HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3399 FILED FOR RECORD 89 A 27 PIS 2 55 WASHING70N CO AR MICROFILMI6 ORDINANCE NO . 3399 A • KOLLMEYER AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING PERMANENT FINANCING FOR INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES ; AUTHORIZING A TRUST INDENTURE SECURING THE BONDS ;, AUTHORIZING A LEASE AND AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , AS LESSOR , AND SPECIALTY FASTENING SYSTEMS , INC . , AS LESSEE ; AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF THE BONDS ; AUTHORIZING AND PRESCRIBING OTHER MATTERS PERTAINING THERETO ; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY . WHEREAS , the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ( the " City " ) is authorized and empowered under the provisions of V Title 14 , Chapter 164 , Subchapter 2 of the Arkansas Code of 1987 Annotated ( the " Act " ) , to issue revenue bonds and to expend the proceeds thereof to finance the acquisition , construction and equipment of land , buildings or facilities which can be used in V securing or developing industry ; and WHEREAS , it is proposed that the City issue its revenue bonds under the Act for the purpose of financing the costs of acquiring , constructing and equipping an industrial facility located in the City ( the " Project " ) , and that the City lease the Project to Specialty Fastening Systems , Inc . , an Arkansas corporation ( the " Company " ) ; and WHEREAS , pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of the Act and Section 147 ( f ) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 , as amended ( the " Code " ) , a public hearing was held prior to the passage and approval of this Ordinance , before the Board of Directors , on the question of the issuance of such revenue bonds under the Act ; and WHEREAS , after due consideration , the City is now prepared to proceed with financing the Project and to issue and sell $ 1 , 2001000 in principal amount of its Industrial Development Revenue Bonds - Specialty Fastening Systems , Inc . Project , Series 1989 ( the " Bonds " ) , to provide such financing ; and WHEREAS , copies of the hereinafter described Trust Indenture and Lease and Agreement have been presented to and are before this meeting ; NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas : IIBER 1305P„GE 410 Section 1 . The Board of Directors hereby finds that the acquiring , constructing and equipping of the Project , and the issuance of the Bonds to finance the same , will provide substantial additional employment and payrolls and will thereby secure and develop industry at the City . Section 2 . That the issuance of the Bonds is hereby authorized . The Bonds shall be issued in the forms and de - nominations , shall be dated , shall be numbered , and shall be subject to redemption prior to maturity all upon the terms and conditions recommended by the Company and to be set forth in the Trust Indenture ( hereinafter authorized ) securing the Bonds . The Bonds shall bear interest at the rates per annum , and shall mature in each of the years , as set forth in the following table : Year Principal Amount Interest Rate 1990 $ 85 , 000 6 . 500/b/ 1991 95 , 000 6 . 75 1992 100 , 000 6 . 90 1993 105 , 000 7 . 00 1994 115 , 000 7 . 10 1995 120 , 000 7 . 20 1996 130 , 000 7 . 30 1997 140 , 000 7 . 40 1998 150 , 000 7 . 50 1999 160 , 000 7 . 