HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3739 ORDINANCE NO. 3739 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 50, TRASH AND GARBAGE, AND CHAPTER 51 , WATER AND SEWERS, OF THE FAYETTEVILLE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO REVISE SERVICE DEPOSIT REQUIREMENTS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS. Section 1 . That Chapter 50, Garbage and Trash, Section §50.44, Billing; When Payment Due, of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby repealed and the following inserted in its stead: I §50.44 BILLING; WHEN PAYMENT DUE. The billing for services hereby provided shall be included in the hill rendered monthly to each user of city water, or such services may be billed by any other practicable means of collection. All bills for services shall he rendered in the net amount due. Bills are due and payable on or before the twentieth day following the billing date stated on the hill. Section 2 . That Chapter 50, Garbage and Trash, Section §50.45, Delinquent Accounts, of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby repealed and the following inserted in its stead: §50.45 DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS _ (A) In the event that the billing for services provided for herein are not paid by the due date on the bill, they shall be considered delinquent and an additional charge of 10% of the total hill shall be levied. Such penalty shall become a part of and be collected with the regular billing for services heretofore levied. Said penalty may be waived for elderly or handicapped utility customer pursuant to a penalty waiver program approved by the City Council . (B) Termination of service. The city shall discontinue service in accordance with Section 51 . 140 - Water Billing Procedures. Section 3 . That Chapter 50: Garbage and Trash, of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances shall he amended to add the following: §50.46 SERVICE DEPOSITS . A service deposit shall he made with each application for service. The service deposit shall he retained in trust, without interest, by the City's Finance Department. When service to the depositor is discontinued permanently, said service deposit shall be applied to the final billing and the remainder, if any, returned to the depositor. Page 2 ordinance No. 3739 November 16, 1993 (A) All consumers that receive water service and have made a service deposit on the dwelling in accordance with Section 51 . 135 shall not be required to make an additional service deposit as required by this section. (1) The service deposit made under Section 51 . 135 shall include an adequate amount to cover all services received at the dwelling. (2) Any service deposit covered under Section 51 . 135 shall follow all requirements as prescribed in said Section. (B) All consumers that have not made a service deposit in accordance with Division (A) above, shall be required to make a minimum service deposit of $25 .00, or that equal to the highest one month bill, whichever is greater. ( 1) The service deposit amount required may be increased up to 2.5 times the estimated maximum bill , as determined by the Water and Sewer Services Superintendent, or his designated agent, if the customer has a history of delinquent payment or nonpayment of his bill . Increased service deposits may be required of all consumers whether residential, commercial, or industrial. (2) Each customer shall be required to make an additional $ 10.00 service deposit each time the service is discontinued for nonpayment of their water bill . (C) The Water and Sewer Services Superintendent, or his official representative, may waive such service deposit requirements as may be considered justified in the opinion of said Superintendent or his official representative. ( 1 ) In determining whether a service deposit may be waived, the Water and Sewer Services Superintendent, or his official representative, shall take into consideration property ownership, credit experience with the consumer, payment record of the consumer, and status of current service deposit(s) the consumer presently has active with the City on other utility accounts. (D) The Water and Sewer Services Superintendent, or his official representative, shall determine with each application for service whether the service deposit shall be paid at the time of application, or if said deposit may be billed to the consumer, in part or in whole, on the fust month's billing or spread over several month's billings. ( 1) In determining the required method of payment for the service deposit, the Water and Sewer Services Superintendent, or his official representative, shall take into consideration property ownership, credit experience with the consumer, payment record of the consumer, and status of current service deposit(s) the consumer presently has active with the City on other utility accounts. Page 3 Ordinance No. 3739 November 16, 1993 Section 4. That Chapter 51 , Water and Sewers, §51 . 135 , Services Deposit, of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances shall be repealed and the following inserted in its stead: §51 . 