HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3434 FILED FOR RECORD ' 89 SEP g PM y 09 ORDINANCE NO . 3434 WASHINGION CO AR A. KOLLMEYER ORDINANCEAN TOPES REZONING PETITION R89 - 19FOR A CRIBED IN PARCEL 1CROFFtMir Y CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 2 . 28 ACRES LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF RUPPLE ROAD AND ARKANSAS HIGHWAY 16 WEST . W BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That the zone classification of the following a described property is hereby changed as follows : R89 - 19 for the real property described in Exhibit " A" attached hereto and made a part hereof . From A- 1 , Agricultural District to C - 1 , Neighborhood Commercial District , Section 2 . That the official zoning map of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , is hereby amended to reflect the zoning change provided in Section 1 above . PASSED AND APPROVED this 20th day of June , 1989 . APPROVED By : Mayor it t ! . g Sri ;4 B , a. �/• Clerk LIBER1333PAGE013 1, Alma Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk ae It Ex-ofP -;o Rcorcu ic. Washington Counfys Arian is. d., h, rcrlify that this in- r .. •_ stro nl was nice torcord in my office • as indican d hereon jr� '•�' same is noW duly rn -o - : . Ih the acir.ov , dgement and c - it Hca t r n RccoA Book and Page ai ;ndlc :_d 1, -110,1 IN V.M 'ISr .t , Ezlr -. I have hereun[6 saf my h_ re cad at. :.^d f•:e seal of said Court on "'., d:.to m2iraled hereon. Alma Kollmoyer Circuit Clerk and Ex-officio Recorder by • i� r • l r � n Exhibit " A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR R89 - 19 Part of the Southeast quarter ( SE '-, ) of the Northeast quarter ( NE4 ) of Section Twelve ( 12 ) , Township Sixteen ( 16 ) North , Range' Thirty- one ( 31 ) West of the 5th P . M . described as : Beginning at the Southwest corner of said forty acre tract and running thence East 210 feet ; thence North 267 feet ; thence West 210 Feet ; thence South 267 feet to the place of beginning , containing 1 . 28 acres , more or less , less that part taken up by Highway No . 16 and Mt . Comfort Road , ALSO : A part of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section twelve ( 12 ) in Township sixteen ( 16 ) North of Range thirty-one ( 31 ) West , described as follows : Beginning at a point which is two hundred ten ( 210 ) feet East of the South West corner of said forty acre tract , and running , thence East one hundred sixty three and one- - tenth ( 163 . 1 ) feet ; thence North two hundred sixty- seven ( 267 ) feet ; thence West one hundred sixty- three and one - tenth ( 163 . 1 ) feet ; thence South two hundred sixty- seven ( 267 ) feet to the place of beginning , containing one ( 1 ) acre . LIBER 13J?PAGE014 CERTIFICATE OF RECORD 1, A.ca l ^.pT'•.'r, !'irnrit C1e?k xnA State of Arkansas SS Ex-officio 'nn ro. \y: .r,r;on County,; City of Fayetteville Arkanees, do t .rcMj o:rfii :h:i this in- 1, Suzanne C. McWethy, City Clerk and strumcni was t, rJ for rLoxd in my o.;ice Ex-Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville, as indicated hcreon and :hn same is now do hereby certify that the annexed or fore- duty rcco ded with the acicortodo :ioent going is of record in my office and the same ap- and certificate 111crco14 i��-cord Book and pears in Ordinance & Resolution book Fage as iodicalad C:creoa. XX X at page IN WiTNc<5 Wr1F'MF, I have hereuntoi �n'7 Witness my / n1� set my hand and ah,ixed the seal of said han and seal this X/ day Of Coort on the date indicated hereon. nqy r Alma Ko!Imoyer , _ Circuit Cai and City Oerk and Ex-Officio " 6rder Ex-officio Recorder A. A. by STATE of ARKANSAS l i es. • County of Washington J •{ ORDINANCE NO.Ds3s "AN;ORDINANCE REZON- r,Mdv-THAT PROPERTY I •( --✓Z.L�C.aI. hereby certify that I ! ,DESCRIBED IN REZON-: ,DESCRIBED PETITION R09:19 FOR am the publisher o HE NORTHWEST A ANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper 'A PARCEL CONTAINING, having a Second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of APPROXIMATELY 2:20 five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (dally) ACRES LOCATED AT THE intervals continuous) i y y y g • ACRES LOCATED AT OF y n the Cit of Fayetteville, Count of Washington, Arkansas 6RUPPLE ROAD AND. for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an HIGHWAY 16 WEST. I established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes . BE- IT- ORDAINED • BY in the City and County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per THE BOARD OF DIREC- annum, which rice was fixed at what Is considered the value of the publication, TORS OF THE CITY 'OF P FAY ETTEVI LLE , based upon the news valueand service value it contains, that at least fifty percent ARKANSAS: 5 of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper Section 1. That the zone classification of the follow- or Its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six Ing described properly Is months; and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty hereby changed as fol lows: R89-19 for one real property percent news matter. described In Exhibit "A" at. Cached , hereto and made a part hereof. ; ;- . ' ,:.'iI further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of From A- , Agricultural, District t0 C-1 , Neigh- 1 , m borhood, Commercial ' District. :) ' Section 2. That the official zoning map of the city ofa published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper Fayetteville, Arkansas, is ' was P K p per (Or hereby amended to reflect:. consecutive insertions as follows: the zoning change provided : In Section 1. above. I // //11 //ll PASSED AND APPROVED The first insertion on the flak day of 19 [ _ 11111920th day of June, 1909. APPROVED By: William V.Martln the second Insertion on the day of 19 Mayor ATTEST By: Suzanne McWethy - the third insertion on the day of 19 City Clerkfj SEAL EXHIBIT"A" and the fourth insertion on the d 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR R09.19 ' y,,,d�. Part of the ",Southenat ' quarter (SEIA) . of the Nor. , / theast quarter (NEVA) of • $ rn to and subscribed before me this w�" day of Section Twelve ( 12 ) ,' Township Range Thirty-one y-one (J9 North, Range Tf th P. fie 4 Q ! (31 ) ibedT s: me Sth P.M. ' described B eglnnin9a 1 ',1 h'e; Southwest corner of said foN? ' ty acre tract and running k0 a 1' Public • ; thence East 210 feet;. thenee8 North 267 feet; thence West + � ) •, / �� I. O 1 1 /�`%1 210 feet; thence South 267 My Commission Expires: , feet to the place of beginn- , � 'I. ' • • . , ing, containing 1.20 acres, _ / _ / f ) : � ••• • • 1' more or less, less that partd I , ti:•'• taken up by Highway No. 16; and Mt. Comfort Read. ALSO: A part of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast d quarter of section Twelve ' Fees for Printing S (12) In Township Sixteen (16) North of Range Thirty: one (31) West, described as Cost of Proof — S follows: y?t---e) r t Beginning at a point which '1 O is two hundreo ten (210) feet Total East of the South West cor- ner of said forty acre tract, and running, thence East on hundred sixty three and' one-tenth •( 163. 1 ) feet; thence North two, hundred . sixty-seven (267 ) feet; , thence West one hundred sixtythree and one-tenth (163.1) feet; thence South , two hundred sixty-seven (267) ' feet to the place of beginning, containing one (1) acre. ...,4,s