HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3735 ORDINANCE NO. 3735 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE FCC RATE REGULATIONS , ENSURING A REASONABLE OPPORTUNITY FOR CONSIDERATION OF VIEWS OF INTERESTED PARTIES; AUTHORIZATION TO UTILIZE A RATE CONSULTANT PROVIDING FOR COSTS TO BE PAID BY CABLE OPERATOR, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville (hereinafter, the "City") is a franchising authority with the legal authority to adopt, and the personnel to administer, regulations with respect to the Basic Service Rates and Charges of any cable television system operating in the City, including, without limitation, the system currently being operated by Warner Cable Communications, Inc. (hereinafter, the "Company") pursuant to Ordinance No. 3413 , dated March 7, 1989 (hereinafter the "Franchise"); and WHEREAS, the City desires to regulate the Basic Service Rates and Charges of the Company and any other cable television system operating in the City and shall do so in accordance with the FCC Rate Regulations, notwithstanding any different or inconsistent provisions in the Franchise; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS : Section 1 . The City will follow the FCC Rate Regulations in its regulation of the Basic Service Rates and Charges of the Company and any other cable television system operating in the City, notwithstanding any difference or inconsistent provision in the Franchise. Section 2. In connection with such regulation, the City will ensure a reasonable opportunity for consideration of the views of interested parties. Section 3 . The Mayor, or his or her designee, is authorized to execute on behalf of the City and file with the FCC such certification forms or other instruments as are now or may hereafter be required by the FCC Rate Regulations in order to enable the City to regulate Basic Service Rates and Charges. Page 2 Ordinance No. 3735 Section 4. Whereas, our City has been certified to regulate the Basic Tier Cable TV Rates effective October 2, 1993 ; and whereas, the rates have been frozen until November 15 , 1993 , and we need to officially notify our cable operator that we have been certified and we request the cable operator to file a Form 393 within thirty (30) days. Therefore, an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance being necessary for the immediate protection of the public peace, health and safety shall take effect immediately on its passage and approval . PASSED AND APPROVED this 2nd day of November , 1993 . APPROVED: By: Fred Hanna, Mayor ATTEST: By : t.Prhlu Sherry . Thomas, City Clerk CMT IFICATE OF RECORD State of A&Vnsas ( SS City of Fayzteviile I, Sherry fie €ras, City Clerk and Ex- Officio res;�rder for the City of Fayetteelllvci:i hereby ccrtify that the annexed. !)r fcregvir g is of record in my office and tine same appears in Ordineixce & Res ihxtion bock x_ _v_iii _ at page Y6' Witness my hand .and seal 71 - � day of �La .<- k.�- 19 93 �p � �.:.:y L;c;k ¢nodi �'.z-UfiScio Roca:cicr STATE OF ARKANSAS ss. County of ./t•-�Washington �--M1{ ^ I, perx ?ML`'1_J1�' hereby cer- tify that I am the publisher cW THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the ORDINANCE NO. 3736 SECTION 2. In connection value of the publication, based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at I N ORDINANCE ADOPT- with such regulation, the least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have aid cash for their subscriptions to the ING THE FCC RATE REG- City will ensure a reason- y Pe P ULATIONS. ENSURING A able opportunity for consid- newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six REASONABLE OPPORTUN- eration of the views of in- ITy FOR CONSIDERATION terested parties. months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty percent news OF VIEWS OF INTERESTED matter. PARTIES; AUTHORIZATION SECTION 3. The mayor, or TO UTILIZE A RATE CON- his or her designee, is au- SULTANT PROVIDING FOR thorized to execute on be- I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of COSTS TO BE PAID By half of the City and file CABLE OPERATOR. AND with the FCC such sca- FOR OTHER PURPOSES. tion forms or otherr instru- ments nrostra- meets as are now or may WHEREAS, the City of Fay- hereafter be required by the ' etteville (hereinafter. the FCC Rate Registrations in was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for "City") is a franchising au- order to enable the City to thority with the legal au- regulate Basic service consecutive insertions as follows: thority to adopt. and the Rates and Charges. personnel to administer, �� regulations with respect to SECTION 4. Whereas, our The fust insertion on the day of 19 the Basic Service Rates and City has been certified to Charges of any cable televi- regulate the Basic Tier sion system operating in Cable TV Rates effective the second insertion on the day of 19 the City. including. without October 2. 1992 ; and limitation, the system cur- whereas, the rated have rently being operated by been frozen until November the third insertion on the da of 19 Warner Cable Communica- 15, 1993, and we need to y tions. Inc. (hereinafter, the officially notify our cable op- " Company") pursuant to erator that we have been and the fourth on h insertion the da of 19 Ordinance No. 3413, dated certified and we request y March 7, 1989 (hereinafter the cable operator to file e the "Franchise"); and Form 393 within thirty (3 days . Therefore , an lacedt WHEREAS. the City desires emergency is hereby dec- to regulate the Basic Ser- laretl to exist and this ortli- t� Y' vice Rates and Charges of nance being necessary for R E C E I v L Y the Company and any other the immediate protection of cable television system op- the public peace. health and , Publisher / General Manager erating in the City and shall safety shall take effect im- do so in accordance with mediately on its passage D-EC 0 9 1993 .. the FCC Rate Regulations, and approval. notwithstanding any diffe- rent or inconsistent provi- PASSED AND APPROVED FINANCE DEPT. sions in the Franchise; this 2nd day of November. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT 1993. ORDAINED BY THE CITU APPROVED: - COUNCIL THE By: Fred Hanna. Mayor V E T T E V I L L E . ATTEST: AR T L L E ARKANSAS: By: Sherry L. Thomas. City _ Clark SECTION 1 . The City will --- — - - - -- - -'I follow the FCC Rate Reg- ulations in its regulation of the Basic Service Rates and Swom to and subscribed before me on this day of Charges of the Company and any other cable televi- sion I JC^�t+N' _T_}f�l t_r� 93 then system operatingg in in 19 the City, notwithstanding any difference or inconsis- tent the tent provision in the Franchise. Notary Public My Commission Expires: oq . 0 -o 1 Fees for Printing $ �� • 01c'; Cost of Proof Total