HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3565 FILEN F ^ ;Z ,RECORD ' 91 OCT 10 8171031 CO AR ' ! EyER ORDINANCE NO , 3565 Qajkriddgp',, ,", ' AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION R91-18 FOR A PARCEL CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 85 ACRES LOCATED 2167 PORTER ROAD . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the zone classification of the following described property is hereby changed as follows : x R91 - 18 for the real property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof . 1. _ From R-1 , Low Density Residential District to R-3e, o W Residential -Office District . r, Section 2 . That the official zoning map of the C9.4 o� Fayetteville , Arkansas , is hereby amended to reflect the *gng., LL change provided in Section 1 above . A PASSED AND APPROVED this 3rd day of September , 1991 . CP APPROVED : By . ofMayo ATTEST e', x ' •:, '� a / np 1.e.TCty <C e'rk' t �! 1 EIBER 14.41ptiw ?28 Re- record due to error in legal description and incorrect number . r FIBER ) PAGE Exhibit "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR R91 - 18 A part of the Northeast Quarter ( NES{ ) of the Northeast Quarter ( NEk ) of the Southeast Quarter ( SEk ) of Section Six ( 6 ) , township Sixteen ( 16 ) North , Range Thirty ( 30 ) West , Described as beginning Three Hundred Sixty Nine ( 369 ) feet North of the Southeast Corner of said Ten ( 10 ) acre tract , and running , thence North Ninety One ( 91 ) feet to a point Two Hundred ( 200 ) feet South of the Northeast corner of said then ( 10 ) acre tract , thence West Two Hundred Forty ( 240 ) feet , thence South Ninety One ( 91 ) feet , thence East Two Hundred Forty ( 240 ) feet to the place of beginning , except that part embraced in paved road along East side thereof . A part of the Northeast Quarter ( NEk ) of the Northeast Quarter ( NEh ) of the Southeast Quarter ( SEh ) of Section Six ( 6 ) , Township Sixteen ( 16 ) North , Range Thirty ( 30 ) West , Described as beginning Two Hundred Eighty ( 280 ) feet North of the Southeast Corner of said Ten ( 10 ) acre tract , and running North 89 feet to a Two Hundred Ninety One ( 291 ) feet South of the Northeast Corner of said Ten ( 10 ) acre tract , thence West Two Hundred Forty ( 240 ) feet , thence South Seventy Four ( 74 ) feet , thence Southeast on a line to the place of beginning , except that part embraced in paved road along the East side thereof , LESS AND EXCEPT : a strip of land 50 foot in width parallel and adjacent to the existing Westerly -tright-of-way ' of U . S . Highway No . 71 Bypass being a part ofgthe: North'easf.- .Quarter ( NEh ) of the Northeast Quarter ( NEk ) of,:tkie Southeast Quarter;; ( SEk ) of Section 6 , Township 16 North , Range. 30 West , Tmore'.-particularly.; , , described as beginning at a point North 01 `,2V44 "NEast` 28.0 . 00 feet ' from the Southeast corner of said Ten (10 ) • acre, traot„ tkience ,Nortki,•�. 10 ' 26144 " East 50 . 09 feet ; thence North 85 14/ 1111/ West :j31 . 57_feet; thence South 66 ` 19 ' 23 " West 104 . 91 feet thence South 85 ` 12 ' 50 " East 126 . 72 feet to the point of beginning , containing '0 . 091 acres , more or less , Fayetteville , Washington County , Arkansas ,., EXCEPT that part embraced in paved road along the Eastside thereof as in Deed Book 1022 , page 706 . IF[e. 44.1 PGE """" FSP "F--�i Z jb `p 1\o /��. c• , Casa CATR ®F O �. �� e` ,o°o State of Ar REC ,•.: . • . , r ca" CitRODof L° o' : : ' n° a• V2 ��e, Ct F� c o4 a Fa et o Ile corder fah Ckrk and t3y1. 9 0 o s •> �} y tevf , do her the Cit of the � . �� < ' otficatie�and or ro the la of�r in c` �gOrdlnaaoe & R same aPPears in 1 o eaolatton book x is vA • Witness Xv at day of Y hart l?er1 t9 Clerk ,p elo Or 4 Aima Kollm"w, Circuit perk and &t ffido Retarder for Weshingtcn County, hkensm• do hereby cern{- that this in. • " '" r' v " tfrument suss filed for record in my'of6ce to indicated hereon and the sore now duty recorded with the hent vtd MtWicnte thereon in Record iscck and PoOe as indlcotod tha eon. IN WIl'KSSS WKiREJF, i have hat eunto eet my hand and oifi.ed the seal of said Court on the d::te indicated hereon. Airco Koltmeyw Circuit Clerk a 4•9f::60 c w by STATE of ARKANSAS ORDINANCE NO. 3666 ea. "AN 0000INANCE 'REZON County Of Washington IN%''MAT PROPERTY DE-. SCj,+IBED IN RE20NING , n PETITI6N�r. R91-113 FOR A' $ARCEL CONTAINING ' AP- I J 111\\\1((( hprpby certify that I PROXIMATELY - .85 ACRES LOCATED 2167 PORTER am the publlsherofTHE NORTHWEST ARKANSASTIMES, adaily newspaper RD, having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of .13E rr -ORDAINED SV THE BOARD�,OF 'rDIRECTORS five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (dally) OF TKE;.CFrV OF FAYET--� Intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas 7YVIl1E' l. Thal4. AS- the' for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an Section' T. That the zone clasiiflceton of the follow- established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes ing described property is in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per ;herehereby changed gad es alprofollows: annum, which rice was fixed at what Is considered the value of the ublication, X18 an the reel prop- P P eny�,describee in Exhibit based upon the news value and service value It contains, that at least fifty percent "A" attached hereto and mode a (pert hereof. of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper From R-1, Low Density rash- or Its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six de;tial District to R-0, months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty ReVidejltieFOffice District. Saicuon-2. That the official percent news matter. zoningmep of 'the city of hereby erettaa e, Arkansas, is I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached In the matter of Fa a Fayetteville. amt. Ar to reflect y g the. eczoning change provided Section in Section 1 above. l �/�r✓ PASdAPPROVED this''3'3rd rd day of September. 199Th APPROVED: was published In the re ular daily Issue of said news a r for By. IFrediOV S. Vorsengar; P g P Pe Mayor - consecutive Insertions a5 IOIIOws: / ATTEST,: By; Sherry, L. Thames. City Gerk The first Insertion On the day Of 19 'Exhibit "A". LEGAL 'DESCRIPTION FOR til,� • R91-18 the second insertion on the day of 19 A 'part.lof' the - Northeast Quarter ' ;iNE'/. ) of the Northeast Quarter (NEv ) of the third Insertion on the day of 19 the Southeast Quarter ISE'/. 1 of Section Six (6). and the fourth insertion on the 19 't`ownship Three Hundred .i Sixty ,Nine (369) feet Noah ^ofme th Soueast Corner of :eeiiiJen 110) ave tract, and running, thence North /2 - Nine:/ One (91) feet to a Sworn to and subscribed before me on this __ day of ( point Two Hundred (200) feet South o: the Northeast //fr corner of said then (10) 9 /_i_/_ etre tract. thence West Two Hundred Forty 12401 feat, thence South Ninoty One (91) feet thence East N t ry Publi :J GTi"Hundred rt ,l t T6 Township 16 North, Range . l � tee pleat of bembr embraced ein ' 30 West, more nein at a sept that pert embraced in ' dtxribatl as beginning ata My Commissi Expires: paved road along East side point North 01626444" East i1),ereof. 280.00 feet from the South- � Ilan part of the Northeast east corner of said Ten (10) OLarter (NE '6 ! 'of the acre tract: thence North Nurtheest Quarter WE'/. 1 of 10'26'44" East 50.09 feat: It1�9" Southeast' Quarter thence North 85'14'11 " (SE'/• ) of Section Six (6). West 31 .57 feet: thence I Township Sixteen ( 16) South 66. 19' 23 " West North, Range Thirty (30) 104.91 feet: thence South Fees for Printing — S Wasil. Described as begin- 85'12'50" East .126.72 feet ningTwo- Hundred Eighty to the point of beginning, 12801 feet 'North of the containing 0.091 acres COSI of Proof —. 5 Southeast Corner ofn said more or less. nFayetteville,, Arkan- a i Ten (10) acre tract, and run- Washington County, em-North 89 feet to a bra EXCEPT that part along Total S _ Twb Hundred S Ninety One braced in side thereof road f along Non feet South of the th East side thereat as in Northeast Gomer of said Dead Book 1022, page 706. Ten (10) acre tract, mance West Two Hundred Forty (240)tffeet, ' thence South Seventy Four (74) feet. thenctV'Southeast on a line to thkt piece of beginning, exMV dlat Pan embraced rj iC �. ^ u in pave road along the Ill G V East side thereof,r LESS AND EXCq PT: a strip oflan , AND and foot in width para- P, OV O Y 1JJ� (lel antl etlterly g the ex- isting Westerly right-of-way of U.S. Highway an f the Noh ti a pan °f t FINANCE DEPT. No[th tTor Beast (NEV. Qua ) of (the Northeast Quarter (NE'A ) of the Southeast Quarter (SE'/. 1 of Section 6.