HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3571 FILED FI'R RECORD ORDINANCE NO . 3571 '91 OCT 10 Ra 10 31 WA A .. I � L$1 1L TON CO AR I � AN ORDINANCE WAIVING COMPETITIVE BIDDING TMEYER PROVIDE COMPACTED FILL TO THE WEST AVENUE PARKING SITE FOR THE ARTS CENTER AND AUTHORIZING CHANGE ORDER NO . 2 TO THE PARKING LOT DEMOLITION CONTRACT . MICROFILMED WHEREAS , Resolution No . 172 - 91 was passed and approved September 17 , 1991 , awarding McClinton Anchor a contract for demolition work on parking lots for the Walton Arts Center , which includes hauling construction debris to a disposal site in Johnson , Arkansas ; and WHEREAS , Mr , Robert Grigg of Johnson , Arkansas has indicated a desire to donate structural fill needed in the construction of the parking facilities ; and W WHEREAS , it is estimated that a savings of approximately $ 28 , 800 would result on the overall project as a result of McClinton Anchor hauling the donated structural fill on their return trip . Q LL BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the Board of Directors hereby waives the requirements of competitive bidding for the loading , hauling , placing and compacting of structural fill for the Arts Center parking . The competitive bidding requirements are waived for the reason that competitive bidding is not feasible in that demolition of the parking lot is underway and to require formal bidding would require unnecessary delay and expense . Section 2 . That the Board of Directors hereby authorizes Change Order No . 2 to the parking lot demolition contract attached hereto , in the amount of $ 64 , 950 to add the hauling of approximately 15 , 000 cubic yards of structural fill to the McClinton Anchor demolition contract . Section 3 . Approval of said bid waiver and change order is contingent upon Mr . Robert Griggs donation of structural fill . Section 4 . That the Board of Directors hereby determines that the competitive bidding requirements would hender the progress of construction for Arts Center parking and waiver is necessary for the city to promote public health , safety and welfare . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance being necessary for the public health , safety and welfare shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . LIs«. 1436ptU534 PASSED AND APPROVED this 1st day of October 1991 . • APPROVED : Nay6r I By : , ditytlerkd • 1 r ..r. . . :1 LIM 1436PA,GE535 6 1, Alma K011meyer, Cimult Clerk and Ail Btofficio Recorder 40. Wosfi09ton County, CERT U YCATE OF RECORD Prkonsas, do hereby certify Mar this In* prument wort filed far record in my office State f dal tries 'City Of Va ettevtlle f SS � os tndlcoted hereon and the same is now 1, Sherry Thomas, City Clerk and ft- duly recorded "'ith the ocknowledgement Officio recorder for the City of and certificote thereon in Record Book and Fayetteville, do hereby certify that the ftsa as indlcatod thxeon. annexed or foregoing Is of record in my IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have herount0 office and the same appears in met my hand and affixed the seal of said Ordinance & Resolution book )(XVI _ at Court on the dote Indioated hereon. page 3� Witness my Find and Alma Koltmeyer seal this% day Of (96e"A^J Circuit Clerk and 191/ Ex-of:;ciu Record !y Cler§ a9d EX-Chc.': Recorder CIIANGE OIWEII (Instructions on reverse side) No. 2 PROJECT: Walton Arts Center Parking Lot DATE OF ISSUANCE: September 26 , 1991 PHASE 1 - DEMOLITION OWNER: City of Fayetteville (Name. . 113 West Mountain Street Address) Fayetteville , Arkansas 72701 CONTRACTOR: APAC-Arkansas , Inc . OWNER's Project No. Fy- 212 McClinton -Anchor Division P . 0 . Box 1367 1 ENGINEER: McGoodwins Williams & Yates , Inc . Fayetteville , Arkansas 72702 909 Rolling Hills Drive CONTRACT FOR: Fayetteville , Arkansas 72703 Parking Lot Demolition ENGINEER's Project No. FY- 212 You are directed to make the following changes in the Contract Documents. Description: Load , Haul back to job site , place and compact embankment ( fill ) material from donated borrow pit . Purpose of Change Order: To provide compacted fill to the West Avenue site . Attachments: (List documents supporting change) Add Section 200 t0 the specifications ; Replace Section 1200 with attachment . CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: CHANGE IN CON'T'RACT TIME: Original Contract Price Original Contract Time October 19 , 1991 for West Avenue site ; $_ 258, 650 . 00 November 4 . 1991 for other two sites days or dale Previous Change Orders No. l to No. 1 Net change from previous Change Orders $ - ( — ) 81 , 650 . 00 November 17 , 1991 days Contract Price prior to this Change Order Contract Time Prior to this Change Order t 177 , 000 November 17 , 1991 day% or dale Net Increase WXgkX.W) of this Change Order Net Increase (decrease) of this Change Order $ 64 , 950 . 