HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3605 r l � FILED FOR RECORD 092 IMM 31 P17 2' 57 WASHINGTON CO AR A . KOLLIdEYER ORDINANCE NO , 3605 AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY OWNED BY CITIZENS BANK OF NORTHWEST ARKANSAS DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION R92 - 5 FOR A PARCEL LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF COLLEGE AVENUE AND MILLSAP ROAD AT 3500 NORTH COLLEGE AVENUE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Y Section 1 . That the zone classification of the following r described property is hereby changed as follows : R92-5 for the real property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof . From C- 1 , Neighborhood Commercial District , to C- 2 , rQ Thoroughfare Commercial District , Section 2 . That the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1 above . PASSED AND APPROVED this 17th day of March , 1992 . APPROVED : By : May6r ATTEST : "Oki` . . , s i k 2 ', Sol r �? 14711► EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR R92 - 5 TRACT A : A part of Block 1 of the Plat of Blocks 1 , 2 , and 9 and adjoining streets of the A . W . Realty Sub-division in Fayetteville , ARknasas , being a part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 26 , Township 17 North , Range 30 West , more particularly described as follows , to-wit : Beginning at a point 512 . 25 feet South of the Northwest corner of said 40 acre tract , thence running North 830 36 ' East 100 feet to the place of beginning , said point being the Southwest corner of Block 1 of the A . W . Realty Sub-division , thence North 83 ' 36 ' East 275 feet , thence in a northeasterly direction parallel to the east right-of-way line of Highway 71 to a point on a line whose bearing is North 880 081 East from a point which lies North 9 ` 51 ' 04 " East 40 feet from the point of beginning ; thence South 88 ' 09 ' West to a point North 90 51 ' 04 " East 40 feet of the place of beginning , thence South 9 ' 51 ' 04 " West 40 feet to the place of beginning . TRACT B : A part of the Northeast quarter ( NEh ) of the Southeast quarter ( SE'k ) of Section Twenty six ( 26 ) , Township Seventeen ( 17 ) North , Range Thirty ( 30 ) West , more particularly described as follows : Beginning at a poitn which is 512 . 25 feet South of the Northwest corner of said 40 acre tract , and running thence North 840 East 40 feet for a point of beginning , thence North 84 ' East 325 feet , thence South , running parallel to the proposed right-of-way of Highway 71 226 . 86 feet to the center of Cemetery Road ( also known as Millsap Road ) ; thence South 840 West with the centerline of said Cemetery Road , 325 feet to the proposed East right-of -way 226 . 86 feet to the point of beginning , less and except 20 feet off of the South line for road purposes . Subject to a right-of-way 50 feet in width for street purposes running North and South and abutting the West line of the herein described real estate . TRACT C : • ' A part of the Northeast Quarter ( NE,h ) of :the' Southeast Quarter ( SEk ) of Section Twenty-six ( 26 ) , Township Seventeen ( l7 ) • NOrth , , , Range Thirty ( 30 ) West , being more, ., particularly describ6d . ,: .as follows , to-wit : Beginning at a point. lwhi'ch= ist'512 : 25 feet , South , df $ ' the Northwest Corner of said 40 acrertract and running thence North 84 " East 375 feet for a point of' rbeginnirig"tlience` continuing . North ' 840' East 291 feet ; thence South 'Otf East •205 . 75 .feet ; thence . South 84 ' West 306 : 84 feet ; thence North 226 . 86 feet " to the point of beginning . ' • •: CERTIFICATE OF RECORD State of Arktf m ( 1, Atma Kc!!' tnrer, Circuit CI&A and Cit of FB]etteviih! ( + Fi•officfo '. :c; K'csh:r. on County* h I, s " Thomas, City Clerk and Ex. Artansc:. a , �.uebr cr`rtniy than this Ir. Officio recorder for the City of =:ur-nt rr= sd for record in my office Fayetteville, do hereby certify that the annezad or forepi ng is or c !rv'I[oted .'