HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3572 FILED F ^ R RECORD ' 92 AN 17 Pfd 3 58 W' AS `1 %% "GN CO AR A . K _ I MEYER ORDINANCE NO . 3572 (lawiIJOH31yk, AN ORDINANCE WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS OF COMPETITIVE BIDDING FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT OF FAYETTEVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY . r BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the Board of Directors hereby waives the requirements of competitive bidding for asbestos removal in the Fayetteville Public Library for the reason that competitive bidding is not feasible in that renovation was started when the asbestos contamination was found and the work would be unnecessarily delayed if formal bidding were required . Section 2 . The - Board of Directors hereby determines that the immediate rem6'ua-J;- ;of '3asbestos from the Fayetteville Public Library` i %31J . ?aryssfor the .City to provide efficient public works services agdjiS ssent al td .the public health , safety and welfare . Therefore.yyt,an .&mergencyi!'.Ai�e4thereby declared to exist and this ordinance bej,.ggknetnssary, kor, the public health , safety and welfare shall •bq n fulrl. fo*beb&fid 'Wf:fect from and after its passage and approval . ?cesl t.ssit 00ik3A A ro rssntutss Ju p, PASSED AND APPROVED thisp ist day of October 1991 . APPROVED : By : ✓ !� Mayor ATTEST • •+ k 92 l 2iso CERTIFICATE OF RECORD Stat of � ea�vCSof F6teile SSyburyTomast City Clerk and g=„ OMelo recorder tar the City of FaYettedll% do hereby` eertify that the v. I on i.i, Qi, in�:coi�d iicr.an. am and or fwgabg is of record in my Office and the same a Y" Ordbumm & Resolution appears is ..'� cci: at C' r!( and page 3l Wlt k � � a;-�iircio I:ccordar 1 .-• ay of �a�a and � `- Ch Clerk z- fficio Recorder r e 715 Fresno Fort Smith, AR 729o1 Telephone (501) 783-0216 September 19 , 1991 Mr Harold Dahlinger 113 W . Mountain Fayetteville , AR 72701 RE : Budget Price for Asbestos Removal ; City Library Dear Mr . Dahlinger : J . Graves Insulation Co . , Inc . proposes to provide equipment , materials , labor and supervision to remove Asbestos Containing Materials ( ACM ) from the above referenced project as follows : ITEM 1 : Remove 21 X 21 penetration in vinyl sheet flooring at level two . PRICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2 , 250 . 00 ITEM 2 : Remove 12 , X 12 , VCT tile and mastic at conference room floor . ' PRICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3 , 850 . 00 ITEM 3 : Repair and encapsulate approximately twenty ( 20 ) damage areas in Library vinyl flooring . PRICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 520 . 00 Price includes air monitoring . Exclusions : I 1 , Bond . 2 . Demolition other than Asbestos . 3 . Re - installation of replacement materials . 4 Relocation of Library equipment and furniture . Price is based on blueprints provided by City of Fayetteville . All work conducted by J . Graves Insulation is performed using strict state of the art work practices abiding by OSHA , EPA , NIOSH , State and Local rules and regulations . All paperwork including air reports , logs , schedules , etc . will be presented to owner upon completion of project . For further information , please contact our office . Sincerely , /U az;J�O� Lee Theilen Fort Smith Division rg N. AIA Document Ai01 Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor when the basis of payment is a STIPULATED SUM 1987 EDITION THIS DOCUMENT HAS IMPORTANT LEGAL CONSEQUENCES; CONSULTATION WITH AN ATTORNEY IS ENCOURAGED WITH RESPECT TO ITS COMPLETION OR MODIFICATION. 