135 SERVICE DEPOSITS . A service deposit shall be made with each application for water service. This service deposit shall be retained in trust, without interest, by the City's Finance Department. When service to the depositor is discontinued permanently, said service deposit shall be applied to the final billing and the remainder, if any, returned to the depositor. (A) Federal, state, county, and other local government consumers shall not be required to make a service deposit. (B) A private residential consumer shall be required to make a minimum service deposit of $50.00. For the purpose of this division, a PRIVATE RESIDENTIAL CONSUMER is defined as any single-family unit, without regard to property ownership, for which an individual meter is required. (C) All other residential consumers, whether apartment houses, boarding houses, fraternity houses, sorority houses, or other multiple family dwellings where master meters are used shall be required to make a minimum service deposit of $50.00, or that equal to the highest one month bill, whichever is greater. (D) Commercial customers such as office buildings, rental properties, and building contractors obtaining water for construction purposes shall be required to make a minimum service deposit of $50.00, or that equal to the highest one month bill, whichever is greater. Rental property owners, real estate agents, and building contractors may make a cover deposit of $200.00 for residential dwellings in lieu of individual deposits for each dwelling unit. At such time as an individual dwelling unit is occupied, the deposit required by division (C) of this section shall be made for that unit. (E) All other commercial customers such as hotels, motels, cafeterias, restaurants, service stations, car washing establishments, supermarkets, laundries, and industrial consumers shall be required to make a minimum service deposit of $100.00, or that equal to the highest one month bill, whichever is greater. (F) Building contractors obtaining water for construction purposes may make a cover deposit of $200.00 for all residential dwellings in lieu of individual service deposits for each dwelling. At such time as an individual dwelling is occupied, the deposit required by division (B) of this section shall be made for that unit. (G) Rental property owners obtaining water for rental clean-up purposes may make a cover deposit of $200.00 for all residential dwellings in lieu of individual service deposits for each dwelling. At such time as an individual Page 4 Ordinance No. 3739 November 16, 1993 dwelling is occupied, the deposit required by division (B) of this section shall be made for that unit. (H) All customers requesting water service for irrigation purposes shall be required to make a minimum service deposit of $50.00 for service whereas the water meter is sized one ( 1 ) inch or less, $100.00 whereas the water meter is sized over one (1) inch, or that equal to the highest one month bill, whichever is greater. (1) Each customer shall be required to make an additional $10.00 service deposit each time the service is disconnected for nonpayment of their water bill . (1) For all customer types, the service deposit amount required may be increased up to 2 .5 times the estimated maximum bill, as determined by the Water and Sewer Services Superintendent, or his designated agent, if the customer has a history of delinquent payment or nonpayment of his bill. Increased service deposits may be required of all consumers whether residential, commercial, industrial, or irrigation services. (K) The Water and Sewer Services Superintendent, or his official representative, may waive such service deposit requirements as may be considered justified in the opinion of said Superintendent or his official representative. (1 ) In determining whether a service deposit may be waived, the Water and Sewer Services Superintendent, or his official representative, shall take into consideration property ownership, credit experience with the consumer, payment record of the consumer, and status of current service deposit(s) the consumer presently has active with the City on other utility accounts. (L) The Water and Sewer Services Superintendent, or his official representative, shall determine with each application for water service whether the service deposit shall be paid at the time of application, or if said deposit may be billed to the consumer, in part or in whole, on the fust month's billing or spread over several month's billings. (1 ) In determining the required method of payment for the service deposit, the Water and Sewer Services Superintendent, or his official representative, shall take in consideration property ownership, credit experience with the consumer, payment record of the consumer, and status of current service deposit(s) the consumer presently has active with the City on other utility accounts. (M) In the event of water consumption on an inactive meter when no service deposit has been made, the water meter shall not be reconnected until the customer pays the required service deposit and pays a $10.00 reconnection charge plus the back bill. In the event reconnection of an inactive meter is made after Page 5 Ordinance No. 3739 November 16, 1993 normal service hours as defined in §51 . 140 (B)(3), the customer shall pay the required service deposit, a $15 .00 reconnection charge plus the back bill . Section 5 . The provisions set forth herein shall become effective January 1 , 1994. PASSED AND APPROVED this 16th day of November 1993 . APPROVED: By : red Hanna, Mayor ATTEST: By:, i����ft,4fwsrrn�� Sherry L. Thomas, City Clerk CERTIFICATE OF RECORD State of Arkansas ( 55 City of Fayetteville I, Sherry Thomas, City Clerk and Ex- Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville, do hereby certify that the annexed or foregoing is of record in try office and the same appears in Ordinanc & Resolution back X Xv i i at Fare 3� Witness Div i-ori?