60 Section 3 . That the Bonds be sold to T . J . Raney & Sons , Inc . and Stephens Inc . , both of Little Rock , Arkansas ( the " Purchasers " ) . for the purchase price of 98% of par , plus accrued interest from the date of the Bonds to the date of delivery , which price is recommended by the Company . Section 4 . That to prescribe the terms and conditions upon which the Bonds are to be executed , authenticated , issued , accepted , held and secured , the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute and acknowledge a Trust Indenture by and between the City and First National Bank of Lawrence County , Walnut Ridge , Arkansas , as Trustee thereunder ( the " Indenture " ) , and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to execute and acknowledge the Indenture and to affix the seal of the City thereto , and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to cause the Indenture to be accepted , executed and acknowledged by the Trustee . The Indenture is hereby approved in substantially the form submitted to this meeting , and the Mayor is hereby authorized to confer with the Trustee and others in order to complete the Indenture in substantially the form submitted to this meeting with such changes as shall be approved L(BEE1305PPCE411 by such persons executing the document , their execution to constitute conclusive evidence of such approval . Section 5 . That there be , and there is hereby , au- thorized the execution and delivery of a Lease and Agreement by and between the City as Lessor , and the Company as Lessee ( the " Lease Agreement " ) , and the Mayor and City Clerk be , and they are hereby , authorized to execute , acknowledge and deliver the Lease Agreement for and on behalf of the City . The Lease Agreement is hereby approved in substantially the form submitted to this meeting , and the Mayor is hereby authorized to confer with the Company and others in order to complete the Lease Agreement in substantially the form submitted to this meeting with such changes as shall be approved by such persons executing the document , their execution to constitute conclusive evidence of such approval . Section 6 . That there be , and there is hereby , authorized the preparation and distribution to various prospec - tive and actual purchasers of the Bonds of an Official State - ment , in the name of the City , describing the City , the Bonds , the Indenture , the Lease Agreement , and setting forth such other information as may be determined to be necessary or desirable by the Purchasers , the Company and the City . The Mayor is authorized to execute such Official Statement on behalf of the City . Section 7 . That the City hereby elects to have the provisions of Section 144 ( a ) ( 4 ) ( A ) of the Code apply to the Bonds . Section 8 . That the Mayor and City Clerk , for and on behalf of the City , be , and they are hereby , authorized and directed to do any and all things necessary to effect the execution and delivery of the Lease Agreement and the performance of all obligations of the City thereunder , the execution and delivery of the Indenture and the performance of all obligations of the City thereunder , the issuance , execution , sale and delivery of the Bonds , the execution , delivery and distribution of an Official Statement , and the performance of all acts of whatever nature necessary to effect and carry out the authority conferred by this Ordinance . That the Mayor and City Clerk be , and they are hereby , further authorized and directed , for and on behalf of the City , to execute all papers , documents , certificates and other instruments that may be required for the carrying out of such authority or to evidence the exercise thereof . Section 9 . That the City is hereby involved with the acquiring , constructing and equipping of industrial facilities LIBEn 1305?