HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3635 FILED I C '; RECORD ORDINANCE NO , 36 "15 092 AUG 14 Mn 1155 WASHIN ITON CO AR AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING EMINENt KODOM6TUR H PROCEEDINGS FOR THE CITY TO OBTAIN STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY , UTILITIES , SIDEWALK EASEMENTS AND TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTS ON O PROPERTY LOCATED ALONG NORTH STREET , TRACTS pi 12 , 12E1 , and 12E2 OWNED BY DAVID S . RANDLE AND JEANE W . RANDLE , GLACIER PARK CO . , INC . , AND BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILROAD , M BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF d FAYETTEVIIJ, ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the Board of Directors authorizes and directs the city attorney of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas to initiate legal action in order to obtain street , utilities , sidewalk easements and temporary construction easements on the property described below : A ) Property located on North Street , owned by David S . Randle and Jeane W . Randle , Glacier Park Co . , Inc . , and Burlington Northern Railroad , as more fully set forth in the legal description attached hereto as Exhibit "A" . Section 2 . The Board of Directors hereby determines that the immediate acquisition of the above-described street right-of- way , utilities , sidewalk and temporary construction easements by eminent domain proceedings are necessary for transportation service and efficient utilities services and are essential to the public health , safety and welfare . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance being necessary for the public health , safety and welfare shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . PASSED AND APPROVED this 4th day of August 1992 . APPROVED : too Mayor T . A'ITFpST : r itp Bjti t 92 41410 CERTIFICATE OF RECORD State of Arbansas SS City of Faygttevilte i , 4 herry Thewitag, City Clerk and Ex• Orricto recorder for the City of '1IN ettevilte, do hereby certify that the s:::inad or foregoing is of record in MY order and the same appears in n (3edlaance @ Resolution book tia�aotid a e Witness my e.ol t . s day of --„ C!cvCSV.z a �PIYci e'� EXHIBIT "A" Tract No . 12 Part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 9 , Township 16 North , Range 30 West , Washington County , Arkansas , more particularly described as follows : Starting at the Southeast Corner of the ' Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 9 ; thence North 89 " 44100 " West along the South line thereof a distance of 443 . 38 feet to a point on the existing Easterly railroad right of way line of the Burlington Northern Railroad ; thence in a Southwesterly direction along said existing railroad right of way line on a curve to the left having a radius of 3337 . 75 feet a distance of 30 . 00 feet to a point on the existing Southerly right of way line of North Street ; thence North 89044100 " West along said existing right of way line a distance of 210 . 00 feet to a point for the point of beginning ; thence in a Southwesterly direction on a curve to the left having a radius of 3547 . 75 feet a distance of 26 . 0 feet to a point on the proposed Southerly right of way line of said North Street ; thence North 89049 ' 00 " West along said proposed right of way line a distance of 40 . 00 feet to a point on the existing Southerly right of way line of North Street ; thence in a Northeasterly direction along said existing right of way line on a curve to the right having a radius of 3587 . 75 feet a distance of 26 . 0 feet to a point ; thence South 89 ' 49100 " East along said existing right of way line a distance of 40 . 00 feet to a point of beginning and containing 0 . 02 acres , more or less , or 1 , 040 square feet , more or less . Tract No . 12E1 A part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 9 , Township 16 North , Range 30 West, Washington County , Arkansas , described as follows : Beginning at a point that is 63 . 0 feet right of and perpendicular to North Street Centerline Station 35+89 . 69 , said point being on the existing Southerly right of way line of North street ; thence South 89 ° 49 ' East along said existing right of way, line a distance of . 14 . 21 feet to a point ; thence in a Northeasterly direction along said existing right of . way line on a curve to the right having a radius of 3587 . 75 feet a distance of 12 . 0 feet to a point on the proposed Southerly right of way line of said North Street ; thence South 89049 ' 00 " East along said proposed right of way line a distance of 40 . 00 feet to a point ; thence in a 92 41411 Southwesterly direction on a curve to the left having a radius of 3547 . 75 feet a distance of 24 . 00 feet to a point ; thence North 89 ° 49100 " West a distance of 51 . 31 feet to a point ; thence North 13029134 " West a distance of 12 . 35 feet to the point of beginning and containing 0 . 03 acres , more or less , or 1 , 113 square feet , more or less . Tract No . 12E2 A part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 9 , Township 16 North , Range 30 West , Washington County , Arkansas , described as follows : Beginning at a point that is 77 . 0 feet right of and perpendicular to North Street Centerline Station 35+10 . 26 , said point being on the existing Southerly right of way line of North Street ; thence South 89 ° 49 ' East along said existing right of way line a distance of 29 . 75 feet to a point ; thence South 00 ' 11 ' West a distance of 23 . 0 feet to a point ; thence North 89049 ' West a distance of 23 . 56 feet to a point ; thence North 14052 ' West a distance of 23 . 82 feet to a point of beginning and containing 0 . 01 , more or less ; or 613 square feet , more or less . 92 41412 „ � � , � $ �, �� � G ffi G _ t _. .q i, Z u ., (1 �. 'J Y C v v u c o � � F o - � � � � 90 � � � 3 3u � 3 ORDINANCE NO. 3636 the left having a radius of AN bRDINANCE AUTHOR- 3547.75 feet a distance of IZING EMINENT DOMAIN 26.0 feet to a Point on the 'PROCEEDINGS FOR THE proposed Southerly ' right of ,CITY TO -OBTAIN STREET way line of said .North STATE of ARKANSAS 1 RIGHT-OF-WAY, UTILITIES. Street : thence North 1} SIDEWALK EASEMENTS 89'49'00" West along Said ss. AND , TEMPORARY CON- proposed right of way line a County of Washington STRUCTION EASEMENTS distance of .40.00 feet to a ON PROPERTY LOCATED point of the existing South. ALONG NORTH •STREET, erly right of way line of t'} TRACTS 12. 