HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3490 F' LE9 FCp RECORD `90 JUL 12 Rn 9 5y ORDINANCE NO . 3490 ML LOA AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE FIRE DEPARTMENT L04EyER OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE TO RESPOND TO HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INCIDENTS , DEFINING A HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INCIDENT , AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO BILL AND COLLECT FOR THE COSTS INCURRED IN RESPONDING TO HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INCIDENTS . / WHEREAS , the costs incurred by the ✓City of Fayetteville and its Fire Department in responding to hazardous materials incidents is considerable and places a significant financial burden upon the limited financial resources of the City , and WHEREAS , the recipient ( s ) of the services received from the Fire Department of the City of Fayetteville in managing and mitigating a hazardous materials incident should bear the costs of such services . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . AUTHORIZATION : The Fayetteville Fire Department is hereby authorized to respond to hazardous materials incidents inside the City of Fayetteville , outside the City where contracts for fire protection with the City of Fayetteville exist , and outside the City upon a call for assistance from another fire department within Washington or Benton Counties which is serviced by the Southwest Arkansas Regional Hazardous Materials Response Team . Section 2 . DEFINITION : As used in this ordinance "hazardous materials incident " shall mean any incident involving the release , spill , leak , or other undesirable accumulation of any substance for which a Material Safety Data Sheet ( MSDS ) is required under Section 311 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right - To -Know Act of 1986 ( Public Law 99 - 499 ) . Section 3 . RATES , REIMBURSEMENTS , COLLECTIONS AND RECORDS : 1 . ( a ) The Fire Department of the City of Fayetteville is hereby authorized to bill and collect from recipients of services for all costs incurred by the Fayetteville Fire Department responding to a hazardous materials incident , including but not limited to : 1 ) A charge of $ 200 for the first hour and $ 100 for each additional hour for each major piece of fire apparatus which responds to the incident , and LI84R1,J I �P�`G��'J� I , I 2 ) An hourly charge equivalent to the regular hourly pay for each hour that each on- duty employee of the Fayetteville Fire Department spends in response to and / or on the scene of the incident , and the regular time and one - half rate of pay for each hour that each off - duty employee of the Fayetteville Fire Department spends in response to and / or on the scene of the incident , and 3 ) The replacement costs of all expendable equipment and supplies used by the Fayetteville Fire Department in managing and mitigating the incident including any equipment damaged or made unusable by contamination , and 4 ) All costs incurred by the Fayetteville Fire Department for any labor , materials , or supplies provided by third parties at the request of the Fayetteville Fire Department , including but not limited to , the Northwest Arkansas Regional Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Team , local government entities , business and industrial facilities , specialist , consultants , and utilities , and any other costs necessary to manage and mitigate the incident . ( b ) The fire chief , or his designated representative , shall collect charges due the City for the provision of hazardous materials incident services and shall : 1 ) Prepare and issue statements for charges to petsons , corporations , partnerships or any other entities , who are provided Lzardous materials incident services under this ordinance . 2 ) File suit to collect delinquent charges due within a reasonable time after the service is provided . 3 ) Maintain adequate records _ which shall contain the following information : a ) date ; b ) funds collected for services rendered ; c ) accounts receivable ; d ) unpaid charges ; e ) such other information as may be required by officials of the City of Fayetteville . UBEP,. 1315P,. F2,O Section 4 . The Board of Directors hereby determines that the. immediate collection from recipients for services provided by the Fayetteville Fire Department in responding to hazardous materials incidents is essential to the public health , safety , and welfare . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist , and this ordinance being necessary for the public health , safety , and Welfare shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . PASSED AND APPROVED this 3rrl day of T,�y 1990 , APPROVED : BV : Mayor ATsTEST i ' , t , BY r t' — I .. C3[ktk t oBA3 ( 5PRGi 269 CERTIFICATE OF RECORD State of Arlgnsas < SS Cl of Fayetteville Sherry Thomas, City Cierk and Ex- I, Alma Kcllmeyer, Ci-cuit Clerk and �fficio recorder for the City of Ex-officio (' xc'r'I ru t" '-�hir ilon County, Fayetteville, do hereby certify that the Arkansas, d, n,. ._y cc:nry that this in- annexed or foregoing is of record in my crumont vias r::.:d for record in my office Office and the same appear""" s��, In co indic^ted hereon and tiro tome is now Ordinance & Resolution book at duly rccor iod w;'.h t'rr cr'+m vledcdement �e�� witness my an and and cerl:'imIJ I' -ccci, in (:.cord Book and 19 LC —n18ait Of Pori w ire -r ..,d t ar. on. _ I:1 v::—. o W" ::-,'- :7, I I•ova hereunto a t/Z4 set my hand and affix: d' i: .; scot of said city Clerk aR EY-Offfc.o Re.jyAar Court on the 6fjino¢atcd hereon. Alma Kolimeyer Circuit Clerk and Ex-officio Recor.'Lr by i ,`3, 7MAANCElN 0' 3190 1Dt 1• A(I1N 1 � EIZINGTH E FIRM7=NTSOFt STHSTATE of ARKANSAS POFA D7V L_MATERIALSi IN- County Of Washington , DEFINING A:US.MATERJALSi - ; I NCI DE_NT ;: AN D AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO BILL AND COLLECT I, hereby certifythat FOR . THE COST S, INCUR-, amthepublishero HENORTHWESTARNSAS TIMES, a dally newspaper RED IN RESPONDING�TOI having a second c as mailing privilege, an being not less than four a es of HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, P B INCIDENTS. five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) WHEREAS, the costs in. intervals continuously In the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas c rredvilla by thiii Fir;Of Fayeapart-; for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an I menta antl Its Fire' Depart- I mens in res pe.