HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3549 FILED Fr * - ,4 RECORD '91 JUN 13 ORDINANCE NO . 3549 RR 16152 WASHINCTCN CO AR AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE FAYETTEVILLE CABULILMEYER Board ; ESTABLISHING THE COMPOSITION , OFFICERS , STAFFING , PROCEDURES AND DUTIES OF THE Board ; PROVIDING FOR AN APPEAL OF CERTAIN DECISIONS TO THE CITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS ; AND RE ^ CONSIDERATION OF FAYETTEVILLE SCHOOL Ea OFI.L MED NEEDS . dJ WHEREAS , Ordinance No . 3413 approved a franchise agreement with Warner Cable Communications , Inc . to provide cable TV transmission for the citizens of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; and WHEREAS , under the terms and conditions of the franchise agreement the city is given , among other responsibilities , the duty to regulate channels for public , educational and governmental access ; and WHEREAS , the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas desire to establish a board to advise them regarding issues effecting cable TV franchises , the future administration of the Fayetteville cable TV franchise , and the regulation of access channels : NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . Purpose and Intent . It is the purpose and intent of the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville to establish a standing body to advise the Board on cable television issues and to coordinate and oversee use of the access channels designated for public , educational , and governmental use on any cable system serving the City of Fayetteville . Section 2 . Creation and Composition . There . ;is hereby created and established the Fayetteville Cable Board ( hereinafter " the Board " ) , which shall consist of five members appointed by the City Board . Members shall be residents of the City and shall have resided therein for at least six months prior to their appointment . The term of office for members shall be two years . However , two of the Board ' s initial members shall serve only one year , so as to provide for staggered membership terms . Upon making the initial appointments to the Board , the City Board shall conduct a drawing to determine the two members who will serve one-year terms . Vacancies in an unexpired term shall be filled by the City Board for the remainder of the term . Any person who serves two consecutive terms on the Board shall not be eligible for reappointment until one term of office has expired , unless there are an insufficient number of qualified applicants to fill all vacancies . FIBER 1`-19PAG[ 271 Section 3 , Officers . The Board shall elect from its members a chairperson , who shall serve a one-year term and shall be eligible for re-election to a subsequent term or terms . Further , the Board may elect such additional officers and establish any committees as it deems necessary for the proper performance of its duties . Section 4 . Staff Support . The City Manager shall designate a City employee to assist the Board in performing its duties and carrying out its responsibilities under this ordinance . Section 5 . Procedures . ( a ) the Board shall meet at least once each month and may meet more frequently if necessary to carry out its duties . Three members shall constitute a quorum . ( b ) the Board shall establish rules and regulations governing its procedures . ( c ) the Board ' s meetings and records shall be subject to the provisions of the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act , Ark , Code Ann . § § 25- 19-101 et seq . Section 6 . Duties , ( a ) the Board shall advise the City Board and make recommendations on cable-related issues , including but not limited to the following : ( 1 ) Use and administration of cable channels designated for public , educational , and governmental access ; ( 2 ) Establishment and use of the City ' s access facility ; ( 3 ) Any reports submitted to the City by a cable operator , access channel user , or other entities regarding cable-related matters ; ( 4 ) Funding for public , education , and governmental access operations ; ( 5 ) Performance of any cable operator serving the City , with regard to rates , customer service , technical standards , programming , and requirements of the applicable franchise agreement ; and ( 6 ) Renewal of any franchise agreement between a cable operator and the City . ( b ) Further , the Board shall have the following duties and responsibilities : UEEP1419PAGE272 ( 1 ) Oversee the construction of and administer the City ' s access facility ; ( 2 ) Administer any cable channels designated for public , education , or governmental access , unless the City Board enters into a contract with another entity or institution for such administration ; ( 3 ) Oversee operations of any access channel administered by another entity or institution under contract with the City ; ( 4 ) To the extent permissible by law , resolve disputes concerning program content on access