HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3476 FILED FOR RECORD ! LED FOR•'R D 190 SEP 13 API 9 32. ' 90 n PIS G WASHINGTON GO AR �I !NG N*'C'D •AR A. KOLLMEYER A. h € XLMED ORDINANCF. NO . 3476 AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED i: N REZONING PETITION R90 - 5 FOR A PORTION OF 1220 N . GARLAND . HE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF D.T.RACTORS OF MF. CITY OF FAYRTTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the zone classification of the following described property is hereby changed as follows : R.90 - 5 for the real property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof . From R- O , "Residential - Office " District and C - 1 , Neighborhood Commercial " District to C - 2 "Thoroughfare 'J Commercial " . p. Section 2 . That the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1 above . PASSED AND APPROVED this 20th day of Marc 1990 . APPROVED : By : � le;zzoe�w ��j Mayor AIN Y Y CiW4 01 - t ` RE— RECORDED TO CORRECT LEGAL DESCRIPTION . l!BER J. 4PAGE5W 13pv CORRECTION DESCRIPTION For Ordinance No . 3476 Rezoning Petition R90 -5 Exhibit ' A ' Tract 1 , Part of the SW/4 of the NW/4 of Section 9 , T- 16 -N , R- 30-W , being described as follows , to wit : Beginning at a point 862 . 5 ' South of the NW corner of said 40-acre tract , and running thence East 1501 , thence North 112 . 5 ' , thence East 301 , thence North 651 , thence East 2201 , thence North 501 , thence East 1281 , thence South 203 . 851 ' , thence West 2081 , thence South 82 , 7491 , thence West to the West line of said 40-acre tract , thence North 59 . 10 ' to the point of beginning , less and except 30 ' off the West side embraced in Garland Avenue , also subject to an easement given to Robert T . Stout and Kathryn B . Stout , husband and wife , and recorded in Record Book 743 at Page 312 , Tract 2 . Part of the SW/4 of the NW/4 of Section 9 , T- 16-N , R- 30-W , being described as follows , to wit : . s •. Beginning at . a point 48514South and 320 ' East of the NW corner of said 40-acre . .tract , and - running4 ` thence East 80 ' , thence South 2001 , thence West 80 ' „ thence North 2001' to the point of beginning , less and except the North 100 ' of the above-described Tract 2 , which portion is to remain zoned R-0 . lIBEfl1384PAGE507 CERTIFICATE OF RECORD I, Alma Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Exc`.ficio Goccrder for Washington County, State of AXk=M SS Arkansas, do hereby certify that this in- Ci of Fayetteville CityClerk 9IId Ike strumcnt was f;:od for record in my office Tx- �ueTry Th =as, as ineicated hereon and the same is now Vfficio recorder for the C�t the duly rccorded wish the acknowledgement Fayetteville, do hereby of� my and cer:::Icato thereon in Record Book and annexed or foregoing office and the same appears in Poga as indicated thereon. OrdlMince & Resolution boot[ A X V at IN V7, N=S WHcRE0F, I have hereunto 'witness c�my and set my hand and affixed the seal of said B��es 0 • day of �n� Court on t::e cote indicated hereon. 19 q0 Alma Ko!:meyer Circuit Clerk and Clerk 86 $Z-otnC10 $eCOrdar Ex-officio Recordor by FILED FOR RECORD 090 APR 27 PM 3 36 WASHINGION VL 'AR A. KOLLMEYER gKDINANCF. NO . . 3476 AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION R90 - 5 FOR A PORTION OF 1220 N . GARLAND . BE IT ORDAINFID BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF TlWa CITY OF FAYF:TTPVTI.IE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the zone classification of the following described property is hereby changed as follows : R90 - 5 for the real property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof . i From R-0 , "Residential - Office" ' District and C - 1 , Neighborhood Commercial" District to C - 2 " Thoroughfare Commercial " . Section 2 . That the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville . Arkansas , is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1 above . PASSED AND APPROVED this 20th clay of March 1990 . APPROVED : By : Mayor C 1 T Y . C . 