HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3458 CE3?TIFICP.TE I CERTIFY :" :' T W In?STRUMIENT COI"I i✓Ir T. ' " ,.x::14 ON FILE IN TII ?: DATE_ip Alma Kollmeyer, Circuit Cl.:r; D F(� R RECORB 089 DEC P 30 WASNIN ' u ' U AR ORDINANCE NO . '34�_ A LLMEYE AN ORDINANCE VACATING AND ABANDONING A PORTION OF A EAST /WEST ALLEY LOCATED BETWEEN LOT 3 AND MICROFILMED LOTS 1 AND 2 OF THE PARKSDALE ADDITION . WHEREAS , the Board of Directors has the authority under Ark . Code Ann . § 14 - 54 - 104 ( 1987 ) to vacate portions of streets which are not required for corporate purposes ; and CM WHEREAS , the Board of Directors has determined thatxthleKs) 7! following described portion of the street alley for a easy/�,Ves1. m alley located between Lots 1 , 2 & 3 on South Duncan Streep. zs a-c c� platted but unopened street which is not required for cor 'orat N purposes . r, M Z 'v a' NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTQRS�0 OI3 m. THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : s w z n o Section 1 . That the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas herebyr. vacates and abandons all of its rights together with the rights of the public generally , subject to the reservation of a utility easement in and to the following described property located in Washington County , Arkansas as described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof . Section 2 . A copy of this Ordinance duly certified by the City Clerk shall be filed in the office of the Recorder of the County and recorded in the Deed Records of the County . PASSED AND APPROVED this 17th day of October 1989 . APPROVED : By : Mayor ATTEST : By . �(• C i ty, 1! p Re - record to corrct legal description . X41 92 23007 EXHIBIT "A " LEGAL DESCRIPTION A twenty ( 20 ) foot alley way between Lots 1 , 2 and 3 in Block 1 of the Parksdale Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas as per plat to said addition recorded in the Office of the Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder of Washington County, Arkansas . Described as beginning at the SE corner of Lot 1 ; thence , west 125 feet along the southern boundary of Lots 1 and 2 ; thence south 20 feet to the northwest corner of lot 3 ; thence east 125 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 3 ; thence north beginning . 20 feet to the point of I I 1 22 • x;d C ^ n :.' :tet) (fit'..` ,s irY011l (7'19iiG , � girt ) 101 jyb•tn.e -j a !aii?< ) ► ti ` Y.1!!ti» �ria�4r1 obi ,:1: ; ': .,b • . a'k ai bTm7t to A) gr:4gstol gia b51 .w ' ri ainygt) 0 sma� yr') ,<as t� I : : ,- lra�.: all tm BA® COPIES 92 23008 STATE of ARKANSAS ea. Country of Washington ORDINANCE NO. 3rSa A N O R D 1 NA N C E q /j � VACATING AND ABAN- j I, /,1.ti%.� rJ�ILp--fir!/ �j hereby certify that I CONING A PORTION OF. A - -"" amthe publishes a THE NORTHWEST #KANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper . EAST/WEST ALLEY LO- CATED BETWEEN LOT 3 having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of AND LOTS I ANDj2OF THE five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (dail ) PARKSDALE ADDITION: Y WHEREAS, 'in5�s.BoarO of intervals continuously In the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas Directorstias the`•authority ( for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an under Afk.jc V Ann. 5'ts- I established lace of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes St-1W (7987 wto Vacate per- p g Y Woos of sireetswti10`_ r t in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per required oses;ane.�r..'c�.io�r.p_ ratel.11 . . vur- annum, which price was fixed at what Is considered the value of the publication, WHEREAS4111ehBoerElof.� based upon thenews valueand service value it contains, thatat least fifty percent Directors Khan etermmea' of the subscribers theretohave paid cash for their subscriptions to thenewspaper that the foil owIn9ltlescri "— Portion of tne!sfreetlalie y br, or Its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six a eastywes feliey lo`catetl!, e months: and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty iween Lots ty65 on'Sputh g Duncan Sheet IS a plalfeCa percent news matter. but unopene- ,h feetch is not req uir or}operate I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached In the matter of purposes NOW, THE FO B ORDA114 D�BECj / ✓fid �� � BOARD OF �D,'IRECTjORS 6 / TOF EVILL CITY OF FA/Y T- TEVILLE,AR'ANSAS. . Section ldTth'gt�tll`exGity of was ublished in there ular dally issue of said newspaper Fae y vaii)e� Aa`rek'ansa P g p per [or hereby vacatesantl. 