—iind sg� 1 � is day of City City Clerk �d E�-t iticio cr ORDINANCE NO. 3739 Services Superintendent or whether-a -service tleposit AN ORDINANCE AMEND. his official representative, may be waived. the Water ' ING CHAPTER 50. TRASH shellydetermine with each and Sewer Services Super- AND GARBAGE , AND application for service intendant. or his official rep- CHAPTER 51 , WATER AND whethejithe service deposit resentative, shall take into SEWERS, OF THE FAYET-, Shall 'bp .paid at the time of consideration property TEVILLE CODE OF ORDI- applicaiibri or if said depo- ownership, credit experi- NANCES TO REVISE SER- sit may be billed to the ante with the consumer, VICE DEPOSIT consumer, ` in part or in payment record of the con- STATE OF ARKANSAS whole, on the first month's sumer, and status of cur- REOUIREMENTS. Ss. billing or spread over say- rent service daposielsl the BE IT ORDAINEDBY THE eral month's billings. consumer presently has ac- County of Washington .. CITY COUNCIL OF THE{,(1) In determining the re- Live ywith the City on other CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,rquiretl method a mane (tilt[ heoWat „ ^ ARKANSAS. Of the service deposit, the Se The Water and Sewer I, u 1 hereby cer- Watar and Sewer Superirt Services Suparintgntlant, or - Section 1. That Chapter tendent, or his official rep- his official representative. Gfy that I am the publisher of HE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily F resentative, shall take into shall determine with eaph newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of S0, Garbage and Trash, consitleration property own- application for water service g g g ' g P g Section 450.44, Billing; ership, credit experience whether the service deposit five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals When eymeni Due, of the with the consumer, pay- shall be paid at the time of continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than Fayetteville Code Of Ordi- ment record of the con- application, or if said depo- nances is hereby repealed sumer, and status of cur- sit may be billed to the a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of business and the following inserted rent service deposrtls) the consumer, in part or in to subscribers and readersenerall of all classes in the Cit and Count for adefnite rice in its stead: consumer presently has ac- whole, on the first month's g y y y P tive with the City on other billing or spread over sev- for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the /50.44 BILLING; WHEN utility accounts. eral month's billings. ' value Of the ublication, based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at PAYMENT DUE Section 4. That Chapter 11 ) In determining the re- P 1" 51 , Water and Sewers, quired method of payment least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the The billing for services 551 .135, Service Deposit, for the service deposit, the or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a rind of at least six hereby provided shall be in- of the Fayetteville Code of Water and Sewer Services newspaper g g g cluded in the bill rendered Ordinances shall be repe- Superintendent, or his ofti- months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent news monthly to each user Of aled and the following in- tial representative, shall city water, or such services Sorted in its stead: take in consideration prop- May be billed by any other any Ownership, credit ex- practicable means of colleo- § 61 . 135 SERVICE perience with the con- tion. All bills for services DEPOSITS sumer, payment record of I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of shall be rendered in the net the consumer, and status �\ yL amount due. Bills are due A service deposit shall be of current service deposit(s) vll' l/YII ✓til nC :1t. ��_7�� and Payable on or before made with each application the consumer presently has Ld r 1'� the twentieth day following for water service. This ser- active with the City on .1 the billing date stated on vice deposit shag be re-- other utility accounts. was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for the bill. tained in trust. without in- (M) In the event of water terest. by the City's Finance consumption on an inactive consecutive insertions as follows' Seaton 2. That Chapter Department. When service meter when no service de 50, Garbage and Trash, to the depositor is discon- posit has been made, t_ha . � 7� Section 950.45. Delinquent tinued permanently, said water meter shall not be re- k -P,y ll lyl J-(_ da of 19 Accounts, of the Fayette- service deposit shall be ap- connected until the sus- ' The first insertion On the y villa Code of Ordinances is plied to the final billing and tomer pays the required hereby repealed and the fol- the remainder, if any, re- service deposit and pays. a lowing inserted in its stood: turned to the depositor. $10.00 reconnection charge We second insertion on the day of 19 s681. 45 DELINQUENT (A) Federal . State . plus the back bill. In the County, and other local event reconnection of an in- ACCOUNTS government consumers active meter is made afterthe third insertion on the day of 19 shall not be required to normal service hours as de- (A) In the event that the make a service deposit. fined in §51 .140 (81131. the billing for services pro- (B) A private residential customer shall pay the re- and the fourth insertion on the day of 19 vided for herein aro not Consumer shall be required quired service deposit, a ' paid by the due date on to make a minimum service $15.00 reconnection charge the bill, they shell be con- deposit of $50.00. For the plus the back bill. /� sidereal delinquent and an purpose of this division, a / ,.{� . additional charge of 10% PRIVATE RESIDENTIAL Seaton 5. The provisions ' U of the total bill shall be CONSUMER is defined as set forth herein shall be- ' �. A ` ' ` , ` levied. Such Penalty shall ' any single-family unit, with- Come effective January 1 , C G V t er Publisher / GenelalMana became a part of and be out regard to property own- 1994. g collected with the regular ership, for which an indiv: (1 p billing for services herAP eto- � dual meter is required. PASSED AND PROVED ' DEC O 9 fon levied. Said penalty (C) All other residential ' this 16th day of Novem 1J r] 7 may be waived for elderly ;consumers, whether apart- ber,a 1993. JU or -handicapped utility Ment houses. boarding APPROVED: customer pursuant to a houses, fraternity houses. By: Fred Henna, Mayor FINANCE DEPT, penalty waiver program sorority houses. or other ATTEST: LI" 1 approved by the City multiple family dwellings By: Sherry L. Thomas I Council. where master meters are City Clerk used shall be required to B. Termination of Service. make a minimum service The City shall discontinue deposit of $50.00, or that , service in accordance with equal to the highest one , §51 . 