4n _ y LIBER US VAGE 205 Tu, t O({n. talo . '�� ZCo WitH T«� is Gop tit= SG2� PTto �.l . ecNir�* `fa ' AS 1=lLtan i S tKcs*-tom swt� Nt �s �r� dtuc� . 7-µauk Y� . co l S i �/GoG�t�tP,�Fri. SES Gam} W b Exhibir. "fell . LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR R90 - 5 Part of the Southwest quarter ( SWI ) of the Northwest quarter ( [3W ,-', ) of Section Nine ( 9 ) of. Township Sixteen ( 16 ) North of Range Thirtv ( 30 ) West . being more particularly described as follows : Beginning at a point 485 feet South and 320 feet East of the Northwest corner of said forty acre tract , and running thence East. 80 feet , thence South 100 feet , thence West 80 feet , thence North 200 feet to the point of beginning . tIRER13&jFFcE206 1. Alma c,tk and ngaon County, quare• s, ' 1 M^Isy crvl'ty than this f nett Vas il.ad for r3_wd in my office ini Ic' ,x1 ncreon and til. some �s naw duty r- oJt .ic . ccknowlaogcm7r•t ana 'o,::::rcr <ernJ./t in itecord Book and . ra^3 as Ptd:cn,r;d fir-reon. I have herounto cot a,y hand and offiKod the seoi of said Curt on tLe Bale indicated haroon. Aima Kn:'-lnyer C'rcull Clerk ::md Et-OSf Exhibit "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR R90 - 5 Part of the Southwest quarter ( SWI ) of the Northwest quarter ( t4W ; ) of Section Nine ( 9 ) of Township Sixteen ( 16 ) North of Range Thirty ( 30 ) West , being more particularly described as follows : Beginning at a point 485 feet South and 320 feet East of the Northwest corner of said forty acre tr and running thence East 80 feet , thence Sout _ 0 et , thence West 80 feet , thence North 200 feet Cq a point of beginning . IIBER13�i fPACE206 • STATE of ARKANSAS es. County of Washington ORDINANCE NO. 3476 . AN ORDINANCE REZON- ' ING THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZON- I hereby certify that I ING PETITION R90•S FOR A PORTION OF 1770 N. am thepubllsher THE NORTHWEST ARK NSASTIMES, adallynewspaper tARLAND. having a second class mailing privilege, an being not less than four pages of BE , IT ORDAINED BY five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (dally) • TNEBOARD OF -DIREC- :TORS OF THE CITTv.OF intervals continuously In the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas F7A,Y, T•, 8 for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an ARKANSAYt established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes Section J. That the a01141 classification of the follow• in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per Ino dascrlbad property Is annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, hereby changed "follows: RWS for the real property based upon the news value and service value It contains, that at least fifty percent described In Exhibit '•A".at-_ of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper hehereto, taches. and made a or Its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six war m �R:6;_•0iii -1dentiel•1 months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty tNl1oF:= DIaMIct .and C•1,; rcent news matter. ••NelphDorhopd Commer-1 le clay District to C-2 "Thor-' f�ieBami Tharci OHiciall I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of toning snap-Of the City of Fayetteville, _Arkansas, Is hereby amended to reflect the ming Mange provided In Section l above. PASSED AND APPROVED was published in the regdlar daily issue of said newspaper for this 20th 70day of March, 1990. APPROVED. Consecutive insertions as follows: By: INll ll&m V.Mer)In - asayar ..: :. .. . - .. . .. ATTEST: - - .' The first Insertion on the day of 19 7/� 0 — by: Sherry L. Ttamas City Clark SEAL _yEll . the second Insertion on the day of 19 i LEDAL . DESCR I PT ION the third Insertion on the day Of 19 FOR R9Q3 '• ; -....,_ . .P.art• , ef. .the` Southwest Quarhrl(SWw) of the Nor- and the fourth insertion on the day 19 thwart: Quarter (NWW) of Section Nine (9) of Township Sixteen(16YNorth bf Range Thlriy '(74)'Waste described aSfoUowS;i0 :;i ilk Beginning-at a-point 467.3 ; Sworn to and subscribed before me o this t b day o teal South aLthe-Northaroet cortar�of >SW-.forty acre tract: and :rwmtng thence East.23011 feet. ttwwe North IIS.SNtlt.:fhnu East 10 feet):thence Norm 65 het: thence East 720 hat: thence Not Public North 30 ]NO; thence East ej 128 -feat) thane* South 703.451 hep thence Wast los My Commission Expires: feHl:' thence : South 82.749 feels .;thence West to the Wast line of Mid Ao acre tract, thane North 59.10 feet to ,!"W ,pclnt,. af beginning, i Iairtd.except 20 Leet off the •weetr,A791afmbrar:W . in, 'Gerlyppt,/Warttw,ah0 sub- , lect,tO}areaeemant given to, Robed T.339111`and Kathryn Fees -for Printing — J B..Shut.