HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3590 ORDINANCE NO , 3590 AICROFILMED AN ORDINANCE CALLING AND SETTING A DATE FOR A SPECIAL ELECTION ON THE QUESTION OF REORGANIZING THE CITY MANAGER FORM OF GOVERNMENT TO PROVIDE FOR FOUR MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO BE ELECTED FROM WARDS AND THREE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO BE ELECTED AT-LARGE WITH THE MAYOR DIRECTLY ELECTED FROM ONE OF THE THREE AT-LARGE POSITIONS . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That a special election be , and the same is hereby , called to be held in the City on the 26th day of May , 1992 at which election there will be submitted to the electors of the City the question of reorganizing the city manager form of government under the City Manager Enabling Act of 1989 ( A . C . A . Section 14- 61- 101 et seq ) to provide for four members of the board of directors to be elected from wards and three members of the board of directors to be elected at large with the mayor directly elected from one of the three at-large positions . Section 2 . That the question shall be placed on the ballot for the election in substantially the following form : FOR Reorganizing the city manager form of government , if retained by the City of Fayetteville , to provide for four members of the board of directors to be elected from wards and three members of the board of directors to be elected at-large with the mayor directly elected from one of the three at- large positions . AGAINST Reorganizing the city manager form of government , if retained by the City of Fayetteville , to provide for four members of the board of directors to be elected from wards and three members of the board of directors to be elected at- large with the mayor directly elected from one of the three at- large positions . Candidates for ward positions are and shall be residents of the ward they wish to represent . If the majority of electors vote for the reorganization , only those qualified electors residing in a ward may vote on a candidate from that ward . Section 3 . The election shall be held and conducted and the vote cast and the results declared under the law and in the manner provided for municipal elections , so far as the same may be applicable . Only qualified electors of the City shall have the right to vote at the election . Section 4 . That the results of the election shall be proclaimed by the Mayor . The Mayor ' s proclamation shall be published one ( 1 ) time in a newspaper having general circulation in the City . Section 5 . That a copy of this ordinance shall be furnished to the Washington County Board of Election Commissioners so that the necessary election officials and supplies may be provided . Section 6 . If the electors approve the reorganization of the city manager form of government as set forth in this ordinance , the City shall continue to be divided into the four wards established by Section 32 . 03 of the Code of Fayetteville . PASSED AND APPROVED this 4th day of Fahruarjr , 1992 . APPRO By • Mayo ATTEST • ' City C erk CEB�7�+TCA1'E ®F Imcoib State of Arkansas City of Fayetteville SS ShThoOfficdo�re recorder foto the City erk and hof Fayetteville, do hereby certify that the annexed or foregoing Is of record in my office and the same appears in Ordinance & Resolution bolt v , at page 97 Witness in an and seal l9_�9t�— y of a CJYy CIerL• an b;�-f�resra ,:ec_.�.,cr ORDINANCE NO. 3598 1 'AN ORDINANCE SETTING . CALLING I STATE of ARKANSAS 1 AND SETTING . E DATE Jt "FOR' :4 SPECIAL ELECTION 99. OW THE QUESTION OF Count, O( WashlOg[On ` REORGANIZING THE CIT' I• MANAGER, FORM. OF, GOV- ERNMENT TO PROVIDE /////� FOR FOUR MEMBERS OF THE BOARD M DS OF I, X}r ' i hereby certify that I TORS TO BE ELECTED am thepublisherof THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a dailynewspaper FROM WARDS AND THREE MEMBERS OF THE having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of , BOARD OF DIRECTORS AT-LARGE flue columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (dally) BE EEG;, intervals continuously In the City of Fayetteville. County of Washington, Arkansas WITH THE MAYO Rt'1DI-RFCTfor more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an WITH : -ELECTED FFOM ONE . OF THE THREE:• AT- established place of business to subscribers and readers generally O1 all classes I4BE" IPOSITIONS. in the Cit and Count for a definite rice for each 'BB" IT ORDAINED By Y Y P copy, or a fixed price per �THE');B4OARO OF DIREC- annum, which price was fixed at what Is considered the value of the publication, TOORS,;.. OF THE CITY OF I based upon the news valueand service value It contains, that at least fifty percent p q, Y E T : E v LL L E., of the subscribers thereto have aid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper •ARKANSAS P P i section 1 That h special or Its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six ele'abon be., end the , same months; and that the said news isohereby called to be, held I paper publishes an average of more than forty ;n the fClry oil 'the 26th Cay percent news matter. of May 1992 at which elect ,on, - I vt ' submitted i I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of toy the electors of the City ilia re question of organizing , the,� mcrty manager form, Of go`veoantler the City I 'y 11989 Menege? E Enabling Act of -�-t / 11989 (A.C .A . Section 1461-101 at segmbers pro- members' II vide:- for four me - was published In the regulardaily issue of said newspapertor the board of directors tobe consecutive insertions as follows: ,1 elected re large frtheom t jnpyor, the throeelected from Y'µ- J' / I one %or ' Lha- three at-larger' The (list insertion on the day of 19 positions. ,Section 2. That the quos- tiopahall ba .placed. on the the second Insertion on the day of 19 ballot for Lha election in substantially the.tfollowin9 roan: the third insertion on the day of 19 FOR'`Reorga J nizing the city , manage form of governor@iii. . if re- ' and the fourth insertion on the twined by `the City'pf .Feyet teville. to' provide for four! members of the board directors to. be eIe mem war I ds and three tc Swo n and subscribed before me on this day of of theJboard of dvectora'.t, be selected;fromi wartls at nd h/ three members of INP q pC board of directors to , be I --- elected °t-large with �t¢e mayor;directly :-sleeted from one of The three at-lar9° ' Notary PO is positions. _ AG AIN pIt Reorganizing the .city' mar My Commission Expires: ger form '.oI governmentltyd- retained by t Ciry of ettevilie. to provide for toTir members of the boaitl�of� ', ' directors to be electedm wards and three memM_rs I_ of the board of dire ors to paper having City. circa- , 31 3 3j 1 of elected at-large ofdi with the laden in the Ciry. mayor directly elected from Section 5. That a copy Of Fees for Printing S one of the three at-large this ordinance shall be fum- • positions. I ished to the Washington Candidates for ward POsi- County Board of Election Cost Of Proof —. 1 tions are and shag be rest- Commissioners so that the d33, it ients of the ward they necessary election officials a Vwish to represent. If the and supplies may be 'rota) _ S - majority of electors vets for provided. , the reorganization, only those qualified electors re- Section 6. if the electors siding inward may vote approve the reorganization on a cantlidate from that of the city manager form of ward, government as set forth in Section 3. The election this ordinance. the City shall be held and conducted shall continue to be divided `and the vote cast and the into the four wards estab- Iresults declared under the lished by Section 32.03 of law and in the 'menner pro- the Cee Of Fayetteville. iJ L f vided for municipal elec- ([ G C L) (tions. so farasthe same PASSED AND APPROVED , may be applicable. Only this 4th day of February. p : qualified electors of the 1992. FEB City shall he" the right to 2 5 1992 vote at the election. APPROVED: Section 4. That the re- By; Fred S. Vorsanger sults of the election shall Mayor FINANCE DEPT, be proclaimed by the Mayor. The Mayor's procla- ATTEST: mation shall be published By: Sherry L. Thomas one (1 ) time in a news- City Clerk