HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3445 I 41 FILED FOR RECORD 89 UCT 9 Pn 2 39 WASHINGivP! CO AR A . KOLUAEYER ORDINANCE NO , 3445 ArCROMMED AN ORDINANCE REDISTRICTING THE WARDS IN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , WHEREAS , Ark . Code Ann . Section 14 - 43 - 311 ( a ) ( 1987 ) authorizes the governing body in a City of the First Class to redistrict the wards in the city upon a determination that the people can best be served by adding wards , combining wards , or changing ward boundary lines to equalize the population in the various wards ; and WHEREAS , said statute further provides that it shall be the duty of the governing body to see that each ward has as nearly an equal population as would best serve the interest of the people of the city ; and . e WHEREAS , the Board of Directors has determined that the existing ward boundary lines in the city should be changed to more > nearly equalize the population in the wards . r V W NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF rt- THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : ` Section 1 . The City of Fayetteville is hereby divided into the four wards described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof ; and , the existing ward boundary lines are hereby changed to reflect said new wards . PASSED AND APPROVED this 15th day of August 1989 , APPROVED By : Mayor ATrXg5T. . , , ' 0AYE61 • . • . .an2i i: . ZIPLim 1U37PAu 5 18 r .. rn�f, •. 4.;� � :'.tea 1 WARD' BOUNDARY DESCRIPTIONS Fayetteville , Arkansas WARD 1 : All that land within the corporate limits of Fayetteville lying South and West of a line described as follows : Beginning at the point of intersection of the present corporate limits of Fayetteville and the East line of Section 33 , T- 16-N , R- 30-W , said line also being the centerline of South College Avenue as extended southward , thence North along said East line and extended centerline to its intersection with the centerline of Center Street , thence West along the centerline of Center Street to its intersection with the Main Track of the Arkansas-Missouri Railroad , thence Northerly along said Main Track to its intersection with the centerline of Cleveland Street , thence West along the centerline of Cleveland Street to its intersection with the centerline of Razorback Road , thence South along the centerline of Razorback Road to its intersection with the centerline of Center Street , thence West along the centerline of Center Street as extended to its point of intersection with the present corporate limits of Fayetteville , said point also being the midpoint of the West line of Section 18 , T- 16-N , R- 30-W . WARD 2 : All that land within the corporate. limits of Fayetteville lying North and East of a line described as follows : Beginning at the point of intersection of the. present eastern corporate limits of Fayetteville with the centerline of State Highway No . 45 and Mission Boulevard , thence Westerly along said centerline to its intersection with the centerline of North Street , thence West along the centerline of North Street to its intersection with the centerline of Scull Creek , thence Northerly along the centerline of Scull Creek to its intersection with the centerline of Gregg Avenue , thence North along the centerline of Gregg Avenue to its intersection with the present northern corporate limits of Fayetteville . WARD 3 : All that land within the corporate Limits of Fayetteville lying South and East of a line described as follows : Beginning at the point of intersection of the present corporate limits of Fayetteville and the East line of Section 33 , T- 16-N , R- 30-W , said line also being the centerline of S . College Avenue as extended southward , thence North along said East line and extended centerline to its intersection with the centerline of Center Street , thence West along the centerline of Center Street to its intersection with the Main Track of the Arkansas -Missouri Railroad , thence Northerly along said Main Track to its intersection with the centerline of North Street , thence East along the centerline of North Street to its intersection with the centerline of State Highway No . 