-husband Sol wily• ' andA recordadrrin.;t Recor0 IBook7cof, VageSWiaQ�q - , Cost of Proof — S sp � 7 . Mrrtt��r^� 03 _- Total _ S .O�.L_ ]blyesf 'ICO�••�ttwVil W ' . thhae• ',��a ,Ni .06).North' :Tbwnsfiryi16).North, S �,�,'p0 W --Oaslr�ibed ail . D9ft1p•�1s9D. h-aBt of Y Fj iheJooraeiol isle MhIm sera s"110 anerunnlnp . IA141 Scut[.•0018ahleer:Nano. APR south aoo�f«D ahettc.Ewen 4otMtllh lloe Norm 200.faat ,athapiantatbiglnnnim FINANCE DEPS ' STATE of ARKANSAS ea. County of Washington I, hereby certify that I am the publisher 0 THE NORTHWEST ARK NSASTIMES, a daily newspaper ORDINANCE NO. 3476 having a second class mailing privilege, and' being not less than four pages of I► 'tY' ORDINANCE REZ01I- five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (dally) IING THAT PROPERTY intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas DESCRIBED IN 0 O fthan period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an DE PETITION R9R-5 FORR or more an a A PORTION OF 1220 N. established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes GARLAND. BE IT ORDAINED BY In the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed rice per � THE BOARD OF DtREe- annum, which price was fixed at what Is considered the value of the publication, TORS OF THE Cllry.,QF based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent FA, ET Svq V 1- 'LIS Of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions t0 the newspaper ARKANSAS: Section J. That the :one Or recognized or its agents through news dealers over a period of at least six K g classification of the follow-, months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty Ing described property IS percent news matter. hereby changed as follows: R90-5 for the real property described in Exhibit "A".at. I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of tached hereto and made a parthereof. From R-O, "Residential. Office" District and C-1, "Neighborhood Commer- cial" District to C-2 "Thor oughfare ionCommercial". 2. That tla of was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaperfor — � Section 2. That the official Zoning map of the City of consecutive insertions as follows: Fayetteville, Arkansas, is hereby atl to reflect Q /� the zoningng Change provided The first Insertion on the ! n. day of In Section 1 above. PASSED AND APPROVED the second Insertion on the da this 20th day of March, 1990. y of 19 APPROVED: By : William V. Martin the third insertion on the __ day of 19 Mayor ATTEST : By: sherry L. Thomas and the fourth insertion on the day — 19 City Clerk SEAL Exhibit "A" ( LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR Partt of of 14) Southwest Sworn 10 and subscribed before me 0 Ih15 day O Quarter. thwest . ( anter of the ) Of thwest Quarter of Township Section Nine (9) of Township Sixteen 30) North Range Thirty (30) West, described as follows, to-Wit: Beginning at a point 862.5 feet South of the Northwest Not Public corner of said forty acre tract, and running thence My Commission F_xpires: East 150 feet, thence North 1125 feet thence East 30 / feet; thence North 65 feet; thence East 220 feet; thence North 50 feet; thence East 128 feet; thence South 203.851 feet; thence West 208 feet; thence South 82.769 feet; thence West to the West line of said 60 acre Fees for Printing _ S tract, thence North 59.10 feet to the point of beginning, less and except 30 feet off the Cost of Proof —. S west side embraced In Garland Avenue, also sub- O 'f lett to an easement given to "total _ 5 Robert T. Stout and Kathryn B. Stout, husband and