HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3632 FILED :CR RECORD ' 92 AUG 14 R(91'� 55 WASH NGTON CO AR A . KOLLMEYER ORDINANCE NO . 3632 AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION R92- 27 FOR A PARCEL CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 19 . 65 ACRES LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF GREGG AVENUE AND NORTH OF TOWNSHIP AS REQUESTED BY JIM LINDSEY ON BEHALF OF DR , MAE NETTLESHIP AND REPRESENTED BY DAVE JORGENSEN , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the zone classification of the following described property is hereby changed as follows : R92 - 27 for the real property described in exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof . From A- 1 , Agricultural District , to R-0 , Residential Office District , Section 2 . That the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in section 1 . above . PASSED AND APPROVED this 4th day of August , 1992 . APPROVED : By . f� May6r ATTEST : , . t .By.: . . City 'Cle 92 41397 d. CERTIFICATE OF RECORD Stste of Ar&Insas ( SS Ctty of Fey�sYYevQle l :nr_rry homes, City Clerk and Ev orfirio recorder for the City of Fs!jetteville, do hereby certify that the er,� tcaeti or foregoing is of record In ray arfice and the sameappears in ()rdinance & Resolution book tall and at Psi:e pi a Witness my seal t s day of 19 .Sty Clerl d Ea-OMdO Reeordetr at Ak EXHIBIT "A" R92 - 27 •Part of the NE4 , SE4 of Section 34 and part of the NW4 , SW4 of Section 35 and part of the SE4 . SE4 of Section 34 and part of the SW4 , SW4 of Section 35 all in T17N , R30W of the Fifth Principal Meridian in Washington County , Arkansas and being more particularly described as follows to-wit : Commencing at the N . E . Corner of said NE4 , SE4 of said Section 34 , thence SOUTH 1211 . 65 Feet to the P . O . B . , thence WEST 261 . 00 Feet , thence SOUTH 333 . 53 Feet , thence S 820401E 1007 . 74 Feet , thence S 4 ` 211W 303 . 23 Feet , thence S 79038121 " E 168 . 82 Feet , thence S 72 ` E 210 . 00 Feet , thence N 65 " 32 ' 46 " E, 188 . 85 Feet , thence N 76029115 " E 279 . 95 Feet , thence NORTH 317 . 28 Feet , thence WEST 272 . 23 Feet , thence NORTH 318 . 27 Feet , thence S 88 ` 18109 "W 650 . 90 Feet , thence N 02021108 " E 100 . 00 Feet , thence WEST 606 . 66 Feet to the P . O . B . containing 19 . 65 acres . 92 41398 A S' ; � � !}� Y : i m � S 3 0 � ,� i o c — � $ � � _ � - W � 3 h � - � U C _: - ._ � c o � s � — _ oa > O J � �.. y d, 4 � u -u' Erp � ' E '�' � _. � s � � � a STATEofARKANSAS 1 J} as. County of c\� -�1-7p_1y�' O ^ - ORDINANCE NO. 3632 I, 3 - lx 3 1 U ' 1 �/ hereby certify that I AN ORDINANCE REZON- am the publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper ING THAT PROPERTY DE- SCRIBED IN REZONING having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five PETITION R92-27 FOR A columns each, published at a filled place of business and at a limed (daily) intervals PARCEL AP- PROXIMATELY G AP- y in the City of y tmh' of Washington,A CONTAINING continuous) Fayetteville. CoWto Arkansas for more g A ACRES. LOCATED ON THE than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place EAST SIDE OF GREGG AV. of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City and County ENUE AND NORTH OF TOWNSHIP AS R E - for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed QUESTED BY JIM LINDSEY at what is considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and ser- NE BEHALF OF DR. MAE vice value it contains, that at least fiftycent of the subscribers thereto have aid ON BEHALF AND REM E- Pcr p S E N T E D BY DAVE cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news JORGE IT ORDAINED N. BE IT Odealers over a period of a least six months; and that the said newspaper publishes an THE BOARD OF DIREC-C- : average Of more than forty percent news melte[. TORS OF THE CITU E . F A y E T T E V IL L E ' ARKANSAS: I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of section 1. That the zone - classification the follow- r[1 /� n i7 •• /1 fl' �l /n Z' �l ing described property is hereby changed d e follows: I R92-27 for the real property as published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for described in exhibit "A" at- wp g y � l� tached hereto and made a consecutive insertions as follows: part hereof. From A-1 • Agricultural Dis-�I � , � ��� `�� � tact• to R-O, Residential Of- The first insertion on the �_ day of 19 C)mmof fice District. Section 2. That the Citi- j othe second insertion on the day of 19 f zoning map of the City of Fayetteville. Arkansas, is Hereby amendedto reflex the zoningingch channge in Seo- y the third insertion on the da of 19 tion 1 above. ' PASSED AND A P - and the fourth insertion on theday of 19 PROVED this 4th day of August. 1992. APPROVED: By: Fred S. Vorsanger Mayor ATTEST: Pu Is eneral Manager By: Sherry L. Thomas City Clark L / EXHIBIT 'A' ' q R92-27 Sworn to and subscribed before me on this / da of Part of the NEI/4, SEI/4 y of Section 34 and part of the NWt /4. SWI /4 of 6� 19j %AmoO Section 36 and part of the I SEI/4, SEI/4 of Section 34 and part of the SWIM, SW1/4 of Section 35 all in T17N, R30W of the Fifth Principal Meridian In otary Public Washington Count', Ark- ansas and being more particularly described as follows to-wit: comment- My Commission Expires: Ing W the N.E. Corner of Q/'1 sold NWl/4. SEI/4 of said 1 /I ' Section 34 , thence —/ m­0IJ �0 SOUTH 1211.65 feet to I the P.O.B., thence WEST ' 261 . 00 feet, thence ' SOUTH 333 .53 feet, Q al thence S 82'40'E 1007.74 feet, thence S 4'21 'W Fees for Printing $ 303.23 feet, thence S 79'38'21 ' E 166.82 feet, Cos[ of Proof $ �— thence S 72'E 210.00 feat. thence IN 66'32'46' E 188.86 feet, thence N Total $ 76'29'15" E 279.95 feet, thence NORTH 317.28 feet, thence WEST 27223 feet , thence NORTH 318.27 feet, thence S. 88018909' W 6S0.90 feet. thence N 02'21 '08 ' E ` 100.00 feet, thence WEST 606.66 feet to the P.O.B. i containing 19.65 acres.