7be 1987 Edition of AIA Documer.f A201, General Conditions of the Contiact for Construction, Ls adopted for this document by reference. Do rat use with other general conditions unless ibis doatment is modified. Thb doeturient has been approved and endorxd by The AssocUted GencrW Contraiaosa of Atnerk>t. AGREEMENT made u of the day of May In the year of Nineteen Hundred and BETWEEN the Owner: City of Fayetteville (Name mrd adrtrirsal 113 W. Mountain Street Fayetteville , AR 72701 and the Contractor: J . Graves , Inc . (Name mrd addreei) Ft . Smith , Arkansas 72901 The Project is: Asbestos abatement project at Med - Ark and public (Name and Arcat*m) Library Buildings : Tht A0t2OM is: (Name and nddr ) The Owner and Contractor agree as set forth below. CoPyrlgllt 1915, 1918, 1925, 1917, 1951 . 1958, 1961 , 1963, 1967 1974, 1977, 01987 by The American Institute of Afchi• sects, 17.11 New York Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.0 21016 Bcpntductkm of the material herein or so quotation of its pn•cLskrns without written permission of the AIA violates the nysyriglu laws of the l'nited Slates and will he suotati n legal pro4cculkm. MA DOCUMENT AIDI • 0WNER CONTRACTOR ACREEaIENT • TWEEYTII EDITION • AIA* • 011Rr7 TI It AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCIOTICT& I :N NEIL' YORK APENPE, N.1'., WAa111WT0N. Ol:. 21nIA 8101-1997 1 AR KXE 1 THE CONTRACT DOCUM " The Contras ot> CSM of ft Agrcement. CondIjkxv of the CMUM ccer,.W. UWkinerwarr .,d whet Condhwtuk Dnwkw sues Aawloa bond prix to execWon Of this Aooemelt. other doeun enu lued N this Agreement and Moduk7tkxo bond ally ttttisettdprl of this Agreement: three lbrrtt the COntracte and are s My a part of the Contract n If attached to this Agreement Or ettpeaaed heteY� The Contact rcptcents the emhe and Iwegrated agteemem between the panks hereto and supe sedta prilivneyoftiomeepiemIwo of amut either written or oM. M enumeration of the Contract Documents, other than Mudlfltatloro, *pew in Ankk 9. ARTICLE 2 THE WORK OF THIS CONTRACT The the Cont Sc or cieccute the Irc'WOtk described In the Contract Docwnentss Mept to the extent speeYkally Indicated In Documents to tesponulblilty of Others, or u ronowk Remove and dispose of asbestos-containing materials to include : Med -Ark Building - Removal and disposal of 4 , 500 sq . ft . of 9x9t4le and mastic containing chrysotile asbestos per proposal of July 12 , 1991 ( attachment ) Library Building - Removal - and disposal of approximately 620 sq . ft , of linoleum and 420 sq . ft . of .tile and mastic containing chrysotile asbestos per proposal dated July, 16 , . 1991 . Total contract price to include all required air monitoring . ARTICLE DATE OF COMMENCEMENT AND SUBSTANTUIL COMPLETION 3.1 The due of cwnmcncerrlefr b the date from which the Contract Time of paragraph 3.2 Is measured, and shag be the date of this Agreement n flrat written above, unless a dlRemm date is saved bdow or provision: b made for die due to be fbted In a notice to proceed .sued by the Owner, fAa n Mr ra Of r0WPWft•M4W- V u ND•n/In. OF da• of Iaa AN W n.. y gynk eH. rare rew esr ear• .tar sr/ta.r f. . .orN• ro por.ve/ August 5 , 1991 Un ss the date of commencement Is established by a notice to proceed .sued by the Owner. the Contractor shag notify the Owner In writing not k a than gve days bdure com lea Kin the Work to permit the tbndy ggng Of mortgage, mechank's liens WW other security Interests. 