wife, and recorded in Record Book 763 at Page 312. and Part of the Southwest Quarter (SWI/4 Of the Nor- r fJ thwest Quarter (NWVA of the Section Nine (9) In n Township Sixteen (16) North of Range Thirty (30). West, and being more particularly qpR described as follows, to-wit: p* r Beginning ata paint 485 ANCE 101 feet South Feet East Of the Northwestest corner of said forty etre tract, and running thence thence East feet, thencce South 200 feet; thence West 80 feet; thence North200 feet 10 the point of beginning. STATE of ARKANSAS es. 0 ANCE NO. 0ZOAN ORDINA3E69N CountyOf Washington ING THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN ' REZON ' ING PETITION R90.5:.FOR I A PORTION- . or 1220 iN,j it hereby certify that l i GARLAND. am the publisher BE - IT"-ORDAINEDBY HE NORTHWEST AR NSASTIMES; adally newspaper '- THE BOARD-.OF, .F- DIREChaving a second c ss mailing privilege, a being not less than four pages of TORS OF THE CITY OF five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (dally) F A Y E T T E v I L L E , ARKANSAS: Intervals continuously In the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas ' Section 1. That the zone for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an classification of the follow- established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes Ing described property is hereby changed asfollows: In the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per R90-5: for the real property annum, which price was fixed at what Is considered the value of the publication, descri the-rein lab maclea based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty tacked&d lne xhlblt"A" a PO y percent Fromereofh" es'identrar of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper Ofilce"District ;�hd '',-I or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six Neighbdrhood cpm mercle l'• months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty District �'t IC-2 "Through- percent news matter. I are Commercial." Section 2.`That the official zoning map of the City oft 1 further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of Fayetteville, Arkansas, i5 hereby amended to reflect , the zoning change provided , In Section 1 above. PASSED AND APPROV- ED PPROV ED this 20th day of March, / 1990. APPROVED: was published In the regular daily issue of said newspaper for By: William V. Martin consecutive insertions as follows: Mayo SeaiEsr: I The first Insertion on the 7^=K- day of 19 U By : Sherry L. Thomas City the second Insertion on the da of 19 RE-RECORDED., TO CDR; Y RECT LEGAL, ' OESCRtP T(ONq CORRECTION the third insertion on the day of 19 DESCRIPTION For Or 3476 aNo: and the fourth insertion on the O 19 ning,P 6 Rezon 89479 tni0n 1� . . .� . . 8903„' . ,. • Exhibit 4A' ` _b./,s/r1 ! Tract 1. Sworn to and subscribed before me n this / day of I Part of the SWA of the cn� NWA of Section 9, T-16-N, 19 IR-30-W, .being described as . follows, town: Beginning at a point 862.5' South of the NW corner of Said 60-acre tract, and rGnn- Notary Public ' Ing thence East 15W, thence I North 112.5', thence.East 30', thence North, 651, thence My Commission Expires: iEast 220', thence North 50', I / thence East '128', thence Q 'South 203.8511, thence West I I 208', thence South 82.719', thence West to the West line ' of mid 60-acre tract, thence North 59;10' to the point of . beginning, less and except 30' off' the West Side em- 1 , braced In Garland Avenue, Fees for Printing _ S 81W Subject to an easement given to Robert T. Stout and ('OSI O( Pr(x)t ,. 5 Kathryn B. Stout, husband , and wife, and recorded in / 1 I Record Book 763 at Page 312. 'rotai s - Tract 2. Part of the SW/4 of the NWA of Section 9, T-16-N, R-30-W, being described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point 685' South and 320' East Of the NW corner of Said 60-acre tract, and running thence East 801, thence South 200', thence West 80', thence , 5 North 200' to the point of beginning, .less and except ;1 the North 100' of the above- CCT 2 IJ• � described Tract 2, which •� portion Is to remain zoned,) R-0.