'abao consecutive insertions as follows: dons Ith all ofllts . flhta a .0 liar with Pill Yrf, .SuIll 4 "t, P�Clic n genervatio su..I to the The first Insertion on the day of �it.c'- t, 19 reservaTlon��'.,;of a 'luta llty easement fri 'antl to the fol- lowing desc lyf'1. a pioperty the second insertion on the day of 19 Itetl In VYason Coun- ty, Arkansa3, is-.. V REetl in Exhibit 'Aa'atta'Ghaj. hereto the third Insertion 00 the day Of 19 and made'a - rtner�eof. section1IAtopy. m my Ord in e and the fourth insertion on the -v e 9 the hit Icd 0 mall D' filed In the oftke o�jMe Redortler ,of the.Counll�dtl dS oforded the In fhe� Deetl"Beirords ,ol.,ihei � N County. ' l-alpt). :e r, Sworn to and subscribed before me this �j day of P,BSSE Dt ANp�AP.PROVr i 1"9 x177 daa ol".Ol t a's Qom . �Q 1q 79g9t I r da*0 dz er, rt, 1 II 11A ROVED: I �•; By: William V. Martin I A r..... Mayor i i ATTEST : 13 sherry Thomas No ry Publi C e Clerk 'l hl j E%N IIT "A" My Commission Expires: LEGAL DESCRIPTION A twehty4 (30) feet alley I way between Lots 1, 2 and 3 In Block 1 of The Parkstlale Additiontothe city of + IFayetteville• Arkansas as Per platyo said ddfilun re- corded In the office of The 1 Circuit Clerk anO Ex-Officio •�/! Recorder of 4We'shington I Fees for Printing — 5 1�LLtL County, Arkimas"'thence, I , west - along }fw'�soythorn boundary of Lotssl&endr3 to Cost of Proof _. J ine.norenwest:corner_of Lot 3 ; thence easf7Ao% the I 'rot al S I �7 1 southeast -corner oft.Lot 3; 1 ithence ,north ' to themolnt of beginning. - m4f MAR 2119M FINANCE DEPT. STATE of ARKANSAS es. County of Washington ORDINANCE NO. 34Sa AN ORDINANCE VACATING AND ARAN- I, —_ Ak �i r 0 hereby Certify that I DOSING A PORTION OFA am the publisher f THE NORTHWEST EAST/WEST ALLEY LO- KANSAS TIMES, adally newspaper CATED BETWEEN LOT 3 having a second class mailing privilege. and being not less than four pages of AND LOTS t AND 20F THE. five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily ) PARK REAS, ADDITION: Intervals Continuous) In the Cil of Fayetteville, Count of Washington, Arkansas WHEREAS, theaBoartl; of Y Y Y y g Directors ,pas the authority for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an under Ark.; code Ann. 14- established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes 54-104 (1967) to , r- nons of stree'is'Wnich'af got in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per poses; a forcar rate, put- annum, which price was fixed at what Is considered the value of the publication, poses; antlAS6„ j,;;, . WNEREq$, t a,,6oarEoibased upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent Directors :A'a , determined' of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper that the foil the Steedescribed llyfr or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six portion of the Street for K g g a east/westre�iey IOcated'be months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty tween Lots'Y2 63'6n South percent news matter. Duncan Sir t`is platted ce but unopen'� midAt'wflkh is not purposes. required c rporare I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of purposes. . ' '16"" tr^ Y K NOW, THER.EFqqRE E /i IT ORDAINED YB' '" � ,f/� BOARD OF DIR GKS; , U% .CIC- ,i /... !-h C. •/ ��: , J 7 :) (I OF THE CITY OF TEVILL E; rr ARKANS '! sectlon L. at ihe,,GftK%Qr?. was published in the regular daily issue of said news a erfor Fayetteville ' :: rka.p'�3� g P P hereby vacates',and , aGbTi.;.,' consecutive insertions as follows: dons an o/its rights toga *InF with the. rights Of;the public: / o (' - generaliy, ;Subleot to the The first insertion on the / .-; <.!: day o[ ,�IGb : t. 1 19 / L + re se rvatlOn Of,, .O -utility easement am :to the fol- - lowing It rllied 'property the second insertion on the day of 19 locatetl In'Washin bton Coun. ty,Exhibit. Aaata.chidrh ed In the third insertion on the __ da of 19 Exhibiansas as cess, hereto Y an matleaparftlereof. , Section4r ; py of finis and the fourth insertion on the d --of_. 9 OrtlIII ce'dol }c_e� rtified by — ' the CIty, Clerk luYtl11 be filed " In the office of Recorder r_ .of the- ount4asntl-recorded in the Deed RRee rds of . the county. p Ag}+ ola _ Sworn to �/�and subscribed before me this L`��- day of El�l�ff S17iM1`dl r�October, ✓ �. )`L ! 1 . 19ligh 'r:vii fol i e, 19 ' r ' -4I PROVED: T By : Wilyfinn V. Martin -ice. , Mayor ATTEST : NO r Publi By: Sherry Thomas Y LOC erk '.P . .:: EXHII&T ••A•• My Commission Expires: LEGAL DESCRIPTION A twenty, (20) foot alley way between. Lots 1, 2 and 3 C In Block 1 of the Parksdale Addition to Jhe City of Fayetteville; A�ansas as per plat to said addition re- corded in the Office of the Clrcuit .Clerk angtEx-Officio t i. Recoroer of t athington Fees for Printing _ S County, Arkans",t thence, west - along thai'liouthern Cosi of Proof —. 5 boundary of Lots- )antl@ to the nor ler of Lot �) P southeast corner of, Lot 3; 3 ; thence ea SITAo , the Total 5 _ thence north to the.point of beginning. RLL.r a.. + v .� ✓ MAR 21. 1 FINANCE DEPT. plct- (OCC) SLEW -and ASSOCIATES 1 Surveyors., FRANK W. (SLEW, JR., n O� SCALE I ••= 20• N jdr 125.0 csoin HOUSEPort of 'o o lot 1 vi n V1 i 20' u c I ALLEY (CLOSED) 125.0 r -- SURVEYED FOR : Coldwell Bankers DATE : August 30 , 1989 Bill Stafford LEGAL DESCRIPTION : Fifty Five ( 55) feet of equal and uniform width off of the South side Of Lots NLm-bered One (1) and I%m (2) , of Block One (1) of 'Parksdale Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , as per plat of said Addition on file in the office of the Circuit Clerk and' a-Officio Recorder of Washu->gton County , Arkansas . CERTIFICATION : i hereby certify that I have this day made a caTlete survey of the above ck�seribed property as shown on this plat of survey . The property lines and corner monLroazts , to the best of my knowledpe and belief , are correctly established , all encroachments , if any , are as shown on this plat , to the best of my emmledpe . On - this the 30th day of August , 1989 . • ' sr�;re. or ' nn ' 4