3.2 The Contractor soul anift a 3ubsuntW COmpIetion of the entire Work not bter than (foes//• Aalrwar.yrreytlMlWr d!r *WIAr4Nnjmi+irewrrrg W, Also hWn n7' rl�/h•ea.fN*frlr4wnd Ce C". own P� nJ eia4 aa► /Anel fbrv*wrin W OY Wf rrYN ) August 15 , 1991 subkct in adlu+tmenu Of this Contract Time as provkfed In the Chmtract Documents. (fn}r•1 prIYYfYurl, I/ •wr, /Iw IIQYArarN /aYlaAl'! Maf/na M/tlfrry h. amponr .n OW) AM 00C1 MINT Afa1 • OVM COMUCTOa AGae[MVIT • TVeL/Til aOMCOO r ANY a 4D1w11 T1et AMeaICANIMT1TIMOF AaCMIT[C-M. I7It Naw YORKAVER1 . N.V., sAANINGT/IN, D.C. has►{ A1014917 2 AA ltV18 CONTRACT SUM 4.1 The 0 meT dui M dte Contra" In cu m, lunch Ibr dte COrtUWW'1 performarKe of the Calurae the Conran burn of Twelve Thousand Four Hundred and Forty Five Dollars . D011an Cron DOMAIVI M ( $ 12 , 445 , 00 ) A Pmlt%4 .o sddlil" and deduclbns a proYlded In the ton• i.9 The Cordran Sum r bmAd upon the f*ftw ,d aherttata, r any, whkh are dncrlbed in the Contract Docvmenu and m kreey sm ed by dw Omm M&M Me ammo r s elrr rrarwgkm*M N tea. 11ATfrbm rwGoff oftmWer M toM (1~ fMrrywf be no* 0yto (he rarbacm a/ 008 MFfwrwr. Klrmh • w*"*&* a mb was► mrMwwfa Sk Wq dr *w W'br MIC w/ IM date wMM wlK1 f&W nwewwf h ImmUd BASE BID Proposals dated July 12 and July 16 , 1991 ( attached ) . 1.3 Unit pried, U any, are m Mows: N/A AIA COMMENT Ault • 0tl'Nr.114:UNTIU(.TOM A(:aia4eNT • TO'eLMI EDITION • MAN • elim Tira APAUICAN INSTITUTE OF AKCIIITY.M. IT}A NT.i' YORK A\'171111 N W. W&UIINGTON, O.l:. illnln A1014987 3 Al TKU e PROGRESS PATMB1110 5.1 Wed upon Applications for Payment submitted to the Atchkeit by the Contractor and C01111ma for Payment Issued by the Architect, drc Owna akag a progress payments on at:coum o/ the Contract Slue to the Conttactor a provided below and elsewhere In the Candia Uxurnersa. 5.2 The period covered breach Application for Payment shag be one calendar month ending an the bat day of the month, or a follows: Payment due vithin 30 days of completion and acceptance Of work , 5.3 Provided an Application for Payment b received by the Architect not later than the day of a month, the Owner shag make payment to the Contractor not tater than the day of the month. if an Application for Payment is received by the Architect after the application date fixed above, payment shall be made by the Owner not later than days after the Architect receives the Application for Payment. 5.4 Each Appikatlon for Payment shall be based upon the Schedule of Values submitted by the Contractor iA accordance with the Contract Documents. The Schedule of Values shall allocate the entire Contract Sum among the various portions of the Work and be prepared In such form and supported by such data to substantiate Its amraCy as the Architect may require. This Schedule. unless oh)ected to by the Architect, shall be used as a basis for reviewing the Contracior's Applications for Payment. 