HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3402 FILED FOR RECORD 89 MH 31 PM 1 53 WASHINGwN CO AR A . KOLLMEYER MICROFILMED ORDINANCE NO , 3402 AN ORDINANCE WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS OF COMPETITIVE BIDING FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH THE CITY ' S SEWER SYSTEM ODOR CONTROL PROJECT , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . The Board of Directors hereby waives the requirements of competitive biding for engineering services in connection with the City ' s sewer system odor control project for the reason that said requirements are not practical because y selection of a professional engineer involves subjective decision making . Section 2 . The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute a contract with McGoodwin , Williams and Yates , Inc . for engineering services in connection with the City ' s sewer system odor control project . A copy of the contract authorized for execution hereby is attached hereto marked " Exhibit d A " and made a part hereof . y Section 3 . The Board of Directors hereby determines that the City ' s sewer system odor project should be completed as soon as possible to protect the public welfare and hereby determines that the immediate passage of this Ordinance is necessary for such completion . Therefore , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this Ordinance be necessary for the public welfare should be in full force and affect from and after its passage and approval , PASSED AND APPROVED this 17th day of January 1989 , APPROVED �"• By : Mayor ATT$sAYET'� • 4 G k IIBEfl131?P�qGEB� I, Atma,Koilmeyer, Circuit.Clerk and CERT7tF iCATE OF Ir i_Li.:aJ Ex.oflicio Rocorder for \Y.shiogton County* State of Ark:rfsas SJ Arkansas, do hereby certify that this in- City of Fa j•_tt -dLde strument was fited for record in my ollica `, the same is now lu,nik0 s •!^• + `�+ I_ j' as Indicated hereon and Y::-C}lf-, YBr��'rc,('T SO i'f'' �`.."y' CI duly recorded with the acknowledgement ' , j - . . r`y �,�.` ?:.r.,;-,�] pt• fu* e- end certificate Ihereon in Record Book and „ r,`-;i` .?;1U i-I w S:..P_ aD'` Pege as indicated thereon. �-..,M i aa.:-. ., WHEREOF, I have hereuntl .3a"r.; J+ '� e.t^ ia, i� Q,ViLF u'i i`OOK IN WITNESS WN y isijlt^2'" est my hand and affixed the seal of tol .dLtJ •- ��t ,-:Jr_ try a y�_�..., CWrt oL the dateindicated hereon. handraAn/dJ seal ilvs p� Alms Kollmayr —!(� 4G ;rkC: � pv 1/91/6 Circuit Clark and OL% omcioRoe Cityand Ex-Cfticia ;:r �7L r � y0 MICROFILMED AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES ODOR AND CORROSION CONTROL IMPLEMENTATION CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS THIS AGREEMENT , made and entered into this day of , 19899 by and between the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , hereinafter refelred to as the " Owner , " and McGoodwin , Williams and Yates , Inc . , Consulting Engineers of Fayetteville , Arkansas , hereinafter referred to as the " Engineer ; " WITNESSETH THAT : WHEREAS , the City has recently received the report on an Odor and Corrosion Control Study of the City ' s sewage collection system ; and WHEREAS , this report defined specific problems in the system and recommended certain steps to be taken in order to eliminate and/ or reduce odors ; and WHEREAS , the City desires to implement the odor control recommendations set out in the report ; and WHEREAS , the Engineer was involved in the conduct of the odor control study and is well qualified to continue providing services through implementation of the corrective measures ; and WHEREAS , the City desires to employ the Engineer to provide engineering services in the design and construction of the recommended treatment systems and in the implementation of other recommended actions ; NOW THEREFORE , in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained , the Owner and the Engineer , the parties hereto , stipulate and agree that the Owner does hereby employ the Engineer to perform the required engineering services as hereinafter set out and the Engineer agrees to provide said services . Section I . Description of Project The project for which engineering services are to be provided is set forth in Items 3 and 4 of Section Six , " Recommended Plan , " of the Metcalf and Eddy Odor Control Study for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , dated October 24 , 1988 . This work generally includes the installation of ODOPHOS storage/ feed systems at the North Gregg and Double Springs Lift Stations , Section II . Scope of Engineering Services The Engineer shall provide at his own expense a suitable engineering staff to perform the necessary field surveys , to perform preliminary and final design , to prepare plans and specifications , and to furnish engineering surveillance and inspection during construction of the project . The engineering staff shall consist of engineers , engineering technicians , inspectors and other assistants as may be necessary to carry on the engineering work in an efficient and expeditious manner . The Engineer will provide the services set out below . A . Detailed Design and Construction Plans and Specifications 1 . Perform the field surveys required to design the project and prepare construction plans and specifications . 