* to haz-' established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes erconsiderable is Incidents acessa , copy, or a fixed Price Pos s materialplin the City and County for a definite price for each fier Is ca .significant financial burden annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, upon . the. ginited' financial' based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent resources of the City, and WHEREAS; the 'reci- of the subscribers thereto have paidcash for their subscriptions to thenewspaper pient(s) :of ;he services or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six received from the Fire months; and that the said newspaper ublishes an average of more than forty P g Department of the City oft : Fayetteville in managing percent news matter. and mltlgating•a hazardousl materials incident shoutdl bear the costs of such ser- I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached In the matter of vices. BE ITORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF ..DIREC TORS OF F A V E T T EV IL L E , Section 1. AurIfDRIZA- was published in the regular dally issue of said newspaper for TION : The Fayetteville Fire ' consecutive insertions as follows: Department is hereby authorized to res pontl to Q� hazardous materials .lociThe first Insertion on the L - day of 199-6 — dents Inside the City I , Fayetteville, outside the Cil;ty where comracts for ere the second insertion on the day of 19 protection with the City Gf Fayetteville exist, antl out- s side the City upon a call for the third Insertion on the day of 19 !assistance romrancthei'fire department within Washing- ton or Benton Counties and the fourth insertion on the - which is 'serviced ^ by the iSouthw.elzt Av,kansas ' Regional Hazardous Mate- ' I rials Response Team. � �// Section 2. DEFINITION : S Orn t0 and so scribed before me 0 this �1L day of As used . ln this ordinance "hazardous . materials Incl- , dent" shall mean; any incl- dent Involving the release, ' (spill , leek or other undeslrable accumulation of any substance:,for which a - {Material Safety, Oare Sheet N t ry Publi (MSDS) if required ,under Section 311 'of the Emergen- MV Commission Expires: cy P18nningen0 Community Right-To-Knout' Act 01 1986 �^,,d + (Publl c'Law 99-499). ! � / _ 9 / Section 3. RATES,I REIM- BURSEMENTS, COL•LEC- TIONSANDRECORDS: 'I 1. (a) The Fire Depart- . Ment of the City of Fayet- I to bill is hereby authorized ci- { f (7 - ) i Ito mil and collect from real- ' Fees for Printing _ 5 L� f[j , coatis of serylathe Fayet- teville all costs Firetlby the teen Fire a hazardous COSI Of Proof —. 5 responding to ehazardous meTegbut Incident,notlimited tedto in- .ClUdin / D 1) A charge of $300 for the first hour and $10o for each additional hour for each me- i for piece of fire apparatus which responds to the inci- dent, and 31 An hourly charge equivalent to the regular I C, hourly pay for each hour F% L Lo L t V that each on-duty employee i of the Fayetteville Fire Department 'spends In I '2 response to and/or on the AUG OJ IFV scene of the Incident, and the -' regular time and one-half rate of pay for each . hour FINANCE DEPT. that each off-duty employee of the Fayetteville Fire Department spends in response to and/or on the aceneof the Incident, and 3) The replacement costs of all expendable equipment and supplies used by the - Fayetteville Fire..Maps". ment in managing and mitigating the Incident in. � Cluding any equipment damaged or made unusable by contamination, and 4) All costs incurred 6y lthe Fayetteville Fire Department for any labor, materials, or supplies pro- I vided by third parties at the request of the Fayetteville ' Fire Department, including but not limited to, the Nor. thwest Arkansas Regional Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Team, local government en- tities, business and industri- al facilities, specialist, con. sultants, and utilities, and any other costs necessary to manage and mitlgate The in- cident. (b) The fire chief, or his designated representative, shall collect Charges due the City for the provision of haz. ardous materials Incident services and shall : 1 . 1 ) Prepare and Issue I statements for charges to persons, corporations, part- nerships, or any other en. tities, who are provided haz. ardous materials Incident I services under this ordi- nance. 7) File suit to collect delin- quent charges due within a reasonable time after the service is provided. 3) Maintain adequate re- cords - which shall contain the following Information : a) date; b) funds collected for ser. vicesrendered; c) accounts receivable; d) unpaid charges; e) such other information as may be required by of- fiClals of the City of Fayet- tevive. Section I. The Board of Directors hereby deter. mines that the Immediate -, collection from recipients for services provided by the Fayetteville Fire Depart. ment In responding to haz- I ardous materials Incidents Is essential to the public health, safety, and welfare. Therefore, an emergency Is hereby declared to exist, and this ordinance being necessary for the public health, safety, and welfare . shall be in full force and ef- fect from and after its ^•ec_ege_ and approval. PASSED AND APPROV- EDthIS3rddayof July, 1990. • APPROVED: By: William V. Martin Mayor ATTEST : By: Sherry L. Thomas City Clerk