5.5 Appliati ms for Payment shag Indicate the percentage of completion of each portion of the Work a of the end of the period covered by the Application for Payment. 5.6 Subject to the provisions of the Contract Documents, the amount of each poop payrtlent shall be computed as fogows: 5.6.1 Take that portion of the Contract Sum property afloable to completed Workas determined by multiplying the percentage completion of each portion of the Work by the shoe of the total Contract Sum agoated to that portion of the Work in the Schedule of Valles, kis retainage of Ten percent ( %} Pending Mal determination of cost to the Owner of change In the Work, amounts nes in dispute may be Included a provided In Subparagraph 7.3.7 of the General Condkkrts even though the Contract Sum has not yes been adjusted by Change Order; 5.6.2 Add that portion of the Contract Sum properly allocable to materials and equipment delivered and suitably stored at the site for subsequent Incorporation in the completed construction (or, if approved in advance by the Owner, suitably stored ort the she at a kxatlon agreed upon In writing), less retainage of percar ( %k 5.6.3 SuMract the aggregate of previous payments made by the Owner; and 5.6.4 Subtract amounts, If any, rot which the Architect has withheld or nullified a Certificate for Payment as provided in Para. graph 9.5 of the General Conditions. 5.7 The progress payment amount determined In accordance with Paragraph 3.6 shall be further modified under the following circumstances: 5.7.1 Add, upon Substantial Completion of the Work, a sum sufficient to khcrease the total payments to One Hundred percent ( %) of the Contract Sum, less such amounts as the Architect shag determine for Incomplete Work and unsettled claims; and 5.7.2 Add, If Mal completion of the Work Is thereafter materially delayed through no fault of the Contractor, any additional amounts payahie In accordance with SubpangnpA 9. 10.3 of the General Conditions. 5.6 Reduction or limitation of retainage, If any, shag be as folk)ws: (I/ a Is Intended. Jw w /n SrAtt~dd Goy,/ellnw of The mill W wf, to rednee tee UMN tae rNatnaae m&d1#mR/ktat tae (N ry 1nrmN in Snlrpnra• Arorwhe 16 1 aid 1.42 altar, and obs is mid re(datn d dremfnte to tAr 0"ruWr rArnatews, itteerl Ar'tt' rMwtisAnq/tr t11sA ndtw tNw to gnoronrw ) AIA OOCOM6M AI01 • OWNER CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT • TWEI.RII F.IXTION • A1Aa • 01907 TIIF. AMERICAN WATITIITE OF ARCIAITECTS. 1 ?14 N1W YORK AVFM1L N.V . WA5111Nt;TON, 0 C Iox* A101.1967 4 ARTICLE 4 FINAL PAYMENT t hal Ml sa txtat tie entire unpaid balance of the Cortract Sum, shall be made by the Owner to the Contractor wfkrt (1) the contract Ise bee,l GIFY Prformed by the Contractor except for the Co tractor's responsibility to ea m nr nconformbg wtxh a pct„•wee In SubperfF,pi 12.21 of the General Condhbns and to at furvlve final peymets. wW(2)s fbw Certificate for Payment has been bslred the ant Architect; such a any, shag decade ly the Owner not more then 30 the Architect: such Mal payment shall be made by days alio the Wtranet of the ArchherYa Mal Certificate ftx Payment. Or b fdhtw7: ARTICLE: 7 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 7.1 where reference Is made In this Agreement to a provision of the General Conditions or another Contract Document, the ref• erence refers to that provbion a amended or wppkmented by other provisions