channels ; ( 5 ) Promote public awareness , use , and viewership of access channels ; and ( c ) The Board shall have authority to promulgate such guidelines and regulations as are necessary to carry out the duties and responsibilities set forth in this section . Section 7 , Appeal Decisions of the Board made pursuant to Section 4 ( b ) ( 1 ) - ( 4 ) may be appealed to the City Board within ten days of such decision by_ any person aggrieved thereby . All other decisions of the Board shill be final . Sect ' 8. i. �r:' -Recocinizing the desire of the Fayetteville Scnobl �S`,'S 4 n '° toy �, parti:c pate in access programming despite a present inab,�,Xi�y,.to , mapage- an access channel . the Board shall take into cb"nsidert�ipn;,tk�e needs - of the Fayetteville School System , if any , ,,; ` any 3i channek tfit "Ma administer or any contract it may No negotiate; fgr$Lthffe fadminiistretion of access_ channels . - - Sectiom 9 11.1 ,S4;4erability . The sections , paragraphs , sentences, phrases , and . clauses of this ordinance are severable , and should any section , paragraph , sentence , phrase , or clause be declared unconstitutional by the lawful decree of any court of competent jurisdiction , such unconstitutionality shall not affect any other portion of this ordinance . PASSED AND APPROVED this 21st day of May , 1991 . APPROVED : ' •• By : Mayor ATTEST : By : City C rk ; LIBER1419PAGE273 Alma Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and b-officio Recorder for Washf,g on County, ARorWs, do hereby comfy +her this In- prument was fil_d for raccrd in my office W Indicated F.creon and fi, ;oma is now duly raccrdcd with t'.c crknr r!cdgument and cen:iico•_ rh:rearm ^ccord 3oek and //••v'r���ppnTnii+�?� AA rree�ne} xa Page n. i.irf 'c t; '. I!.r .pn• VERTMCATE 1r IN 1'/17; ;p};.o�JF, I have h O F+F.CO� be' my hand end affixed the seal of sold State of Ar6tinsa ( � Court on the dote indicated hereon. Cityy of Fayetteville Alma Kollmayar I, Sh�'y Thoma, City Cierk and Ex- Circuit Clerk and Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville„ do 6ereb certify that the Fx-officio Recorder annexed or breaoin� office and We same record in my by appears in Ordinance dr: Resolution book 99/ �x2at lane aanpage o Witness my hand8ea1ro tyCler Ez-Officio Rug.:•tie: ORDINANCE NO. 3648 AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE FAYETTEVILLE CABLE BOARD: ESTABLISHING THE COMPOSITION, OF- FICERS, STAFFING. PRO- CEDURES AND DUTIES OF THE BOARD: PROVIDING FOR AN APPEAL OF CER- TAIN DECISIONS TO THE CITY BOARD OF DIREC- TORS: AND REQUIRING CONSIDERATION OF FAY- ETTEVILLE SCHOOL SYS- TEM NEEDS. WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 3413 approved a franchise agreement with Warner Cable Communications, Inc. to provide cable TV trans- mission for the citizens of Fayetteville, Arkansas: and WHEREAS . under the; terms and conditions of the franchise agreement the city is given, among other responsibilities, the duty to regulate channels for public, educational and governmen- tal access: and WHEREAS, the Board of Di- rectors of the City of Fayet- teville. Arkansas desire to establish a board to advise them regarding,ssues of- fecting cable TV franchises, the future administration of, the Fayetteville cable TVI franchise. and the regula- tion of access channels: NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT' ORDAINED BY THE ! BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTE- VILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . Purpose and In-' tent. It is the purpose send intent of the Board of Di- rectors of the City of Fayet- teville to establish a stand- ing body to advise the 14'egal Notices 204-Legal Notices STATE of ARKANSAS 1 Board' on cable television (3) Any reports submitted J} 69. issues and to coordinate to the City by a cable drier- County of Washington and oversee use of the ac star, access channel user, cess channels designated or other entitles regarding , for .public.: educational, and cable-related matters; 0a governmental use on any (4) Funding for public, 4 hereby certify that I cable system serving the education. and govemmen- am the publisher 4t THE NORTHWEST AR ANSASTIMES, a daily newspaper City of Fayetteville. Cal amass operations; Section 2. - creation and (5) Performance of any having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of Composition. There is Cable operator serving the five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) hereby creatod and eatab- City, with regard to rates. lished the Fayetteville Cable customer service. technical Intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas Board (hereinafter -the standards, programming. for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an Board-), which shall consist and requirements of the established lace of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes of five members appointed applicable franchise agree- P g y by the City Board. Mem- mens; and