HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3594 FILED FOR RECORD 09 "" 5 PR 2 37 WASHINGTON. CO AR A• KOLLMEYER L� �gT /�+ROFIT ME., D ORDINANCE NO . 1594 VdL4 l � A L AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPETY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION R92- 6 FOR A PARCEL LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF WEDINGTON DR , AND DOUBLE SPRINGS ROAD CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 20 . 29 ACRES . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYE7TEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the zone classification of the following described property is hereby changed as follows : R92 - 6 for the real property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made apart hereof . Tract A . from A- 1 , Agricultural District , to C- 2 , Thouroughfare Commercial District . Tract B . from A- 1 Agricultural District , to R-O , Residential-Office District . Tract C . from A- 1 , Agricultural District , to R- 1 , Low Density Residential District . Section 2 . That the offical zoning map of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1 above . PASSED AND APPROVED this 18th day of February , 1992 . APPROVED : By : "f. Mayor A 1 ` � {; ele EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR R91 - 6 TRACT A : A part of the NE'k of the SEk of Section 10 , Township 16 North , Range 31 West in Washington County , Arkansas , more particularly described as follows : Beginning at the NW corner of said 40 acre tract and running thence N 890 51 ' 03 " E 655 . 20 feet ; thence S 010 07 ' 13 " E 360 . 05 feet ; thence S 89 ° 51 ' 03 " W 662 . 24 feet to the West line of said 40 acre tract ; thence North 360 . 0 feet to the point of beginning , containing 5 . 49 acres , more or less . TRACT B : A part of the NE4 of the SEk of Section 10 , Township 16 North , Range 31 West in Washington County , Arkansas , more particularly described as follows : Beginning at a point 360 feet South of the NW corner of said 40 acre tract and running thence South 300 feet ; thence N 890 51 ' 03 " E 668 . 11 feet ; thence N 01 ° 57 ; 13 " W 300 . 04 feet ; thence S 89 ° 51 ' 03 " W 662. 24 feetito the point of beginning , containing 4 . 58 acres , more or less . TRACT C : A part of the NE'k of ,the;tSEh,.4of-.•S'ection •10 Township 16 North , Range 31 West in Washingtont _County.; 1:Arkansas ; ' 'more particularly described as follows : ->Beg'inning, at :ta"point *,660 feet South of the NW corner of said 401 agre•:;tracts=and ''nunriinq thence South 660 feet to the SW corner of, said 4'0°.»'acre "Tract` ;°' th`en'ce N 89 ° 51 ' 03 " E 681 . 02 feet ; thence : NJ n1= : 07. !' 1k3 " �W ' 660 .•O9 -feet ; thence S 89 ° 51 ' 03 " W 668 . 11 feet to _ the-poin't' 6f- • beginning ,.. containing 10 . 22 acres , more or less . 92 qfz 8 CL' 4111 CATS OF RECORD State of Armes Cityy of F}¢ tevilie I, Sherry City Clerk and Ex. Officio recorder ter the City of Fayetteville, do hemb certtfy that the annssed or foregotng of mord to my office and the same appears in Ordinance & Besolntton bookcox V 111 at page / es, Witness wand seal t / � dal of I9 9� I, Almo KoUrneyer, Circuit Clerk and Ea-officio Recorder for Washington County, Arkansas, do hereby certify that this ins strument was filed for record in my office as indicated hereon and the same is now duly recorded with the acknowledgement and certificate thereon in Record Book and Pogo os Indicated thereon. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the sed of said Court on the date indicated hereon Alma Kollmeyer Circuit Clerk and Ex-officio R rvkr by r 1 STATEofARKANSAS l T ss. County of Washingtonl .�f� f�� �\ y3 I, S N n • S 15 .) hereby certify that I am the publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, published at a feed place of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more 1qo 369s than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place A ORDINANCE REZON- - of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City and County THAT PROPERTY DE- for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per aurum, which price was fixed RIBED .IN REZONING ETITION A92 OR A at what is considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and ser- PARCEL LOCA ON THE vice value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid SOUTHEASTWEDINGTO R. D cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news WEDINGTO R. AND Pag g g DOUBLE S GS ROAD' dealers over a period of a least six months; and that the said newspaper publishes an CMAATE�INI APPROXI average of more than forty percent news matter. :J + BE R ORDAINED BY THE 360.05 feet: thsnca S ar I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of BOARD OF DIRECTORS t51'he 03'We W 662,24 feet to TE THE CRY OF FAVET- the West IMs M OeN 40 Section ARKANSAS: acre tract: thence North Section 7. That the zone 380.0 feet to the point of claaaifination of the follow, beginning. containing 5.49 was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for Ing described property is acres, more, or Mas, COIISec6tive Illserilpn5 a5 fO110WS: hereby changed as follows: TRACT B: - 8924 for the reel prop. A part of the HE 1/4 of Py^y'� Q arty, described In Exhibit the SE - 1/4 of Section 10. The first insertion on the � day of 19 —1— A' anachad ereto end Township. 16 North, Range meds apart of. 31 West In Washington Tres A, our A-i• AgrF County. Arkansas, more Per-' the second insertion on the day of 19 cultural strict, Ic C-2, ticularty, described as foo Thou fare Commercial Iowa: Beginning at a point; D 360 feet South of the NW the third insertion on the day of 19 'T B. from A-1 Agdcur• corner, of said 40 acs tract 'tur riot, to R-O. and running theme South, Re Rice District. 300 feet: thence N 89' S1•� and the fourth insertion on the dayof 19 C from M7. Agri- 03' E 668.11 feet: ra D 'a. to R-1, Low N 01• 57• 13' W .O4 Density identMl District. feet: thence S Sir 03'. Section That the official W' 662.24 fast W zoning p of the Cis. to of beg' to Faystt ilia. Arkansas. is a.58 saes ! Publisher / General Manager hereby amended to reflect TRACT the zoning change provided A pe N -In Section 1 above. lite SE /4 of 10; PASSED AND APPROVED T 16 Range Swornto and subscribed before me on this OS day of } this 18th .day of - February. 31 W t In as ngtod x992. - •. ' •`. • . , County., more par= APPROVED: - ticutarty as foo" 19 � .. By: cared S. Voraager' lows: of ra4eRolm` . yor fi6o teat nor tNw ATTEST: \' ' . ;. ° . _ inner.of id 40 acre inea ttY• SMrry L Thomas -.sand. running thence .South, Dnv Gas . .1 •; " " ..j'.660 feet to thetSW corner Notary Public "010111131113` OA' ",?of said 40 'aeie"tract:'•' LEGAL DESCRIPTION 'thence N 89' 461 ' 030, cc . :.'. .FOR 8914 687 .02 feet; 'thence N OtiF TRACT A: ' A lid` : : . ' 07' 113' W� 060.09 ' fnntp` A pen or •the NE 1/a W thence S "89'v 611 03 t My Commission Expires: the Sr -1/4 of Section 10, 688.11 feet to 'the point of,' Township 16 North. Range beginning, 'containing 1022:' I �D / —O / 31 West In We ington _acres. man or leas. w.:_i County. Arksnass poo ..enesasax_nun- 'comers. dewed es fol- p lows: Beginnl t the NW og' "con»r of m tract ' and nisi nae N Fees for Printing 51 ' i 55.20 fe B the 07%.IW,u ,n •1' a° "` Cost of Proof S Total