HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3533 FILED FOR RECORD '91 FEB 26 Pn 2 07 ORDINANCE NO . 3533 WASHINGTON pp qR A• KOLLMEY AN ORDINANCE AMENDING § 97 . 070 , CODE ; OF, FAYETTEVILLE , INCREASING THE FEES FOR FISHINGF AND BOATING PERMITS AT CITY LAKES AND BOAT ,'>� STALL RENTAL FEES AT LAKE SEQUOYAH . dT� BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF C FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That § 97 . 070 , Code of Fayetteville entitled " Permits for fishing and boating . " is hereby amended by deleting paragraph ( B ) ( 2 ) and ( C ) and adding the following : ( B ) Permits for Fishing and Boating . ( 2 ) Permit Fees . 65 & over Daily Fishing Permit $ 2 . 00 $ 1 . 00 Daily Boating Permit $ 2 . 00 $ 1 . 00 Season Fishing Permit $ 20 . 00 $ 15 . 00 Season Boating Permit $ 20 . 00 $ 15 . 00 *Season permits only may be used at Lake Fayetteville or Lake Sequoyah . ( C ) Boat docking . Boat docking shall be permitted at the boat docks at Lake Fayetteville and Lake Sequoyah on a space available basis ; the fee at Lake Fayetteville shall be $ 15 . 00 per month per boat ; and , the fee at Lake Sequoyah shall be $ 60 annually per boat . Boat storage shall be permitted outside the boat dock area at such locations as may be designated by the dock operator . The rate for boat storage outside the dock area shall be $ 12 . 00 annually per boat for Lake Sequoyah and $ 120 annually per boat for Lake Fayetteville , PASSED AND APPROVED this 19th day of February , 1991 . APPROV D : tC By Mayor A ST :pp . i�ty C rk IIBERU04PAGE287 I, Alma Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and �RRTIFICATE OF RECOpW Ex-officio Recorder for Washington County, State of Arkansas Arkansas, do hereby certify that this in- i itjh@f Fayetteville j SS strument was filed for record in my office � Thom$$, cit as indicated hereon and the same is now fficlo recorder for Clerk and Ex., duly recorded with the ocknowlcdgemn nt Fayetteville, o hereby certifyCity of and certificate thereon in ROLord Book and annexed orf going 1s op reCOrd $n my Page as indicc!ed thereon. a same y IN WITNrS5 WKEP.E3F, I have hereunto prdinanCe & Resolution appears In set my hand and off ixed the seal of said speale S • witness book �X V at Court on the date indicated hereon. 19 cy� ay Op. y hark ' and_ Alma Kolimoyer —1 Circuit Clerk and C :Clerk an E%•Offlei Ex-officio Recorder o Recorder by STATE of ARKANSAS OR OI NNO. 3573,ANCE a6. N OR'DI NANCEAMEN- County of Washington DING .S97.070, CODE OF F P:fY�}F,�T�* ILLE , IN RiJ��ApSdy}}rrr,,NG . THE FEES �F &RDF tIfSIH I N G AND j� hereby certify that I BOATING. ,PERMITS AT am the publisher ENORTHWEST ARK SASTIMES, adail newspaper IXTING ES AND BOAT P Y STALL RENTAL FEES AT having a second class mailing privilege, an ing not less than four pages of LAt���,�EOUOyYAH. - B�ESrtP'OROAINED ABY five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) THE),BOARD' OF DI RFC- • intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas Togs 'OF THE CITY OF for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an FAY E T,TEV I LLE , established lace of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes ARKANSAS: P g Y Section' 1; That 597.070, in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per Code of Fayetteville entitled annum, which rice was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, "Permits for fishing and P boating;' Is hereby,. amend- based upon the news value and service value It contains, that at least fifty percent ed by deleting paragraph of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper (B) (2)gandl,(C)�nd adding thefollgvMlnp; ,et„,uw r or Its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period o1 at least six (B) 0ermits afort•.Fishing months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty and Baolljng.-y . teen[ news matter. (2) Per,T.il�Pees. Pe 65 & over Dally Fishing `. � I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of Permit - $2:00 51.00 Dally Boating 4 ' nnnn Permit $2.00 $1 .00 ' p' Season FishingV � , gQ , Permit $20.00 $15.00 Season;Boating / Permit 1 $20.00 $15.00 waspublishedin the regular daily issue of said newspaper for *Season permits only may be used at Lake Fayetteville consecutive insertions as follows: or Lake Sequoyah. ,a CC) Boat docking. Boat The first Insertion on the da of a h - 19 docking shall be permitted Y at the boat ,docks at$Lake Fayetteville and. Lake Se- the second insertion on the da of 19 quoyah on a space available Y basis; the fee at Lake; Fayet- teville shall be s1S:60 per the third insertion on the day of 19 month per boat; and, the fee at Lake Sequoyahyfhall be UO annually per. Boat. Boat and the fourth insertion on thedaV 0 19 storage shall be permitted outslde;the boat tlo0kdarea at such locnailed by he lock be op- orator. . Th by the dock op- erator. The rate for*# boat storage outside the ,dock Sworn to and subscribed before me on this day of area shall be f12.00rannually ' y /y. per boat for Lake Sequoyah G% t q and annually per boat for Lakeake Fayetteville. ", , PASSED AND APPROVED _ this 19th day of February, - - 1991 . .. , ary Publi APPROVED : By: Fred S.Vorsanger [Mayor My Commission Fxpires: ATTEST : Iml By: Sherry L. Thomas. City Clerk / Fees for Printing — S44 4 Cost of Proof —. S 'rotal _ -S RECEIVE APR 0 g 1991 FINANCE DEPT,