HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3578 FILED FC ,R RECORD '91 NOU 27 R1110 53 ORDINANCE NO . 3578 WASH (11nr" CO QR A . KCL ! 14EYER AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 159 , SECTION 159 . 30 , K ( 1 ) ( b ) , K ( 1 ) ( c ) , AND K ( 2 ) OF THE FAYETTEVILLE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO CHANGE THE PARK LAND DEDICATION RATIO AND THE CONTRIBUTION IN LIEU OF LAND DEDICATION , AND THE METHOD OF PAYMENT FOR A CASH CONTRIBUTION IN LIEU OF REQUIRED LAND DEDICATIOW11 C R ^ F., T L ME D BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF lTHE CITY OF ✓" FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That Chapter 159 , Section 159 . 30 , K ( 1 ) ( b ) , K ( 1 ) ( c ) , and K ( 2 ) of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows : REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS 159 . 30 . URBAN SUBDIVISION . ( K ) Required dedication of land for public park sites , or a reasonable equivalent contribution in lieu of dedication of land . ( 1 ) ( b ) Land shall be dedicated at a ratio of . 025 acres of land for each single- family dwelling unit , . 02 acres of land for each multi -family dwelling unit , and 015 acres of land for each mobile home dwelling unit permitted within the subdivision under the city ' s zoning regulations . ( 1 ) ( c ) A contribution in lieu of land dedication shall be made according to the following formula : Two hundred twenty- five dollars ( $ 225 ) for each single-family unit , one hundred eighty dollars ( $ 180 ) for each mult- family unit , and one hundred thirty-five dollars ( $ 135 ) for each mobile home unit permitted within the subdivision under the city ' s zoning regulations . ( 2 ) A land dedication required under subparagraphs K ( 1 ) ( a ) or K ( 1 ) ( b ) above must be made before final plat approval may be granted by the Planning Commission . A final plat shall not be released for recordation until the deed for a land dedication is received . A cash contribution in lieu of required land dedication in a subdivision shall be payable for each dwelling unit upon issuance of a IIBEP, 1443PAGE62.3 4 building permit . If a subdivider makes a cash contribution in lieu of land dedication , the subdivider shall be entitled to a pro-rata refund , together with the accrued interest there of , in the event actual density is less than the density used as the basis for the subdivider ' s contribution ; provided , no refund shall be made unless application therefore is made in writing to the planning administrator within one year from the date of final plat approval . PASSED AND APPROVED this 19th day of November , 1991 . APPROVED : By : _ T MaXgD y *!j! 4GI 'fsll ' r' .a t [. : " '+ A ST . K: t T '.'{ LnIW4"k 40 t t .{.. '�.'^� ' t: F ilE:'P(rit.i 4:TPl:• 3d➢ t3 £YAt , City Cl rk LIM1443PAA24 r . � r CERTMICATE OF RECORD State oft ir.4agag City of as ettevllle SS I, Shew. �j Thomas, City Clerk and Rs- Of;!:•sa recorder for the City of Fasr. .eville, do herebycertify that the r.,;, - .red or foregoing of record In my u ; se and the same appears In Ordinance h Resolution book XXV l _ at seal S� R '— Witness —� d 192,E � City clerk Es-Ometo Recok-dor e` r o g3 r xd' mss' N < ' �� �� ;° c• O O �G Qo � a O �; • STATE of ARKANSAS Be. County o1 Washington I, • A61 S.��g hereby certify that I am the publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, C9DINANCE NO. 3578 unit permitted within the based upon the news valueand service value It contains, that at least fifty percent subdivision under the city's of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper AN Q H D I N A N C E zoning regulations. or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six AMENDING CHAPTER Ill(c) A contribution in months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty 159, SECTION 159.30. lieu of. land,dedication shall I percent news matter. K(t)(b). K(1)(c), AND K(2) be -made accorging to the OF THE FAYETTEVILLE tollowing formula: Two I CODE OF ORDINANCEShundred twenty-five dollars I I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached In the matter of TO CHANGE THE PARK (5225), ,for each single-family ) LAND DEDICATION RA- unit, one 80) fo eighty 357 y TIO AND THE ON RAS unit. o (51801 for each 0 llL�C� . l BUTTON IN LIEU - OF multi-family unit, and one LAND DEDICATION , hundred thirty-five dollars AND THE METHOD OF 151351 for each mobile - PAYMENT FOR A CASH home, unit permitted within was published in the regular'dail-v issue of said new'spaperfor CONTRIBUTION IN LIEU the subdivision under the COnSeCDtIVe insertions a5 IOIIOwS: OF REQUIRED LAND city's zoning regulations. DEDICATION. Ire A Land dedication hsi r BE IT ORDAINED O THE' Kill under subparagraphs ) The first insertion On the day, Of 19 �l BOARD OF DIRECTORS - Kill or K(l)ib) eboveo UUU OF THE CITY OF FAYET must be made before final the second insertion on the day Of 19 - TEVILLE, ARKANSAS: 5 Plat approval may be 11 I J grentatl by the Planning ; Section 1 . That Chapter Commission. A final plat ' the third insertion on the day of 19 159, Section 159.30. Klt)(b). shall not be released for re- K(1 )(c), and K(2) of the fay- cordation until the deed for etteville Code of Ordi- a land dedication is re- and the fourth insertion on the day 19 nances is herebyamended ceived. A cash contribution t, to read as follows: in lieu of required land dedi- cation iwa. subdivision shall 'REOUIRED be Payable for each dwell- IMPROVEMENTS ' ing unit upon issuance of a 1 /'-{1-p�t building permit If a Subdi- I Sworn to and subscribed before a on this .L t�`� day o1 159.30 vider makes a cash mntri- I lry.� n' / URBAN SUBDIVISION. bution in lieu of land dedi 9 lA cation, the Subdivider shall (KI Required dedication of be entitled to a pro-rata re- land for public park sites; or fund, together with the a reasonable .equivalent accrued interest there of, in -contribution in lieu of deli- the event actual density is NOt Public cation of land. less than the density used as the basis for the subdi- 011b) Land shall be ded - 'vider's contribution; pro- My Commission Expires: cared at a ratio of .025 vided, no, refund shall be acres of land for each made unless application I - single-family dwelling unit: therefore is made in wnting .02 acres of ,land for each to the planning administre- nmutti-family dwelling unit, for within one year from ' and .015 acres of land for the date of final plat each mobile home dwelling approval I O �• O PASSED AND APPROVED Fees for Printing _ S this 19th day of November, 1991 . Cost of Proof —. S APPROVED: By: Fred S. Vorsar $ 'TOtal S Mayoawr bw ATTEST: By: Sherry I. Thomas City Clerk RECEIVED JAI" 2 3 1992 FINANCE DEPT.