of the Contract Documents 7.2 Payments due slid unpaid under the Contract shall bear Interest from the date payment Is due at the rue stated below•, or in the absence thereof, at the legal rate PrevaAing from time to time at the place where the Project Is bated. (in”" rare ry Impress exrxd N/A (10'rwrT fan and rPFr/MwNrrp un&r 0W fednVf math iw LOD110ra Atl, rfwrifar rprrand hrty nrwnAnNr tnd/r /art andpberadore/phrwr at rM rM ner'r oAM Cnwr:enms prWOOF plater ry hen.err. rM forarbw ,y red pmwf and ef"W44ne .rnr aQro lM0RRW tthis tff /nd"D;,wteRnladrxr rhuad Ar nhrorrwM rah Anpwr m aArrwwn ar mndilkwhoesr. and SIVA pr�rrdhp rlquNerwwp rate o r+rrren dw eves ref w rrrrwr.l 7.2 Other provisions, N/A ARTICLE a TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION AIA OOCYINNT AIN • OWNER-CONTRAIT(M At:RF.FNFrIT • TV F.Mil FIRTRIN • AIA• • 9114 x+ Tilt AARaRAN 1N]TITI'TF. nF ARt711TF.l:Tf. Int{ Nftr YORK M•rAff. N.R' , R ANILW:Tf KK, 11.1:. jlarRr A101.1997 5 ARTICU 9 OR MEW111O11 OF CONTRACT OOCU ME M 9.1 The Conten ODaatlelwr eaeept fte Mogi Calow baucd after %Reevtlon of dib AOeanalts aK mimed n Bodo c 9.1 .1 The Aoeanalatt"VICIMMUted StanaaTd Flan orApCINIM" 1WRICIN Ownw ald ConnaaaTr Au Dwmw a A1019 I"? Edition. _ 9.1.2 The Gain Condlibm are the Gmel>d Conditions a the Cataract IbT Cot mW jonr AIA ODOM= A201 , 1987 EWdon. 9.1.3 The &*Pk rmVWV and Odle Condluoro of the Camma late dme eonwned In the Ptq* Manual dated UW are as N OW&- DDcvmeet Thk pas" Contract Between Owner and Contractor g Proposals : City of Fayetteville Med Ark and Library Buildings 9.1.4 The SpedfatlOm are those contahled In the PMOM Mand dated a In Subparaoaph 9. 1 .3. and are n foUovm (I"Wr 141 Of 4Wd/kW#&W JIM a rr/w 0 a C*ObO r ddW 10 Wr AArrom"W.) Section Tide pA@p Specifications : City of Fayetteville Med -Ark Building Library Building AIA DOCLY[M A191 • OWNER.CONTMCOR AGREEMENT • TSELM EaIrION • AIA* • 4D Igo? T1IEAMI.RI"M IMTMrTE 0TAROIITLC3, 17)1NEV YORK AVQ111E, NW . WAMOKsTON, O.C. ZOM A/01-1917 9 l.1.! The 0awinp ate s NOON and are dated runless a mRaatt doe b shown below. (Now MR RM vmw" I am or MAP • w ails" nrtld M lu1 AFffaw r) Ntt�ber ME Oats 9*1.8 the Addenda, it any, are as roUows: Number pm p2g" Ponlom of Addenda relating to bidding requirements are ncA:part of the Contrxt Documents unless the bidding requirements ire also enumerated In this Ankle 9. AM DOCUMENT ANI • OWNaR.CONTRACTOR AGReeMRNT • Tw•eLMI EDITION • AIAO • 4DIW7 T11e AM[RWAN 1NSTITLTa O/ ARCItITRCTR, 1716 Naw' YORK Ava7RR, N.w., w•A.UII @T(lN. O.4 20111{ A101-1987 7 96,13 Odw doctattata, V sty. R„n+iro van of the Conam 0ocmmb se s R19owat Ram =.'rrMew...wtonompo anew a ewrA�rMy~1�a tIvocommomt we rca. +aee.�`r �....'.`sw So do Ar."wm. ttil •ad/ M tied aw►adj I 0 ir/wt 4 o Cxww DOMWA a/ WA Thb Ageement b tittered ho as of the day and year (lm written above 2nd b atemed In a lam three arliglnal coplo 0( which One b to be deRvaed to the Contractm. one to the Ardtltect Rtr we In the aft t uadon of the ComaM Ind the temalrtda t0 the Owner. O�vNERi � CONTRACTOR Cal 65 fSt�.a+yrq I / __ ' meg Ir, Sula�tio����e �Cc� , IIt� }� J11� P I I P l/�) (Aimee name new mkt ��yp� (Primal Aram and fide) AM oOGtttaefl Alai • OWNU{ONTRAMN A0119N0ff • TUM W1t10N • AIA* • 01"? nt@ANutununnnmwAfaurtrn. tIII Nawrof% Avwut. Nw. wOMNacmN. 6C. bnm M01 .19/7 •