HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3474 FILED FOR -RECORD ' 90 HFR 27 FI1 3 96 WASH INGTON8,0'AR A. KOL' LKEYE'R OF-DINANCF, NO . 3474 MICROFILMED AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION R90 - 6 FOR A PARCEL CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 6 ACRES LOCATED NORTHWEST CORNER OF PORTER ROAD AND SYCAMORE STREET . BE IT O.RDAINF..D BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTFVILI.E , ARKANSAS - Section 1 . That the zone classification of the following described property is hereby changed as follows : R90 - 6 for the real property described in Exhibit " A" attached hereto and made a part hereof . From A- 1 , " Agricultural " District to R - 2 , " Medium Density Residential " District . a Section 2 . That the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1 above . PASSED AND APPROVED this 20th day of March 1990 . APPROVED : Mayor 'ET SI : . t tt y_ rn 1 01 s' Ging C 1 T?s C r��, ' . . . . . • • ' '��. c LIBER °MICE 1 4r� • ' • III IH111\\\\\ • Exhibit " A " LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR R90 - 6 TRACT "A" Part of the Southeast Quarter ( SE4 ) of the Southeast Quarter of Section Six ( 6 ) in Township Sixteen ( 16 ) North of Range 'Thirty ( 30 ) West , described as follows : Beginning at the Southeast corner of said 40 acre tract , and running thence North 396 feet , thence West 330 feet , thence South 396 feet , thence East 330 feet to the place of beginning , containing 3 acres , more or less . and TRACT " B " A part of the Southeast Quarter ( SE4 ) of the Southeast Quarter ( SE4 ) of Section Six ( 6 ) in Township Sixteen ( 16 ) North of Range Thirty ( 30 ) West . described as follows : Beginning at a point 330 feet West of the Southeast corner of said 40 acre tract , and running thence West 330 feet , thence North 396 feet , thence East 330 feet , thence South 396 feet to the place of beginning , containing 3 acres , more or less . LIBLR 13C)1pp, ci202 I, Alme 11, •^tar. Ci::u?t r.ek and r. &-ofM1ldo C:ccriz +r., ...... ,,'no�,n Counts. CEBTII�ICATE OF RECORD Arf M t`.r s, :V no, ;i,i, la. State of Arkansas SS a Rs c1t i:as fi:ad tar nxud in my Office City of Fa9ettevM C�erk and Etc as 'nciC ed heVOn a� the some is now I, sherry omas, City e'uly rcca is with ccknowledVmnnt Officio recorder for the City of and cer,.":Mo ' erzon in Record Book cnd Fayetteville, do hereby certify that the per, as im, ;, l"-reon. annezed or foregoing is of record In my v : 1 have hereunto office and the same ap pear`s/ n set n y hand and a fixod the seal of said Ordinance & Resolution book xX ��d C_urt on t.'e eate indi oled hereon. page / Q� _ dayWitof my hand seal a day of A':as �oCTcyer 19� C'rcuit clerk and Ex-oc:cio itoc or City C LUM d EY-037ieto Rece.•aor by M1CItom" FILED FOR RECORD ' 90 MflY 18 PM 2 51 BILL of ASSURANCE WASHINGTON CO ARA . KOLLMEYER This declaration of a Bill of Assurance made this '; Zlo day of � ( . 19ffO , by the undersigned owners of the following described real estate located in the City of Fayetteville , Washington County , Arkansas , and more particularly described as follows , to-wit : SEE ATTACHMENT WHEREAS , the aforesaid owner of the real property described above has secured the approval of the Fayetteville City Board of Directors to amend the Fayetteville zoning map and rezone the above described property from A- 1 , Agricultural , to R- 2 , Medium Density Residential ; and WHEREAS , the owners have promised and agreed to subject the development of said real estate pursuant to certain covenants and restrictions pertaining to same ; and x x w WHEREAS , the owners are desirous of making a declaration of the same in U U the form of this Bill of Assurance with the intention of guaranteeing the N U w preservation of certain values and amenities in the community and to bind a a themselves , their successors and assigns and the aforedescribed real estate and w its subsequent owners with the obligations and restrictions hereinafter set forth w for all present and future development and use of said property . NOW , THEREFORE , the owners declare that the above described real property shall be held , developed , transferred , sold , conveyed and occupied subject to the covenants and restrictions herein set forth : I . The use of said property shall be limited to no more than 12 family units per acre . WITNESS my hand and seal this 3 r? b _ day of Wo . �� fV LOU IM7PilGE2 ( O - 2 - STATE OF ARKANSAS ) COUNTY OF WASHINGTON SSS : ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BE IT REMEMBERED that on this day came before the undersigned , a Notary Public , within and for the County aforesaid , duly commissioned and acting , to me well , that they has executed the foregoing Bill of Assurancekfor nthehconsiderationd and purposes therein mentioned and set forth . WITNESS hand and seal as such Notary Public this 3 _day of . 