HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3616 RECO ' 92 JUN PM 3 57 y ORDINANCE NO . 3616 �1 _; _� ED Fa MED ORDINANCE CONFIRMING THE ANNEXATION F' OF !'jE APPROXIMATELY 80 ACRES TO THE CITY OF g N FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , OWNED BY JAMES RILEY n SKILLERN ; AND REZONING THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED r o IN REZONING PETITION R92 . 17 FOR A PARCEL CD CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 112 . 83 ACRES LOCATED ry o ON SKILLERN ROAD AND EAST OF CROSSOVER ROAD AS REQUESTED BY TRUMAN YANCEY ON BEHALF OF JAMES _<n �m RILEY SKILLERN . M o 0 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CIT . M FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : /r Section 1 . That the Board of Directors hereby confirms the annexation of approximately 80 acres to the City of Fayetteville , �1 Arkansas , of the following described property : �.. 1 See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof . p Section 2 . That the above described property is hereby d assigned to Ward No , 2 . J V Section 3 . That the zone classification of the following described property is hereby changed as follows : W J R92- 17 for the real property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof . W From A- 1 , Agricultural District , to R- 1 , Low Density Residential District . Section 2 . That the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1 above . PASSED AND APPROVED this . ' 2nd day of June , 1992 . APPROVED : i tir By : !� Mayor C-l'ebik x . 92 3698,6 Re - recorded to correct legal description , g P €fl ,eCx A P� riv , ^SAT Op ugh CORD E i,�ti .;ec=srdcr for the Clerk and Fx- a5Ci£y of certify t1 kt t?oa ca:;, r_7 and fLe S is of r<:cord to senle aj�Ae�rs ia� :n a / � 2Y �teSIItd;tiCrl� il;1C�( l !;. � �'atteess�y my hen at d e ._9.zd er� Exhibit " A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR ANNEXATION Part of the South Half of the NE's and Part of the North Half of the SEk , Section 31 , T 17 N , R 29 W , Beginning at the Northwest corner of the South Half of the NEk in the centerline of Skillern Road ; thence running Southeasterly with the centerline of Skillern Road 2513 . 21 feet ; thence leaving said center of road South 1354 . 54 feet to the South line of the North Half of the SEk ; thence West 1996 . 20 feet to the Southwest corner of the North Half of the SEk ; thence North 2640 feet to the point of beginning , containing 80 acres , more or less . LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR REZONING Part of the NEk , SEk and part of the SEk , NEk and part of the SWk , NEk and all of the NWk , SEk and part of the SEk , NWk and part of the SWk , NWk all in Section 31 , T17N , R29W of the Fifth Principal Meridian in Washington County , Arkansas and being more particularly described as following , to-wit : Beginning at the Southwest Corner of said NWk , SEk thence N 0 ` 31145 " W 1316 . 54 to the center of Section 31 thence S 89 ` 31102 " W 1335 . 45 Feet , thence N 28 ` 48140 " W 190 . 17 Feet , thence EAST 51 . 19 Feet , thence N 11 ` 40155 " W 379 . 80 Feet , thence N89049119 " W 173 . 01 Feet , thence N 27 ` 31143 " W 94 . 16 Feet , thence N 87050 ' E 456 . 80 Feet , thence N 89004105 " E 199 . 76 Feet , thence N 82012156 " E 189 . 89 Feet , thence N 88 ` 27157 " E 206 . 45 Feet , thence along the WEST side of a right of way easement N 0 ` 41156 " W 653 . 40 Feet , thence N 89043 ' 10 " E 39 . 99 Feet , thence S 0 ' 41 ' 56 " E 618 . 58 Feet , thence EAST 350 . 00 Feet , thence N 0 ` 41 ' 56 " W 620 . 29 Feet , thence N 89 ` 43110 " E 224 . 37 Feet to the NORTHEAST Corner of said SEk , NWk , thence along the center of Skillern Road as follows : S 78032153 " E 170 . 021 S 7405115511E 183 . 06 ' S 69 ` 25124 " E 75 . 52 ' S 45 ` 39155 " E 120 . 49 ' S 09 ` 55148 " E 242 . 731 S 3705012611E 138 . 45 ' S 48 ` 21127 " E 189 . 26 ' S 5305514111E 461 . 60 ' S 5604911511E 225 . 06 ' S 6604713411E 297 . 50 ' S 77 ` 52130 " E 409 . 52 ' thence leaving said center of road S 0042132 " E 1354 . 54 Feet , thence S 89 ' 31102 " W 1996 . 20 Feet to the P . O . B . Containing 112 . 83 Acres more or less subject to easements and R/W of record . 