HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3505 F ! LED FOR RECORD 90 SEP 13 RIS 9 33 WASHING i ON CO AR A . KOLLMEYER ORDINANCE NO . 3505 "Cl? OFrr D AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION R90 - 20 FOR A PARCEL LOCATED AT 337 WEST AVENUE CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 0 . 163 ACRES . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the zone classification of the following described property is hereby changed as follows : R90 - 20 for the real property described in Exhibit " A" attached hereto and made a part hereof . From I - 1 , Light Industrial & Heavy Commercial District to C - 3 , Central Business Commercial District . Section 2 . That the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1 above . 4PASSED AND APPROVED this 4th day of September 1990 . CJ APPROVED : By : _J��/,., . ., , .u . . ' „ . , Mayor �, 1 1 .ATTEST : �• , By : � iShi / � l/l.1Yit�.✓ City C1 LIIER1384PAGE510 Exhibit "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR A part of the Northwest ( NW4 ) of the Northeat Quarter ( NE4 ) of Section 16 , Township 16 North , Range 30 West , being more particularly described as follows : Beginning at a point on the West right - of -way line of West Avenue that is South 660 . 0 feet ( 40 Rods ) , East 362 . 3 feet , and South 150 . 8 feet from the Northwest corner of the Northwest Quarter ( NW4 ) of the Northeast Quarter ( NED of said Section 16 and running thence South 62 . 4 feet along said West right - of -way line ; thence West 23 . 6 feet to the East face of the rock building wall ; thence South 5 . 6 feet along said rock wall ; thence S72 ° 39 ' W 62 . 1 feet , more or less , to the East line of the St . Louis - San Francisco Railroad right - of -way as described in Book F / 2 page 278 and Book J / 2 page 572 Washington County Courthouse ; thence Northwesterly along said right - of -way line 71 . 4 feet , more or less , to the centerline of a brick party wall ; thence along said centerline the following : N71 ' 191E 33 . 1 feet , N15 ° 48 ' E 7 . 0 feet to the North face of rock building wall ; thence East 72 . 0 feet along said rock wall and its projection to the point of beginning , containing 0 . 163 acres , more or less , City of Fayetteville , Washington County , Arkansas . T J IIBER1Jg4P�GE511 I, Alma Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-officio Coccrdcr fnr Washington County, Athan—as, do hero'; certify that this In- tlrcm,-nt v.as f.'od for rouord in my office M inclc-led hereon and the same is now duly rro, ied w,:h tae acknowledgement and cur %cat, fhcreon in Record Book and Po_e ca ind cc.cd thureon. f. i WK:-ZOF, I have hereunto . cat my hand and affixed the seal of said CERTMCA Court on the date indicated hereon. Sti of B TE OF RECORD Alma Kol:moyer +f of 6rha ev. Circuit Clerk and p.s.� ( .SS Ex-officio Recorder OffIC10• ,r ti City Clerk and Z''%= QT Fayetteville, do hob th, �s1 for of by o eaed or foregoh g is oPrtdPy that the and the same record in m pagdlnance & oRes®lntion hpears is., seal 'Witness h � at P92_ day of my� . F''tv Clerk �u EX -0i of ! ORDINANCE No. 3505 AN ORDINANCE - REZON- ' ING .,:THAT�. •PROPERTY STATE O1 ARKANSAS 89. DESCRIBED,. IN REZON- INGPETITION. R90.20FOCounty of Washington A PARCEL LOCATED AT' , 337 WEST AVENUE . CON-� , TAINING APPR,OX1 % MATELYo.163ACRES.. -- I hereby Certify that I L ' BE '' IT1ORDA7NE0 ,BY� THE BOARD�OF -DIIREC- , am the publisher of HE NORTHWEST ARKA ASTIMES, adallynewspaper TORS _OF THE CITY OF having a second clAss mailing privilege, and bNng not less than four pages of F A Y E T T E V I L L E , five columns each, published at a fixed lace of business and at a fixed (daily) ARKANSAS: p y Section 1. That .the zone Intervals continuously In the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas classificationof the follow- ingtl for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an her eby changed gd property Is . hereby as follows: established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes R90-20 for the real proper in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per ty described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, part hereat. based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent From l-i, Light Industrial of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper & Heavy ,Commercial District to C-3, Central or Its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six Business Commercial months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty District: Section 2. That the official percent news matter. zoning map of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, Is I further certify that the le Fa hereby villa,amended 10- reflect ' gal notice hereto attached In the matter of the zoning change provided i in Section 1 above, - 1 L , PASSED AND AP.PROV-.I / IG ED -fills 4th day of _✓✓ (( September, 1990. APPROVED:r / By: William V. Martin was published In the regular daily issue of said newspaper for ATTEST : I Mayor- consecutive Insertions as follows: Byi Sherry L_Thomas City Clerk The first Insertion on the day of , 19 Exhibit "A" LEGALDESCRIPTION; FOR the second Insertion on the day of 19 A part of the Northwest ) (NWvi) of the Northeast Quarter (NEVA) of Seclloni the third Insertion on the _— day of 19 16, Townshiprl6 North, i Range 30' West, being more particularly described as and the fourth insertion on the 19 follows: Beginning at a point on lila West Wesright-o(-way line hof e West Avenue that Is South 660.0 feet (40 Rods), East Sworn to and subscribed before me n this LItL day of 3623 feet, and South 150.8 feet from. ifie Northwest corner of the Northwest 19 g� _ Quarter (NWI/4 of the Nor- theast Quarter (NEI/4) of said Section 16 and running /2-� thence South 62.4 feet along Not r Publics said West Tight-of-way line; ' thence West 23.6 feet to the East face- of the rock build. Ing wall; thence South S.6 My Commission Expires: feet along said rock wall , ^ r / — more Sless, to 62.1 feet, ' more or less, to the line of St. Louts-San Fran- cisco a -cisco Rairight-of-way as described a Book F/2 page 8 and Bok J/2 pate 1572 Washington County p a Courthouse; thence Nor• Fees (or Printing _ 3thwaO of-way lin along said reor - I oi-wey line 71.4 feet, more or less, to the cemerline of a (lost of Proof —. S • brick party , wall;, thence along said centerline the fol- lowing: N71e19'E 33.1 feet,. Total -S N150d8' E 7.0 feet to the North face of rock building Iwail;. thence East 72.0 feet I along said rock wall and Its ! •� 1 projection to the point of beginning, containing 0.163 acres, more or less, City of Fayetteville, Washington Or�lid'i' O9 G County, Arkansas. 11 ROOM': DL°T . • S3ld ®3 W _ • J R - 1 j T I O 1 ! J • ti T _ 1w CO) r _ W 1_ = - - ; ' r /yam _ 7 3 � � J � r .: w � i � J .J: � � � - J O w J i � I J 2 _ � • ' r M A D D 1 r M DDD ; r N D L A ; r q DDD r r ` - - , > C r i .- _ M � 1 I11 1 _ _ A DDD 1 r d DDD e r T 1 1 r VA I D 1 Iil 1 Y 1 Y 1 Y JA