19yb. ' 40 I,:.:%j0TAY.p , Notary Pu lic ii4 M} m(�S6iby) C m") res 26 i i I 1 i I ���I� 1367211 E7XHIBIT "A" TRACT "A" : A part of the Southeast Quarter ( SE1 / 4 ) of the Southeast Quarter ( SE1 /4 ) of Section Six ( 6 ) , in Township Sixteen ( 16 ) North of Range Thirty ( 30 ) West , described as follows , beginning at the Southeast corner of said 40 acre tract , and running thence North 396 feet , thence West 330 feet , thence South 396 feet , thence East 330 feet to the place of beginning , containing 3 acres , more or less ; and TRACT "B" : A part of the Southeast Quarter ( SE1 / 4 ) of the Southeast Quarter ( SE1 /4 ) of Section Six ( 6 ) in Township Sixteen ( 16 ) North of Range Thirty ( 30 ) West , described as follows , beginning at a point 330 feet West of the Southeast corner of said 40 ace tract , and running thence West 330 feet , thence North 396 feet , thence East 330 feet , thence South 396 feet to the place of beginning , containing 3 acres , more or less . LIBER 13167PnCEV2 • n 1 ti� ° _ v c c d N •- N V O U lz N T y 'U+ STATE of ARKANSAS 1 ORDIIiANCE N0.7a7� I ee. AN ORDINANCE REZON- County Of Washington • ING THAT PROPERTY f DESCRIBED IN •R04 O ING PETITION RFORR lY� l AN PARCEL CONTAINING j, An n hereby certify that I A P P R O X I mAl2 LYs - tACRES CATEDr NOR- am he publisher o HE NORTHWEST AR NSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper THW EST ' .CORNER OF having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of PO RTTE.R.u.ROADInA.N D five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) SYCAMORE STREET. l intervals continuous) in the Cit Of Fayetteville, Count of Washington, Arkansas BE IT ORDAINED . I I y Y Y y g THE BOARD OF DIREC- , for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an TORS 'OF - THE CITY OF established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes A X. T F AN T"T E. V 1 . L L E , F A In the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price, per section i: .That the zone annum, which price was fixed at what Is considered the value of the publication, classification of' the follow. Ing- described property Is , based upon the news value and service value It contains, thatat least fifty percent hereby changed as follows: of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper R90-6 for the real property described in Exhibit ^A^ at, or Its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six Cached hereto and made a months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty parr hereof. percent news matter. From A-T, "Agricultural" Pe District to R-2 "Medium Density Residential " . District. I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of Section 3. That the C zoning map o/ the ' City ny of of Fayetteville; Arkansas, Is. I hereby ng ended change provided [In reflect zoning above. prOvitled / in SEED ANDA was published in the regular daily Issue of said newspaper PASSED AND APPROVED P K [or this th tlay of March, 1990. - consecutive insertions as follows: APPROVED: By: William V. Martin Mayor The first insertion on the day of 19 ATTEST: By: Sherry L. Thomas' City Clerk the second insertion on the day of 19 SEAL Exhibit •• LEGAL DESCRIPTION the third insertion on the day of 19 TI FOR R90-6 TRACT " So and the fourth insertion On the Part of the Southeast 0 19 Quarter ( SEI/4 ) of the Southeast Quarter of Section r..� Six (6) l0 Township Rang sihirty / (16) North of Range Thirty (30) West, described as'. Sworn to and subscribed before me On is day , of I follows: - Beginning at the Southeast! (j corner of said 40 acre tract,. and running thence Norfn 396 feet, thence West 330 feet, thence South 396 feet, _ thence East 330 feet to the place of beginning, contain-I Nor y Public I Ing 3 acres, more or less. and TRACT "B" My Commission Expires: , A part of the Southeast) /} Quarter ( SEI/. ) . of the. `q Southeast Quarter (SEI/4 of Section SIX (6) in Township Sixteen (16) North Of Range. Thlrty (30) West, describedt asfollows: i Beginning at a )point' 330:1 feet West or ine Southeast Fees for Printing corner of said 4 acre tract, and running thence Wesi 330 feet, thence No .. 396 feet, Cost of Proof . S thence East 330 feet, thencU South 396 feetto the place Of beginning containing 3 •rota) S _Z �� 171 4 acres, more or less. APR 171$gD FINANCE DEPT.