HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3409 FILED FOP, RECORD 89 �18fl 31 PM 1 59 WASHINGIUN CO AR A . KOLLIAEYER ORDINANCE NO . _•3409 MICROFU MED AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 21 OF THE FAYETTEVILLE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO AMEND THE CITY ' S WATER RATES . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That § 21 - 25 ( a ) of the Fayetteville Code of \ Ordinances is hereby amended by amending the schedule of monthly U treated water rates to read as reflected in Exhibit " A" attached hereto and made a part hereof . Section 2 . That § 21 - 25 ( b ) of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by amending the schedule of monthly meter service charges to read as reflected in Exhibit " B " attached hereto and made a part hereof . Section 3 . The Board of Directors hereby determines that the present water rates do not provide sufficient revenues for the R City to provide adequate water service ; the provision of adequate `7 water service is essential to the public health , safety and welfare ; and that the immediate passage of • this ordinance is necessary for the City to generate sufficient revenues to provide adequate water service . Therefore , an emergency , is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance be necessary for the public health , safety and welfare should be in full force and,. effect on March 1 , 1989 . r.4..•. 11 PASSED AND APPROVED this 21st day of February 19.89 . APPROVED By . ,f Mayor rk ► ,,fee , • UBER1312PAGiM EXHIBIT "A" SCHEDULE OF WATER RATES per 1 , 000 gallons Monthly Treated Water Rates March 1 , 1989 Usage Rate Growth In Gallons Fayetteville Outside City Farmington Greenland Area First 10 , 000 1 . 42 1 . 45 1 . 72 1 . 42 1 . 45 Next 290 , 000 1 . 14 1 . 21 1 . 45 1 . 14 1 . 21 Next 4 , 700 , 000 . 89 1 . 03 1 . 21 . 89 1 . 03 Over 5 , 000 , 000 . 79 . 89 1 . 03 . 79 . 89 ue: e 1312?fGE873 EXHIBIT "B" MONTHLY METER SERVICE CHARGES per 1 , 000 gallons March 1 , 1989 Meter size Growth by inches Inside City Outside City Farmington Greenland Area 5 / 8 2 . 69 3 . 14 3 . 14 5 . 05 3 . 14 3 / 4 3 . 04 3 . 31 3 . 31 5 . 22 3 . 31 1 3 . 58 4 . 14 4 . 14 6 . 10 4 . 14 1 ; 7 . 15 8 . 28 8 . 28 10 . 44 8 . 28 2 8 . 40 10 . 80 10 . 80 10 . 80 10 . 80 3 19 . 20 24 . 00 24 . 00 24 . 00 24 . 00 4 28 . 80 36 . 00 36 . 00 36 . 00 36 . 00 6 60 . 00 72 . 00 72 . 00 72 . 00 72 . 00 ►PER1322P vF874 I, Alma Kotimeyer, Circuit Clerk sk Ex-officio Recorder for Washing:cn Countys CERTIFICATE OF RECORD Arkansas, do hereby cfrfity that this in- State of Arkansas S$ strurnent was filed for record in MY office City of Fayetteville as indicated hereon and the same is now duly recorded with the acknowledgement I, Suzanne C. McWethy, City Clerk and and certificate thereon in Record Book and Ex-Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville, Page as indicated thereon. do hereby certify that the annexed or fore- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have hercuntq going is of record in my office and the same ap- Nt my hand and affixed the seat of said pears in Ordinance & Resolution book Court oa the date indicated hereon, )( )( / ✓ at page YG 3 Witness my Aima KoM=YW fiod and seal thus �/p gay of Circuit Clark and 19 '2_ Ex-officio ecor by Rd City CI rk and Ex-Officio Rec er - STATE of ARKANSAS ORDINANCE NO. 3409 - } as. AN ORDINANCE AMEN- 1 DING CHAPTER . 21 OF County of Washington THE FAYETTEVILLE• ^ CODE OF ORDINANCES /I I TO AMEND THE C WITY'S lrA.,\TI h�� WATER RATES. I, T.ai� -)( hereby certify that I BE AT ORDAINED DIRECTORS C THE RS am the publisher oft E NORTHWEST ARK SAS TIMES, a daily newspaper > BOARD OF DIRECTORS Y OF THE CITY OF FAYET-' having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages Of • TEVILLE, ARKANSAS: five Columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (dally) • Section 1. That 542125(a) of . Intervals continuously y y y g " the Fayetteville Code of Or y In the Cit of Fayetteville, Count of Washington, Arkansas dlnances Is hereby amended for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an 