HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3447 FILED FOR RECORD ' 89 NOU 29 PSI y 27 WASHINGTON CO AR A. KOLLMEYER ORDINANCE NO . 3447 IWdOFMAED AN ORDINANCE REZONING THAT PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN REZONING PETITION R89 - 20 FOR A PARCEL CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 1 . 72 ACRES FROM A- 1 " AGRICULTURAL" TO C - 2 "THOROUGHFARE COMMERCIAL" , LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF OLD FARMINGTON ROAD AND SHILOH DRIVE . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF �y FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : F4 U Section 1 . That the zone classification of the following described property is hereby changed as follows : V R89 - 20 as described in Exhibit "A" as attached hereto and made a part hereof . QFrom A- 1 , Agricultural District , to C - 2 , Thoroughfare .� Commercial District . Section 2 . That the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1 above . PASSED AND APPROVED this 5th day of September 1989 . APPROVED : j By . Mayor ` F P. YEI �F AT `, ti I ;- (�� Blf f t ?' •' k' �k t ��[v 13 `11 PAGE /5 Exhibit "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR R89 - 20 Part of the South half of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section eighteen ( 18 ) , in Township sixteen North , of Range thirty ( 30 ) West , described as follows , to -wit : Beginning at a point two hundred seventy- five ( 275 ) feet East of the North West corner of said twenty acre tract , and running , thence East two hundred nine ( 209 ) feet to the branch ; thence South with the meanderings of the branch six hundred' ' sikty - eight ( 668 ) feet , more or less , to the South • line 'of ' said twenty acre tract ; thence West three * hundred - 'thirty: three ( 333 ) feet ; thence North bearing East six ' hUndred sixty - five ( 665 ) feet , more or less ,.. . : in a , direct line to the place of beginning , containing three . and .. seventy- five hundredths ( 3 . 75 ) U acres , more or` less„ , less the following : n ar, Part of ' th6,* Southeast , � Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section ' 1.8', Township 16 North , Range 30 West , Washing-ton6County , Arkansas , more particularly described as follows : -• l Al} i41 . 1 . Starting at the "Southeast corner of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 18 ; thence South . 89,,15 '- - - West``along the South line thereof a distance of 717 . 6 feet to the point of beginning ; thence continue South 89 ° 15 ' West along said South line a distance of 90 . 3 feet to a point of the southwesterly proposed Right of Way line of the Fayetteville Loop ; thence North 17 ° 12 ' West along said proposed right of way line a distance of 210 . 1 feet to a point ; thence North 21 ° 59 ' West along said proposed right of way line a distance of 492 . 3 feet to a point ; thence North 89 ° 14 ' East a distance of 208 . 7 feet to a point ; thence South 110 03 ' East a distance of 671 . 3 feet to the point of beginning and containing 2 . 17 acres , which includes 0 . 07 acre , more of less , being used as public road . tiHEfl 13 '�t 'in is illata Kefltney , &-offklo Recorder lar Wmhirpt� Arkonsm, do hereby certify that this II Strunutno at lRdi of was filed fp record in MY ofte d01y hereon and theaenowi sortie h reeordadc�Od with the k and certificate thereon M Racord� POW a, indicated t BOOL' and Mreon. IN WitNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto My hold and offiked the seal of said Caen on the dote indicated hereon, Ahna KaRmeyer Circuit Clerk and IN-Officio R by 5 CERTIFICATE OF RECORD Siatr Pf Arkansas ( SS CUT of Fayetteville ', Sherry Thomas, City Clerk and Ex. -. ff ci.o recorder for the City or 112. est_viile, do hereby certify that the rir-;a C d or foregoing is of record in my "" + ee and the same appears in s `n �cz & Resolution book XX ✓ at re!