HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3449 FILED FOR RECORD ' 89 NOU 29 PIS 4 27 WASHING7UN CO AR A. KOLLMEYER ORDINANCE NO . 3449 IvtfCROFlUv1ED AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION R89 - 24 FOR A PARCEL CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 1 . 06 ACRES FROM A- 1 "AGRICULTURAL" TO R- 1 " LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL LOCATED AT 1654 E . ZION ROAD . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the classification of the following described property is hereby changed as follows : R89 - 24 as described in Exhibit " A" attached hereto and W made part hereof . From 'A7=T" 'Agricultur-al ' District to R- 1 Low Density Res-ideift,idl . District 2A ' Section 2 . ;, - That the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville ,. Arkansastisvlereby amended to reflect the zoning change p"rov"ided, in • Sectidn• 1 above . n PASSE5th da September 1989 . D• !AND• APPROVED TCkiis y of . r n4 • APPROVED By : Mayor .f FpYEI�F� . l�pk LIBER 13'1PAGE081 4 Alma Kallmeypt Clrcule dark and p4o"30% do Washington county, by certify that this in. etmwent was filed for record in mY office CM indlooted hereon and the some duly recorded with the acknowlp r **edpemem OW eenificate therrbn in Reeord Ikok and ?a" o Indicated thereon. IN VMNM W►I WOP, f have ereuh !t my hand and affisad she seal d aobd me CauR r6�an " date Inharem µno KeWftM W &Wftdo Recadq I v EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description for R89 - 24 Part of the east half of the west half of the SW4 of Section 24 , Township 17 North , Range 30 West . Being more particularly described as follows : Starting at the NE corner of the NW quarter of the SW quarter of said Section ; thence S 724 . 78 ' to the point of beginning said point being the centerline of Zion Road ; thence in a westerly direction along the centerline of Zion Road 213 ' ; thence N 200 ' ; thence E 198 ' ; thence S approximately 266 ' to the point of beginning . Containing 1 . 06 acres more or less . Y J .0 J a . .. � 1 IINEP, 13 -z 1PAGE082 � Moro Kdl no R fa Wnvlr qeA and o+hl Von 4 me Wo hereby eenify t this dui a rh 1i"mon es In My ofkoe and �4�ded with the Some IS qoy, Pft a+kerne thw ftn s 04 °owledge„ronf rN W,rrndIcO w In 1 nRO`a" Back ona eh my �nd and r hove hentunto cowt on rhe doh rhe Mol of eord Nnn Karma e, rrefep'� QeVlt clelk t -fie by CERTTFTCATE OF RECORD of Ark2nsas ( SS of Fayetteville r; F:;Crry Thomas, City Clerk and Ex- 6Sii.aio recorder for the City of � "yetteville, do hereby certify that the q�,nrxcd or foregoing is of record in my t; fice and the same appears in ( reliLlance & Resolution book XX ✓ at pa� e b Witness my hand and sczl t.ses day of t9—LI =y Cie:3, a :x-il€Yzcio rCec�rde: STATE of ARKANSAS 1 J} 88. County o/ff Wasshingtonn I, �/��-Ll/l�ln-!L� ri""�7��Y1-�Y n.– hereby certify that I .• ORDINANCE NO. 7449 am the publisher o[ HE NORTHWEST AROANSASTIMES, a dally newspaper AN ORDINANCE RE ON- • NG THAT . PROPERT;Y '.a having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of .DESCRIBED_, IN REZON7 five columns each, Published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) ANG PETITION R89-24 FOR, intervals Continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas . A PARCEL CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY R89.24, for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an .,FOR A PARCEL CONTAIN- established place Of business t0 subscribers and readers generally of all classes , ING APPROXIMATELY in the Cit and Count for a definite rice for each '7:06 . ACRES FROM '. A-L Y Y P copy, or a fixed price per �f•AG RICULTURAL'tro R-i., annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, Ow 1(_LDENSITY RES(- based upon the news value and service value It contains, thatat least tiff t,1I EENT!ZIONROCAD.ED,...AT . of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper 'r^ BE IT-. O RDAINED • BY. or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six 'iTHE BOARD OF IREC- .•TORS OF, THE CITY OF months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty ;:•F.PA ,Y E ''-T,TE V 1 L,LIE , percent news matter. IAR KANSAS::;i'F4p?:i ` :"• ' �y rsection ,l.:r.That . the° ;.Classification of.the follow- I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of ' III ,property "tis' .. hereby Chan peE asfollowa:� , / ` / >tt 'd89.24 as OesCYlbed,in PFJ n u , (/ (D . .� 7Z-/ 9 and made =sheered ' llerato ; lX/ lift .and made rthereof. "c. Ir ' From A-1 ApAculturat ' / District 10 R-1 Law 1Y was published In the regular daily issue of said newspaper for Rasitlenilal DistriO-- , .._.. - consecutive Insertions as follows: t. ion R:That the olfictaf _ •zonlp9 evill of �ihe _ saso it of pg Fayetteville, •=Arkansas ' Is The first Insertion On the r�la day Of 19 !1 7 _ .hereby am an It .reflect . ' it zoning change Providetl . - ' InSeCIltMlabove., ';i�u.itG` r .' the second Insertion on the day of 19 Y:'PASSED AND',APPROV- ED this sthr' tlar %of ;SaOtember, 19B9. ' ! r�afK'!f the third insertion on the day of 19 ;:iIAPPROVED . it,U!t2! • BY: willlam V. Martin 1 ; + ,r ••^iv; xMayor and the fourth insertion on the day 19 1ATTEST srr '�ratil.r. {11}ti:? Iay: Suzanne Mcwethy .v i ' 1City clerk .ti•;. 'd".'.'. , ,;U,ft 1. . .. EXHIBIT ••A•'.v 'II',y 'r 4:_; : Legal Desariptionl: „y �1 �L forR8.9-24 vu Sworn to and subscribed before me on s Gam' day of if;Partf the east half west half of The SW Vi of sec- :. Sec- . tion 24, Township North• / �) ' Range 70 West. Beinin g mora particularly Cexribed. , as - follows: n-c"-::• '.`C2 (:::. " starting aT .the NErcorner Notary P blit ( f of the NW quarter of the SW ) f , quarter .of said section: thence S 124.78' to the point MY Commission Expires: Line centerline a of point being thence in* a Lon Road: ' i thence iii'a westerly direc- ine 'of Ilton alo ad 21 centerline N Zlod, Road 213'; thence N. 1200; thence E 1926 Thence '.approximately 266' to the 'Point of-beginning. Contain- ��/'�� � � JIng l06acres moreor less. :-_1 Fees for Printing 5 2!0- L7 Cost of Proof —. 5 -fatal S