92 36984 OF c•nt L. ark and r "to 7iin?tan County. .yon. '. oy comfy ihot this In- _.. : n n r as : .:ad for record in my office incic^ted hereon and the same is now Duly rccoded xv th 0110 acknowledgement and ceri.:icoto I'nereon in Record Book attd Page as ind:coied thereon. IN V'.1I;' :::5 WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of sold Court on ilia date indicated hereon. Alma Kollmeyer Circuit Clerk end 6eoffieio recordar by STATE of ARKANSAS ss. County of Washington I, • ^'✓ • J-1 n k Q �J hereby certify that I am the publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals ORDINANCE NO. 3616 W, Beginning at the Nonh- continuous) in the Ci of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more IN ANa ORDINANCE CONFIRM- west corner of the South y City y oumy g G THE ANNEXATION OF Half of the NE 1/4 in the than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place APPROXIMATELY 80 centerline of, Skillern Road: of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City and County ACRES TO THE CITYOFthence running Southeas- FA-T V1 I CV I LLS. AR KAN- terly with the centerline of for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per amtttm, which price was fixed SAS:-OWNED BY JAMES .Skillern Road 2513.21 feet: at what is considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and ser- RfLEY- SXILLERN: AND RE- thence leaving said center vice value it contains, that az least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid ZONING THAT PROPERTY of road South 1354.54 feet DESCRIBED IN REZONING to the South line of the cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news PETITION fl92.17 FOR A North Half of the SE 1/4; dealers over a rod of a least six months; and that the said newspaper publishes an ,PARCEL CONTAINING AP- thence West 1996.20 feet Pei P3Pat OXI M AlE LY 112 . 83 to the Southwest corner of aver age of more than forty percent news matter. Jpp'A'CRES• LOCATED ON SKIL- the North Half of the SE 4�ARN ROAD AND EAST OF 1/4: .thence North 2640 feet UROSSOVER ROAD AS RE- to the point of beginning. I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of QUESTED BY TRUMAN containing 80 acres. more lnn � / ) `:2'ANCEY ON BEHALF OF or less. � `' a� -JAMES -RILEY SKILLERN. LEGAL DESCRIPTION N 'Y fBE IT ORDAINED BYFOR REZONING -THE. BOARD OF DIREC- Part of the NE 1/4, SE 1/4 was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for TORS OF THE CITU FAY- and part of the SE 1/4, NE ETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS: 1/4 and part of the sw 1/4, consecutive insertions as follows: " Sac{ion '1 . That the , NE 1/4 and all of the NW Board of Directors hereby 1/4, SE 1/4 and part of the confirms the annexation of SE 1/4, NW1/4 and pert.of The first insertion on the = day of 19 e'ppr'oximataly 80 acres to the SW 1/4. NW 1/4 all in We City of Fayetteville, Ark- Section 31 , T 17 N. R 29 W the second insertion on the day of 19 ansas', of the following de- ' of the Fifth, Principal Meri- scribed property: dian. in Washington County. See Exhibit 'A" attached Arkansas and being more the third insertion On the day of 19 hereto and made a part , particularly described as fol- hereof. ' - lowing, to-wit: Beginning at ;1?'Saetion 2. That the the Southwest Corner of and the fourth insertion on the day of 19 above described property is said NW 1/4, SE 1/4 thence hereby assigned to Ward N 0'31 '45" W 1316.54 to No. 2 the center of Section 31 +.'Section 3. That the zone thence S 89'31 '02 " W classification of the follow- 1335.45 feet, thence N ing described property is 128.48.40" W 190.17 feet. Publisher / Gen al Manager hereby changed as follows: thence EAST 51 .19 feet. R92-17 for the real prof thence N 11 '40'55 " 'W erty described in Exhibit379.80 feet, thence N "A" attadhed hereto and 89449'19" W 173.01 feet. Sworn to and subscribed before me on this day of made apart- hereof. thence N 27'31443 " W From A-1 , Agricultural 94. 16 feet , thence IN 19 ( / --t District:' to- . R-1 , Low Den- ' 87'50'E 456.80 feet. thence sity Residential District. N 89'04'05" E 199.76 feet, Section 2. That the offi- thence N 82' 12 '56 " .E cial zoning map of the City 189.89 feet, thence N of Fayetteville, Arkansas, is 8827457" E 206.45 feet. lierebynamended to reflect ;thence along the WEST the zoning change provided 'side of a right of way ease- Public in Section 1 above. ment N 0'41 '56" W 653.40 PASSED AND AP - feet, thence N 89.4310" E PROVED-- this 2nd day of '39 . 99 feet , thence S June, 1992. 0'41 '56" E 618.58 feet. My Commission Expires: APPROVED: 'thence EAST 350.00 feat, ^ By: Fred S. Vorsanger thence N 0'41 '56 " W -0 / -o / Mayor 620.29 feet. thence IN / ATTEST: 89'43'1W E 224.37 feet to By: Sherry L. Thomas the NORTHEAST Corner of City Clerk said SE 1 /4, NW 1 /4, EXHIBIT "A" thence along the canter of ,LEGAL-. DESCRIPTION I Skillem Road as follows: Fees for Printing 'I FORANNEXATION IS 78.32'53" E 170.02' Part of the South Half of S 74'51 '55" E 183:06' the NE 1/4 and Part of the 1 S 69'25'24" E 75.52' COSI of Proof $ W North Half of the SW 129 �S 9.55'48" E 242.73' �,�// � b Section 31 , T 17 N. R 29 'S 37'50'26" E 138.45' Total $ j 5. � - - -- --- •S 48.21427" E 189.26' IS 53'55'41 " E 461 .60' O 1��Z lE 225.06' S 66.47'34" E 29750' -1 N 0 S 77452'30" E 409.52' `r� " thence leaving said center DEPT� of road S 0'42 '32 " E F� tpdC GT 1354.54 feet, thence S 1'1111 89.31 '02" W 1998.20 feet to the P.O.B. containing 112.83 acres more or less subject to easements and R/W of record.