HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3711 FILED FOR RECORD ' 93 JUN 24 HP) i 42 WASHINGTON CO AR A . KOLLMEYER ORDINANCE NO. 3711 AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION R93-24 FOR A PARCEL CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 9. 16 ACRES LOCATED AT NORTHWEST CORNER OF JOYCE & CROSSOVER ROAD REQUESTED BY DR. SPENCER ALBRIGHT. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the zone classification of the following described property is hereby changed as follows: R93-24 for the real property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. From A- 1 , Agricultural District to C- 1 , Neighborhood Commercial District. Section 2. That the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1 above. PASSED AND APPROVED this 15th day of June 1993 . APPROVED: By: Fred Hanna, Mayor [': Tho City Clerk r. . {tot,%% 93 345?2 CERTIFICATE OF RECORD State of Arkansas City of Fayetteville I, Sherry f homas, City Clerk and Ex. Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville, do hereby certify that the an . ed or foregoing Is Of record in m7 office and the same appears Ordinance & Resolution ' n Page Y43 boo I at t1 seal Witness han 19� sc+t- day of and . . . . miry Clerk sd Er-Urrlio� J'—•-- Ra+ ,r+re• • Exhibit "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR R93-24 A part of the Fractional Northwest Quarter of the Fractional Northwest quarter of Section 30, Township 17 North, Range 29 West, Washington County, Arkansas, are particularly described as follows: Beginning ata point S 89037'52" E 200.0 feet from the Southwest corner of said Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and running thence N 0032'08" E 454.29 feet; thence S 89041146" E 450.0 feet; thence N 19 " 05 '31 " W 211 .91 feet; thence S 89041 '46" E 200.0 feet to the West right-of-way of State Highway 265; thence S 29017'57" E with said right-of-way, 665 .66 feet; thence S 28032' 17 " E with said right-of- way 87.31 feet; thence N 89037'52" W 682.41 feet; thence N 0 .2'08 " W 180.0 feet; thence N 89037 '52 " W 110.0 feet; thence S 0032'08" E 180.0 feet; thence N 89 "37'52" W 160.0 feet to the point of beginning, containing 9. 16 feet, more or less. 93 3453i I, Alma Kcl'.rcycr, Circuit Chrk onu ca-cfficic r c^-d:v for N.'t=rhington Count, Arkansas, da h_ _'sJ c. 'tIF• J; at this in. s!rumont vec : ff!cd far record in my office ca Indicated ;:--con cnd Iho same is now duly rccorec_ w ;, ti:c cunowlatent and cmtifico:_ i' . :on in Racord Book and Pone as indict : .: tl:cr*n. IN MITM1_,,;, CJY.<RECF, I fmv hereunto tat my hand and at jhx�d t:.a teal of said Court on tha e.te Ina'Icc>ed hcroort. Alma Wjrnryor Circuit Clark and Exoffitlo Record by 1 ORDINANCE NO. 3711 AN ORDINANCE REZON- STATEof ARKANSAS 1 ING THAT PROPERTY DE- J} SCRIBED IN REZONING ss. PETITION R93.24 FOR A Cour of Washington PARCEL CONTAINING AP- PROXIMATELY 9 . 16 ACRESLOCATED ON NORTHWEST CORNEROF JOYCE & CROSSOVER hereby certify that I ROAD REQUESTED By , am the publisher of THE NOIUHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper DR. SPENCER ALBRIGHT. having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages Of five BE IT ORDAINED BY THE columns each, published at a feed place of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals CITY COUNCIL OF THE continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington. Arkansas for more CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place ARKANSAS: - of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes N the City and County Season 1. That the zone for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per armum, which price was fixed follow- ing described of the frty is at what is considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and ser- hereby changed as follows: vice value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid •R-93-24 for the real. prop cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news arty described in Exhibit dealers over a period of a least six months; and that the said newspaper publishes an "A" attached hereto and average of more than forty percent news matter. made a part hereof. *From A-1 , Agricultural Dis. trict to C-1 . Neighborhood- I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of Commercial District. /(�� 1 �rv/� �� �(1 � 3ri Section 2. That the offi- . V U M ,g V A AQ J tial zoning map of the City ` of Fayetteville, Arkansas, isi 1 hereby amended to reflect was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for the zoning change provided consecutive insertions as follows: in Section 1 above. PASSED r SED AND APPROVED The first insertion on the day of 19C thisPAS 16th D o1 June, 1993, A P P R V E the second insertion on the day of 19 D By: Fred Hanna. Mayor ATTEST: the third insertion on the day of 19 By: Sherry L. Thomas, City Clerk and the fourth insertion on the day of 19 Exhibit 'A' LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR R93-24 A part of the Fractional Northwest Quarter of the Publisher / General Manager Fractional Northwest Quar- ter of Section 30. Township 17 North, Range 29 West, Washington County, Arkan- sas, more particularly de- Swom to and subscribed before me on this 30 day of scribed as follows: Begin- . (� ninB at a point 5 89.37'52" 19 't E 200.0 feet from the Southwest corner of said Northwest Ouarter of the Northwest Ouarter and run- ning thence N 0'32'08" E 454. 29 feet : thence s Zotary Public 89.41 '48" E 450.0 feet; thence N 19'05'31 " W 211 . 91 feet; thence S 89'41446" E 200.0 feet to the West right-of-way of My Commission Expires: State Highway 2 with thence n _� I _� ri 29'17'57 " E wth saitl UI right-of-way, . 8 feat: ' thence S 28'32'172'17" E with said rightof-way 87.31 feet; / thence N 89'37' 52 " W �p 682 .41 tear, thence N FeesforPrinting $ 682 .08 " ee 18feet; thence N 89'37' 52 " W _ 110 . 0 feet thence s Cost of Proof $ 0.32 '08 " E 180.0' feet: thence. 89637'52 " W 160.0 _ feet to the point of begin- Total $ ning, containing 9. 16 feet, more or less.