°�'_ !d8 Witness m hand and YS�Is� day o-�- ••_ 1S�� cty cltr': u:v x-Cf�ecio ?e��rr3s r STATE of ARKANSAS - 89. � , 102-LLegal-Legal ll I SCeSCB County of Washington ORDINANCE NO. 3447 AN ORDINANCE � REZON- ING THAT PROPERTY /�[L� hereb y that I DESCRIBED - IN REZON- am the publisher of HE NORTHWEST ST AR*ANSASTIMES, adallynewspaper ING PETITION R89.20 FOR A PARCEL CONTAINING having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of AM1G TEL" ACRES FROM OR , five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (dally) CULTURAL" T O C , 2 IIntervals continuously In the City of Fayetteville. County of Washington, Arkansas "THOROUGHFARE COM- for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an MERGIAL:' LOCATED AT established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes ' THE NORTHWEST COR- - NER OF OLD FARM in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, Or a fixed price DRIVE.ON OAD ••AND" q HILON annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, BE . IT, •ORDAINED - BY based upon the news value and service value It contains, that at least fifty percent THE BOARD oEc- of the subscribers thereto have aid Cash for their subscriptions tothe newspaper TORS of .THE CITY CITY 'OFi FAV ETTr,EILL' EOr Its agents Or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six V .� •ASe ANSAtlonl.;�Thetttie �zone. months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty classification of the follow percent news matter. Ing described =property Is hereby changed a--S ws: ' (3.75) acres, nlore ,or 'dasS, •h Reg-A'as enachee ne 21-eto lie t efou'of en95outtle�elt . I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of blt ,and From made A-11art 1, Agricultural Quarrter of er of �Isect�he16, J,�, 'I//� , • ' n l( / , ` District, to C-2, Thorough- TownshiP 16 Norm, Range 30 A � a,.(._!s / / 0 / fare Commercial District. West, Washington County, section 2. That the official Arkansas, more particularly " zoning mai o1' the City Of describeciasfollows: . • •. was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for . Fayetteville, Arkansas, Is waning al ,tna southeast consecutive insertions as follows: Thereby amended o reflect corner o1- the . Southeast _ -the zoning change Provided quarter of the .-southeast : Ththee first insertion on the a/5 >< Gp in Section 1 above. _- quarter of Settles le; mance _ day Of 19 0 / - PASSED AND APPROv- South ago 1h West alongnce . ED thismber, 9th day of oof �17.6nfeeteto Me distance the second insertion on the • September, 1989. - I day of 19 - I APPROVED: beginning: thence continue. ;}4,By: William V. Martin South 890 15' West along said . the third insertion on the • '•0+'P I>'^ . Mayor (South eet is line a isIaA of 100.3 day Of 19 Ay: Suza na Mc •ethy '^ (southwesterly. Proposed By: Suzanne MaWe.I .•j RIOM of Way line. of the and the fourth insertion on the — d . City Clerk •to uC ; Fayetteville Loop; thence Exhlbit "A'% 'i 2}.: _ .North 17012' West along said LEGAL DESCRIPTION proposed right of way line a FOR R89-20 'distance of 210.1 feet o a Part of the South half Of point; thence North 210 :59' Sworn to and subscribed before me n this ,a the Southeast quarter of the West along acid Proposed rL��.. . ' ' dav Of Southeast quarter of Section right Of Wey line a distance ' - eighteen (1a), In Township of 492.3 feet t0 a .polnl; �(,(ti, 19 t+ i _ \� I sixteen North, of Range thlr- thence North ago II' East a - ' ly (30) West, described as distance of 20e.7 feet to a ) i 'follovo,to-wit: *"'I 'point- thence South 110 '03' . Beginning at a point lwe East a distance of 671.3 feet ' hundred seventy"flva (275) to the point of beginning and N aryRul�lf •i ,fast East of the North West containing 2.17.acres, Which + 1 'corner of said twenty acre Includes 0.07 acre, more or tract, and running, thence Ie", being •used .as Public My Commission Expires: ' 'East two hundred nine (209) road &.+�"v'•"•""" i -� /) ') t.Yti71u•+� feet o the branch; mance _ / _ /1 / '• � • • • 'South With the meantlerings � ��• � '� ` +`'•1 of -the branch six hundredr0.;, sixty-eight (668) feet, mora or less, to the South Iine of said twenty acre tract; thence West three hundred, O r thirty-three (333) feet; . Fees for Printing _ S ' thence North bearing East .six hundred sixty-five (665) feet, more or less, In a direct Cost Of Proof —. S line 10 the place of beginn- ing, containing three and / D ,1 dg seventy-five hundredths Total _ $