2 . Prepare preliminary design and a letter-type report for review and concurrence by the City . 3 . Prepare final detailed design for the project . 4 . Prepare detailed construction specifications and drawings . 5 . Prepare detailed cost estimates of the authorized construction . The Engineer shall not be required to guarantee that these estimates will not be exceeded by the bids received for the work . 6 . Establish the scope of any soil investigations , special surveys or testing which , in his opinion , may be required for design and arrange with the Owner the conduct of such investigations and tests ( costs of such tests to be borne by the Owner ) . 7 . Furnish to the Owner , where required by the circumstances of the assignment , the engineering data ( including construction plans and specifications ) necessary for applications for routine permits and approvals by local , state and federal authorities . 8 . If requested , furnish to the Owner reproducible copies of the construction drawings and specifications . B . Bidding and Preconstruction Services The Engineer will prepare and distribute advertisements for bids , communicate with bidders as required , provide technical interpretation of the plans and specifications , prepare addenda as required , attend the bid opening , tabulate bids , provide an engineering analysis of the bids received , and assist in the preparation of contract documents . C . Construction Services 1 . Conduct a preconstruction conference . At the time of the preconstruction conference , Notices to Proceed will be issued . 2 . Furnish professional engineers to make periodic visits to the site ( as distinguished from the continuous services of a resident Project Representative ) to observe the progress and quality of the executed work and to determine in general if the work is proceeding in accordance with the contract documents . 2 In performing these services , the Engineer will endeavor to protect the Owner against defects and deficiencies in the work of the contractor ; but he cannot guarantee the performance of the contractor , nor be responsible for the actual supervision of construction operations or for the safety measures that the contractor takes or should take . 3 . Furnish the services of resident Project Representatives and other field personnel for on -the- site observation of construction and for the performance of required construction layout surveys . The authority and duties of such resident Project Representatives are limited to examining the material furnished and observing the work done and to reporting their findings to the Engineer . The Engineer will use the usual degree of care and prudent judgment in the selection of competent Project Representatives , and the Engineer will use diligence to see that the Project Representatives are on the job to perform their required duties . The required construction layout surveys will include the establishment of baselines for locating the work , with a suitable number of bench marks as shown in the plans and specifications . 4 . Consult and advise with the Owner ; issue all instructions to the contractor requested by the Owner ; prepare routine change orders as required . 5 . Review samples , catalog data , schedules , shop drawings , laboratory , shop and mill tests of material and equipment and other data which the contractor submits . This review is for the benefit of the Owner to insure general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance by the contractor with the information given in the contract documents . It does not relieve the contractor of any responsibility such as dimensions to be confirmed and correlated at the job site , appropriate safety measures to protect workers and the public , or the necessity to construct a complete and workable facility in accordance with the contract documents . 6 . Prepare and verify monthly and final estimates for payments to the contractor and furnish to the Owner any necessary certifications as to payments to contractors and suppliers ; assemble written guarantees which are required by the contract documents . 7 . Attend , in company with the Owner ' s representative , a final inspection of the project . This inspection will be for conformance with the design concept of the project and compliance with the contract documents . Concur in final payment to the contractor . 3 8 . Furnish to the Owner a reproducible copy of the record drawings for the project . These drawings will be furnished using high quality Mylar film or other approved material . D . Other Services As directed by the Owner , the Engineer will provide any other services required in connection with the project but not specifically covered under the above scope of engineering services . Section III . Payment A . In consideration of the performance of the foregoing services by the Engineer , the Owner shall pay to the Engineer as full compensation for such services a lump sum amount of $ 14 , 300 . 