12E1 , and North Street; thence in a I 5 hereby certify that I 12E2 OWNED BY DAVID S. Northeasterly direction RANDLE AND JEANE W. along said existing - railroad am the publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper RANDLE. GLACIER PARK right of way line on a curve having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five CO.. INC. AND BU LING-ERN to the right having a radius columns each, published at a feed lace of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals TON NORTHERN Of 3587.75 feet a distance P P Y) RAILROAD.. of 26.0 feet to a point: continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington. Arkansas for more BE IT ORDAINED By thence South 89'49'00" THE BOARD OF DIREC- East along said existing than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place TORS OF THECITY OF right of way line a distance of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City and County F,A V E T T E V I L E of 40.00 feet to a point of for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed ARKANSAS: beginning and containing Section 1 . That the 0.02 acres, more or less, or at what is considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and ser- Board of Directors author- 1040 square feet. more or vice value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid izes and directs the city at- less. cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news 'tomeV of the City of Fayet- Tract No. 12EI Perg 8 8 teville. Arkansas to initiate A part of the Northeast dealers over a period of a least six months; and that the said newspaper publishes an legal action in order to ob- Quarter of the Southwest ' tain street. utilities, sidew- Quarter of Section 9, Town- alk easements and temper- ship 16 North. Range 30 .ary construction easements West, Washington County, I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of on t he property described Arkansas, more particularly below: - described as follows: AI Property located on Beginning ata point that is (m)`d A-- i�1,f Ppk...> �kJ 662 6S North Street. Owned by Da- 63.0 feet right' of and per- vid S. Randle and Jeans W. pendicular to North Street / Randle,. Glacier Park Co.. Centerline Station was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for Inc.,�. and .Burlington North- 35.89.69. said point being em. Railroad. as more ' fully on the existing Southerly commutive insertions as follows: set forth in the legal de- right of way line of North �n] ,, ' scription attached hereto as Street: thence South 89.49' The first insertion on the day of 19 Exhibit "A". East along- said existing Section 2. The Board of right of way line a distance Directors hereby deter- of 14.21 feet to a point: the second insertion on the day of 19 minas that the immediate thence in a Northeasterly ' acquisition of the above de direction along - said .existing scribed street right-of-way. right of way line on a curve the thud insertion on the day of 19 utilities, sidewalk and tem- to the right having a radius porary construction ease-' of 3587.75 feet a distance mens by eminent domain of 12.0 feet to a point on and the fourth insertion on the day of 19 ( proceedings are necessary the proposed Southerly for transportation service right of way line of said and efficient utilities ser- North Street: thence South vices and are essential to 89'49'00' East along said the public health, safety ' proposed right of way line a and welfare. Therefore, an distance of 40.00 feet to a lblisher / General Manager ,emergency is hereby dec- point; thence in a South- lared to exist and this ordl- westerly direction on a nonce being necessary for curve to the left having a the public health, safety radius of 3547.75 feet a Swom to and subscribed before me on this day of and welfare shell be in full distance of 24.00 feet to a n -� 'tor<a and effect from and ' point ; thence North after its passage and 89'49'00" West a distance n approval. lof 51 .31 feet to a Point; PASSED AND AP - . thence North 13.29'34" PROVED this 4th -day of West a distance of 12.35 August. 1992. feet to the point of begin- APPROVED: ning and containing 0.03 By: Fred S. Vorsanger ' acres. more or less. or Not Public ' ATTEST: 1113 square feet, more or By: Sherry L. Thomas less. City Clark Tract: No. 12E2 EXHIBIT 'A' A part of the Northeast My Commission Expires: Tract No. 12 Quarter of the Southwest , Pan of the Northeast Ouar- Quarter of Section 9, Town ter of the Southwest Quer- ship 16 North. Range 3C 'ter of Section 9. .Township West, Washington County. 116 .North, Range 30 West, ' Arkansas. described ere Washington . County, Arkan- follows: seri, more particularly de- Beginning at a point that is 40 scribed as follows: pen feet right of arta per Fees for Printing $ ' Starting f the Southeast pennterr n North Scree Corner of the Southeast Centerline Statior Quarter of the Northwest 35+10.26. said Point beim Cost of Proof $ Quarter of Section 9: on the existing Southerll thence '- North 89.44'00" right of way line of Nortt ¢O West along the South line Street; thence South 89.49 'total $ thereof a distance of 443.38 feet to a point on East along. said existing the existing Easterly railroad right of way line a distance right of way line of the Bur- of 29.75 feet to a point: lingtori Northern Railroad; thence South 00'11 ' West a . thence ' in a Southwesterly distance of 23.0 fee to a ' direction along said existing oointl thence North 89'49' railroad right of way line on .Nest a, distance of 23.56 a curve t0 the left having a last to a point: thence radius of 3337.75 feet a North 14452' West a dis- ' distance of 30.00 feet [once of 23.82 feet to a i ' point on the existing South. point of beginning and con- taining slily right of way line Of taining 0.01 , more or less. North . Street: thence North or 613 square feet, more or 89644'00" West along said less. _ existing right of way line a distance of 210.00 feet to a point for the point of beglo- ning; thence in a Southwee- terlY direction on p_curve to ;