�GE AV and pursuant to applicable laws of the State of Arkansas , including particularly the Act , competitive bidding is waived . Section 10 . That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to file in the office of the City Clerk , as a part of the minutes of the meeting at which this Ordinance is adopt - ed , for inspection by any interested person a copy of the Indenture and Lease Agreement , and such documents shall be on file for inspection by any interested person . Section 11 . That the law firm of Friday , Eldredge & Clark , Little Rock , Arkansas , be appointed to act as Bond Counsel on behalf of the City in connection with the issuance and sale of the Bonds . Section 12 . That the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby declared to be separable , and if any section , phrase or provision shall for any reason be declared to be invalid , such declaration shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the sections , phrases and provisions . Section 13 . That all ordinances , resolutions and parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict . Section 14 . That there is hereby found and declared to be an immediate need for the securing and developing of industry in order to provide employment and payrolls , alleviate unemployment and otherwise benefit the public health , safety and welfare of the City and the inhabitants thereof , and the issu- ance of the Bonds authorized hereby and the taking of the other action authorized hereby are immediately necessary for the accomplishing of these public benefits and purposes . It is , therefore , declared that an emergency exists and this Ordinance being necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace , health and safety shall be in force and effect immediate - ly upon and after its passage . PASSED : January 3 , 1989 . APPROVED : aar nrr tire.. / ' ., Mayor / of Nn --y` y ? +� ••... . . . . �� LIBER1305P1,GE413 CERTIFICATE The undersigned , City Clerk of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , hereby certifies that the foregoing pages are a true and perfect copy of Ordinance No . 3399 , adopted at a regular session of the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , held at the regular meeting place in the City at Z- 10 oIclocko . m . , on the 3rd day of January , 1989 , and that the Ordinance s of record in Ordinance Record Book No . at page , now in my possession . GIVEN under my hand and seal on this day of January , 1989 . loft#,' C Cit 1 rk J ; . ; ' • :. �S : ' ter : • . � , ?%PRZ,17A }o •fin, __ :n '.'. . .--� �. • " .I ifi ..�s. 10 LIBEB1305PAGE414 L .: fir_', . 4 ' ; : �• r yanrnnm ' "� CERTIFICATE OF RECORD I, Alma Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and State of Arkansas $$ Ex-officlo Recorder for Washington County, City of Fayetteville I, Suzanne C. McWethy, City Clerk and�ument , do hereby certify that this ffi Ex-Officio recorder for the City of Fayetteville,as n Inl was filed for record in my office W Indlcaled hereon end the same is now do hereby certify that the annexed or fore +'A duly recorded with the acknowled ement •`+�'ti� going is of record in my office and the same ap- s ears in Ordinance & Resolution book Indicated and certificate thereon in Record Book and pPapa as ndicated thereon. ' at page. Witness my IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto � hand and seal thisOl� .