00 0 drys Contract Price with nil approved Change Orders Contract Time with all approved Change Orders E 24195n . on November 17 , 1991 days In date McGoodwin , Williams & Yates City of Fayetteville , AR McClinton-Anchor Company RE Ih1ENDED: APPROVED: APPROVED: t Ic ma ee U+m by ems//r/an/r /tea WW Contrac m C�hArles Re Nickles P . E . James A . Co e , Vice-Pres . E1CD No. 1910-8- 13 ( 1783 Edition) Prepared by the Engineers Joint Contriver Documents Committee and endmaed by The A%%mialed General Contractors of America. CHANGE ORDER INSTRUCTIONS A. GENERAL INFORMATION This document was developed to provide a uniform formal for handling contract changes that affect Contract Price or Contract Time. Changes that have been initiated by a Work Directive Change must be incorporated into a subsequent Change Order if they affect Price or Time . Changes that affect Contract Price or Contract Time should be promptly covered by a Change Order. The practice of accumulating change order items to reduce the adnllllls- trative burden may lead to unnecessary disputes. For supplemental instructions and minor changes not involving a change in the Contract Price or Contract Time , a Field Order may be used . B . CONIPLErl,ING THE CHANGE ORDER FORM Engineer initiates the form , including a description of the changes involved and attach- ments based upon documents and proposals submitted by Contractor, or requests from Owner, or both . Once Engineer has completed and signed the form , all copies should be sent to Contractor for approval . After approval by Contractor, all copies should be sent to Owner for approval . Engineer should make distribution of executed copies after approval by Owner. If n change only applies to price or to time, cross out the part of the tabulation that does not apply. ORDINANCE N0.9571 AN : ORDINANCE WAIV- ING COMPETITIVE BID- STATE of ARKANSAS DING Tcf PROVIDE COM- PA&ED ' FILL TO THE go. WEST AVENUE PARKING County of Washington SITE EOR THE` ARTS CEN- TER AND AUTHORIZING CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 TO /I. THE PARKING LOT DE- MOLITION CONTRACT. I /..� r hereby certify that I WHEREAS, Resolution am the publisher of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSASTIMES, adaily newspaper No. 172-91 was passed and having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than tour pages of approved September 17, 1991 , awarding McClinton five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) 'Anchor a contract for de- intervals continuously In the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas s for the. Walton Arts om work parking lotfor more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an lots Center. which includes haul- established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes Ing construction debris to a In the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per disposal site in Johnson, Arkansas ; . . and annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, WHEREAS, Mr. Robert based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent hasGrigginti Johnson. Arkansas of the subscribers thereto have aid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper hes in f Johtl a desire Arkansas to P P donate structural fill needed or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six in the construction of the months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty parking facilities: and WHEREAS, it is esti- percent news matter. mated that a savings of ap- proximately in $ Ov Boo would i further certify that the legal notice hereto attached In the matter of I as r Na overen protect Y g A a result of a donaton ed M Anchor hauling the it return � / ���' � r- /y 1 structural fill i their rewm (f��[/[�[f J / 1 t p BE IT ORDAINED By THE BOARD OF DIREC- C• TOPS of THE ctry of was published In the regular daily issue of said newspaper for FAYETTEVILLE. ARKAN- consecutive insertions as follows: S A S = Section 1 . That the Board of Directors hereby The first Insertion on the day of 19 waives the requirements of competitive bidding for the loading, hauling, Facing and the second Insertion on the day of 19 compacting at structural fill for the ans Center parking. the third Insertion on the da o[ 19 The competitive bidding re- Y quirements are waived for the reason that competitive and the fourth insertion on the _ daV 19 bidding is not feasible in that demolition of the park- ing lot is underway and to require formal bidding would require unnecessary delay and expense . Sworn to and subscribed before me on this day of Section 2. That the Board of Directors hereby [Jit authorized Change Order 19 N0.2 to the perking lot de- molition contract attached hereto, in the amount of _ _. §56,950 to add the hauling Na y Public of approximately 15.000 cubic yards of structural fill to the - McCnnton Anchor My Commission Expires: demolition contract . Sectctioon3. Al said bid waiver andnd change upone order iscontingent upon o f Robert a donation of strucc rturr al ? fill . Section it That the determines eter of Directors hereby , o I c V determ bidding Net the eompe- titiva bidding requirements Fetes for P11nIInQ S would hinder the progress of construction for Arts Center parking and waiver Cost of Proof _. $ is necessary for the city to 00 promote public health, 'rota) _ ) I 1 1 1� safety and welfare. Them- fore, an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance being necessary for the public health, safely and welfare shall be in full force and ef- fect from and after its pee- ■• N sage and approval . PASSED AND APPROVED 'I this tat day of October. t 9 9 OCT a� 4 1(31,1 APPROVED: (• By: Fred Vorsenger ATTEST: Maar FlNANCE DEM By: Sherry L Thomas " I� Clry Clark _ _ _ __