00 . This fee will be paid in two installments , the first in the amount of $7 , 500 . 00 to be due and payable after plans and specifications are approved and the second in the amount of $6 , 800 . 00 to be due and payable upon completion of the project . B . For any other services required and authorized by the Owner which are not included in the scope of services set out in Section II -A , B , and C above , compensation shall be based on salary cost times a multiplier of 2 . 3 , plus reimbursable expenses . Salary cost is defined as the cost of salaries of engineers , draftsmen , stenographers , surveyors , clerks , laborers , etc . , for time directly chargeable to the project , plus Social Security contributions , employment compensation insurance , payroll taxes , retirement benefits , medical and insurance benefits , sick leave , vacation , and holiday pay . The reimbursable expenses for which the Engineer will be reimbursed shall include travel expenses when traveling outside Northwest Arkansas in connection with the project , rental expenses for special equipment needed for completion of the work , purchase of material and other expenses directly attributable to the project , including any work performed by subcontractors . The Engineer shall charge the Owner for reimbursable expenses at actual cost plus eight percent ( 8% ) . Payment for engineering services under this agreement shall be made within 30 days after claim submittal by the Engineer . If any of the work designed or specified is suspended for an extended period of time or abandoned as a result of orders from the Owner , the Engineer, shall be paid for work actually completed ; payment to be based insofar as possible upon the fees established herein . 4 Section IV . Other Provisions of the Contract In connection with the project , the Owner ' s responsibilities shall include , but not be limited to , the following : A . Giving thorough consideration to all documents presented by the Engineer and informing the Engineer of all decisions within a reasonable time so as not to delay the work of the Engineer . B . Making provision for the employees of the Engineer to enter public and private lands as required for the Engineer to perform necessary preliminary surveys and investigations . C . Obtaining the necessary lands , easements and rights -of-way for the construction of the work . All costs associated with securing the necessary land interests , including easement preparation , surveys , appraisals and abstract work , shall be borne by the Owner . D . Furnishing the Engineer such plans and records of construction and operation of existing facilities , or copies of same , bearing on the proposed work as may be in the possession of the Owner . Such documents or data will be returned upon completion of the work or at the request of the Owner . E . Paying the cost of making necessary soundings , borings , analyses of materials and laboratory work . F . Paying all plan review costs and all cost of advertising in connection with the project . G . Providing legal , accounting and insurance counseling services necessary for the project , legal review of the construction contract documents and such auditing services as the Owner may require . H . Furnishing permits and approvals from all governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the project and others as may be necessary for completion of the project . I . Obtaining construction bids from contractors for work relating to the project and bearing all costs relating thereto . J . Giving prompt written notice to the Engineer whenever the Owner observes or otherwise becomes aware of any defect in the project or other events which may substantially alter the Engineer ' s performance under this Agreement . All drawings , specifications and documents prepared by the Engineer under this contract shall become the property of the City , to be used by the City for construction purposes , upon payment of the consideration due the Engineer hereunder . The Engineer may retain reproducible copies of all documents for his files and further use . 5 THIS AGREEMENT shall be binding upon the parties hereto , their partners , heirs , successors , administrators and assigns ; and neither party shall assign , sublet or transfer his interest in this agreement without the prior written consent of the other party hereto . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , the Owner has caused these presents to be executed in its behalf by its duly authorized representatives , and the said Engineer by its duly authorized representatives , and the parties hereto have set their hands and seals on the date heretofore set out . CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS Attest : William V . Marti Mayor Suz cWet y , City C McGOODWIN , WILLIAMS AND YATES , INC . Attest : AaeN/P 9t=9-i- )afteR4CUm Vice Pre si ent