�.yday ofol my hand and affixed the seal of said • ,5 „u` 191 p — Court on the date indicated hereon. Alma Kollmeyer City CleVk andel Ex--OCfkficio R .order im" Clark and ' Recadei •., by , � . , , •.t s gg f1E6Ees1 el►f3Eo Ifeaa, (rD.; im 12, 'm fltlfhu ' . F,.w„e1TrenLLd, Ae[ansAr copy a ordinance No. Sals. Law wy� Mm leo Milo$ A:? to et A rpular MYIOn war lluticu a me Board a DlrMon a } a3, M polpplM N ire ✓Iy yMmined b o n«•saa1Y 1"e CITY N F•wryforift f ORDINANCE NO. IM. ire ted IfawMa a ire K dnUaDla OY int Pun A/kaMaf, Mld al Me rpU w N O R D I N A E BmM ro IIMM• 1M same. aMian. ire CanMnY abs lar mKllnp piece In ted Clry AUTXORIZIN4 TX IS will pwlde wMl•nllal ab m• CIIY� The NyYOr Is •1 ):p o'<IKIt p.m., An Me SUANCE OF INDUS AL • dltlmal employment am aollsylzad b execute each Sn d y a JetWan. IgM. DEVELOPMENT R E "Vegas abs will 1 sty Official 3l•hm•nt On MMlI •"d role IM OMin•tN• ba ' ( - tl. hereby CenlfY lhatl xuE carob$ FOR NE e«vn Are d.wlm lrewM am.city. /«Fe t" oralMnn R•®d ''IE NORTHWESTA ANSASTIMES, adall newspaper PURIOSEOF PROVI N4 ' ' 1meClty. SMIm ). 'Test ted Clry Bek No:-. NpaM- , Ivr R Y PERMANENT FIN G Section 2. That IM IN IyrODY •IMa b naw ire MmypOfwlM. E mailing prlvllege, and being n01 less than (our pages Of FACILINGfITOIESinAUTHO IDUST Z- BenDY aL finance 1VmMLd.d The Provisions a 5«llm IY (el andlMN VENonnie SmYd Y mailing at a fl%etl PIaCP O( business add dl8 fl%etl (daily) IN4 A TRU$T ' INo M :EMWS IMII the Modest! In HN UI (AI NIM Cath apply - .. ��Ig TURF STRUT - IN ere Banns. :.• . , .lanuarY. lm. n the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington. Arkansas BONGS' AUTNO0.121N A. ,' ' 'Mons abs deMml"Nbni ' Sectio" a' TM11M Smear -y:Mlxa""•C.MCWmY Of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an MmMaiM haled, Man b am her City,g am . r. dry ClNe hslness to subscribers and readers generally Df all classes LEASE AND AGR - MmM1•d, •M N•IIMSuD M (SEAL MENT BETWEEN T E maturity M in r•d•mNlm Fear to they are MnaY. •lllWiz•d n ow ' an ly (Or a deflnle price for each copy, or a fixed price per CITY OF S. AS LE IL ib an all ogre Inc farms •M dlrMed IO a0 any and annum, which rice was fixed at what Is Considered the value of the publication. ARKANSAS. C LES abs ctheCmsrecommen@ all things necessary to N1«t p AND SPEIIA L.1 Y ad DY me In Me TYandroM 1M execution Md delivery N based upanthe news vahleand serVicevaltle It COntains• that at least fifty percent FASTENING SYSTE Sul lotto enMTrua lnd•m 1M Leese Agreement tip of thesubscrlbers thereto have id cash for their subscriptions tOthe newspaper e N C „ A 5 LES 5 ') hero (IINelMlly sulMllo in• pe//OlmenCe OI all AUTHOR RING TXE LE ,-ed) s«urlM the BpMs, TM the Performance OI elle Calyl1 Or Its agents Or through recognized news dealers Over a period Of at least six OF THE B O N :' ; til Begs Nyle Mir Interest at iherwreer, tM 'executl(Mli months: and that the said news y A U T X O R I Z I N G ' D: ted reed par a"twm• abs paper publishes an average Of more than fort OT •M aro tro a in• "ll percent news matter. MATTERS PERTAI OI a"•II mature I" •am N the n'r• abs ms pere0lmu!c• IR -yN/e. n til lFelt m il4 roh all Obligations of me„ally, ,THERETO; AND DEC 'UIIF;. '- ,.,_1{aw�tp table: ' thorwnder, ire- Ifwanw, I further Certifythat the legal notice hereto attached In the matter Of • INGANEME RGENCY.e ' J) ' Mncipal�lrinnsl execution, ole abs delivery R WHEREAS. ire CITFEgiymwa. Vast Amount Rab al the BNMs, IM execution. Fayetteville lis Alkets ed a ,i1W0 s MA00 a,SO% dellwry ere ElflrlWfyn at �/1 �l/ 11n "Gifu"1. la aulblxed M .