.mean nnd 'ne some It nwr Office and the retard hl tqy duty rcccrjea ,v.:h :ho o_k,-;"I Klgsment Ordlnance & R��oebao appears In and _a::::tVrC i;rer nn v`e:oW Book atoll page k at Fogs IN : ino:eotud Thereon. sea] a 7 ,tQ_ O WltDem m IN ITV :h: + N'f .2 F, I have horeunl0 19 Y,2 +=— .day tet my hand end affix:d the nrol of sold Court on the dote :ndicared hereon. City Clark and JU-0mclo 1lecorear Alma Kdlmeter drove Clete and fxofficlo Recorder STATE of ARKANSAS i ea. j County of Washington hereby certify that I am the publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (dally) Intervals continuously In the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes In the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what Is considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent ATTEST r1AF Mayor snarrth e�On�W1�m of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper ORDINANCE NO:%6606 ' p BY: Sherry L; Thomas �. feet to� i .the place .of or Its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six AN ORDINANCE ReZON City tCferk . �. . yr n Is Irving months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty EXHIBfT 'A' TRACT B ING THAT PRO.'RE(RTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION A part of the Northeast percent news matter. OWNED BY CITIZENS FOR R92-5 quarter INE 1 /4) of the BANK OF NORTHWEST TRACT A: l Southeast quarter ISE 1/4) I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of ARKANSAS DESCRIBED IN A pert of Block• 1 of the of Section Twenty six 1261, t REZONING PETITION R92-5plat of Blocks; t, 2,, and 9 Township Seventeen 1,1171 �1 FOR A PARCEL LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST COR- and adjoining streets of North, Range Thirty (301 ! the A.W. Realty. . Sub- West, more particularly 'dell; NEO OF COLLEGE AV- , division in Fayetteville, scribed as follows: Begin'•-^I ENUE AND MILLSAP - Arkansas, being a part of ning at a point which'.,,isq / ROAD AT 3500 NORTH the Northeast Quarter 512.25 feet South of Hio regular ulardailyissueotsaidnewspapertor COLLEGE AVENUE, the Southeast Quarter of ' Northwest corner of said '401 p g BE IT ORDAINED BV THE Section 26, Township 17 acre tract and running consecutive insertions as follows: BOARD OF';DIRECTORS North. Range '30 West, thence North 84' East 40 OF THE CIT,y OF FAVET- more. particularly de- feet for a point of begirt TESectio ARKANSAS: scribed as follows, to-wit: ning. thence North 84' East The first Insertion on the day of 19 Section 1: That the zone Beginning. at a ,point 325 feet, thence South; classification .of the follow- 51225 feet South of the running Parallel to the prop- ing described .property is . Northwest comerofsaid osed Tightof-way of High) the second Insertion on the day of 19 hereby changed as follows:. . 40 acro tract, thence run- way 71 226.86 feet to the R92-5 for to real prop- ning North 83' 36' East center of Cemetery Road. [be third Insertion On the da O{ any described in Exhibit 100 feat to the place of lalso known as Millsep i y 19 A" attached; hereto and beginning, said point be- Road): thence South 84' made a pert ..hereof. Ing the SoutHwaat comer West with, the centerline of and the fourth insertion on the day of 9 From C-I,' of Block' 1 of the A.W. Re- said Cemetery Road. 325 CommercielCOistrigC to C-2, alty Sub-division, thence feet to the proposed East. Thoroughfare Commercial North 83' 36' East 275 right-nf-way 226.86 feet+to District. feet, thence in a notational the point of beginning, less Section 2.That the oHi- tarty direction parallel to and except 20 feet off�o[ tial zoningymap of the City the east right-of-way line the South line for road par. S orn to and subscribed before me on this day of of Fayetteville?{Arkansas. is of Highway 71 to a point poses. Subject to a righioHl hereby amended to reflect . on a line whose ;Deadng way 50 feet in width fill the zoning_ change provided is North 88. OS'' Eeat from street • purposes running, 9 '�+- - in Section I. above. r , a point which lies North Northantl South and ebut- PASSED�. AND APPROVED g• 61' 04' East 40 feet Sing the West line of 'the' 17th day of March, from the point of begin- herein -described real --- 1982' ning; thence South BB' 09' estate. APPROVED: West to a Point North 8' TRACT C: At Otary PUbI C BYI Fred a. Voisanger 51' 04' East 40 feet of the A part of the Northeast Quarter INE 1/4) of i ,a My Commission F_xpires: - Southwest Quarter ISE c1/4) 9 - 01 - 0 / ""�� { r 1 r ., i of Section Twent"ix , 1261:^ `�1 _ O I — O 1 Township Seventeen 117)1 - 1 17N / North, Range Thirty (30) West, being more perucu� Wily described as follows, ' to-wit: Beginning at a point - •„ • , which is 512.25 feet So«th` of the Northwest Cornsrngf. ees for Printing $ (D(p said 40 acre tract andJE . ning thence North 84' ' 375 feet for a point oCost of Proof _. S ginning, thence conti North 84' East 291 11 ��p� � - f ` thence South 04' East. Total - 205.75, teat: thence 84' Wast 308:84 . . . - •` . ' thence North 226.86 fe the-point of beginning. RECEIVED APR 0 3 1992 FINANCE DEPL