45 and Mission Boulevard , thence North and Easterly with said centerline to its intersection with the present eastern corporate limits of Fayetteville . LIKE D?70��L579 WARD 4 : All that land within the corporate limits of Fayetteville lying North and West of a line described as follows : Beginning at the intersection of the present northern corporate limits of Fayetteville and the centerline of Gregg Avenue , thence South along the centerline of Gregg Avenue to its intersection with the centerline of Scull Creek , thence Southerly along the centerline of Scull Creek to its intersection with the centerline of North Street , thence East along the centerline of North Street to its intersection with the Main Track of the Arkansas -Missouri Railroad , thence Southerly along said Main Track to its intersection with the centerline of Cleveland Street , thence West along the centerline of Cleveland Street to its intersection with the centerline of Razorback Road , thence South along the centerline of Razorback Road to its intersection with the centerline of Center Street , thence West along the centerline of Center Street as extended to its point of intersection with the present corporate limits of Fayetteville , said point also being the midpoint of the West line of Section 18 , T- 16-N , R-30-W . LIBER (50 - Lft D i ! LL N Q w i N z am I o az oo 3 . _ . J ■ >co : C 1 4] . `C N P D a�ai vn uo • i D I ■ uu ■u■ uuuuuuu ■ • '3� . 'J°3iJ` WE J z• cwi: • i i3bJ'T�°� I ■ e no CrYMI ozva d W: !� o r . � . _ . � + I UBfR 13137PAG`- 581 I i x r; CERTIFICATE t}F I2E 5 Arkansas ` SS StateoffFayetteville City it ana City C N4c\Nethyt of Fayetteville. 1. Suzanne <1Pr Cor tiie City exed or fore Ex_pfficio reco-'c* roar the anndthe same ar do hereby T�ccrd in my office an book goin8 is °fprdinancz & Resolution Ihlitne5s my pears in day of at page /5..� hand and seal this s� Cit Clerk an Ex pfficio Recorder Ima Ko1lmeYor, C\rcoH C1 eh. and corder for Wash\n91or, CcuntYn 1, A t this "m- Ex-ofGtio Re certiH tNc t\<e do hereby prkansa' Was bird for rec 5+e same '+s ned t strum¢^ Ner and eon w1eL9e'°en as ted drecorded whh th 3c1_ ,curd Book and dulY and eeac,�od cESd of'o Ot 1 Na a hereon" Qa91N WITN 'Er` the seal of said d and atfiy.ed herecn. $et mY ban date Ind+caked Co+Ai on the Alma 1(ollmeYer ,nCuk Clerk and E%-od+0lo Rea rdef by , ORDINANCE N0. 3115 A A N O R D I N A N O El - --- - - -_:._ . ,•iWRSTRtTHE ARDS THE.*CITY OF, � ' • '" - FAYErTEVILLE. `• Legal Helices STATE of ARKANSAS ;'WHEREAS, . Ark: Code of Fayetteville lying North Qnn: ' :Section 71.13.311 (a) antl East O/ a line described t(1987) authorizes the gov. ;,asfollows: -,. --. County of Washington ; erring body In a City of the Beginning 'at the point of wards in the city upon a ! First Class to redistrict the 'iritersecTlon of The - . corporate Present 'determination that the peg eastern po ate limits Of tyle can best be served by Fayetteville with the I, A ✓ M c- hereby certify that I 'adding wards, Combining ' centerline of State Highway' am the publisher4k THE NORTHWEST A CANSASTIMES, a daily newspaper wards, or Changing ward No. 45 and Mission BOUIe '.boundary Imes to vard, thence Wester) alonghaving a second class mailingprivilege, and being not less than [our pages of equalize !'said centerline to its ' ip g g the Population in me venous - flue columns each, published ata fixed place of business and at a fixed (dally) :wards; and ' t e r s e c t i o n with t n e intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washin ton, Arkansas s•: WHEREAS,- salo � statute ,centerline of North Street, g ,further provides that is shall thence- West' along the for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an be the duty of the governing -.centerline of North Street to established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes body to see that each ward Its intersection With the g Y has as nearly an equal pope- centerline of Scull creek; in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per Oatlon as .would best serve thence Northerly along the annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, ;Me interest of the,people of centerline of Scull Creek to' basedU upon news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty :the city; and , _r ' Its intersection . with • the po ypercent � -WHEREAS, the 'Board of centerline of Gregg Avenue, of the subscribers thereto have paid Cash for their subscriptions t0 the newspaper ti Directors has determined ; thence North along the or its agents Or through recognized news dealers over a that the existing ward "Centerline of Gregg Avenue period of at least six boundary ones m me city to Its Intersection With the months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty ' should be changed to more " Present northern corporate percent news matter. nearly equalize the papula- ` limits of Fayetteville. ;., y ,tionrin thewards. ;'WARD ' S: All . that land (+ - NOW, THEREFORE. BE �1 