+lest -_9SA00 eels% Official Statement, abs' w!'f_.( tCq .- [ Oy�Ta Da 14 ped SM. Iq! IN= -."' a.s0% the performance a all acts Lc S� WIc"am« S of the Areas. lq% Ips K0 T.p a w ?ever 'MWre MC ICN ; 115LUO =';710% ury ro ~ ere carry Wi Ms "ACC-LNM AMNNaa ,. less ' 'Ipppp A-LZO% fed authority elemental pY was Published In the regular dally Issue at said newspaper for Una "ACY'4 b Issue raw' , less IN,= '' 7.20% this Onumns•. That the consecutive Insertions as follows: nO absbex the 1997 1pA00 "7.40% Mayor and City Clark M, pr ecee t w f w finY a Not ' . 150.0011 —.7s001, and inw are hereby. further. � .� ��f (�/��(e Print •m'tlsnyn• canm'Kt%n len " 10m ”'�).cC% autherizep ra direct". for The first insertion On the ._[} (..day of V 19 and eaumnion1 N 1 $Koro $, Tedi NN BFMa ere m OMaN N ire Clry. ro ✓ �— canWWeedInManor tib N -W"db T.J. R8mW & S nL M«Ne all papKy. tiara-• l•n M ml b :: -Inc. ere Stepnem Inc.. Mm Monte. certificates and the second Insertion on the . day of 19 evebaM S. It It : a' Lime Rack. Ar%•Mse o1Mr Id rummfs that may WHEREAS. It IS (ire "Purchases"). M ted M rebound for ire canYleq mai m• CIry air t M Ymrch•M Wipe a ss% N mf a Such authority F to the third Insertion on the _ day of 19 ireDmOa uM•rIM ' .par, plus «crowd mf«nt evidence ,toe •%eras. purpOM elrwMl ;`Monied defeat Me Bonds ft melMl. _ .. :. . - and the fourth MSerllon on the day of_ Ilrq ant, pulpplM M 1 .'lthe don a Mllvery, which S«tim Y; That in•the C- 1/� trial (1 fry IMaM In �INlce N rKDmI - P by MIrJr Imgc with the ac- CIry (abs PnIM'9/ '? Section -. iv : Oul/Ibi iNOIM and mN IM CIry N the �%? Section 1. mss am SMIppam a lMuffrlN l all- IM b Specially F• •' pre It up Items , ere pl«. M W& the la at, � element. Dec. An Me cet' s of IM A "tell IM oilcans s. I cl ire Slay N Sworn t0 and subscribed before me ON 1)115 d `.. day oY corporation (in* _ temps a1• b M •xecutepArkansas. Including yell / �j n . , authenticating. Issued, ac: ticularlY Inc Acl. c m LL MnY"I: eM ' ' iapleO, Mid •M MCFwO. glliwe D141np iswalvwd. C1_19Q WHEREAS, m m .+Y,the . Mayor IS hereby Section 10. Test M• Clry (/ atq'In «cDlpaM a FZM and dlr•ctep ro Clark Is Mrepy • lagrliep " Fw an I a 1M AN ex«.tl1e abs acknowledge i Nw ai.«cad ro file in me Of. ' Mem lq (n N Me I TNZI ItWanWr• M .M Do nee N IM City el«x, of a lery ` MIR COOe all Iw•m ire cin abs Fleet N.. for? a RN minutes a ted [tub 1 pmetNed Ito COM'• ibnal BanA a LewrNRe eNIM n wnlcn this Odl- /. • ' 1 I ( :l (I lane Marmq to ' r County. Walnut .Ridge, . naMa Is • w, a« Inge- My Commission Expires: gravels MIS O rea P +'Arkansas, an Trustee few by any Interested nn • ' , �+fh•reubder Doe' "Indo sm a copy a IM Iremtum ( . . / V 1 ( 1 11 1,1 armor ire aunlld o a 1 s: '(' ' M� ). abs ted City Clerk y abs Lease Agreement. and ( - � � � / f ' ' "i.+ rler•by . authorized and taco pocumnb N•uMm silence ill r such l rev • - r :yr•aep ro axe un •M ac file M Inspection DY any M. q WHEREAS. Ntn - • ' knowledM the Indenture tereatadgrfOn. •"'• mMldnatbn. 