7, by amendmonthly treated the scheduleof es established lace of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes momhly treated water rates. P to read as reflected In Ex- In the City and County for a definite price for each Copy, or a fixed price per hiblt "A" attached hereto annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, and made a part hereof. section 2. That ss2l-25(b) of• based upon the news valueand service value ltcontains, that at least fifty percent the Fayetteville Code of Or- of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper ' dinances Is hereby amended O[ Its agents Or through taco by amending the schedule of g g recognized news dealers over a period of at least six monthly meter.service months: and that the said newspaper publishes an average of more than forty charges to read as reflected . percent news matter. In Exhibit "B"'" affached hereto and made a part hereof. , I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of Section 3. TheBoard"of Directors hereby deter- ,mines eter,mines that the presentprovide water /,` '�'� Atmel •/ )�n - , / O � rates ev not provide City to Veru revenues for the City to provide adequate water xr-'. /vice; the provision of ads was published In the regular daily issue of said newspaper for .quate waterservAce lsessen- consecutive Insertions as follows: itlal to the public health, safety and welfare; and that �� -y � y the Immediate passage of- The first insertion on they]S7 , da of /�iL,_ this ordinance is necessary Y 19 -for the City to generate suf- ficient revenues to provide the second Insertion on the da o[ adequate water service. Y 19 Therefore, an emergency Is hereby declared to exist and the third insertion on the day of 19 this ordinance be necessary for the public health, safety and welfare should be In full and the fourth insertion on the 11 of 19 force and effect on March 1,• C .1989. ' - . ,. . .• PASSED AND APPROVED. this 215t day,.of .February„ � Y �. 1 ' 1 j . -.,t Sworn to and subscribed before me o this ry � �h. > •;J 7p . ••.• APPROVED t�-c-� day of tr. By: William V. Martin t,� q ! : ; Mayor ,il t { C ! :ac -a O? 'r�. ATTEST . :,W,: By: Suzanne McWethy LPu !;CityClerk.:.SEAL EXHIBIT ' N tart' blic r SCHEDULE OF WATER RATES per 1,000 gallons. Monthly , Treated -Water° - My Commission Expires: + '• Rates March L 1989.Usag . First Rate ' F Gallons: First Outside , .Farmington1. City land . . . Fargton re Greenland Usage Growth Area lon ' Usage Rafe In Gal"evils ,1.14,' 290,00e City Far ' 1.U: Outside Ciry 1 en Farm 1.14 Fees for Printing S G . 1.15, Greenland 1.11, Growth Area 1.21 Usage Rate In Gallore"eville . 9, Cost of Proof _. S Outside City .99, . o 0 Outside Cl'' Greenland lad :89- , 'rotal S O ' lO t7 on . 1 .21, a 1.03 an0 :a9;- Growth Aate I3 ' Usage Rafe In Gallons: 5,000,0 Cit Fayetteville I .79, Cfry .79, Outside .89, Farm• ! ington 1.03, Greenland .79, Growth Area .89 - EXHI BIT "B" 'MONTHLY METER SER- VICE CHARGES per 1,0001 7ellms March 1, 1989. Meter Size By Inches: % In- side City 2.69, Outside City j 3. 14; Farmington 3. 11, 1 Greenland 5.05, -Growth`I Area 3.14 Meter Size By Inches: N In- side City 3.04, Outside City i 3.31 . Farmington 3.31 , 1 Greenland 5.22, Growth-{ Area 3.31 - • .r, r ,: p Meter Size By Inches: 1 In- side City 156, Outside City r 4. 14, Farmington 4:14„ Greenland 6.10; . Growth Area 4.14 - Meter Size By Inches: 1V. ... . .. Y V Greenland 6. 10, Growth • Area 1.11 Mater Size By Inches: 11/4 ' Inside City 7.15, Outside City ' 8.28, Farmington -8.28, Greenland 10.44, Growth - Area 8.28 - Meter Size By InChesi 2 16 side City 8.10, Outslde City - 10.80, Farmington 10.80, Greenland 10.80, Growth - Area 10.80 ... •,;ap qn :. Motor Size By Inches: 3 In- Side City 19.20, Outside City 21.00, Farmington 21.00, _. Greenland 21.00, Growth - Area 21.00 --......•,-' ". Meter Size By Inches:�/ In- side City 28.80, Outside City 76.00, Farmington. 36.00, - - Greenland 36.00, .Growth Area 36.00 f . ' "� Meter Size By Inches: 6 In- tide City 60.00, outside City 72.00, - Farmington 72.00, Greenland 72.00, Growth Area 72.00 �1_ F - t 1 i �