140 - Water Billing month bill, whichever is Procedures. greater. (D) Commercial custom- I 22 Section 3. That Chapter ars such as office buildings. Swom to and subscribed before me on this vJ day of 50: Garbage and Trash, of rental properties, and build- Iha Fayetteville Code of Or- ing contractors obtaining In ^ /] orf dinances shall be amendetli water for construction pur- yt�� ,')') ` �l jT1 ` 19 G .3 to add the following: poses shallbe required to make a minimum servical ' 650 . 46 SERVICE ; deposit of $50.00, or thatl DEPOSITS equal to the highest onel month bill, whichever is A service deposit shag be greater. Rental No property Public for with each application owners. real estate opertyl - for service. The service tle-, antl. building contractors posit shell be retained in may make a cover deposit• trust. without interest, by of $200.00 for residential My Commission Expires: the City's Finance Depart- dwellings in lieu of indivi- I _ Ment. When service to the dual deposits for each /�" . l )n I , /1. depositor is discontinued dwelling unit. As such time 1 o permanently, said service as an individual dwelling I deposit shall be applied to unit is occupletl, the depo, - ... the final billing and the re- sit required by tlivision (CII mainder, if any, returned to of .this section shall be the depositor. made for that unit. Fees for Printing $ _477, 6(c (A) All Consumers that re- (E) All other Commercial customers such as hotels. Cost of Proof naive water service and $ motels, cafeterias, r have Made a service depo- car sit on the dwelling in actor- ansa service stations, cear ar Total $ 1 lV to dance with 451 .135 shall washing establishments. supermarkets, laundries, not be required to make an additional service deposit as and industrial consumers e shall be required to make required by this Section. minimum service deposit of M The service deposit • the highest Or that equal t0 made under §51 .1adequate 5 shat ma highest one month bill, include co an atleque i amount whichever is greater. ce cover all servings re- obtaining Building contractors calved at the dwelling. obtaining water for con- co Any service deposit stake an purposes may covered under requirements shall make a cover deposit of follow all requirements . $200.00 for all residential andel prescribed in seitl Section. dwellings c liar of ifor (a) All consumers that dual service deposits for have not made a service each dwelling. At such time deposit in accordance with as an individual dwelling is Division IA) above, shall be quired by the deposit his re- required to make a mini- quired by division (B) of this mum service deposit of section shell be made for $25.00, or that equal to the that unit. highest one month bill, whF (G) Rental property own- chover is greater. ers obtaining water for re- l ) The service deposit nal clean-up purposes may amount required May be in- make a cover deposit of creased up to 2.5 times the $200.00 for all residential estimated Maximum bill, as dwellings in lieu of indivi- determined by the Water dual service deposits for and Sewer Services Super- each dwelling. At such time intentlent, or his designated as an individual dwelling is agent. if the customer has occupied, the deposit re- a history of delinquent pay- quired by division (B) of this Ment or nonpayment of his section shall be Made for bill. Increased service depo- that unit. sits may be required of all IH) All customers request- consumers whether resi- dential. ing water service for irriga- industri usrial. commercial, or tion purposes shall be re- quired to make a minimum (2) Each customer shall service deposit of $50.00 be required to make an ad- for service whereas the wa- ditiunal $10.00 service de- ter meter is sized one (1) posit each time the service inch or less. $ 100 .00 is discontinued for nonpay- whereas the water meter is Ment of their water bill. sized over one (1) inch, or ICI The Water and Sewer that equal to the highest Services Superintendent. or one month bill, whichever his official representative, is greater. May waive such service de- i (1) Each customer shall be i posit requirements as May required to make an adds , be considered justifiedin tional $10.00 service depo- , the opinion of Said Superin- sit each time the service is tendent or his official disconnected for nonpay representative, ment of their water bill. ( 1 ) In determining (J) For all customer types, whether a service deposit the service deposit amount l may be waived. the Water required may be increased and Sewer Services Super up to 2.5 times the esti- intentlent, or his official rep- ] Mated Maximum bill, as de- resentative, shall take into termined by the Water and consitleration property own- Sewer Services Superinten- , ership, ' credit experience dent, or his designated with the consumer, pay- agent, if the customer has Ment record of the con- a history of delinquent pay- . sumer, and status of cur- ment or nonpayment of his rent service Capositlsl the bill. Increased service depo- Consumer presently has 8o- sits May be required of all live with the City on other consumers whether resi- utility accounts. d dentist, commercial, indust- rial. or irrigation services. (K) The Water and Sewer Services Superintendent, or , his official representative, I may waive such service de- posit requirements as may be considered justified in the opinion of said Superin- tendent or his official reprosentative. ( 1 ) In determining .,,�1- . - �. _ . - -. err-- s �- . ,, �. ' x- -Y/"�x6 � •e s^- � � . a. r � a � v�' M la' r'Tr Yyy�� 8 S p I4� 1 - to I j � 1 1 wS r k i 1 . y i y! I t F _v Mr