1M C Is i• Nro be Nllx 1M fol a ere ycllon 11. That IM 'I•w • 1. I 1 noterFspwn0 l0 vMFCHY . are me A W firm N Friday; EIdeM 6 •,,11111"o'J;` with IIMMIM Me '.iy City Clark aro helMY Clan. Little R xle, Arkem FPPs (Oi III toting .j `�'� � / and to Iffu• end . II , l'•uRyrei•p and dlrMKl M W. M appointed b ale e3 R — S !M Y Y and toll I u andPrM1 ' MUM ted Indenture to M Bred Counsel m MMII N or N In It d lnrrlal yt:'iycMled. •xecutW abs « Me CITY In connection with Y'bywbdMa DY the Trustee. IM Issuance pp seta a the COSI Of Proof _. S ImmMl Revmw •. l;NTM IMMIun Is herany At,- BpNs, t .•^)' .V. - r7y S pec l a t lv Fasten 0 plpywd In substantially the S«IN" M That ley Favi systems, tic. Prof form Submitted IO In N,sbnaa rob OnIMMe an Total S / • Same Pr 1l" such n 1, , _1✓: iAe111 11". �naHN t IIs rMONY MI i� in IN N Hills- • WXEREAS. cOpin a. orf IM ted Tro3M abs phrase or provision thou for Mr•I ERattoEr MS Iso T f • may, In FMr to commits v meson Medeclared ro M • Im•nMe abs Lead o s ted lM•nlur• In substantial Invalid. Such . d«I•rallon Agym t Mw MHr "ji le Mo Mm W broiled b MI5 MAII Mf Noce IM validity Mfed b •M an halon Ie meetlM with Nxh changes a the rema1M•r a the f«- meellM: n Wes M appwwd ev NNn Nm3. chraMs and, �I- NOW. TNEREfORE, E n- persons ,executing the Nmi. ,: ITORDAINE DDY the .' Cecomanf. eMlr execution b section lS.' Thai'attordl- a DlrKron a IM Clty a %.4'StIMte, cacluslve w4 n•ncef, resclut(One and FweMv111e.Arbnsn: ' 'Tp daM•a ouch appwaL .,peen thereof In camuct More y 'a" `SKibtl S -That re M• herewith are Mean, mixed- SKnon 1. Tera iI Ir.iabd there Is hereby, edrotn• exI•nla Svchcm-. DlrMen MreM IIMs I ( . :aNhorind ted execution AM Inc. •n. ... Me KyuIrIM. condi r'p�Z:dallvery N a. Leado abs Soclyn m% Tnot them Is r,. ,CantleW Mrag•as Ifo"[(.Agmrmnt M and MMeen Meeh bore ere declared Via ire City As 1.•m, ere no b M •n IMI iateMed M 'CanpanY AS Lassie (abs the securing abs developing 'IMA YFAine"Cl: " Of Industry inorderemployment go- y,.. and melte :nere &c payratio, alleviate Othe - S,A ail l"W An czarina. M unemployment abs NMn bwwlmw •M Mawr ire. wbe D•nenr ed am Of if illlreemme Thabsm realm. am Niphab•na DMell N ted City. The la•M ted Cityw, abs IM issuance Of 0 the Moll tMnOl. abs IMiHuaM• N A doe City. The y W Nw him take"aNhFlZ JI MrMY AOmmIn la ant• ll • e •M ma N IM am --_ form submitted Substamuted to ire.halmiately no MrMy see ' form ig. Mol tied Ie Mainly Is in*Immediately hKesMn M meellnp, Mol filze Mayor Is Pu is bonslift a tluxes our with the ro costly and pu0I1c ' MnNlfi abs dor, -twith abs COmp•nv and pouf, . If fano elere, he I I . Age COenNm declared role m emnwrxr -IM Ie•M)Y Im Win b In1101Mmis OfaMnrark fuMtanto ha ale Mm with IM ryc•fnrY M IM Immo '' .11UIlac roroleseeped with dials Foe . be a abs • SUCn MAMssn"N set, safety MKL In are amuti by each Ment. t ear seb1Y Mall ua 10 bon abs KNinp IM constitute their NI«tImmeNW. upon and sX•c01bn b Conaillvy CpF afN1 SED: Jae, l ybNW wldNcea aucn ap�i PA$SE0.JaMary Saeed. . :pzwN. �.G y,^'0,.: 'APPROVED 2 J SKIbn A .TMl mn� IN, ,-. " Wlummv,smorrn :•':end there If hereby . r1✓j-:M3�ItiINYF Y•v NdMrizM ted preparNfon ATTEST:._.:A� - ' '. ltOrNq o1Nr11Wlim ro v«map :S 0C:AbWeehy�' '•,'J•i MaapSNlw are KIVal pw.. CIry Clerk :-•Maw;)' Imo ornare a the Bares W a1' (SEAL) -: Y+:bx'•SaNd..- r7haM'�IcIN $taNnRnt. In� IM: 'GERTIPICATBjfF oN this City, describingp TM Undersigned, Cltr ' ' Me clrv. me ENWS. hasAg Ion CI«1t N rkdvm a PMN MnMF. IM LA.M Agreo buil•. met "t. Mostlym �. relwnr, AM sery1M sortie earn venules met Mo MaeeIM