in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per bars shall be residents of (e) Renewal of any annum, which price was fixed at what Is considered the value of the publication, the City and shall have re- franchise agreement be- sided therein for in least six tween a Cable operator and based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent months prior to their ap- the City. of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper pointment. The tem, of of- (b) Further, the Board its ts a ants or through recognized news dealers over a fife for members shall be shall have the following du- g g g period of at least six two years. However. two of ties and responsi Bides: months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty the Board's initial members (1) Oversee the construct percent news matter. shall some only one year, tion of and administer the so as to provide for stag- Crtya amass facility; gored membership terms. (2) ' Administer any Cable I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of upon making the initial ap- chenp'els designated for the titan o no the Board, meat eaccess, unless govern- the City Board shell conduct the mental access, unless tha /I,(I j�`//f�� t drawing to rs who the City Board enters into e ( [iyt QiYL, pp� 21) two members . who will nt with another entity / some one-year terms. Veor institution for such ancien in an unexpired term administration: was published in the regulardaily issueof said newspaper for shall be filled by the City (3) Oversee operations of consecutive insertions as follows: Board for the reminder of any access channel entity r the term. f any access another entity or / (/�1 Any person who serves institution under contract The first insertion On the L/ day Of 19 LL_ two consecutive terms on with the City; the Board shall not be eligi- (4) To the extent permis- ble for reappointment until sible by law, resolve dis- the second insertion On the day of 19 one term of office has ex- putess, concerning program pired, unless there are an Content on access channels; insufficient number of quali- (5) Promote public aware- the third insertion On the day Of 19 tied applicants to fill all ness, . use, and viewership vacancies. of access channels; and Section h3.a Officers. The th me Boars shall have and the fourth insertion on the -- da Of 1��rIn Board shall elect from its authority in promulgate members a chairperson, such guidelines and ary to term shall aONe a OOe-yble tion as Bre duties and e- / term and shall be eligible carry out the set and re- fer re-election to a grape. this s section.e9 set forth in S rn to and subscribed before me on is quant term o d ma . this section. day Of Further, the Board may Section ]. Appeal. Deco elect such additional attic- pions ofa the Board made s� Ars and establish any cep- pursuant to Section Minces as it deems Paces- to th Ci may be appealed nary for the proper parlor- to the City Board within ten menta of its duties. days of such decision by Section 4. Staff Support. any parson aggrieved 01 ry Public The City Manager shall do- thereby. All other decisions signals a City employee to of the Board shall be final. MCommission E assist the Board in perform- Section 8: Recognizing .the y ommsson x pIrrs: ing its -duties and carrying desire of the Fayetteville /1 _ - out its responsibilities under School System to partici- C/n� this ordinance. pate in amass -- --- - Section rograSection 5. Procedures. despite n. present inability ILla) the Board shall meet to manage an access chan- t least once each month nel, theBoard shall take no Piey meet more fre- into Consideration the uanma if necessary to needs of- the Fayetteville Z 'out its duties. Three $ChOOl System, if any, in Fees for Printing J r r - rW embers shall constitute a any channel it may adminis- qubrum. ter or any contract it may Ib) the Board shall estate- negotiate for the administra- Cost Of Proof —. 5 ( fiih rules and regulations tion of access channels. governing its procedures. Section 9. Severability. (c) the Board's meetings The sections. paragraphs. Total — S and records shall be subject. yentances: phrases, and t0 the provisions of the Ark- Clquses of this ordinance ansa: Freedom of . Informs- Bre severable, and should tion Act, Ark. Code '.. Ann. any section, paragraph, sen- $ 525-19.101 at seq. lance. phrase or clause be Section 8. Duties, declared unconstitutional by (a) the Board shall advise the lawful decree of any the City Board and make courtof competent jurisdict recommendations oncable- tion, such unconstitutional- related issues. Including but ity shall not affect any other not limited to the following: portion of this ordinance. (1 ) use and administra. PASSED AND APPROVED tion of cable channels tle- this 215t, day of May, 1991 . signaled for public, educa- APPROVED: tional. and governmental By: Fred S. Vorsanger access; Mayor 121 Establishment and ATTEST: use of the city's access By: Sherry L. Thomas facility; City Clerk -