fulll Fees for Printing .$ l force and effect from and . ', after its passage ands Cost of Proof $ approval. '11 I PASSED AND APPROVEDI' Total $ � IT . / Y this 7th Day of December. 1 1993. APPROVED: By: Fred Hanna. Mavor