HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3678 FILED FOR RECORD 93170 a R19 8 6 WASHiNCI'ON AR CO A . KOLLMEY O ORDINANCE NO , 3678 AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION R93 - 5 FOR A PARCEL CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 3 . 34 ACRES LOCATED AT 723 N . 46TH AVENUE REQUESTED BY KENNITH AND BRENDA WENTZ , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the zone classification of the following described property is hereby changed as follows : R93 -5 for the real property described in Exhibit " A" attached hereto and made a part hereof . From A-1 , Agricultural District to R- 1 , Low Density Residential District , Section 2 . That the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1 above . PASSED AND APPROVED this 2nd day of March 1993 . APPROVED : By : � �/ f/�>�✓ ayor ATTEST : /` ��iP l •ash .. V40110 1 J* y J� '4Eeltbu.<' 93 11530 CERTIFICATE OF RECORD State of Arkansas SS City of Faysttevlile 1, Sherry Thorns, City Clerk and Ex- Officio recorder for the City of FayetteviBe, do hereby certify that the annexed or foregoing is of record in my office and the same appears in Ordinance & Resolution book "') 1 at Page 33 witness lily hand and seal /his 60 _day of + Exhibit "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR R93 - 5 Part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 12 in Township 16 North , Range 31 West , of the 5th Principal Meridian , Washington County , Arkansas , more particularly described as follows , to-wit : Beginning at the Southeast corner of said forty acre tract ; thence North 220 . 52 feet ; thence N 890351W 660 . 0 feet ; thence South 220 . 52 feet ; thence S 89035 ' E 660 . 0 feet , to the point of beginning , containing 3 . 34 acres , more or less . Subject to the right-of- way of the County Road on the East . 93 1159= t. Alrrq Kolirtoyer, Ctraait Clork and F_:-officfa i?"=:dor for '^,.hiCountyr a�t tel;cntos, do hereby c :', v chat this inr -;:umcnt vlaa f::_d for -rd in my office c indicated Fnrn)n . IL - Ci. ccora ., 'n'o is now r I �.. ;, 'A" "ved i end cert 'iro; , gement o I" t:-m-d Book and ro, , hereunto Court an tho , c ." d of said areon. Atmo ro:':nc yer C'rcult Cierk and f°no roc=-"r STATEofARKANSAS l J} ss. County of Washington ORDINANCE NO. 3878 AN ORDINANCE REZON- tr,1^ ING THAT PROPERTY DE-1 hereby certify that I SCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION R93-5 FOR A im the publisher of THE NOR WEST ARKANSA ES, a daily newspaper PARCEL CONTAINING AP- having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five PROXIMATELY ACRES columns each, published at a fixed lace of business and at a fixed dais , intervals AVENUE REQUESTED N. D BY LOCATED AT ]2323 48TH continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansasfor more , KENNITH AND BRENDA than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed fmm an established place WENTZ. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City and County CITY COUNCIL OF THE for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed CITY of FAYenevaLE, ARKANSAS: at what is considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and ser- Seetton 1. That the zone vice value it contains, that az least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid classification of the follow- cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news Ing described property is dealers over a period of a least six months; and that the said newspaper publishes an hereby changed as follows: R93-5 for the real property , average of more than forty percent news matter. described in Exhibit "A- at- tached hereto and made a - I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of part hereof. From A-1 . Agriculture) is- trict :o R-t , Low Density Residential District. I Section 2.` That the official I zoning mapof the City of was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for Fayetteville, Arkansas, is hereby amended to reflect consecutive insertions as follows: the zoning change provided In ' In Season t above. The first insertion on the �_ day of M (� 19 PASSED AND APPROVED I _ �- I this 2nd day of Merch, 1993. the second insertion on the day of 19 A P P R O V E D By: Fred Hanna, Mayor 1�a. ATTEST: E CV' V n�'the third insertion on the day of 19 By: Sherry L. Thomas City Clerk Exhibit 'A' and the fourth insertion on the day of 19 LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR �1A3 1 5 1993 -� R-93-5 pT Part of the Northwest Ouar- ter of the Southwest Ousr- ��sl It ter of Section 12 in Town- ��{ Publisher / General Manager ship 16 North. Range 31 Wast, of the 5111 Principal Meridian . Washington County. Arkansas. more par- Sworn to and subscribed before me on this �' da of ticularly described as fol- lows. to-wit: Beginning at the Southeast corner of 19 said forty acre tract: thence �a CAM North 220.52 feet: thence N 89-35-W 660.0 feet: thence South 220.52 feet: thence S 89'35' E 660.0 ' 4,Ltig; feet, to the point of begin- LpdfiiiPu blic ning. containing 3.34 acres, more or less. Subject to the right-of-way of the County Road on the East_ My Commission Expires: Q -01 - 01 Fees for Printing $ Cost of Proof $ h Total $