'Within the corporate limits I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of 'IT ORDAINED By THE rof Fayetteville lying South BOARD OF DIRECTORS 'antlEastot� alinetlescribed- t4E�OF ILLE, ITV OF FA: 'a-Begg nl: g a y- - Point t ,� -�� �0 �� � C FTEection U She City Intersection Beginning Of of l yt p , I cf Ni Section '1: ;Toe City of ' Corpor te . l Of the. Present ,Fayetteville Is hereby divid. ''Corporate , limits o/ Fayet- : ed Into . the four:'-Wards - ' teville and .tbe East line of --described in Exhibit A ,at' 'Section 33, T-76-N, R-30-Wwas published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper [or . , , Cached hereto and made a said line also being .the consecutive insertions as follows: =pert hereoO and, the . ex- centerline ' of _ s. -College - •1sting ward boundary Imes ( Avenue as°"extended 11 are hereby changed '. to isouihwartl, ' ihence ' Norio The first Insertion On the day of 19 reflect said new wards. - along said East line and ex. 'PASSED AND APPROV- tended centerline to Its In: [be second Insertion on the da ED this 75th day of August, , tersectlon with the Y of 19 19119 Tp - centerline of Center Street, '. i P, APPROVED thence West along the centerlineof Center Streetto the third inserti0n on the day Of 19 .,..9Y,: William V. Martin fits intersection With the ATTEST ¢n "I f Mayor Main Track of the Arkan- ,seal ' '[+r: r , and the fourth insertion on the day D --� 19 sas-Missourl Railroad, / (Suzanne MCWethy t - thence Northerly along saitl t City Clerk C, J , ,? .- , Main Track to its intersec. •t::T WARDBOUNDARY ' tion with the centerline of �`SA 'r DESCRI PT IONS ,_.- North Street; • thence East I.V. Fayetteville, Arkansas ..along the centerline of North Sworn to and subscribed before -me o this day of 'WARD 1 : : All That land Street tolts Intersection with within The Corporate limits the centerline of Statep /�/ of Fayetteville lying South Highway No. 1.5 and Mission `-"^"" f� 1g , anP. West of a line tlexr7Detl osfollows: and Easterly With saitl - Boulevard, thence North - \ �f y�i,Bepinning at.the point of centerline to Its Intersection •'• ltntersection of the present With ' the "present„Ieastern t corporate limits .of Not Publi r .Corporate limits of Fayet- PO ., . Fayet;, teville and the East line of tevile. ..,y,, .,.y; ; ., ,.,:u ,�y , WARD 1: •.. All t.haL , lantl �!� • � 1 ,' 'section a T-16-N, R-30-W, Within the corporate limits My Commission Expires: f 1 �,, PPsaid 'line also being the Of Fayetteville lying North ., of South College and West of a line described / - r - 9/ ! Aver lie as extended asfollows: ' . - ��^,; • .Southward, thence North Beginning af}he Interseti -along said East line and ex- tion of the present northern 'te0ded centerline to Its In- tersection with the corporate limitsthe .. of lineFayet. of centerline Of Center Street, teville and the centerline of Thence' West along the Gregg Avenue, thence south centerlineof Center Streetto along the centerline of Fees for Printing 5 fO Its Intersection with the Gregg' ' Avenue To . Its In- Main Track of the Arkan- •tersectlon with the sas-Missouri Railroad, l centerline Of Scull Creek, Cost Of Proof _. 5 I thence Northerly along said thence Soutneriy along the nC Main Track to its intersec- centerline of Scull Creek to 7 J 9 - tion with the centerline of its intersection With .the Total -S Cleveland Street, thence centerline Of North Street, _ West along the centerline of thence East along the Cleveland Street to - its In- centerline of North Street to tersectlon with The its Intersection with the centerline of Razorback Main Track Of the Arkan. Road, thenceSouthalong say-Missouri Railroad, he centerline of Razorback thence Southerly along said oad to its intersection With Main Track to Its Intersec" he centerline of Center tion with the centerline of Street, thence West along Cleveland Street, thence the centerline of Center West along the centerline of Street as extended to its Cleveland Street to Its in- int of intersection With the tersectlon with the resent corporate limits of centerline of Razorback ayetteville, saitl Point also Roatl, thence South along •being the midpoint of the ' the centerline of Razorback r.West line of Section 18, T. - Road to Its Intersection with r96-N, R-30-W„ . o the centerline of - Center ) WARD z: All 'that land . Street, thence West along within the corporate limits the Centerllne of Center - l Street as. extended to its' . 'Point of Intersection With the present corporate limits of Fayetteville, said Point also! being. the mWpoblt of the' West line of Section 16. T- .